Abdominal obesity in women and men – causes, features, treatment

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than a billion people worldwide are overweight. The problem of obesity is relevant for various social strata of society, people of various professions, gender, age, and lifestyle. In Russia, on average, 30% of the working population is obese and 25% is overweight. Unfortunately, even children are not spared this problem. There is a widespread increase in the incidence of obesity in children and adolescents: research data indicate that about 12% of Russian children are overweight, and 8.5% of children living in cities and 5.5% in rural areas are obese . With the help of endocrinologist and nutritionist at the EuroMed Clinic Natalya Vladimirovna Michurina, we tried to understand this problem.

It is generally accepted that an overweight person is a victim of his insatiable appetite and sedentary lifestyle, which means treatment is his personal matter. As a rule, others treat obese people with disdain and irony, which can cause them psychological trauma, especially children and adolescents. Ironic statements from peers and adults negatively affect a person’s self-esteem and lead to the formation of complexes, further exacerbating the problem.

In fact, obesity is a chronic multifactorial heterogeneous disease, the cause of which lies in complex metabolic disorders in the body, which lead to the accumulation and deposition of excess fat.

We talk about obesity when the percentage of excess fat tissue in relation to body weight is more than 20% in men and more than 25% in women, and the body mass index (BMI) is more than 25-30.

Body mass index is a measure of how tall a person is compared to his weight. It can be calculated using the formula: BMI = body weight (kg) / [height (m)]2 For example, if your height is 170 cm and your weight is 70 kg, then your BMI = 70 / 1.7 * 1.7 = 24 ,2. For this height, the weight is normal. Classification of obesity by BMI (WHO, 1997)

Types of body weight BMI

(weight in kg / height in m)

Risk of comorbidities
Underweight <18,5Low (increased risk of other diseases)
Normal body weight 18,5—24,9Ordinary
Excess body weight (pre-obesity) 25,0—29,9Elevated
Obesity I degree 30,0—34,9High
Obesity II degree 35,0—39,9Very tall
Obesity III degree (pathological) >= 40Extremely high

However, when determining BMI, the distribution of adipose tissue is not taken into account. For this, anthropometric measurements are used: the criterion is the ratio of waist to hip volume. Based on the distribution of adipose tissue, the following types of obesity are distinguished:

  • Android (visceral, upper, apple-shaped, abdominal obesity), which is characterized by hypertrophy of fat cells. This type of distribution of adipose tissue is the most unfavorable, as it is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus. If the waist circumference in women exceeds 80 cm, and in men 94 cm, this indicates that the patient has abdominal obesity. If the waist circumference/hip circumference ratio in women is more than 0.8, and in men more than 0.9, we can also conclude that there is android obesity.
  • Gynoid (peripheral, lower, “pear-shaped” obesity), which is characterized by hyperplasia of fat cells. This type of obesity is more associated with the risk of pathology of the joints and blood vessels of the lower extremities.

Negative consequences of obesity

There is an opinion that obesity is a purely aesthetic problem. In fact, this is far from the case.

According to statistics, obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes up to 10 times. Among obese patients, there are 50% more patients with arterial hypertension (high blood pressure). At the same time, a decrease in body weight by 10% from the initial one leads to a decrease in the risk of death by the same 10%.

There is a fairly long list of diseases that are causally associated with excess weight (that is, obesity is the basis of these diseases). These include:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • cardiac ischemia,
  • hypertonic disease,
  • diabetes,
  • cholecystitis and cholelithiasis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • fatty liver degeneration,
  • gout,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • metabolic-dystrophic polyarthritis,
  • malignant tumors,
  • disorders of the menstrual-ovarian cycle and infertility,
  • cosmetic problems.

And this is not a complete list.

Diagnosis of abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome

Scientists have found that body mass indexes indicating clinical obesity (BMI > 30 kg/m2) are not a determining factor in abdominal obesity metabolic syndrome; rather, it primarily indicates the presence of excess adipose tissue.

Thus, when diagnosing patients with metabolic syndrome, endocrinologists study the patients' metabolic complications, especially in terms of body fat. High-precision technologies such as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) are used to measure total body fat and abdominal fat accumulation.

X-ray absorptiometry

Proper diagnosis of the syndrome can also be made by referring to screening tools developed by national and international health organizations, such as the National Cholesterol Education Program, World Health Organization, International Diabetes Federation, European Insulin Study Group, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. Many modern Russian endocrinology clinics take into account the recommendations of foreign colleagues in their practice.

How to get rid of obesity

Obesity is rarely an independent disease. When treating, it is necessary to include in the examination program the identification of lipid profile disorders, carbohydrate metabolism, liver pathology, markers of cardiovascular, endocrine pathology, etc. Accordingly, when treating the disease, it is necessary to act in several directions: contact an endocrinologist and check the condition of your body - it is very likely that you will not be able to cope with the problem of excess weight without medical help. And the second direction: lifestyle. That is, you need to establish proper nutrition and ensure sufficient physical activity.

Every day we get energy from food and spend it on maintaining the body's vital functions and physical activity. If more energy is consumed than expended, it is stored as fat reserves. If on the contrary, energy is drawn from existing fat reserves, that is, a person loses weight. The greater the imbalance between energy intake and expenditure, the more intense the process of accumulation or disposal of fat.

Getting rid of abdominal obesity

Abdominal obesity is the appearance of fat deposits mainly in the waist and abdomen, in the so-called abdominal region. This type of obesity is often called male obesity, although women are also susceptible to it. You can determine the presence of a problem using a regular centimeter. In cases where the waist circumference approaches the hip circumference (and especially if the waist is wider than the hips), we can talk about abdominal obesity.


There may be several factors that provoke abdominal obesity. Firstly, this is an unhealthy diet - high-calorie, unbalanced, obviously excessive. The love of fast food and sweets, the habit of “eating” stress, and eating a heavy dinner can lead to the appearance of fat deposits. Especially if motor activity is noticeably reduced, a person does not play sports and prefers passive rest.

Concomitant metabolic diseases, hormonal imbalances, and disruption of the digestive tract can also trigger the problem. In medical treatment, treatment is prescribed after consultation with a specialist who will determine the cause of abdominal obesity.

Possible inconvenience and risk

Everyone knows that obesity is ugly and unaesthetic. Such a problem causes complexes to appear and interferes with personal life. However, there may be more dire consequences that relate directly to health.

Abdominal obesity also affects internal organs, disrupting their normal functioning. It causes the development of dangerous diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and can cause heart attack and stroke. In women, this pathology can lead to infertility.

Methods for eliminating abdominal obesity

  • Non-surgical liposuction Aqualix - injections of the drug Aqualix, which are made directly into the tissue of the problem area, destroy fat deposits from the inside and help them leave the body. Typically, one to five sessions are required (performed with a one-month break).
  • LPG massage - vacuum roller massage using a special device destroys subcutaneous fat deposits, perfectly helps cope with cellulite, relieves swelling, improves metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Wraps are a special composition that promotes weight loss, applied to the problem area, and kept under a special film for up to half an hour. The procedure perfectly tones and tightens the skin, improves lymphatic drainage, and helps remove accumulated harmful substances.
  • Myostimulation - using special pulse currents, you can cause active contraction of certain muscle groups. It is no coincidence that this procedure was called “sport for the lazy.”
  • Pressotherapy is a special massage performed in a special suit into which compressed air is supplied. Improves skin condition, stimulates metabolic processes, and has a general healing effect.
  • Mesotherapy

The most effective is an integrated approach in combination with nutritional correction - in any medical center the patient will be offered a consultation with a nutritionist.

If you have any questions, you can contact a specialist.

Prices for procedures to get rid of abdominal obesity

Body mesotherapy
Read more about the procedure


Mesotherapy anti-cellulite cocktail No. 2Cost: 3500 rubles
Mesotherapy anti-cellulite cocktail No. 3Cost: 3900 rubles
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy Mesoline Slim (slim silhouette) 5.0 mlOld price: 4500 rublesCost: 3500 rubles
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy Mesoline Bodyfirm (elastic body) 5.0 mlCost: 3500 rubles
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy Mesoline Slim (slim silhouette) 10.0 mlOld price: 7000 rublesCost: 5500 rubles
Superficial anesthesia Emla 2.5 g, fixed priceCost: 490 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

All prices: Mesotherapy for weight loss


More about the procedure


Electromyostimulation 30 minutesCost: 990 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

Programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

“7 days” program 7 visitsOld price: 27740 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of the procedures cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Myostimulation


More about the procedure


discounts when purchasing a course

Talgo seaweed wrapCost: 4900 rubles
Osmo-weight loss wrap TalakCost: 4900 rubles
Talaq seaweed wrapCost: 3900 rubles
Velinia wrapCost: 2000 rubles
Green coffee wrap Pevonia BotanicaCost: 4900 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

Programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

Program “7 days” 7 visitsOld price: 27740 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Program “Anti-cellulite Standard” 10 visitsOld price: 30050 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
Anti-cellulite Premium program 15 visitsOld price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 49990 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of the procedures cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Wrap


More about the procedure


Pressotherapy 2 zones 30 minCost: 990 rubles
Pressotherapy pantsCost: 95 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

Programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

Trial course “LPG massage 3 procedures + suit” up to 4 weeksOld price: 8350 rublesCost: 5840 rubles
Course “8 LPG massage procedures + 2 pressotherapy” up to 8 weeksOld price: 21180 rublesCost: 12900 rubles
Course “10 LPG procedures + 3 pressotherapy” up to 10 weeksOld price: 26970 rublesCost: 14900 rubles
Course “15 LPG procedures + 4 pressotherapy” up to 15 weeks (Only in the center on Leninsky Prospekt)Old price: 39960 rublesCost: 19900 rubles
“7 days” program 7 visitsOld price: 26540 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Anti-cellulite Premium program 15 visitsOld price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
If desired, the anti-cellulite LPG massage procedure can be replaced with LPG lipomassage with an additional payment of 200 rubles for 1 procedure. The cost of the LPG suit is 1150 rubles. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Extensions are not possible. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Pressotherapy

LPG vacuum roller massage

More about the procedure


One-time LPG massage procedureCost: 2400 rubles
One-time LPG lipomassage procedureCost: 2400 rubles
Suit for LPG endermological (fixed price)Cost: 1150 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

LPG massage and lipomassage courses

discount up to 53%

Trial course “LPG massage 3 procedures + suit” up to 4 weeksOld price: 8350 rublesCost: 5840 rubles
Course “8 LPG massage procedures + 2 pressotherapy” up to 8 weeksOld price: 21180 rublesCost: 12900 rubles
Course “10 LPG procedures + 3 pressotherapy” up to 10 weeksOld price: 26970 rublesCost: 14900 rubles
Course “15 LPG procedures + 4 pressotherapy” up to 15 weeks (Only in the center on Leninsky Prospekt)Old price: 39960 rublesCost: 19900 rubles
If desired, the anti-cellulite LPG massage procedure can be replaced with LPG lipomassage with an additional payment of 590 rubles for 1 procedure. The cost of the LPG suit is 1150 rubles. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Extensions are not possible. Unused procedures will be lost.

LPG programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

Programs using LPG massage and lipomassage procedures
Program “Fat breakdown + anti-cellulite massage” 10 visitsOld price: 33900 rublesCost: 18900 rubles
Non-surgical liposuction program 4-8 visitsOld price: 42200 rublesCost: 23960 rubles
“7 days” program 7 visitsOld price: 26540 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Program "Anti-cellulite Standard"Old price: 30050 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
Anti-cellulite Premium program 15 visitsOld price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of the procedures cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: LPG body massage

Intralipotherapy Aqualyx

More about the procedure


discount up to 45%

Lipoinject needle for the face for the Aqualix intralipotherapy procedureCost: 715 rubles
Lipoinject needle for the body for the Aqualix intralipotherapy procedureCost: 910 rubles
Superficial anesthesia Emla 2.5 g, fixed priceCost: 490 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free


Non-surgical liposuction Aqualyx Aqualyx bottle price when purchasing 3 bottlesOld price: 7990 rublesCost: 5990 rubles
Non-surgical liposuction Aqualyx Aqualyx bottle price when purchasing 2 bottlesOld price: 7990 rublesCost: 6490 rubles
Non-surgical liposuction Aqualyx Aqualyx bottle price when purchasing 1 bottleOld price: 7990 rublesCost: 6990 rubles

Programs at special prices

Discounts up to 50%

Programs using the non-surgical liposuction procedure AQUALIX
Non-surgical liposuction program 4-8 visitsOld price: 42200 rublesCost: 23960 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of completion cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Intralipotherapy Aqualyx

Programs and courses

LPG massage and lipomassage courses

LPG massage and lipomassage courses

discount up to 53%

Trial course “LPG massage 3 procedures + suit” up to 4 weeksOld price: 8350 rublesCost: 5840 rubles
Course “8 LPG massage procedures + 2 pressotherapy” up to 8 weeksOld price: 21180 rublesCost: 12900 rubles
Course “10 LPG procedures + 3 pressotherapy” up to 10 weeksOld price: 26970 rublesCost: 14900 rubles
Course “15 LPG procedures + 4 pressotherapy” (Valid only in the center on Leninsky Prospekt) up to 15 weeksOld price: 39960 rublesCost: 19900 rubles
If desired, the anti-cellulite LPG massage procedure can be replaced with LPG lipomassage with an additional payment of 590 rubles/procedure. The cost of the LPG suit is 1150 rubles. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Extensions are not possible. Unused procedures will be lost.

Program "7 days"

Program "7 days"

When there are 7 days left until... wedding... vacation

4 LPG procedures one-timeOld price: 9600 rublesCost: 6767 rubles
4 procedures ElectromyostimulationOld price: 3960 rublesCost: 2970 rubles
2 Pressotherapy procedures 2 zonesOld price: 1980 rublesCost: 1485 rubles
3 procedures “Algae wrap”Old price: 10,500 rublesCost: 8087 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 26540 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 27% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Maximum Weight Loss in 6 Weeks Program

Maximum Weight Loss in 6 Weeks Program

15 visits from 5 weeks

10 LPG anti-cellulite massage proceduresOld price: 24,000 rublesCost: 11900 rubles
5 LPG lipomassage proceduresOld price: 12,000 rublesCost: 6000 rubles
5 pressotherapy procedures 2 zonesOld price: 4955 rublesCost: 3465 rubles
5 Thalac wrap treatmentsOld price: 19,500 rublesCost: 11625 rubles
4 bottles of non-surgical liposuction AqualixOld price: 31,600 rublesCost: 19960 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 45% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Program "Anti-cellulite STANDARD"

Program "Anti-cellulite STANDARD"

10 visits, from 3 weeks

10 LPG anti-cellulite massage proceduresOld price: 24,000 rublesCost: 13900 rubles
2 Lanta Fe wrap treatmentsOld price: 4400 rublesCost: 2970 rubles
Endermological suit for LPG massageOld price: 1150 rublesCost: 1150 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 30050 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 40% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Anti-cellulite PREMIUM program

Anti-cellulite PREMIUM program

15 visits, from 5 weeks

15 LPG anti-cellulite massage proceduresOld price: 36,000 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
7 superficial electrolipolysis proceduresOld price: 6930 rublesCost: 4850 rubles
5 pressotherapy procedures 2 zonesOld price: 4950 rublesCost: 3460 rubles
3 Talgo/Pevonia botanica wrap treatmentsOld price: 11,700 rublesCost: 6690 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 45% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Non-surgical liposuction program

Non-surgical liposuction program

4-8 visits, from 5 weeks

4 Aqualix procedures (1 bottle procedure each) + 4 LPG lipomassage proceduresOld price: 42200 rublesCost: 23960 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 47% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Program “Fat breakdown + anti-cellulite massage”

Program “Fat breakdown + anti-cellulite massage”

10 visits, from 6 weeks

10 LPG body massage procedures + 10 superficial electrolipolysis proceduresOld price: 33900 rublesCost: 18900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 45% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

“Beauty Day” program

“Beauty Day” program

1 visit

Algae wrapOld price: 3500 rublesCost: 2510 rubles
Lifting procedure using the SKINTONIC/LIFT-6 deviceOld price: 2400 rublesCost: 1400 rubles
Skin care procedure Holy landOld price: 3500 rublesCost: 1990 rubles
Total cost of the program:Old price: 9400 rublesCost: 5900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 43% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Healthy Eating Basics

First, keep a food diary - in which you will write down everything you eat during the day. By the way, there are many programs that can be installed on your phone or computer - with their help it is very convenient to record everything you ate and drank and count the calorie content of your diet, as well as track the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Using a food diary, analyze your diet, your goal is to ensure that the number of calories you consume is less than the number of calories you burn. The quality composition of your food is no less important.

Most of the products we consume should be of plant origin (cereals, fruits and vegetables), since only in this case can you be sure that your body receives a sufficient amount of ballast substances, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances. Unlike many fruits, vegetables contain fewer calories. Therefore, with proper nutrition, first of all, in small quantities, you need to eat fruits. Potatoes are rich in starch and ballast substances and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. When consuming cereals, give preference to products with bran, since premium flour no longer contains, for example, ballast substances. Try bran bread or wholemeal pasta. These foods are less processed and therefore contain many important nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.

Milk and dairy products are important for bones and teeth as they supply our body with calcium. It is important that cheese and milk contain a lot of saturated fats, which, in addition to being high in calories, also have an adverse effect on cholesterol levels. Choose low-fat milk and cottage cheese.

Animal products such as meat and fish are also important for a balanced diet. Meat supplies our body with complete proteins, iron and vitamins, fish supplies iodine, calcium, and phosphorus. It is necessary to eat sea fish and seafood 1-2 times a week.

Fats should make up a very small proportion of our food. Vegetable oils, such as canola or olive, supply the body with important fatty acids, such as omega-3 acids, which are essential for brain function. In addition, fats make it possible to take fat-soluble vitamins (which is why vegetables should always be eaten with a little oil).

Meals should be split, at least 5-6 meals per day are recommended: this way you will speed up your metabolism and the weight loss process will be more successful.

It is important to drink a lot. Water is necessary so that ballast substances soften in the intestines and can fully exert their beneficial effects. If the body does not have enough fluid, it can lead to constipation. The most suitable thirst quenchers are water, unsweetened tea and juice with mineral water.

Causes of obesity

The main reason for obesity is that unspent energy remains in the body, which is deposited in adipose tissue. This condition can occur when a person takes in more calories than they expend. But this is aggravated if a person has a genetic predisposition or diseases that contribute to excess weight gain. The following factors contribute to obesity:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • increased insulin levels;
  • lack of sleep;
  • stress;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • disruption of the hypothalamus;
  • steroid hormones;
  • Prader-Willi syndrome.

These factors can cause a person to become obese.

The function of fat deposition and weight gain when consuming large amounts of calories was acquired by the body in the process of evolution, in order to expend accumulated calories during times of lack of food. In modern society, the problem of hunger has generally been solved, so it is important to monitor your body weight and, at the first signs of obesity, consult a doctor for timely treatment.

Exercise stress

In addition to proper nutrition, physical activity is necessary to lose excess weight and get a beautiful figure. The lifestyle of modern man is such that we move very little. Physical inactivity is a disease of the 21st century. We go to work by car or by bus, at work we mostly sit, in the evenings we lie in front of the TV or sit at the computer, and on weekends we prefer to relax on the couch rather than cross-country. As a result, much less energy is consumed than consumed, and this lifestyle is not beneficial for the body and leads to problems with the cardiovascular system, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, headaches, etc. Movement regulates blood pressure and increases metabolism substances, helps to lose weight, reduces unwanted fat deposits in the abdominal area and affects the action of insulin. The impact of movement on the immune system and psychological well-being should also not be underestimated. Physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. If you move more, you will feel better.

You should start exercising gradually, with moderate exercise. If you are starting to exercise from scratch, then it is safe to start with 5-10 minutes, for example, walking at a comfortable pace. If you find it difficult to talk or hold your breath while doing exercises, you need to slow down the pace. Exercises should not provoke shortness of breath, profuse sweating, general weakness, or heart pain. When performing any exercise, breathe deeply and try to do the exercises so that the whole body participates in them. For example, when walking, move your upper body and arms. A good example of such an activity is “Nordic walking” or training on an elliptical trainer. Surprisingly, the most effective, and most importantly, simple and affordable way to “burn” extra calories is walking in training mode (100-120 steps per minute). Pedometers are very popular now - they can be linked to your smartphone account and track your daily progress. The optimal daily load is considered to be 10,000 steps.

Regular physical activity is also important. Long breaks reduce the effectiveness of classes and nullify previous successes.

There are many more ways to effortlessly incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Try:

  • get off one stop earlier than you need;
  • walk up the stairs;
  • dance to energetic music;
  • Perform housework and garden work that requires muscle activity (vacuuming and mopping floors, digging garden beds, raking leaves, washing the car by hand, etc.).

Invite your friends and family to enjoy your holiday together. Play tennis, badminton, volleyball, football. Go on a bike or ski trip together. Such activities will not only help you lose weight, but will also give you the opportunity to communicate with friends more often and become a positive example for your children.


To prevent the accumulation of excess body weight, women should adhere to the following recommendations daily:

  • follow the principles of proper nutrition;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • engage in moderate cardio training;
  • to walk outside;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • monitor blood counts when taking hormonal medications;
  • If possible, avoid stressful situations and maintain a stable emotional state.

The main thing is to develop the right habits, which over time will begin to be observed on their own. This is especially important for women at risk, that is, whose BMI exceeds the norm.

Surgical treatment of obesity is the most effective way to get rid of excess fat deposits, if there are indications for it. One operation is enough to lose weight and put many obesity-related diseases into remission.

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