Early diagnosis of pregnancy - why is it important?
Becoming a mother and having a healthy child is a great happiness! However, complications during pregnancy can
benefits and harms of antioxidants
Food supplement E383: calcium glycerophosphate for human and animal health
Home / Food additives (E) / Antioxidants (E-300 - E-399) Back Published: 10/02/2016 Time
Important recommendations during the diet before donating blood
Donor mode when donating blood (plasma)
List of what you can eat before donation Cottage cheese; Lean meats (such as poultry) and
pain in calves
Pulling legs: causes of nagging muscle pain, what to do
Pain in the calves is a common phenomenon. It often occurs as a result of prolonged physical exertion.
How to relieve eye fatigue and reduce eye strain
Date of article writing: 06/05/2020 Number () Causes Signs of asthenopia How to deal with visual fatigue Hardware treatment with devices
Losing weight profitably by summer: the safest and most effective diets
Where does excess weight come from and what does it lead to? Causes of obesity. Constant discrepancy between
Dark circles under the eyes of a child - what is the reason?
One of the main areas of work of our clinic is child neurology, immunology and psychiatry. We
Sleep disturbance in an elderly woman
What to drink to fall asleep, 5 drinks that will help fight insomnia and improve sleep quality
Home Useful information Caring for the elderly Sleep disorders in the elderly 35%
Stress: causes, main signs and methods of combating
What is stress? Stress is a tense state of the body that appears as a defensive reaction
About tampon safety and toxic shock syndrome
Menstruation has haunted women at all times. And in the Middle Ages, when there was no flow
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