Brucellosis: what it is, how brucellosis manifests itself in people (photos), causes, symptoms and treatment
General information Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection, that is, an infection transmitted from animals to people. For
Causes of serous lactation mastitis
Mastitis, lactostasis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
The symptoms and treatment of mastitis are inextricably linked. Timely identification of signs will allow you to quickly determine
Diaper dermatitis
Diaper dermatitis in children: how can we cope with it?
General information Diaper dermatitis (syn. diaper dermatitis, diaper rash in newborns, diaper rash) in pediatric practice
Angiomyolipoma of the kidney - diagnosis
Angiomyolipoma: targeted drugs vs surgical skill
Renal angiomyolipoma (also known as hamartoma) is a benign tumor of the kidney. Women get sick more often
Medicinal (vasomotor) rhinitis or drug runny nose. Treatment
Vasomotor rhinitis belongs to the category of chronic diseases of the nasal cavity. This is a chronic runny nose of a non-infectious nature.
neutrophil leukocytes in cytology
Microscopic (bacterioscopic) examination of a smear (Bacterioscopic examination of different smears (vaginal, cervical, urethral, ​​sputum, etc.)
Diphtheria Whooping cough Colpitis Thrush Fungus 34426 November 03 IMPORTANT! Information from this section cannot be
What are hereditary diseases and how to deal with them?
August 6, 2021 2729 Prevention Genes are the basis of heredity. Sections of DNA are inherited from parents
Diet 3: indications, food table and menu examples
Diet No. 3 is a special nutrition program developed by the famous Soviet scientist, gastroenterologist-nutritionist Manuil Pevzner. Such
What does madder look like?
Madder root: methods of use, medicinal properties and contraindications
The herbaceous perennial from the Madder family has several popular names - marina, marzana, crapp
Varicella (chickenpox) - symptoms and treatment
How chickenpox begins in children - the first signs and symptoms in the initial stage (photo)
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