How do pregnant women's waters break before childbirth?
How your water breaks: everything you need to know about it
Movies often depict how the pregnant heroine suddenly bursts out with amniotic fluid. After
Sedatives must be prescribed by a doctor
What anti-anxiety medications are there and how do they work?
People suffering from alcohol and drug addiction are unable to withstand stress. Along with physiological characteristics
Cost of the drug in Russia and Ukraine
Lactovit Forte – description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
Write a review Reviews: 0 Manufacturers: Mili Healthcare Active ingredients Lactobacillus acidophilus Disease class Other
How stretch marks appear on the buttocks and how to get rid of them
Stretch marks or stretch marks are characteristic small scars that can appear in various areas
Gingival groove
Restoration or enlargement of the attached gum area using vestibuloplasty according to Kazanjian in the distal parts of the lower jaw after autotransplantation
Sometimes dentists jokingly say that they can diagnose any patient before he
Gestational diabetes increases the baby's risk of diabetes
Cough during pregnancy: causes, consequences, treatment and prevention
What are the dangers of colds and flu in pregnant women? Respiratory infections pose two threats. Firstly, they
dental gel Dentinox
Instructions for use Dentinox gel
Dentinox is a German drug produced in the form of a gel and solution for topical use. Sphere
Colposcopy of the cervix with biopsy: answers to questions from readers
The biopsy procedure is performed on the patient only after passing a certain list of tests, a referral for which is issued
Changes in chromosome structure
The male Y chromosome affects not only the functioning of the genital organs. We talk about the opening
Types of aneuploidy Autosomal Changes in the number of autosomes occur in different pairs of chromosomes. Most common
On the issue of diagnosing herpetic infection in pregnant women
Primary infection with herpes during pregnancy The most dangerous thing for the fetus is the primary infection of a woman
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