How to fall asleep in 1 minute if you have insomnia: A simple technique for healthy sleep

On the one hand, technological progress has greatly simplified our lives, but on the other hand, year after year it inexorably disrupts our natural biorhythms.

It is especially difficult for residents of megacities to fall asleep on time, since in large cities the night light is so bright that it is almost impossible to find yourself in complete darkness, which is necessary for proper sleep.

According to statistics, 50% of the world’s adult population suffers from sleep disorders, and children and adolescents are increasingly at risk.

Breathing technique for sleep 4-7-8

Every day we are bombarded with information attacks from all sides, as a result our brain is overloaded and our mind is constantly busy with all sorts of thoughts. Therefore, to quickly fall asleep and get quality sleep, it is vital to learn how to relieve psycho-emotional stress and stop the thought process.

Our breathing will help us with this. More precisely, the 4-7-8 breathing technique, developed by Andrew Weil, MD, of Harvard.

This breathing practice is based on the ancient practice of Pranayama (link to article st 0001) and is controlled breathing according to a certain pattern.

Deep, slow breathing during practice activates the parasympathetic nervous system, whose task is to reduce stress and mental anxiety.

The author of this breathing technique called his method “a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”

Anti-snoring devices

When it comes to various devices that save you from snoring, everyone immediately remembers earplugs. Now there are a variety of types and varieties of earplugs. Let's not deny: these products can be a lifesaver for those who are forced to sleep in noise. However, you must understand that snoring does not disappear anywhere: you simply cannot hear it. Therefore, the use of earplugs by relatives of the “snore” does not eliminate the need for snoring treatment. Now we will talk about anti-snoring devices, which should be used by the snorer himself.

Anti-snoring bracelet

Throughout the night, a bracelet worn on the wrist picks up sounds emanating from the sleeping person (Fig. 16). When snoring occurs, the device generates a weak electrical signal and delivers it to the surface of the skin. This slightly awakens the person, and he stops snoring. It is advisable to use these bracelets for periodic or positional snoring. In this situation, snoring may actually decrease, especially if the sleeper turns over on his side.

If a person snores constantly, the device will constantly wake him up. And it will turn out like in one of the previous epigraphs: don’t sleep, and you won’t snore. In addition, if two people sleep in a bed and both snore, then the bracelet can also detect the neighbor’s snoring. Here you have a guilt-free patient! One will snore, and the other will wake up from electric shocks.

For moderate or severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, the bracelet is absolutely ineffective

Anti-snoring clips

The advertisement claims that if you place the Anti-Snoring Clip in your nose, you will stop snoring. Allegedly, it stimulates special active points in the nose that “turn off” snoring. And if it is magnetic, then it has additional advantages: in a way unknown to science, it helps saturate the blood with oxygen, eliminates apnea and almost opens the chakras.

Unfortunately, anti-snoring clips don't work and are designed solely to fill someone's wallet. The most they can do is a placebo effect.

Breathing technique for falling asleep quickly or how to fall asleep in 60 seconds?

At first, it is best to practice while sitting. When you master this breathing technique well, you will be able to perform it lying down, standing, and even while walking.

  • Sit so that your back is straight and your feet touch the floor.
  • Place the tip of your tongue on the tubercle of the upper palate and keep it there throughout the practice.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, completely emptying your lungs of air, maintaining the position of your tongue on the upper palate.
  • Take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 counts.
  • Then hold your breath for 7 counts.
  • Exhale through your mouth for 8 counts.

This is one breathing cycle, you need to do 4 such cycles in total.

This breathing method can be done anytime and anywhere as it does not take much time and does not require special training or additional equipment.

You can count faster or slower, the main thing is to maintain the proportion 4-7-8.

For the first month of training, we recommend doing this exercise 2 times a day, no more than four breathing cycles. Then you can increase to 8 cycles.

Regular practice will help improve digestion, normalize blood pressure, relieve anxiety and even stop a panic attack.

Positional treatment

Positional treatment includes three main points.

Choosing the right pillow

The pillow should not be too low - in this situation, when the person sleeps on his back, the head falls back, the tongue sinks, and the person’s snoring becomes more severe. At the same time, the pillow should not be too high: then the neck is in an unnaturally curved position, which, again, can aggravate snoring.

Ideally, it is advisable to use an anatomical contour pillow with a thickening under the neck. It provides the most physiological parallel position of the head in relation to the body. It takes a few days to get used to this type of pillow. At first it may not even seem very comfortable, but after a short time sleeping on it will become comfortable.

Ensuring an elevated head position

You can raise the headboard using a low (10–15 cm) stand installed under the legs of the bed at the head end. In this case, the entire bed is slightly tilted. Or only the head of the bed is raised (functional bed). In this situation, even in a supine position, the tongue sinks less. In addition, the fluid is redistributed to the underlying parts of the body, swelling of the nasopharynx decreases and its lumen increases.

With very severe sleep apnea, patients can sometimes only sleep while sitting. In this sense, the “toilet symptom” is interesting, when the patient goes to the toilet, sits on the toilet and falls asleep. In this position, he can sleep for several tens of minutes. When he wakes up, he feels that he slept better than in his bed - except, of course, for the pain in his back and numb legs.

Interestingly, sitting sleep, despite its unexpectedly high quality, can be dangerous for such patients. They sit down and fall asleep on the edge of the bed or on the toilet in the same toilet, and then fall, often face first, receiving serious injuries.

Sleeping on your side

Quite often, snoring occurs or gets worse when lying on your back. The same applies to sleep apnea. In such cases, you should sleep on your side.

When a person is used to sleeping on his back, even if he overcomes himself and falls asleep on his side, at night he still takes his usual body position. To avoid this, sew a pocket to the back of your pajamas (in the area between the shoulder blades). At night, place some hard object there - for example, a children's block or a tennis ball. You simply won’t be able to lie comfortably on your back and end up sleeping in the correct position. In the West, people often use special “backpacks” or belts that they put on before going to bed (Fig. 12).

4-7-8 breathing: benefits

This breathing practice can be used not only before bed, but also in moments of nervous tension and stressful situations. When we are anxious or scared, our breathing quickens, causing the level of adrenaline in our blood to increase. Holding your breath and exhaling slowly slows your heart rate, so 4-7-8 breathing works as a sedative.

During practice, all attention is directed to the process of breathing and counting; this calms the central nervous system and normalizes the pulse, as a result of which the feeling of anxiety decreases and clarity of thought occurs.

This breathing technique helps curb your appetite and improve digestion. So, if you have a goal to lose weight, be sure to include this breathing technique in your daily workouts.

Tangible results of practice are noticeable after 3-5 weeks.

How to put a baby to sleep

If you have ruled out the possibility that the baby is hungry, has wet diapers, or is in pain, then we proceed to selecting the best means for falling asleep:

  1. As already mentioned, an important aspect is maintaining a daily routine . It is necessary to prepare for bed, if possible, at the same time.
  2. During the first month, you should introduce your baby to the times of day - day and night. During the day it should be light in your apartment, you should not communicate in a whisper, but, as you understand, you should not shout either. Some pleasant music or a film can be an accompanying sound background. At night, on the contrary, darkness and silence prevail.
  3. If there is a need to feed or change a diaper, then it is better to do this using a dim night light so as not to interrupt sleep.
  4. Excessive nervous excitement (active games, loud noises, lots of attention from grandparents) a few hours before bedtime will also not work in your favor. The same will apply to older children.
  5. Equally important is an adequate feeding rhythm. Every adult knows that sleep after eating is especially pleasant. According to WHO, a child during the first 3-4 weeks of life should be fed on demand. However, starting from the end of the first month of life, you must get used to the feeding schedule and the interval between them. Thus, in the second month of life, infants need to be fed 6 times a day, maintaining a 3.5 hour interval between feedings. Night feedings are not counted. And starting from 6 months, you can switch to 5 feedings a day, observing 4-hour intervals. If your baby does not wake up on his own at night to eat, this does not mean that he needs to be woken up and forcibly given breastfeeding or formula. This means that your baby does not feel hungry, otherwise he will let you know about it.

There are many methods for putting a child to sleep, the main thing is to choose the right one.

Bedtime methods

So, below are several methods that will help you put your baby to sleep:

  1. White noise . As you understand, while the baby was inside his mother, he was never completely silent. He always heard the beat of her heart, the sound of her voice, all the sounds happening around: the voices of others, the sound of rain, wind, water, music. Therefore, all these quiet, measured sounds will give him a feeling of calm, safety and comfort.
  2. Swaddling . Babies in the first months of life are characterized by spontaneous motor activity in the form of startles, which can cause problems with sleep. To prevent your own hands from being frightened by spontaneous movements and not woken up, you can use regular or special diapers for changing. This will ensure more restful and longer sleep.
  3. Motion sickness . This is also one of the things that simulates intrauterine life, which is so familiar to a child. While it was in your stomach, all your movements, travel in transport, and playing sports were a kind of motion sickness, which allowed you to sleep sweetly and enjoy life. Therefore, after birth, taking him in your arms and carrying him for up to half an hour, you will create that very favorable environment for sleep. You can also rock your baby in a playpen, stroller or rocking chair. If you are willing to spend a little money, there are special rocking centers that make life easier for parents. But this is not always the easiest way to help your baby sleep. For mom this is quite hard physical work. Therefore, if you want to put your baby to sleep without motion sickness, in order to make your life easier, it is better to teach him to fall asleep without them.
  4. Diaper with mom's scent. For the baby, mother, her smell and voice are a feeling of safety and comfort. Therefore, if you sleep on a diaper, and then the baby is covered with it, or you just put it next to him, this will help him fall asleep.

  5. Ritual . Come up with something for yourself and your little one to do before bed (no more than 30 minutes). It should be something relaxing and calming. For example, turn on quiet, calm music so that the child quickly falls asleep. Sing him lullabies or use gentle strokes. In a few days you will understand for yourself what is right for you and your baby.
  6. Sling . In other words, this is a fabric that allows you to fix the baby to the mother’s body and ensure maximum contact. At this time, the mother can go about her business with her hands free, and the baby can sleep carefree.
  7. Using a pacifier . The sucking reflex appears in the womb when the baby begins to suck his thumb. It's no secret that this helps your child fall asleep.
  8. Deception . Place your baby next to you, hug him, close your eyes and try to breathe slowly and steadily. By pretending to be asleep, you will signal that it is time for him to rest too.
  9. Be observant . Just watch the baby, he will always give a signal that he is ready to sleep. Children begin to yawn, rub their faces and eyes with their hands, become less active and lose interest in surrounding things and events. Catch the right moment and go to bed.

The dangers of lack of sleep

Each of us wants to be healthy and stay young as long as possible. But not everyone understands that this requires quality sleep. And sleep at night, because only in sleep and only in the dark is the necessary portion of melatonin produced.

Many people would be happy to go to bed early, but they can’t; their active brain doesn’t allow them to fall asleep, replaying the events of the past day, meetings, conversations before their eyes... Breathing according to the 4-7-8 pattern will help you quickly calm your mind, relax and fall asleep effortlessly.

Lack of sleep can lead to:

  • Failure in all organs and systems
  • CNS depression
  • Paranoia
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Deterioration of brain function and memory
  • Premature aging
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Dementia

If you have trouble falling asleep, be sure to try the 4-7-8 breathing technique according to Dr. Andrew Weiss.

A little about the causes and consequences of dream disorder

Doctors teach us to perceive sleep as a way to replenish the body's reserves after a busy day of work. Health, youth, and life expectancy depend on its quality and duration.

More than half of our planet's population has problems getting a good night's rest, and insomnia troubles every tenth person. The capitalization of society and its technical development often lead to violations of a healthy lifestyle. To achieve professional success, many people sacrifice proper rest for the sake of a business career.

Systematic lack of sleep has a negative impact on appearance. Frightening pallor, swollen eyes, drooping lip folds - all these are signs of chronic lack of sleep.

It's funny, but a sleep-deprived person can give the impression of a drunk person. The patient's behavior after 18 hours of wakefulness is symmetrical to the model of a slightly drunk individual.

Intermittent, short-term sleep impairs creative activity; the individual simply does not find new solutions. Symptoms of fragmented memory impairment reduce the overall quality of professional and personal life.

Medical research has shown that constant lack of sleep creates irreversible processes that lead to increased mortality.

Important! For good health, you need quality, long sleep. When falling asleep, you need to relax, putting aside all your daytime experiences.

The required amount of good sleep reduces nervous tension and stress that arises during the day.

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