Comparison of vitamins for pregnant and nursing mothers
Vitamins Femibion ​​2: composition, how to take for pregnant women, reviews
One of the most common questions among expectant mothers is: “Which prenatal vitamins are best to choose?”
Elderly man playing a computer game
5 stages of gambling addiction, as well as ways to avoid gambling addiction
Gambling addiction is a disease of modern society Gambling addiction is a chronic progressive mental illness belonging to the category
“Posterizan” candles: how to use, where to buy at a good price, analogues
“Posterizan” candles: how to use, where to buy at a good price, analogues
“Posterizan” is an effective suppository that allows you to cure hemorrhoids in just a few days. The drug can be used
How to deal with severe toxicosis in early pregnancy
How common is toxicosis during pregnancy? This ailment occurs during most pregnancies. They suffer
Glibenclamide, 3.5 mg, tablets, 120 pcs.
Glibenclamide Glibenclamide is metabolized by cytochrome CYP2C9, which should be taken into account when used simultaneously with
Pressing pain in the eyes: causes and treatment
My eye hurts: what to do? Causes and treatment of eye pain
Sometimes we experience a special kind of discomfort - it seems like either a headache or a pain.
Functional disorders of the biliary system in children
Biliary dyskinesia is a disease as a result of which the flow of bile into the duodenum stops.
Medical Center Clinic Bioss
Causes and treatment of dyscalculia - inability to do mathematics
Short stature and disproportion of the skull, incorrect body proportions, a very rounded face, pronounced mental retardation
How to cope with stress when “everything is on fire” at work?
What is stress? Stress is a normal reaction of a healthy body to threat or overwork.
How to get rid of heartburn in pregnant women?
Heartburn during pregnancy: how to get rid of it? 4 ways to prevent heartburn
Heartburn - every second pregnant woman has to deal with it. Most often it appears after
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