Erva woolly - medicinal properties and contraindications

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My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts: Khalisat Suleymanova

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The use of woolly erva has not been studied enough. The homeland of the grass is the island of Ceylon, where it is considered a weed and called half-palm. The plant helps with kidney and gall bladder diseases, water and salt imbalances, and bile production. Due to its unique properties, the plant is called “medicine without a scalpel.”

Useful composition of half a penny

Erva woolly contains a large number of alkaloids, therefore it is characterized by minimal toxicity and weak effects on the central nervous system. This is its advantage and disadvantage. The plant includes types of bioflavonoids and alkaloids:

  1. Kaempferol is an antitumor and antioxidant chemical compound that has a positive effect on the uncontrolled division of fat cells.
  2. Ramnetin reduces blood pressure and has antioxidant, antispasmodic, and diuretic properties. This effective chemical compound serves as an anthelmintic that paralyzes the neuromuscular activity of worms.
  3. Lilac acid is a natural antioxidant, works as an antiseptic and a natural preservative, is used as an antipyretic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and has a mild analgesic effect. Reduces the absorption of glucose and its content in the blood; the plant includes a small amount of polysaccharides. This makes it possible to use it for diabetes.
  4. Vanillic acid is formed in the body if a person loves coffee, chocolate, or confectionery with vanilla. Has a weak anthelmintic effect.

Alkaloids are used in traditional medicine as an antispasmodic and antihypertensive agent. Ervin, ervoside, ervolanine have antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. They are responsible for the mental and emotional state, improve the quality of sleep and fight nervousness. In addition to alkaloids, the plant contains:

  • tanning components normalize digestive functions and stimulate appetite;
  • organic compounds remove salts, stabilize intestinal activity, inorganic compounds improve blood condition, cleanse the liver;
  • saponins eliminate decomposition products, heavy metals, and excess fluid;
  • Coumarins improve immunity and have antionychomycosis properties;
  • minerals normalize blood pressure, stimulate nerve cells and improve cognitive functions; thanks to potassium salts, sodium is removed, which causes swelling in the body.

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Erva woolly has the following actions:

  • diuretic;
  • disinfectant;
  • removing stones and salts;
  • healing wounds;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antitumor;
  • choleretic;
  • hypoazotemic;
  • strengthening.

Among the medicinal properties, it is necessary to highlight the main ones:

  1. A powerful diuretic effect removes excess fluid and does not cause dehydration. Just like knotweed, half-fallow normalizes salt metabolism, crushes and destroys stones. Erva woolly is used for the treatment of urolithiasis and pyelonephritis. Prepared plant-based products help remove chlorides, uric acid, heavy metals and toxic components.
  2. Erva woolly normalizes the activity of the liver and pancreas during pancreatitis, improves the digestive process, and heals gastritis.
  3. The plant increases defenses, improves immunity, strengthens the body's resistance, and has a sedative effect.
  4. Due to the stabilization of the water-salt balance, half-palu is used in the treatment of deformed spine and gout.
  5. Erva woolly is used to treat infectious colds. When treating cytomegalovirus, the herb serves as an additional component to improve immunity as part of complex therapy.
  6. Pol-pal helps with urolithiasis and gallstones, which provoke an inflammatory process. Thanks to the alkaloid rhamnetin, signs of the disease are reduced.
  7. Treatment of erva woolly cystitis is expressed in an antiseptic effect that reduces inflammatory processes. Pol-pal helps treat prostatitis, prostate adenoma, hemorrhoids.
  8. External rinsing and irrigation with plant-based products are used for vulvitis and vaginitis.
  9. Pol-pal prevents the formation of urate stones and removes uric acid. This explains the use of the herb for kidney stones of any nature.
  10. Erva woolly reduces blood pressure due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  11. The use of half a stick is suitable for regulating glucose levels.
  12. For the treatment of polyps, fibroids, and intestinal adhesions, medicinal preparations containing Erva woolly are used. In combination with other plants, it is used against cancer and for the resorption of tumors.

Treatment is not allowed with the consumption of salt, vinegar, spices, when the therapy concerns renal, cardiac, liver failure with the following manifestations:

  • swelling;
  • “bags” under the eyes;
  • dropsy;
  • pain in the lumbar region as a result of kidney inflammation;
  • decrease in daily urine output;
  • blood clots in urine.

Erva woolly is a mildly toxic plant and must be handled with care. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using a folk remedy.

Erva woolly: medicinal herb and powerful diuretic for kidney stones

During the era of the Great Geographical Discoveries, naturalists brought to Europe any interesting plants they came across in exotic countries. One of these wonders was erva woolly - a short grass with dull leaves and inexpressive flowers. Traditional healers also became interested in her when they discovered that the overseas guest dissolves kidney stones and treats inflammation of the appendages. This article will help you understand the medicinal properties and contraindications of erva.

Woolly erva - dissolves kidney stones and treats inflammation of the appendages

The appearance of the erva is inconspicuous: a modest gray root, going into the ground no deeper than 20 cm, inconspicuous leaves, as if dusted with dust. Its tiny inflorescences, little different in color from the bracts, resemble shreds of wool from shorn sheep. The plant lives for only two seasons, rarely reaching even one and a half meters in height.

Woolly erva belongs to the Amaranth family, which is not distinguished by the splendor of flowering. Even its perianth is simple - not divided into a calyx and corolla. Carl Linnaeus gave it the name Aerva lanata from the word lana, meaning "wool", which indicates the strong degree of pubescence of the entire plant.

In medicine, erva woolly grass is more often called pol-pal - under this name it was first brought to Europe. There are English options for designating the plant: Bhadram, Cherula, Polpala.

The plant lives for only two seasons, rarely reaching even one and a half meters in height

Sri Lanka is considered the homeland of the woolly erva, from where it spread throughout the Asian region in ancient times, reaching Africa, New Guinea and Australia. This plant grows in fairly hot and moderately dry places, as evidenced by the rich pubescence that protects the floor from dehydration.

European doctors, knowing how effectively the plant dissolves kidney and gallstones, sought to cultivate it in botanical gardens and pharmaceutical gardens. However, erva grows exclusively in subtropical climates, so the only successful experience of its introduction belongs to Georgia. But even on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, half of the fallen plant is cultivated as an annual plant: it does not have enough heat for a full life cycle.

Woolly erva grows exclusively in subtropical climates

The main area of ​​application of preparations from Erva woolis is the treatment of urolithiasis, pyelonephritis and other problems of the urinary system. Erva woolly, or half-palmed, has a suitable chemical composition for this. Among its biologically active substances, the most interesting are the following:

  • kaempferol is a flavonoid with cytostatic and antioxidant activity;
  • ervin, ervoside, ervolanine – alkaloids with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • lilac and vanillic acids, which work as antiseptics;
  • Ramnetin is a strong diuretic.

Urologists especially value this plant for its high content of potassium salts. When stimulating urination, there is always a danger of disrupting water-salt metabolism. Pol-pal effectively removes sodium ions responsible for the accumulation of fluid in tissues, maintaining the balance of potassium ions, which is used in the treatment of hypertension and urolithiasis.

The herb is also used in the treatment of:

  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • colon polyps;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • hemorrhoids and papillomas;
  • hypertension.

The plant has proven itself as a means of treating inflammation of the uterine appendages and normalizing the menstrual cycle. Infusions of the herb erva woolly are prescribed to remove salts from gout, as an anti-inflammatory agent for urethritis, cystitis, and prostatitis.

Traditional healers use half-palu to cleanse the body of toxins and cholesterol. Externally, a decoction of the plant is used in compresses to combat acne, boils and trophic ulcers. Douching with Erva preparations is indicated in the treatment of vulvitis and vaginitis.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of woolly erva are based primarily on the high content of rhamnetin and flavonoids in its herb. Ramnetin is a powerful diuretic that effectively dissolves crystalline salt deposits in the kidneys, urinary and gall bladders. As a result, swelling subsides and infectious processes in the organs of the excretory and digestive systems disappear.

A complex of chemical substances stimulates the removal of uric acid from the body, inhibits the formation of urate sand in the joint capsules, which is necessary for the prevention and treatment of gout. The diuretic effect of the plant allows you to reliably reduce blood pressure, preventing the development of hypertension. Other important properties of the plant:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • potassium-sparing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic.

In addition to its benefits, woolly erva can also cause harm to health. With the systematic use of plant preparations, hyperkalemia may occur - an imbalance of electrolytes, expressed in a significant excess of potassium ions over sodium ions. The use of the herb is not recommended in the presence of allergic reactions and individual intolerance.

It has been noticed that drugs are capable of destroying tooth enamel. In this regard, it is advisable to consume them through a cocktail straw, and after finishing taking the drug, rinse your mouth.

Erva woolly is included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. According to the standards of this document, the grass is collected at the beginning of flowering, before the formation of fruits. Since the half-palm is cultivated, it can be harvested along with the root system, while some plants are left for seed production.

The grass is cut into pieces up to 20 cm long, laid out in a thin layer in the shade under a canopy or in a dryer at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. When drying, the raw materials are systematically turned, preventing blackening or rotting. Store it in cloth or paper bags for no more than 3 years.

When drying, the raw materials are turned, preventing blackening or rotting.

In the presence of kidney stones, erva woolly is consumed in the form of a decoction. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of chopped herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. The finished broth is cooled, filtered and taken a quarter glass 3 times a day before meals. During the treatment period, it is important to exclude salty foods, marinades, mayonnaise and alcohol from the diet.

For preventive purposes, the decoction can be replaced with an infusion: brew half a pala in a thermos, taking a teaspoon of herbs for every 250 ml of boiling water. The drink should be infused for half an hour, and before drinking, add a little cool water for comfort.

People call the herb “a surgeon without a scalpel.”

It’s not for nothing that Erva woolly was nicknamed “the surgeon without a scalpel.” It really saves patients suffering from the formation of sand and kidney stones from surgery. Exactly following the doctor’s instructions, strict dosage of the decoction and adjusting the daily menu will help bring the condition of the urinary system into order.

Before using homeopathic and medicinal products, you should consult a specialist.

The site administration is not responsible for any decisions made regarding your health.

Traditional recipes and uses

Erva woolly is used for therapy in the preparation of infusions, decoctions, tinctures, ointments, dietary supplements, and creams. Folk remedies can be made independently or bought at a pharmacy.

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For older people

Infusion to improve general condition and stabilize blood pressure. Combine the herb with hot water in a 1:2 ratio. Leave the composition for 3 hours. Single dose – 20 ml.

For the gastrointestinal system

Systematic use of the product based on Erva woolly improves appetite and normalizes metabolism. How to prepare: take 250 ml of hot liquid for 20 g of raw material, let stand for 30 minutes, filter. The product also copes well with intoxication and intestinal disorders.

To cleanse the body

Mix 50 g of half-palm and chamomile, pour 500 ml of boiling liquid, place a container over steam and simmer for 20 minutes. Leave for 2 days, strain. A single dose is 1/3 cup three times a day for three weeks.

For infectious diseases

Pol-pal in the form of a tincture helps with Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, fever, pneumonia and intestinal anthropogenic infection.

To improve psycho-emotional state

Method of preparation: for 50 g of half-paly you will need 500 ml of liquid, put in steam for 20 minutes, filter. Drink 0.5 cups at night. The infusion has a laxative effect.

Deworming remedy

The dry root of the plant is used for preparation. Grind it to a powder. Take 20 g and 0.3 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 days. Single dose – 100 ml, treat until signs disappear.

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For the health of the genitourinary system

Prepare a decoction from 500 ml of liquid and 50 g of raw materials, let it brew for a quarter of an hour. The rate and duration are determined by the attending physician.

Application in gynecology

Regular use of the tincture normalizes hormonal levels and stabilizes the menstrual cycle. A single dose is 20 drops. The duration of the course is up to three months, depending on the disease. It is also used for infertility.

For the heart and blood vessels

Take 2 tsp per glass of hot liquid. half dry, simmer for 5 minutes, stand for 3 hours, strain. A single dose is 1/3 cup three times a day for a month.

For the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases

Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. herbs and pour 200 ml of boiling liquid, let stand for 3 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 cup three times a day. The duration of treatment is a month, then a break for six months and the medication is taken again.

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Against respiratory inflammation

Prepare tea: for 2 tsp. raw materials, take a glass of hot liquid, soak for a quarter of an hour, add honey. Use for 10 days.

For hypertension

Pol-pal is a wonderful plant that normalizes blood pressure. It especially helps after cerebral hemorrhage and myocardial infarction.

Method of preparation: for 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, take 200 ml of liquid, bring to a boil over heat, let stand for 2 hours. Single dose – 1/2 cup. The product has a sedative effect and improves sleep.

For treating wounds and treating boils

The squeezed herb after infusion can be used for disinfection and applied to problem areas.

In addition, woolly erva is used in cosmetology, relieves acne and inflammation, tones and evens out the color of the skin epithelium. The beneficial properties are due to the high concentration of alkaloids, bioflavonoids and organic acids. A decoction or infusion is used for hair and skin based on the rhizome of Erva woolly, which contains the highest content of chemical elements. However, the effects for cosmetic purposes have not been studied.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of a natural preparation

A natural medicinal plant - erva woolly grass, which has a taproot and a branched stem a little more than a meter high, which is covered with round-oval leaves and light clusters of fruits, somewhat reminiscent of small boxes, has a unique chemical composition in terms of medicinal properties:

  • indole alkaloids and flavonoids,
  • phenolic acids and triterpenoids,
  • pectin substances and feruloylamides,
  • biologically active substances and sterols,
  • micro and macroelements,

beneficial properties of components that are often used for the prevention and therapeutic treatment of serious diseases, as they contain:

  1. potassium nitrates and calcium,
  2. amino acids and alkanes,
  3. inorganic salts and sugar.

All these useful substances:

  • normalizes blood pressure, blood circulation and heart function,
  • strengthens the immune system, blood vessels and bones,
  • activate metabolic processes and tissue restoration,
  • removes sand and stones from the kidneys and gall bladder,
  • eliminate – bleeding and skin damage, pain and spasms,
  • support salt balance and blood pressure,
  • cleanse – from harmful microbes, cholesterol and toxins,
  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels and the level of hemoglobin in the blood,
  • improve blood clotting by participating in hematopoietic processes,

being a chemical set of metabolic reactions of the metabolism of a living human body to the action of the environment and maintaining normal vitality.

Natural grass has many medicinal properties:

  1. antiseptic and antibacterial,
  2. antitumor and wound healing,
  3. diuretic and salt-removing,
  4. choleretic and decongestant.

It is worth considering, however, that the pharmacological effect of a natural medicine depends on compliance with the dosage, since its medicinal components can have both a calming and stimulating effect.

Pharmacological action of a medicinal drug

As you know, saving people from serious illnesses is a long and persistent process, so you definitely shouldn’t leave any even minor ailment for a long time without proper attention.

The mechanism of action of the active substances of the medicinal herb Erva woolly is based on the cellular level, therefore this herbal preparation, consisting of finely ground:

  1. plant stems and leaves,
  2. pieces of roots and fruits,

used both for external and internal use, as healing tinctures and medicinal decoctions that have a pharmacological effect of a natural medicine on the cellular receptors of the human body, of which it is primarily worth highlighting:

— cleansing the body due to a mild, non-dehydrating, powerful diuretic effect that rids the body of chlorides and heavy metals, uric acid and toxins,

– treatment of infectious colds, strengthening the immune system and increasing the body’s persistent resistance,

getting rid of prostatitis and urolithiasis by gently influencing the painless dissolution of oxalate and phosphate stones in the kidneys and gall bladder of small size and gradually removing them from the ureter,

- normalization of the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract together with the digestive system, stabilizing the functioning of the pancreas and liver,

- treatment of increased and accelerated blood clotting in the pathological disease thrombosis of blood vessels of arteries and veins,

- improving the function of the lumbosacral and cervicothoracic spine with an equilibrium balance of potassium ions,

- restoration of water-salt balance with a therapeutic effect against articular gout with an increased concentration of uric acid accumulated in the body in the form of hard crystalline deposits in the joints and tendons,

- treatment of hemorrhoids and chronic intestinal colitis, stomach ulcers and cirrhosis of the liver as a result of inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane of the large intestine,

- relief from polycystic ovary syndrome associated with metabolic disorders of the gonads,

- calming the nervous system and getting rid of periodic migraine attacks,

- relief in cosmetology from skin inflammation and acne, evening out complexion and having a tonic effect,

- improving memory and increasing brain performance by activating thinking neurons,

This entire list of therapeutic actions has its own application characteristics and can have both beneficial and harmful and even negative effects on the health of a sick person.

Therefore, in order to eliminate undesirable consequences from treatment with folk remedies - herbal phytoraw materials, before using Erva woolly, you need to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe you:

  • required number and duration of courses,
  • exact appointment dates
  • and the required correct dosage

to get rid of external wounds and prevent strokes, get rid of stomach ulcers and urolithiasis, from the development of malignant tumors and accelerate weight loss.

Medical contraindications and duration of use of medicinal herbs

Like any medicinal product sold in pharmacies, erva woolly herb can, in addition to its benefits, cause significant harm to the sick body, associated not only with the duration of use, but also with a strong effect in curing advanced diseases.

If your disease is in the initial stage, then the therapeutic effect of using this drug will be noticeable immediately, but if the disease is very advanced, then you will not feel the therapeutic effect immediately.

Here you will definitely need at least three courses of its use, during which you should not eat spicy and salty foods, or drink alcoholic beverages.

However, it is worth considering that in some cases a ten-day course of treatment is sufficient; in severe stages of the disease, the course of therapy should not exceed one month using a hundred-gram package of herbal remedy. After a six-month break, the course can be repeated again.

I would like to remind you that erva woolly is not such a harmless herb, but a very serious medicinal plant that can thin your tooth enamel with extraordinary ease and remove a sufficient amount of potassium and vitamins from the body.

Therefore, take liquid preparations based on this herb through a plastic tube or thin straw, then thoroughly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth.

People I know often ask me the question: can everyone use woolly erva? Of course, like any healing agent, this herbal raw material has its own medical contraindications:

  1. It should not be given to young children under twelve years of age,
  2. pregnant and breastfeeding women,
  3. patients with a systemic disease of osteoporosis of the skeleton and renal osteodystrophy, reducing the density and absorbing porosity of the bone tissue of the spine, arms and legs, as a result of changes in mineral metabolism,
  4. persons with individual intolerance,

since crushed plant materials can cause you discomfort and side effects in the form of allergic skin rashes, mild dizziness and nausea.

Contraindications and side effects

The use and benefits of the herb are possible if you follow the instructions for proper use. Half a burn removes calcium and destroys tooth enamel. Therefore, they drink infusions and decoctions through a straw.

Side effects are possible if the norm of raw materials in the preparation of medicinal products is exceeded. These include disgust, vomiting, dizziness, convulsions, rashes and redness.

There are also contraindications:

  • allergic manifestations and individual intolerance;
  • rickets;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • bone tissue dystrophy;
  • osteoporosis;
  • children under 12 years old.

Use during pregnancy and lactation is also excluded.

Be healthy!

Ervy woolly (half-burnt) grass crushed raw materials 40g


Ervy woolly grass.


Pieces of stems, inflorescences, leaves and roots passing through a sieve with a nominal opening size of 5600 microns. The color is whitish-gray or greenish-gray with the possible presence of green, light brown, whitish-yellow or white inclusions. The smell is weak and peculiar.

Main active ingredient

Ervy woolly grass.

Release form

Vegetable raw materials.


40 g.


Ervy woolly grass.

Pharmacological group

Other diuretics.

Pharmacological properties

An infusion of the herb erva woolly (half-fallow) has a diuretic (diuretic), saluretic (salt-removing) and anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy in adults as a diuretic for moderate edema syndrome, infectious and inflammatory kidney diseases (pyelonephritis). Use for these purposes is based only on experience of long-term use.

Directions for use and doses

Place 2 tablespoons (4 g) of the herb in an enamel bowl, add 200 ml (1 glass) of boiled water at room temperature, cover with a lid and leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature for at least 45 minutes, filter, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Take 1/4-1/2 cup of infusion orally warm 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for 10-30 days. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of data, it is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in children

Due to the lack of adequate data, use in children under 18 years of age is not recommended.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other mechanisms

No studies have been conducted.

Precautionary measures

Before taking the medicine, consult a doctor. It is recommended to use with caution in case of urolithiasis. If symptoms persist or worsen while taking the drug, you should consult a doctor. Use in children. Due to the lack of sufficient data, prescribing the drug to children under 18 years of age is not recommended.

Interaction with other drugs

There is no information on interactions with other drugs. If you are taking other medications at the same time, you should consult your doctor.


Hypersensitivity, osteoporosis, diseases accompanied by increased excretion of Ca2+ (including rickets, hypoparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy), pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age.


There is no information about cases of overdose.

Side effect

Allergic reactions and nausea are possible.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light and moisture at a temperature of (15-25) °C. Keep out of the reach of children. Prepared infusion - no more than 2 days at a temperature of (8-15) °C.

Buy Ervy woolly (half-burnt) grass, raw materials 40g in a pack in the pharmacy

Price for Ervy woolly (half-burnt) grass, raw materials 40g per pack

Instructions for use for Erva woolly (half-burnt) grass, raw materials 40g in a pack

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