Pregnancy: signs and early diagnosis

The best pregnancy tests you can trust.

October 4, 2021


  • How does a pregnancy test work?
  • When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?
  • What are the types of pregnancy tests?
  • There is no pregnancy, but the test is positive
  • There is a pregnancy, but the test is negative
  • The best pregnancy tests
  • Frautest Planning
  • Frautest Express Ultra sensitive
  • Evitest Proof
  • ClearBlue Digital
  • Premium Diagnostics
  • Lady Test

The test is the simplest and most accessible method of determining pregnancy at home in the earliest stages. You can buy a pregnancy test not only at the pharmacy, but also at any supermarket. Let's figure out what tests are, how accurate they are and what their operating principle is.

Ways to determine pregnancy at home in the early stages

It is especially important to find out about the baby earlier for those who are expecting their first child or whose previous attempts were in vain. There are a lot of determination methods; it is impossible to name the best way to determine pregnancy after conception, but each of them has its own advantages.

  1. Pregnancy test

Well known method. The reaction is based on the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which is produced only during pregnancy. It is most reliable, according to gynecologists, to carry out the test on the first day of a missed menstrual cycle. But the hormone is produced already on the tenth day from the moment the embryo attaches, so it is possible to determine pregnancy several days before the start of the expected menstruation.

If a girl is looking for opportunities and ways to determine pregnancy at home, then the method described above definitely meets her desired needs.

  1. Determination of pregnancy by an obstetrician-gynecologist

An experienced gynecologist, when examining a woman, can determine pregnancy by the size of the uterus and the height of its fundus. However, this method is effective only from 3 to 20 weeks after the probable origin of life. Further, in women, the size of the uterus at different stages may differ.

  1. Blood analysis

Determining pregnancy using a blood test is one of the reliable ways. Blood is donated from a vein, and the results will be available after a few days.

An analysis for human chorionic gonadotropin is carried out either 2 weeks after conception or from the first day of delay. Plus, the reliability is about 98 percent. The downside is the high cost and the likelihood of a false negative value if there is an ectopic pregnancy.

The hormone TBG (trophoblastic beta globulin) is produced by the embryo. It appears in the blood already on the 1st day after conception. Plus, the reliability is about 99 percent. The downside is the high cost, there is a possibility of false positive values ​​in cancer cases.

  1. Carrying out an ultrasound

It is advisable to conduct this study three weeks after the alleged conception. Transvaginal ultrasound is considered more accurate. In addition, an ectopic pregnancy can be detected. But in the early stages, this method is usually prescribed only if the doctor suspects pathology. The first planned ultrasound at 12 weeks will be more meaningful.

  1. Feel along the cervix

Only a very experienced specialist can determine pregnancy before a missed period by palpation. It is better not to carry out such procedures on your own; it is better to trust your gynecologist. What are the changes in the uterus during pregnancy: it takes on a bluish appearance due to active blood circulation, becomes soft like lips, after conception the uterus descends under the influence of progesterone.

  1. According to the state of the body

If a woman asks the questions “How to determine pregnancy before a delay without a test” or “How to determine pregnancy in the early stages before a delay,” you should listen to yourself.

Here are some factors that may indicate conception:

  • Feeling weak.
  • The mammary glands become sensitive.
  • Appearance of noticeable Montgomery tubercles.
  • Increased sense of smell.
  • Nausea.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Aching in the back and lumbar region.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet, in small ways.

However, only visits to a specialist, ultrasound examination, blood tests, etc. will give accurate results.

  1. Checking your basal temperature

An excellent method to determine pregnancy before delay at home. When a lady is impatient, she should monitor her basal temperature throughout the menstrual cycle. If there is a child, the temperature will rise to 37 degrees, or in the second phase of bleeding it will drop significantly for a day. How to measure it? A thermometer is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 2 centimeters five minutes after waking up, without getting out of bed.

  1. With iodine

Methods for determining pregnancy before delay are not necessarily related to medicine. There are methods that are popular among the people. One of them is as follows: soak a sheet of paper in morning urine and drop a drop of iodine on it, and then observe. The standard color should be blue-violet, but if the color turns brown, pregnancy is likely.

  1. Using soda

Another popular method for the impatient. It is based on the assumption that in the presence of pregnancy, urine shifts from its normal state towards alkaline. Add a spoonful of soda to the jar of urine collected in the morning. When bubbles appeared, conception occurred. If the soda sinks to the bottom without a pronounced reaction, pregnancy is likely.

  1. Checking the pulsation near the navel

Methods for determining pregnancy without a test are unreliable. But if your turn to see specialists has not yet come, why not use them? There is a belief that a sign of pregnancy is a beating in the navel area or two fingers below. The inferior vena cava is located in this area. As the uterus enlarges, it puts pressure on the vessels and other organs, which leads to this phenomenon. However, there are other causes of pulsation. For example, an aortic aneurysm or fetal hiccups. In any case, it is better to contact specialists.

How does a pregnancy test work?

Express pregnancy tests come in different types, but they all operate on the same principle. When immersed in urine (or when you drop urine into the test window), the test will show dark red stripes (or one if the result is negative). The chemical components of the test respond to an increase in the concentration of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. This hormone is activated in a woman’s body only during pregnancy, helping the fertilized egg to gain a foothold in the uterus.

We recommend that you do not rely on just one pregnancy test, but double-check the result two or three times. That is why two tests are sometimes sold in a package at once. If you notice two stripes, but one of them is dim, most likely there is some problem with the test or the hormonal background is still very weak. It is better to recheck the result in a couple of days. If two tests show a positive reaction (two stripes), be sure to visit a gynecologist.

Lecture “How to avoid becoming a victim of a gynecologist”

This question arises quite often among women, even those who use contraception. This is largely due to the fact that a woman does not know how and when pregnancy occurs and what conditions are needed for this.

What we will look into:

  • On what days of the cycle is it possible to get pregnant?
  • Is interrupted coitus effective?
  • If a condom falls off or breaks - is there a possibility of pregnancy - what to do?
  • Is it possible to determine who caused the pregnancy if there were different partners?
  • Errors in taking contraceptive pills - is pregnancy possible?
  • Emergency contraception
  • How and when to check for pregnancy

On what days of the cycle is it possible to get pregnant?

Not all women get pregnant well and easily; for some women this is a problem. In addition, even healthy women normally cannot become pregnant in every menstrual cycle.

. Here are some important nuances about this:

  • One of the conditions for pregnancy is the presence of ovulation (the release of an egg from the follicle) - ovulation normally does not occur in every menstrual cycle of a healthy woman; several times a year ovulation may not occur or occur incorrectly.
  • If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, ovulation may occur rarely or not at all.
  • For pregnancy to occur, ovulation alone is not enough - many other factors play a role.

So, in order for pregnancy to occur

It is important not only that you ovulate, but also
that the following conditions

  • The fallopian tubes must be patent
  • Your partner's sperm must be capable of fertilizing an egg
  • You or your partner must not have any other diseases or conditions that could prevent pregnancy.

As you can see, there are a lot of conditions, and a lot of couples go to clinics with the problem of infertility, although they previously did not suspect that this could happen to them and even took birth control.

Important thought!

Unprotected sexual intercourse, even on dangerous days, does not mean that you will definitely become pregnant; there is a chance, but it is not one hundred percent.

It is known that there are so-called “dangerous days”

that is, those days in a woman’s cycle when she can become pregnant.
These days are calculated
relative to the following data:

  • Normally, ovulation most often occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (if you have it for 28 days, then on the 14th day, if 26, then on the 13th, if 21, then on the 11th), however, the time of ovulation may change, either towards an earlier onset , and later
  • An egg released from a follicle during ovulation lives on average 48 hours
  • Spermatozoa that enter the genital tract of a woman remain viable for 72 hours on average, but isolated cases have been described when their lifespan was more than 1 week

Considering these data, it was assumed that 5 days before the middle of the cycle and 5 days after are dangerous days for conception. This means that with a 28-day cycle, dangerous days are considered to be the period from days 9 to 19 of the cycle.


The first day of the cycle is considered to be the first day of the onset of menstruation (when spotting, not “spotting”) has already appeared, and not the day the menstruation ends.


if unprotected sexual intercourse occurs during this period of the cycle, there is a possibility of pregnancy (the closer to the middle of the cycle, the higher the probability). If sexual intercourse was immediately after menstruation (before the 9th day) or later than the 19th day of the cycle, the probability of pregnancy is extremely low, but is not completely excluded, since the time of ovulation sometimes shifts or the sperm may be very tenacious. This happens rarely, but the facts are known.


The definition of
“dangerous days”
is very arbitrary and only matters if your menstrual cycle is regular. If your cycle is not regular, it means that ovulation may not occur at all or may occur rarely and on very different days. Therefore, with an irregular cycle, pregnancy can occur even if sexual intercourse occurred during menstruation or a few days before its onset - that is, in fact, on the “safest” days.

Thus, to the question: “ Could I get pregnant if unprotected intercourse was on such and such a day of the cycle?”

It is impossible to answer with complete certainty - even if it was a safe day, there is a minimal chance of pregnancy. At the same time, sexual intercourse, even on dangerous days, may not lead to pregnancy, since the presence of ovulation alone is not enough for pregnancy to occur.

What to do then - read below in the paragraph emergency contraception.

Is interrupted coitus effective?

This method, oddly enough, is one of the most common methods of birth control, but at the same time its reliability is extremely low


This is due to the fact that sperm are released from the penis not only at the moment of ejaculation, but also during sexual intercourse itself. During repeated sexual intercourse, sperm may be released from the penis throughout the entire act, unless the partner did not go to the toilet during the break. Thus, no matter how excellent the reaction is, it will not play a big role in preventing pregnancy.

In cases where coitus interruptus turns out to be effective, additional factors most often occur (safe day, infertility of one or both partners), but the share of the method itself in preventing unwanted pregnancy is very low.

Therefore, if you use this method of contraception, then the question “could I get pregnant?” – will always remain open until the onset of menstruation or its delay.

If a condom falls off or breaks - is there a possibility of pregnancy - what to do?

Let me remind you that a condom is a method of contraception that allows you not only to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but also to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

The condom is not the most reliable method of contraception

and for the most part this is due to errors in its use. The most common mistake is putting the condom on the penis incorrectly (tip: read the instructions carefully).

Although condoms are a fairly durable product, sometimes they are unable to resist violent passion, which leads to them breaking or slipping with the ensuing consequences. The quality of the condoms used is also of great importance (tip: buy condoms from well-known companies).

Another common situation

– a condom is put on only at the end of sexual intercourse, before ejaculation – this is not correct, since the most active sperm are released some time before ejaculation. Therefore, with this approach, protection against pregnancy is reduced.

Thus, if the condom comes off, or breaks, or you put it on at the end of sexual intercourse, all this can lead to pregnancy, but remember that for pregnancy to occur, it is not enough just for sperm to enter the vagina, so even if this happens, pregnancy may not occur . The question “Could I get pregnant?” – remains open again.

Is it possible to determine who caused the pregnancy if there were different partners?

I am often asked the question: “ Who got me pregnant if I had sexual intercourse with different partners during the same menstrual cycle?”

I will answer right away - this cannot be reliably determined before the birth of the child. Let's think logically - the greatest chance of getting pregnant is from the partner with whom you had sexual intercourse on the “dangerous days,” that is, from days 9 to 19 of the cycle in a 28-day cycle. However, you remember that there are situations when ovulation can shift in time or sperm can remain viable for a long time, but this does not happen so often. Therefore, when deciding the question “who could I get pregnant from?” one can only assume that the pregnancy occurred from the partner with whom sexual intercourse was closer to the middle of the cycle, that is, on the “dangerous days.”

You will definitely be able to answer this question only after the baby is born, by conducting a paternity test. An indirect sign (if you do not want to conduct a special test) by which paternity can be assumed may be the child’s blood type - only if your partners had different blood groups, then according to the laws of inheritance, you can clearly determine which of the partners cannot definitely be the father of a child.

Errors in taking contraceptive pills - is pregnancy possible?

Hormonal contraceptives are one of the most reliable methods of preventing pregnancy, however, if there are errors in taking these drugs, pregnancy is possible.

The instructions for each drug always contain rules about how to behave if a pill was missed or taken later. I will try to explain why these rules exist, and what happens when there are errors in the technique - then it will become more clear what to do.

While taking contraceptive pills, several processes occur in your body that prevent pregnancy: the maturation of follicles in the ovaries is blocked, the activity of the fallopian tubes changes, the active growth of the uterine mucosa (where the fertilized egg attaches) is blocked, and the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical canal changes. uterus (which makes it difficult for sperm to pass into the uterus).

Every day you take a pill, you maintain a certain concentration of the drug in your blood. One tablet only works for 24 hours; after this time, the concentration of the drug in the blood begins to fall and this gives a signal for all processes suppressed in the body to begin to resume. First of all, this concerns the growth of follicles (it is in them that the egg matures, which is released during ovulation).

When you take the pill on time, the concentration of the drug does not fall, but remains at the same level, effectively blocking all necessary processes. There is a rule that if you forgot to take a pill on time, you need to take it as soon as you remember (there are 12 hours of acceptable delay), that is, during these 12 hours nothing is activated yet and if you manage to take the pill, the entire contraceptive effect will continue.

If you miss a pill for more than 12 hours, then in this case you need to take 2 tablets while taking the next pill, that is, the next one + the missed one. This is usually followed by an instruction that from this moment until the start of menstruation it is necessary to use an additional condom. For what? This is due to the fact that when a pill is missed, the concentration of the drug in the blood drops and there is a possibility that follicle growth may resume, and (albeit delayed) ovulation will occur.

The following questions arise:

  • If unprotected sexual intercourse occurred while missing a pill, is there a chance of pregnancy, provided that the missed pill was taken according to the rules described above? My answer is, most likely, there will be no pregnancy, since continuing to take the drug will prevent the development of pregnancy, but there are exceptions.
  • If you do not use an additional condom after missing a pill, is pregnancy possible? There is a possibility. This largely depends on which pill was missed. The safest skip is to skip the last pills in the pack, since there is virtually no time left for the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine cavity (it takes about 4-5 days for this).

Missing the first tablets in the pack is more dangerous in terms of the development of pregnancy, since during this period the follicle just begins to grow and if at the initial stage it comes out of the suppressive effects of the drug, then in the future it can continue to grow and achieve ovulation, despite taking the drug.


If pregnancy occurs while taking hormonal contraceptives, there are no medical indications for its termination. As has been shown in numerous studies, taking hormonal contraceptives does not have a negative effect on the fetus and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

The contraceptive effect of hormonal contraceptives may be reduced in other situations. For example, if you have diarrhea, vomiting, or if you start taking certain types of medications in parallel (which ones are listed in the instructions).

If vomiting

happens within 1 hour after taking the tablet - it is better to take another tablet, since during this time the drug may not have time to be completely absorbed.


It can also impair the absorption of the drug, which will be tantamount to missing a pill. Contraceptive drugs are very difficult to absorb in the gastrointestinal tract. They are first absorbed in the intestines, then enter the liver, where they undergo the first stage of transformation. Then they are excreted with bile again into the intestinal lumen and only this time they are absorbed into the blood in an active form. Thus, any digestive disorders can affect this complex process of the drug entering the blood, so if you have problems with digestion while taking contraceptives, you need to be on the safe side and take additional precautions (condom).


  • Hormonal contraception is very reliable only if you use it correctly and do not create situations in which the concentration of the drug in the blood drops.
  • If you have even the slightest doubt, use a condom until your period begins.
  • It's safest to skip the last pills in the pack.
  • If you tend to forget to take your pills on time, you can change the pills to another form - a vaginal ring (Nova-Ring) or a patch (Evra)
  • Pregnancy that occurs while taking hormonal contraceptives does not need to be terminated for medical reasons, since hormonal contraception does not have a negative effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Emergency contraception

If unprotected sexual intercourse does occur, action must be taken. For these purposes, there is so-called “emergency contraception”

Emergency contraceptive medications include:

  • Postinor
  • Escapelle
  • Gynepristone

There is also a method based on a special regimen for taking regular hormonal contraceptives, but I will not describe it here as its effectiveness has been shown to be very low. Another option for emergency contraception is the insertion of an intrauterine device, but I do not really support this method, so I will omit the story about it.

How do these drugs work?

Postinor and Escapelle

– contain the same substance, only in different dosages, and therefore, to achieve an effect, when using postinor you need to take 2 tablets, and when using the drug escapelle - only one.

The active substance levonorgestrel contained in these drugs has two effects - it inhibits the onset of ovulation and changes the uterine mucosa in such a way as to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg.


– contains another substance – mifepristone – 10 mg. This drug has similar effects, but they are more pronounced. Mifepristone blocks receptors for progesterone, the main pregnancy hormone. This prevents implantation of a fertilized egg and disrupts the ovulation process. In higher dosages, this drug is used for medical termination of pregnancy, but at a dose of 10 mg it is effective for a pregnancy that has already begun.


These drugs are not effective if implantation of a fertilized egg has already occurred, that is, if pregnancy has already occurred, there will be no effect.

The effectiveness of these drugs ranges from 70 to 90%. The sooner the drug is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse, the higher its effectiveness.

For each drug , the period during which it will be effective

take a pill:

  • Postinor - no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse, the first tablet is taken, the second tablet is taken 12 hours after the first.
  • Escapelle - only one tablet is taken no later than 96 hours after sexual intercourse
  • Ginepristone - only one tablet is taken no later than 120 hours from the moment of unprotected sexual intercourse. For maximum effectiveness, 2 hours before taking the drug and 2 hours after, you must refrain from eating.

Of all the drugs presented, Ginepristone is the most effective.

Despite such long time intervals, practice shows that the pill should be taken as early as possible, especially if unprotected sexual intercourse occurred during the “dangerous days”. The later the drug is taken, the less effective it will be, because these drugs do not act on a pregnancy that has already occurred.

After taking the drug, there may be various side effects: nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, headache, increased fatigue, dizziness, engorgement of the mammary glands, vomiting, diarrhea, delay of menstruation by more than 7 days or, conversely, their onset earlier.

If vomiting occurs within the first three hours after taking the drug, the drug should be repeated.

Many people are concerned about the fact that after taking emergency contraception, the menstrual cycle is disrupted - this is true. This can happen. Menstruation may come earlier or later than expected (especially if the drug was taken at the beginning of the cycle) and may subsequently disrupt the arrival of the next menstruation. As a rule, such cycle disorders are temporary and quickly disappear either independently or with the help of hormonal contraceptives.


Emergency contraception should not be used on a regular basis. There are many convenient and effective means of permanent contraception. Emergency contraception, even based on the name, should be used only in “emergency cases”, maybe 1 or 2 times in a lifetime. Frequent use of this type of contraception is extremely contraindicated and can lead to persistent menstrual dysfunction.

What else is important to note.

  • After taking emergency contraception, all subsequent sexual intercourse in this menstrual cycle must be protected, since the effect of the drug does not apply to subsequent sexual intercourse.
  • If your menstruation is delayed by more than 5 days, you need to be checked for pregnancy.
  • If you have an irregular menstrual cycle with a tendency to delays, you should take a pregnancy test approximately 20 days after sexual intercourse (if menstruation has not yet begun at this time). If the test is negative and menstruation does not come, the test must be repeated in a few days.

How and when to check for pregnancy

Despite all the precautions and even taking emergency contraception, there is still a need to check whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • Pregnancy test
  • Blood test for hCG

Pregnancy tests

sold almost everywhere (pharmacies, supermarkets, gas stations).
It is important to purchase several tests from different brands or the same brand. It is best to carry out the test in the morning
, using the first portion of urine. This is important, since the first morning portion of urine is the most concentrated, therefore it contains the largest amount of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin - a substance that begins to be produced from the very beginning of pregnancy and its concentration in the blood and urine increases rapidly every day).

The test uses a special chemical reaction to determine the presence of hCG in the urine - the first strip on the test shows that the test is working normally, and the presence of the second strip indicates that there is hCG in the urine, and in a concentration that does not exist in the absence of pregnancy . Even if the second line is barely visible, it still means that the test is positive


If the pregnancy is very short (the first days of the delay), the test may not show anything during the day or evening (especially if you drank a lot of liquid that day). The test must be redone in the morning.

With each day of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the urine increases, so the test must be done several days in a row.

False negative result

maybe (that is, there is a pregnancy, but the test does not show it - this happens in the case of a defective test or a very early stage of pregnancy). You need to redo the test (for example, using a test from another company) or repeat it the next day in the morning.

False positive test

almost never happens (very rare cases in the presence of certain diseases and conditions). That is, if the test shows the presence of a second line, there is a pregnancy.


If there is an ectopic pregnancy, the test will also show a positive result.

As soon as you have recorded a positive pregnancy test result, you should immediately contact a gynecologist

. You will definitely be scheduled for an ultrasound approximately on the 10th day of the delay. Whatever decision you make regarding your pregnancy (whether to keep it or not), the doctor must make sure that you have an intrauterine pregnancy, that is, see the fertilized egg in the uterus. Until this fact is established, no decisions are made.

This is due to the fact that there is always a risk of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

Therefore, delaying a visit to the gynecologist in the presence of a positive pregnancy test is unacceptable, since in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, urgent hospitalization is required, since this condition poses a great threat to life.
Blood test for hCG

- This is a more accurate method of determining pregnancy, since its result is presented in the form of specific numbers. If, when using a conventional test, you have to visually determine the presence of a second strip, then in the blood test for hCG there will be a clearly indicated number reflecting the amount of this substance in the blood.

Therefore, if you have doubts about the results of a regular pregnancy test, just take a blood test at the nearest laboratory, or contact a gynecologist, he will give you a referral.

When to take a pregnancy test?

If you have a regular menstrual cycle

– the test should be done in the first days of missed menstruation. It is not advisable to do it early, as the test may give a false negative result.

If your cycle is not regular, with a tendency to delays

, the test can be started approximately 20 days after unprotected intercourse and then every other day or every day (in the morning).

When is the best time to take a pregnancy test?

Most tests say that they diagnose pregnancy from the first day of a missed period. If you have an active sex life and regular periods, but once experienced a delay, it is worth checking for a possible pregnancy. But in young women, the menstrual cycle is often unstable (due to health problems, stress, taking some medications or oral contraceptives, even from too intense sex life). Therefore, a woman cannot always understand that she has a delay.

When planning pregnancy in this case, it is better to focus on ovulation. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the days of your cycle and measure your rectal temperature in the morning (during ovulation it rises by a degree). Ovulation lasts approximately 48 hours. After unprotected sexual intercourse, sperm that remain in the woman’s genitals are active for up to three days (during which fertilization of the egg can occur). The fertilized egg moves in the uterus for some time before attaching to its wall and beginning to divide. HCG in the blood and urine rises only when the egg has already implanted. Therefore, there is no point in being tied to the date of sexual intercourse. Some tests can detect pregnancy 3-4 days after it actually occurs, but it is better to do the test on days 5-6, when the hCG level increases significantly.

If at this time the pregnancy test “showed” two stripes, you need to visit a gynecologist to confirm or refute this fact. But the test shows the most accurate result in the third week (pregnancy or delay).

Ultrasound and doctor's examination

The doctor will be able to determine pregnancy, or rather, detect the fertilized egg, using an ultrasound examination with a transvaginal sensor approximately 5-6 days after the delay of menstruation or 3-4 weeks after fertilization. This method is considered the most reliable, although this study is usually prescribed at a later date. Without an ultrasound, during an external examination at the earliest stage of pregnancy, the doctor will be able to determine pregnancy.

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What are the types of pregnancy tests?

Today there are several types of pregnancy tests. We tell you how they work and what are the advantages of one or the other.

  1. Test strip.
    To perform this pregnancy test, you will need a container to collect your urine. Dip the strip into freshly collected urine to the required level for the specified time. Then place the test on a clean, horizontal surface and evaluate the result after a few minutes. Such tests are the most inexpensive and are well suited for home use.
  2. Jet test.
    This test can be done not only at home, but in any conditions. The end of the test is lowered under the stream of urine (to the marked border). Within 1-5 minutes you can evaluate the result. Inkjet tests are usually more accurate than test strips.
  3. Cassette test.
    This pregnancy test involves placing a certain amount of urine into a special window on the test case. One or two stripes appear in another window. The cassette test is best for home use, as are test strips.
  4. Digital electronic test.
    This is the most modern option for determining pregnancy, the accuracy of which is more than 99%.
    The digital test is unique in that it not only determines the presence of pregnancy, but also determines its duration (1-2, 2-3 and more than 3 weeks). Testing is carried out as with inkjet, but you need to hold the test for about 5 seconds. You can also place it in a container of urine (like a test strip) for 20 seconds. To get tested again, you just need to change the reagent strip (they are included in the kit). Read also Review of popular drugs against thrush The most popular drugs against thrush for internal and external use

There is no pregnancy, but the test is positive

Sometimes rapid pregnancy tests show a positive result even if there is no pregnancy. Why is this happening?

  • For some period after a miscarriage or abortion.
  • After surgery due to an ectopic pregnancy.
  • For a tumor that produces hCG release (chorionepithelioma).
  • Growth of placental villi in the absence of an embryo (hydatidiform mole).
  • Taking medications containing hCG (for the pregnancy test to be informative, you need to take a 10-day break).

Can I use tests to monitor the dynamics of hCG growth?

The dynamics of hCG growth in the early stages of pregnancy is considered one of the most important prognostic signs. A steady increase in hormone levels indicates that pregnancy is progressing. Low growth almost always indicates problems: a non-developing pregnancy, and possibly an ectopic pregnancy.

Theoretically, pregnancy tests from the same manufacturer and, preferably, from the same series are capable of demonstrating dynamic changes. But in practice they can contain different amounts of the reagent, which affects the brightness of the strip. The purpose of the test is to answer the question: is there a pregnancy or not. And to determine the growth rate of hCG, you need to donate blood, and not suffer from testomania

There is a pregnancy, but the test is negative

This situation happens a little more often than the previous one. What is the reason?

  • Determination of possible pregnancy earlier than indicated in the test instructions.
  • A decrease in the concentration of hCG in the blood and urine if a woman takes diuretics or drinks too much liquid.
  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Ectopic or frozen pregnancy.
  • Certain diseases (for example, problems with the urinary system).
  • The test was improperly stored or damaged.
  • Uneven length of the menstrual cycle.

Frautest Planning

The package contains 5 ovulation tests, 2 pregnancy tests and 7 urine containers. This is an excellent kit for those who are planning a pregnancy and are actively working on it. Frautest Planning is one of the most accurate pregnancy tests from the Hungarian. Thanks to such a “rich” set, you can not only “catch” the day of ovulation, but also determine pregnancy. Moreover, Frautest Planning can be used as early as two days before the expected delay. The included disposable urine containers can be used not only at home, but are easy to recycle. One disadvantage of this pregnancy test is the high price. But if you calculate how much everything will cost separately, then the cost of the kit is quite justified. This test will be appreciated by those women who are planning a pregnancy.

Frautest Planning

Test strips impregnated with reagent (labeled antibodies to LH to determine ovulation, labeled antibodies to hCG to determine pregnancy).
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How many days after conception can pregnancy be detected?

There will be no 100 percent answers to the question “after how long can pregnancy be determined.” The female body is absolutely individual. Most often, symptoms are felt around the tenth day. But the time frame varies depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes. The onset of pregnancy can be fully confirmed after the development of certain factors. It is impossible to identify signs on the first day of conception.

In principle, signs of pregnancy appear quite early. After approximately 1-2 weeks after conception, apathy, drowsiness, and pain in the chest area are likely. After 14-20 days, nausea, sudden love for some foods and aversion to others are possible. A few days before the expected menstruation, the basal temperature rises.

Frautest Express Ultra sensitive

This pregnancy test is very sensitive, so it can be used even before your missed period. The result is within 3-5 minutes after removal from the container with urine. Among the disadvantages of the Frautest Express test is the need to find the right container for collecting urine, so it is convenient to do it only at home. The undoubted advantages are 99% reliability of the result, high sensitivity to hCG and an affordable price.

Frautest Express Ultra sensitive

FRAUTEST Express - Test strip for determining pregnancy.
It is a paper strip impregnated with a reagent (labeled antibodies to hCG) on a plastic substrate, which is immersed in a container with the urine being tested. from 75

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Evitest Proof

This pregnancy test has a tablet design, thanks to which urine is evenly distributed over the substrate with the reagent (and this ensures the most accurate result). An important point is the impossibility of sample contamination, which also increases efficiency. The reagent is located in the window, so it cannot even be touched accidentally. The disadvantage of the Evitest Proof test is that it is most convenient to carry out at home. Otherwise, this is an excellent option if you need to determine as accurately as possible the presence or absence of pregnancy.

Evitest Proof

Pregnancy test EVITEST is a one-stage diagnostic hCG test - a test for quickly determining pregnancy in the early stages, based on the content of hCG hormones in a urine sample.
EVITEST helps solve such an important problem for a modern woman as early diagnosis of pregnancy. from 215

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ClearBlue Digital

This is a digital pregnancy test, the accuracy of which is above 99%. This is a very high figure, which is why digital tests are currently considered the best in all respects. In addition, ClearBlue Digital can be used to determine the gestational age in weeks. That is, if there is “+” in the window, then the period range will also be displayed on the screen (1-2, 2-3 and more than 3 weeks). Impressive, right? A pregnancy test can be used not only from the first day of a missed period, but also 4 days before the delay. The only drawback of the ClearBlue Digital test is its high cost. And considering that not every woman needs information about the duration of pregnancy, but only about its presence/absence, you need to think before purchasing such a test.

Clearblue Digital
SPD Swiss Precision Diagnostics GmbH, Switzerland

Electronic pregnancy test Clearblue Digital
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What affects the test readings

Before diagnosis, in order to achieve truthful readings, it is necessary to take into account important factors.

  1. It is advisable to carry out many diagnostic tests 2 weeks after the expected conception.
  2. Test results may turn out to be falsely negative if a girl heavily drinks liquid that reduces the concentration of the pregnancy hormone in the urine.
  3. If there are malignant tumors, then the hCG level will also be increased and the result in the absence of pregnancy may be positive.
  4. Taking psychotropic drugs based on aminazine negatively affects the credibility of tester results.
  5. The correct period of time when conducting diagnostics. Strictly follow the instructions when diagnosing and viewing the results. The diagnostic maintains correct results for three to ten minutes.
  6. For an ectopic pregnancy, diagnostic indications will also be positive. Be careful here.

Attention! If a weak second line appears on the test before the delay, this may be an ectopic pregnancy. See your doctor immediately.

When choosing a tester, you should not rely on the most sophisticated and expensive devices. According to reviews from many mothers, the results of inexpensive strips turned out to be no less accurate than the readings of electronic devices. When buying a tester, first of all pay attention to the sensitivity threshold, price tag and expiration date.

Premium Diagnostics

This inkjet pregnancy test is highly accurate (up to 99%) if performed from the first day of your missed period. You don't need a container to catch urine, so this is a great option for outdoor use. The Premium Diagnostics test has a special control window: if the test is done correctly, a red stripe will appear in it (regardless of whether the result is positive or negative). In our opinion, this is an excellent test: high sensitivity plus no connection to home conditions. What else is needed.

Premium Diagnostics
Premium Diagnostics, Germany

Pregnancy test for the diagnosis and determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in urine.
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I won't live until morning not knowing. Can I do the test right now?

The pregnancy test works at any time of the day. The recommendation to postpone the study to the morning is due to the fact that the hCG content in the morning urine is slightly higher. And yet, when pregnancy has occurred, the placenta has already started working and the hormone level has exceeded 25 mIU/ml, the test will be able to perform its responsible task in the morning, afternoon, and late evening. Although, if you drink a couple of liters of water and take a test half an hour later, there is a very high probability that hCG will be “lost” in the “diluted” urine.

Lady Test

This pregnancy test, firstly, is inexpensive, and secondly, it is as compact as possible, so it will fit not only in a clutch, but also in a wallet. The disadvantage of Lady Test is that it does not have as high a sensitivity threshold as previous tests. That is, the result may be unreliable if very little time has passed since conception or you drank a lot of water before the procedure, which reduces the concentration of hCG in the urine.

Lady Test

The Lady Test pregnancy test is intended for in vitro rapid one-step qualitative determination of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine by immunochromatographic analysis to detect pregnancy in the early stages.
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Operating principle of the tester

Testers of the new generation have become a common occurrence in life. Their function is based on the simplest principle of diagnosing the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of the intended mother.

This substance is found in every human body at a level from 0 to 5 mIU/ml. But after fertilization, the concentration of hCG in female cells increases, and by 1–2 weeks it already exceeds the initial level by more than 5 times (sometimes 20 times).

An increase in gonadotropin levels at this moment is diagnosed by a test in the form of two colored stripes or other values.

Pregnancy indicator strips contain antibodies that recognize hCG and stain under its influence. One strip is always painted, this is simply an indicator of the suitability of the device for use. And the second changes its color only under the influence of contact with human chorionic gonadotropin. This means that if the test shows two lines, the answer is affirmative: pregnancy. If only one marker appears, the answer is negative.

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