Zinc: what the body needs, effective drugs

The best vitamins with zinc.

Tuesday, November 23



  • Why is zinc needed in the body?
  • Symptoms of zinc deficiency
  • How to choose a zinc supplement
  • 10 foods rich in zinc
  • Top 10 best zinc preparations
  • Solgar Zinc Picolinate
  • Doppelhertz Active vitamin C + zinc
  • Zincite
  • Mirra-Zinc
  • Zinc BioVea
  • Evalar Zinc + vitamin C
  • Country Life Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc
  • Zincteral
  • Nature's Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc
  • Arnebia Zinc Depot

Zinc is an important trace element for the proper functioning of the body. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, supports both the female and male reproductive systems, is an essential component of hair and nails, and strengthens the immune system.

Benefits of zinc for men, women and children

The role of zinc for the female body

It is estimated that more than 80% of the world's pregnant women do not get enough zinc, consuming an average of 9.6 mg of zinc per day, which is well below the recommended minimum daily intake levels during the last two trimesters of pregnancy in areas with low bioavailability levels zinc

Low zinc levels are correlated with preterm birth, low birth weight, growth restriction, and preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy complication that causes increased blood pressure, water retention, and protein loss in the urine. In studies of dietary zinc supplementation during pregnancy, it was found that the group taking zinc supplements had higher body weight and head circumference compared to the placebo group, and there were fewer pregnancy complications.

According to recent data, up to 30% of healthy women over 50 years of age have a zinc deficiency. Zinc is part of superoxide dismutase, which is involved in the regulation of lipid peroxidation. Therefore, superoxide dismutase is a key antioxidant enzyme. In addition, zinc is part of the genetic apparatus of the cell, representing about 100 zinc-containing nucleoproteins. It is necessary for the growth and division of all cells of the body, all regeneration processes, and is part of the structure of estrogen receptors, thus regulating all estrogen-dependent processes.

It was found that women with breast cancer have significantly increased levels of plasma lipid peroxidation, and prophylactic zinc supplementation for 10 years in premenopause significantly reduces the risk of developing this disease.

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It is important to note that this effect is significantly enhanced when zinc is taken along with b-carotene (provitamin A), ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a-tocopherol (vitamin E).

The role of zinc for the male body

Zinc is involved in spermatogenesis, testosterone synthesis, is part of superoxide dismutase, which neutralizes excess ROS, is responsible for the preservation of genes during spermatogenesis, ensures normal maturation and motility of sperm, optimal consistency and antibacterial activity of sperm plasma. The zinc content in sperm is very high – 1900 mcg/g. It is spermatozoa that are carriers of the zinc reserve necessary for the normal course of all phases of fragmentation of the fertilized egg, up to its fixation in the uterine cavity.

The role of zinc for children

Zinc is known to play a critical role in biological processes, including cell growth, differentiation and metabolism, and deficiency of this trace element impairs children's growth and weakens resistance to infection, which significantly increases morbidity and mortality in young children.

An analysis from one study found that a daily 10 mg dose of zinc for 24 weeks resulted in a net height gain of 0.37 (±0.25) cm among children receiving a zinc supplement compared with children who did not. such an additive. In addition, zinc supplementation may have a greater effect on the growth of stunted children compared to other children. Zinc supplementation alone has a greater effect on linear growth than zinc plus iron supplementation, possibly due to an interfering effect on zinc absorption or bioavailability.

Why is zinc needed in the body?

Zinc has many functions in the body:

  1. Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  2. Strengthens the nervous system.
  3. Stimulates sexual function, improves sperm quality in men.
  4. Improves the functioning of the respiratory system.
  5. Improves pancreatic function, stimulates insulin production.
  6. Necessary for proper fetal development during pregnancy.
  7. Normalizes metabolism.
  8. Helps to better absorb B vitamins, improving the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Why take zinc supplement
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What are the beneficial properties of zinc for the body?

Zinc is essential for men. The male body uses it for the normal functioning of the genital organs and sperm production. After the age of forty, men should especially carefully monitor their zinc levels, otherwise a deficiency of the mineral will lead to a decrease in testosterone levels, which will cause erectile dysfunction. Sufficient zinc content also prevents prostate adenoma.

In women, zinc deficiency often leads to delayed puberty. In adulthood, the mineral is necessary to maintain intimate health, hormonal levels and a stable menstrual cycle. Zinc takes an active part in the production of female sex hormones estrogen. A lack of zinc during pregnancy can lead to complications, the development of pathologies in the fetus and premature birth.

Other beneficial properties of zinc include:

Boosting immunity. Zinc significantly reduces the risk of developing inflammatory processes. Its antioxidant properties prevent the development of chronic diseases (including diabetes, cancer and heart defects). The study showed the effectiveness of zinc preparations during colds. Their use reduced the duration and severity of ARVI symptoms, and the systematic intake of zinc for preventive purposes made it possible to prevent infectious diseases. The trace element minimizes the level of cortisol, a stress hormone that “kills” the immune system and destroys muscle fibers.

  1. Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of zinc helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and triglycerides and stabilize systolic blood pressure. Zinc supplements stimulate brain activity, improve memory, mental abilities and overall well-being.
  2. Active fight against dermatological diseases. Zinc supplements clear the skin even with severe forms of acne and cystic acne. Doctors recommend increasing the amount of this mineral in the diet if you are prone to dermatoses. By stimulating the production of collagen, zinc smoothes out early wrinkles and increases the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Maintaining visual acuity. Zinc can stop the development of one of the most dangerous eye pathologies - macular degeneration (macular degeneration), which can lead to complete loss of vision. It also accelerates the absorption of vitamin A, which is an effective prevention of blepharitis and cataracts.
  4. Normalization of blood sugar. The trace element regulates sugar levels and is involved in the secretion of the hormone insulin. It is effective in controlling sugar levels in diabetic patients.
  5. External attractiveness. Hair and nails consist of protein, in the synthesis of which zinc is actively involved. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the curls begin to split, lose strength and shine, and the nail plates grow poorly, flake and become covered with whitish spots. Zinc for hair and nails is a real panacea that can revive the most lifeless strands and crumbling nails.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency

You can notice a zinc deficiency by the fact that the skin and mucous membranes become dry and cracks appear on them. Hair loses its shine and falls out, nails peel and break. Later, problems begin with the digestive tract (disorders arise, for example).

Among the main symptoms of zinc deficiency are:

  • insomnia and problems falling asleep;
  • poor appetite;
  • hair loss and brittle nails;
  • irritability;
  • drop in insulin levels;
  • wounds heal poorly;
  • poor skin condition;

If the zinc deficiency is small, this problem does not manifest itself in the early stages. If there is a slight lack of a microelement or if it is normal, and a person takes medications with zinc in large dosages for a long time, intoxication of the body is possible. Therefore, it is very important to know for sure whether there is a deficiency, and to take a course of vitamins only after consulting a doctor.

Signs of zinc deficiency

Photos from open sources

How to choose a zinc supplement

Vitamins with zinc must be chosen like any other drug: focus on certain criteria. These include possible allergic reactions, the age of the patient (the form of release depends on this), and how obvious the signs of zinc deficiency are, it is important to study contraindications and side effects. So, in more detail:

  1. Allergic reactions.
    Medicines and vitamin complexes often contain dyes, preservatives and flavors. Intolerance can be to both the main active ingredient and auxiliary components. If you are prone to allergies, be sure to consult your doctor before taking zinc.
  2. Drug interactions.
    It happens that taking several specific medications is undesirable. Zinc, for example, is better not to combine with manganese, calcium, magnesium, tin, iron, copper and folic acid. Doctors recommend taking zinc only 2 hours after foods rich in these substances. Taking zinc reduces the absorption of certain antibiotics.
  3. Age.
    When choosing a form of release of a zinc preparation, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient. For children, it is better to buy zinc in the form of water-soluble effervescent tablets.
  4. Level of zinc deficiency.
    If a person has a mild form of zinc deficiency (this does not affect his performance), you can simply adjust your diet and not buy a zinc supplement.

Who is predisposed to zinc deficiency

As we age, the absorption of important minerals, including zinc, can be impaired. In addition, not eating enough zinc-containing foods or regularly drinking alcohol can also lead to chronically low zinc levels. But there are other factors that tend to cause zinc deficiency, such as:

  • acute infectious diseases/inflammatory processes;
  • alcoholic cirrhosis;
  • alcoholism;
  • anorexia nervosa;
  • burns;
  • post-traumatic syndrome;
  • protein deficiency;
  • vegetarian diet;
  • starvation;
  • alcoholism;
  • celiac disease;
  • chronic blood loss;
  • diabetes;
  • diarrhea;
  • a diet high in dietary fiber;
  • diet with a high calcium/zinc ratio;
  • diet with a high iron/zinc ratio;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatic insufficiency.

For many health conditions, taking zinc as a dietary supplement is especially important because the body uses more of it or reduces its absorption. Here is a list of those that are mentioned most often: acne, Alzheimer's disease, colds, diabetes, macular degeneration, rheumatoid arthritis.

Read more about the effect of taking zinc in these diseases:

  • Acne

A 2013 study published in The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology found that zinc, taken orally or used topically, may be helpful in treating acne due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

A 2021 study reported in the journal Dermatologic Therapy found, “Zinc is a promising alternative to other acne treatments due to its low cost, effectiveness, and lack of systemic side effects.”

  • Alzheimer's disease

In one small study, ten patients with Alzheimer's disease were given 27 mg of zinc (in the form of zinc aspartate) daily. Only two of these patients showed slow improvements in memory, comprehension, communication abilities, and social connections.

According to a study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, low zinc levels and too high copper levels are risk factors for dementia. According to University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen, the optimal ratio of copper to zinc is 0.8:1.2. The optimal level of zinc in the blood is 90-110 mcg/dl.

  • Cold

Zinc exhibits direct antiviral activity, including against several viruses that can cause the common cold.

A 2021 study by the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that “patients with colds may be advised to try zinc lozenges to treat colds,” and a 2021 study concluded that “patients with colds may be advised to try zinc lozenges to treat colds.” try zinc acetate lozenges within 24 hours of symptoms onset.”

Another study in 2021 found that zinc gluconate and zinc acetate lozenges were equally effective. Recommended dose: Zinc lozenges, 30 mg, as directed on label.

  • Diabetes

Zinc is involved in almost all stages of insulin metabolism, including both synthesis and secretion, and the regulatory stage.

It is important to take zinc because diabetics tend to lose a lot of zinc and other water-soluble nutrients in their urine. Several studies have shown that taking dietary zinc supplements improved insulin sensitivity in diabetes and prediabetes.

  • Macular degeneration

In the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), zinc has demonstrated a positive effect on reducing the severity of vision loss. Zinc plays an essential role in retinal metabolism, and the elderly have a high likelihood of zinc deficiency. Apart from studies that used a combination of different beneficial substances, zinc itself improved the condition of patients with AMD. It was the impressive results of zinc supplementation that led to the highly acclaimed National Institutes of Health study on age-related eye disease.

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  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Zinc has antioxidant properties and is also a cofactor metal for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD). Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis usually have low zinc levels; Several studies have used zinc in the treatment of this disease, some of which have shown some therapeutic effect. In most of these studies, zinc was used in the sulfate form. It is possible that the results demonstrated would have been better if a more easily absorbed form of zinc had been used instead.

Taking medications also depletes the body's zinc reserves.

They may reduce the absorption of zinc or increase the excretion of zinc from the body. If you are taking such medications, do not stop taking them without first consulting your doctor. Taking a quality multivitamin that contains zinc should help prevent deficiencies caused by the use of the following medications:

  1. Acid reducers - include ranitidine, famotidine, omeprazole, esomeprazole and pantoprazole.
  2. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors—used to treat high blood pressure. Examples of such drugs are lisinopril, benazepril, enalapril, captopril and ramipril. Research suggests that chronic use of this class of drugs may result in increased urinary excretion of zinc.
  3. Diuretics are a class of drugs used to normalize blood pressure. These include hydrochlorothiazide, triamterene-hydrochlorothiazide (Dyazide, Maxzide), chlorthalidone, and furosemide (Lasix). Unfortunately, their chronic use can result in decreased zinc levels in the blood, in addition to loss of potassium and magnesium.
  4. Birth control pills.
  5. Antibiotics.

Drugs such as ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and tetracycline may interact with zinc within the intestine, resulting in decreased zinc absorption.

Daily norms

Daily dose of zinc for infants:
Recommended dose of zinc Dangerous dose of zinc
0-6 months 2 mg. 4 mg.
7-12 months 3 mg. 5 mg.
Daily dose of zinc for children:
Recommended dose of zinc Dangerous dose of zinc
1-3 years 3 mg. 7 mg.
4-8 years 5 mg. 12 mg.
9-13 years 8 mg. 23 mg.
Daily dose of zinc for boys and men:
Recommended dose of zinc Dangerous dose of zinc
14-18 years old 11 mg. 34 mg.
19 years and older 11 mg. 40 mg.
Daily dose of zinc for girls and women:
Recommended dose of zinc Dangerous dose of zinc
14-18 years old 9 mg. 34 mg.
19 years and older 8 mg. 40 mg.
For pregnant women:
14-18 years old 12 mg. 34 mg.
19 years and older 11 mg. 40 mg.
For nursing mothers:
14-18 years old 13 mg. 34 mg.
19 years and older 12 mg. 40 mg.

Available Forms of Zinc as Dietary Supplements

There is a wide range of forms of zinc. Although zinc sulfate has been used in many clinical studies, it is not as well absorbed in this form. Zinc picolinate, acetate, citrate, bisglycinate, oxide or monomethionine have the greatest bioavailability.

Most zinc lozenges use zinc gluconate, which is an effective form for this use.

Possible side effects:

When taken on an empty stomach (especially if zinc sulfate is used), zinc-containing dietary supplements may cause gastrointestinal upset and nausea. Long-term use at a dosage of more than 150 mg per day can lead to anemia, decreased HDL cholesterol levels and immunosuppression.

Top 10 best zinc preparations

If you are faced with the problem of zinc deficiency in the body, and eating foods rich in this microelement does not help, it is better to start taking vitamins. Talk to your doctor to understand what dosage you need and how long you will need to take the zinc supplement. We have compiled a list of the most effective complexes that are well absorbed and have many positive reviews from doctors and patients.

Read also Vitamins for hair loss: 10 of the best Review of the best vitamins for hair.

Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency

Although severe zinc deficiency is extremely rare in developed countries, dietary surveys indicate that the average zinc intake is only 47-67% of the recommended daily value.

The most common symptoms of zinc deficiency


  • decrease or loss of taste;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • chronic diarrhea;
  • dry skin (dermatitis);
  • growth retardation in children;
  • poor memory;
  • low sperm count in semen, leading to infertility;
  • decreased production of testosterone in the male body, which can lead to impotence;
  • fatigue and irritability;
  • depression;
  • reduced resistance to infectious diseases;
  • delayed wound healing.

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Other signs often correlated with low zinc levels include poor night vision, growth retardation, testicular atrophy, mouth ulcers, white coating on the tongue, and severe halitosis.

Solgar Zinc Picolinate

The American zinc preparation has a high concentration of the trace element. The product does not contain soy, GMOs, yeast, dyes, dairy products, preservatives, wheat or gluten. "Solgar Zinc Picolinate" is approved for diabetics, because it contains no sugar or sweeteners. The drug is highly bioavailable – it is absorbed by the body by 61%. Solgar Zinc Picolinate has an organic chelate form, which eliminates allergic reactions and side effects from the gastrointestinal tract. The product can be taken from the age of 18, one tablet per day with meals. "Solgar Zinc Picolinate" is indicated for both women and men. There are 100 tablets in a dark glass bottle. Contraindications include individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Solgar Zinc Picolinate

A natural food supplement with a high concentration of zinc allows you to increase the content of one of the vital microelements in the human body.
Regular use of the drug helps restore the immune system and increases resistance to diseases and infections. The components of the dietary supplement help enhance brain activity and improve memory. The development and functioning of the genital organs is normalized, and the aging process of the body is slowed down. from 431

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What is zinc

Zinc is an essential trace element in the human body, equally necessary for adults and children. Its highest concentration is found in muscles (60%) and bones (30%). Children and adolescents need Zinc for normal development and formation of internal organs. A deficiency of the element at an early age can trigger pathological processes and lead to severe developmental defects.

Zinc is the most abundant metal in the human body after iron. Normally, the body of an adult contains approximately 2-3 grams of this substance. The microelement activates over 200 enzymes used by the body for digestion and high-quality absorption of food. The role of zinc cannot be overestimated: it participates in metabolism, increases immune strength, and has strong antioxidant properties.

Not receiving enough zinc, the body signals the following problems:

  • deterioration of night vision, constant eye fatigue;
  • very slow wound healing;
  • hair loss;
  • characteristic gray tint of the skin;
  • indigestion;
  • violation of taste and smell;
  • decreased concentration;
  • dystrophy;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (irritability, high nervous excitability);
  • rapid fatigue;
  • skin diseases (including acne, scaly rashes, eczema, frequent inflammation);
  • decreased collagen synthesis.

Abuse of coffee and alcoholic beverages, long-term use of hormonal medications, as well as the recovery period after operations and severe injuries deplete zinc reserves. Vegetarians, pregnant women, diabetics and people with chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also at risk for developing deficiency.

Best Zinc Supplements

Photos of additivesAdditive nameShort description

SPORTER ZINC 30 CITRATE PLUS – 120 CAPSSporter Zinc 30 citrate plus is a supplement based on zinc, a trace element responsible for a number of the most important functions in the human body.Buy product

NOW FOODS ZINC GLYCINATE – 30MG 120 SOFT GELNOW FOODS ZINC GLYCINATE-30mg 120 Softgel Capsules - Zinc glycinate dietary supplement enriched with pumpkin seed oil.Buy product

NATROL ZINC – 60 TABNATROL High Absorption Zinc - 60 tablets are chewable, fast-absorbing zinc tablets with pineapple flavor. The main purpose of this drug is immunostimulation, improving metabolism and increasing activity.Buy product

OSTROVIT ZINC PICOLINATE 150 TABOstrovit Zinc Picolinate is a fast-absorbing zinc picolinate tablet. It is a form of combining zinc with picolenic acid. Buy product

IRONMAXX ZINC PROFESSIONAL – 150 CAPSZinc Professional from IronMax is a supplement with the main component Zinc, a mineral important in building testosterone.Buy product

Doppelhertz Active vitamin C + zinc

This German zinc preparation comes in the form of effervescent tablets that need to be dissolved in water. “Doppelhertz Active vitamin C and zinc” is primarily indicated for strengthening the immune system. You can take the drug from the age of 14. The active ingredients are zinc gluconate and ascorbic acid. The tablets are in a tube, there are 15 of them. You can buy Doppelhertz Active vitamin C and zinc in citrus or berry flavors. When the tablet dissolves, you get a tasty drink that contains a sweetener. Contraindications include: intolerance to the drug components, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Doppelhertz Active vitamin C + zinc
Queisser Pharma, Germany

Can be used in dietary rations, on the recommendation of a doctor, as an additional source of vitamin C and zinc to create optimal dietary conditions for the functioning of the human body.
It has antioxidant properties, protect cell membranes from the damaging effects of peroxidation; stimulates the immune system, increases the body's defenses; has anti-inflammatory properties. from 41

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Zinc-containing animal products

The element necessary for the body is found in many of the most common food products: grains, different types of nuts, fish and meat foods, wheat bran. Moreover, it is found in almost all yeast, as well as in poultry meat, inside onions and garlic, and in vegetables (only fresh).

Nuts and plants are, of course, rich in this element. But nutritionists believe that the most zinc-containing foods are meat and fish. Plant foods also contain zinc, but animal products are more abundant.

Among animal products, mention should be made of the egg yolk, which contains as much as four milligrams of this element per hundred grams of the substance, as well as dairy products. It can be milk, kefir, sour cream, and yogurt. Zinc is also found in sausages, but only in natural ones.

Zinc in meat products

From meat, this is, first of all, chicken heart, fried lamb liver and kidneys. Beef, pork, and lamb are classic examples of high-calorie foods that contain elements necessary for the body, including zinc.

Zinc in seafood

The most zinc-containing fish products are seafood products. And anchovies contain three and a half milligrams of zinc per hundred grams. Sardines, tuna, oysters are both tasty and healthy products containing useful microelements. Tuna in oil is a real delicacy, and salmon can be preserved and eaten for dessert for a long time.


German zinc preparation with a high content of trace elements. Effervescent tablets must be dissolved in water. Reviews write that “Zinkit” has a mango aroma, but there is a slightly medicinal taste. Take 1 tablet of the drug per day immediately after meals. This supplement improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, stimulating the production of keratin and collagen, and stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Reviews say that Zincit helps those who have been treating acne for a long time. In just a month, the skin condition noticeably improves.

VERWAG Pharma, Germany

The drug Zinkit is a dietary supplement to the diet, an additional source of zinc for the purpose of correcting the diet.
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The drug in capsule form contains a water-soluble zinc salt and lactic acid. An excellent remedy for those who suffer from zinc deficiency. "Mirra-Zinc" is a lactate enriched with polysaccharides from kelp (seaweed). The package contains white-green capsules (50 pieces). You need to take 2 tablets per day. "Mirra-Zinc" is prescribed to improve metabolism and regulate the functioning of enzyme systems. The drug is well compatible with other dietary supplements. Contraindications include intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy and breastfeeding. This zinc preparation is indicated exclusively for adults.


Ensures the activity of many enzyme systems of the body and normalizes metabolism.
Helps ensure the full functioning of the male gonads. Recommended for conditions associated with increased consumption of zinc by the body (growth period, pregnancy, recovery period after injuries and infections). Absolutely necessary for maintaining the normal condition of skin, hair and nails. The dietary supplement MIRRA-ZINC is taken with meals, in courses, both separately and in combination with other dietary supplements. from 503

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How to take zinc correctly

The amount of mineral taken depends on the characteristics of the body and individual needs. The average dosage of zinc for adults is 10-20 mg per day, but during severe illnesses, under high loads and during the recovery period, the dose can be increased many times.

Professional athletes during intense training can take up to 30 mg of the substance per day. A characteristic feature is that during increased physical and mental stress, zinc is absorbed better.

The exact daily dose depends on the type of supplement, as each contains its own amount of elemental metal. Pharmaceutical companies produce zinc in different forms, the most popular of which are picolinate, gluconate, citrate and zinc acetate.

Average degree of digestibility of different forms of additives:

  • zinc oxide and sulfate (up to 48%);
  • zinc glycerate and acetate (up to 60.9%);
  • zinc citrate and picolinate (up to 61%).

It should be remembered that the digestibility of an element also depends on the degree of its deficiency, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and health in general. It is not advisable to combine the intake of zinc supplements with tea and coffee, because the tannin and caffeine present in them interfere with the absorption of drugs. Vitamins A and E will help improve the absorption of zinc.


Zinc is an essential element for human health. Our body needs it throughout the entire life cycle, from the formation of the fetus in the womb to deep old age.

This metal is a natural immunostimulant; without it, proper bone formation, normal functioning of digestion and almost all organ systems are impossible. The first signs of deficiency can be manifested by lethargy and apathy, lack of strength, and sexual dysfunction. Men who are deficient in this microelement suffer from impotence and infertility.

Although zinc is present in many foods, its bioavailability is limited. To satisfy the body's need for a daily dose of a microelement, it is necessary to take a special vitamin complex, observing the dosage and adhering to the recommendations for use.

Zinc BioVea

Typically, zinc deficiency develops due to pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases, taking birth control pills, stress, and problems with the thyroid gland. Zinc BioVea is often chosen by those who play sports and follow diets. The zinc preparation perfectly restores muscle function, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, protecting against infections, inflammation and fungi. Zinc BioVea improves the condition of hair, skin and nails in a short time.

Zinc BioVea

Zinc 15 mg from BIOVEA will provide the body's zinc needs.
The importance of this mineral for the health of the body can be judged by the degree of involvement of zinc in a number of vital processes: in the effective functioning of the immune system, participation in the growth and division of cells, including DNA cells, in maintaining optimal muscle function, rapid healing of wounds, antioxidant protection , in maintaining normal hormonal levels and many other important processes. For men, zinc is important as a microelement that supports men's health. With sufficient amounts in the body, the risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced. from 906

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Foods rich in zinc

Products Amount of zinc in one hundred grams
Fried calf liver 15 mg
Meat of pig, cow, sheep 7 to 9 mg
Chicken hearts 7 milligrams
Sheep liver 6 mg
Turkey or duck 2.5 mg
Beans, soy 4.2 mg
Brazilian nut 4 milligrams
Lentils 3.8 mg
Wheat flour (whole grain) 3 milligrams
Buckwheat, oatmeal 2.5 to 3 mg
Cashews or almonds 2.1 mg
Beans or peas 1.6 to 2.5 mg

So, most healthy and common diet foods contain zinc. It is easy to see that, as a rule, these are natural products that are prepared at home.

Evalar Zinc + vitamin C

An excellent zinc preparation for the prevention of ARVI. In addition to strengthening the immune system, Evalar Zinc + Vitamin C has a positive effect on the nervous and reproductive systems, vision, hair, skin and nails. To compensate for the lack of zinc, a course of the drug is needed. The product does not contain gluten. The active substance is presented in the form of lactate enriched with ascorbic acid. The tablets are easy to swallow; there are 50 tablets in a package (enough for one course). In order for zinc to be better absorbed, Evalar Zinc + Vitamin C should be taken with meals, closer to bedtime. The drug is approved from the age of 14, but is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Evalar Zinc + vitamin C
Evalar, Russia

Used as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamin C and zinc.
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Country Life Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc

This American combination drug has a balanced composition: calcium, magnesium and zinc. Country Life Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc contains no colors, flavors, preservatives, gluten, yeast, salt or sugar. Zinc is here in the form of gluconate; you need to take 3 tablets of the drug per day. Magnesium improves the functioning of the nervous system, calcium is necessary for bones and teeth. In addition, the drug contains L-glutamic acid, which stimulates the endocrine system and helps the body resist stress and toxins. L-glutamic acid also helps minerals to be absorbed faster. You can buy Country Life Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc in packs of 100, 180 or 250 tablets. You need to take this zinc supplement for two to three months.

Country Life Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc

Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc + vitamin D3 is a vitamin-mineral complex produced by TM Country Life (USA), which is an additional source of three important microelements enriched with vitamin D. The composition of the drug is optimally selected for better absorption of all components and a more effective effect on the body.
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Features of assimilation

Zinc interacts with other substances in different ways. There are substances that are friendly to him, and there are substances that are hostile to him. Zinc goes well with vitamins B6, C, E and A. Magnesium and fluoride are “friends” with it.

Some substances present in the body in excess prevent it from being absorbed. These are copper, calcium, tin, iron, folic acid, lead. The most ardent enemies are alcohol, as well as coffee or tea. Drugs such as certain steroids or birth control pills also interfere with zinc. Fiber, which vegetarians eat, removes zinc by eighty percent.

But, if there is too much of this element, it itself prevents some substances from being absorbed. Among them are copper, iron and vitamin A. So, zinc has beneficial effects with a balanced diet.


This zinc preparation is prescribed for the prevention and replenishment of microelement deficiency in the body. Zincteral is also indicated in the complex treatment of Wilson's disease, diabetes, alcoholism, skin diseases and parasite infections. Zinc is necessary for the proper metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates and is a component of many enzymes. You need to take 1 tablet of this zinc supplement per day. You can buy Zincteral in blisters (25 tablets in one) or in a jar (150 tablets).

TEVA, Ukraine

Zincteral is a zinc preparation that helps replenish the deficiency of this microelement in the body.
Zincteral is used to treat patients with zinc deficiency, which is caused by impaired zinc absorption, poor nutrition, and excessive loss of zinc by the body. from 283


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Does taking zinc harm the body?

When taken according to the instructions, zinc supplements provide exceptional benefits. However, violation of recommendations and abuse (over 40 mg per day) can cause side effects.

Possible side effects from taking:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • symptoms similar to the flu or acute respiratory infections (fever, headaches, cough, loss of strength).

In such cases, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.

Please note that long-term and uncontrolled use of zinc supplements can interfere with the absorption of copper. This will provoke a deficiency of the substance in the blood, which can have unpleasant consequences for the body. Also, taking zinc supplements can affect the absorption of antibiotics, reducing their activity.

Nature's Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc

Zinc preparation made in the USA. The supplement is hypoallergenic, the package contains 100 capsule-shaped tablets. Zinc is presented here in the form of gluconate, the drug is also enriched with vitamin D3, magnesium and calcium. The product helps wounds heal faster, improves overall health, helps stop hair loss, strengthens nails and improves skin condition. Nature's Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc contains no GMOs, sweeteners, flavors or dyes.

Nature's Bounty Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc
Nature's Bounty, USA

Calcium is necessary to strengthen bone tissue and teeth.
Magnesium helps absorb calcium and prevents it from being “washed out” from bone tissue. At the same time, magnesium is necessary in the processes of nerve impulses and muscle contraction, so its intake is very important during stress and physical activity. Zinc, in turn, promotes healthy bone formation, supports immunity and healthy hair. “Calcium-magnesium-zinc” contains calcium and magnesium in an optimal physiological ratio, which helps normalize the mineral balance in the body. Vitamin D3 helps with calcium absorption and supports a healthy immune system. from 700

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Zinc and weight loss

Zinc isn't the first mineral to promote healthy weight loss. I have already written about chromium and its connection with weight loss. Zinc is no less important! The effect of zinc on metabolic processes and the formation of hormones is so serious that the lack of this substance in the body slows down the metabolism!

Scientists have conducted studies more than once (for example, here is one of them), the results always speak of the benefits of zinc in weight loss.

Arnebia Zinc Depot

Zinc preparation in tablet form. The supplement is indicated for those who want to supplement their diet with important microelements to strengthen the immune system during viral infections. In addition to zinc, Arnebia Zinc Depot contains vitamin C, which protects cells from stress and strengthens blood vessels. The zinc in this product is an excellent antioxidant that maintains optimal levels of cholesterol and vitamin A, and also helps heal wounds, strengthens hair and nails, and improves skin condition.

Arnebia Zinc Depot
Nutrilo Gmbh, Germany

Arnebia Zinc Depot can be recommended as a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of zinc and vitamin C.
from 188


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