Pneumonia is an acute infectious disease in which the inflammatory process is localized in the lung tissue. Inflammation
What are spider veins and what are the methods for eliminating them? 7 clinics in Moscow with
Salpingitis is a disease of the fallopian (uterine) tube of an infectious-inflammatory nature. May be unilateral when infection occurs
Inappropriately elevated mood is a condition that is the exact opposite of depression. If it haunts a person enough
Prolactin in men is increased in stressful situations, with excessive physical exertion, with pain,
Full text of the article: Viral hepatitis A is a serious infectious disease that affects cells
Lacrimal organs - a system of the adnexa of the eye that protects the eyes from drying out, produces lacrimal
A narcologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats various addictions to chemically active substances.
The disease provokes the appearance of necrosis in certain areas of soft tissue, resulting from the lack of proper
Release form and composition The drug is produced in the form of a homeopathic syrup, which is a transparent thick