Methodological recommendations “Medical diets (tables No.). Sample diet"
The main problem after surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract is impaired absorption and
Tryptophan is a good mood amino acid. How will it help you not get tired?
Where can you find the strength to workout if you've had a hard day at work? How to fall asleep
Nux Vomica - Gomaccord 30 ml drops for oral administration
Nux vomica homocord is a homeopathic medicine released in Germany by the famous. It is sold in
Pregnancy in women with Rh negative blood
Alloimmune antibodies are one of the most important erythrocyte antigens that are synthesized by the body during sensitization
Loose joint syndrome: when flexibility turns out to be a disease
It's all about collagen. By the way, it is believed that this pathology occurs predominantly in women's faces. Degree
girl at the gynecologist
Brown discharge before menstruation - what does it mean and how to treat it?
Brown discharge before menstruation: normal or pathological The appearance of brown discharge a few days before
Branolind N. Instructions for use, ointment dressing with Peruvian balsam. Price, reviews
In cases where it is necessary to apply a bandage to damaged skin to heal the wound, it is necessary to use
When the humidity at home is low
Low humidity at home: how to recognize and why it is dangerous
Read in this article: What is air humidity and what does it depend on? Norms
Staphylococcus in a child’s stool: what it is, signs and symptoms of the disease, its therapy
Staphylococci are bacteria that cause infection in children of all ages. Despite
How to establish breastfeeding and increase breast milk
Most mothers can produce quite a lot of milk for their babies. But some mothers may
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