Modern approach to the treatment of age-related acne in women
A common cause of acne in women is hormonal disorders associated with ovarian diseases or
pathologies of fetal growth and development
Pathologies of intrauterine growth and fetal development during the fetal period
The perinatal medicine literature includes several potentially conflicting terms and concepts related to
ovulation and conception
All about ovulation. Most Frequently Asked Questions
On what day does ovulation occur? The menstrual cycle lasts on average 28–32 days. No special
Avastin in the treatment of cancer
Avastin solution concentrate for infusion 100 mg/4 ml 4 ml
Avastin is an innovative antitumor drug that has recently appeared in the pharmacy assortment. The drug is in demand in
Read reviews from mothers about the drug Espumisan Baby for newborns
Espumisan baby: instructions for use for newborns
In the first months of life, the child often suffers from intestinal colic. Unfortunately, the pain and
How do the warning signs of labor appear?
Precursors of childbirth in primiparous and secondparous women
Pregnancy is a period that lasts from the moment of conception of a child until its birth. Average
Iron deficiency and disorders of neuropsychic and motor development
Iron deficiency anemia in children is one of the types of anemia characterized by iron deficiency,
baby's stool color
The color of a child’s stool: normal and abnormal. When to worry
When a child’s temperature rises, a runny nose and cough begin, parents understand that most likely
constipation during pregnancy what to do
Constipation in a pregnant woman: treatment and prevention
Difficulty defecating is a very common problem during pregnancy. Constipation in pregnant women occurs due to
The first weeks of pregnancy - 1,2,3,4 weeks of pregnancy: what happens, the development of pregnancy and the fetus
According to established medical practice, the gynecologist determines the timing of pregnancy, starting from the first day of your last
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