Sometimes a foreign body appears in the gastrointestinal tract - a gastric bezoar. This is the solid structure of organic
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Biosynthesis Active ingredients Levorin Class of diseases Changes in skin structure
Causes of foot pain Traumatic injuries Foot bruise occurs when a heavy object falls or is hit
Many people have probably heard sad stories about someone’s sudden death due to a broken blood clot. Almost
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics A drug with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect for local use in
Classification of the disease Hydrocele can be isolated and communicating: Communicating hydrocele is a congenital type of pathology
Causes 30% of women in labor experience bleeding. The character can be different - weak, smearing, strong,
About physiology An egg released from the ovary remains viable for 24 hours. All this time
Modern pharmaceutical consulting is not only a test of professional knowledge, but also a real test
March 11, 2021 The effect of smoking on the body has been proven many times. Everyone knows that “the Ministry of Health warns”