Dandelion root: unique healing properties and methods of use
Dandelion is a fairly common plant that has a wide growing area. It is unpretentious to the climate and
Pyelonephritis in children
Pyelonephritis in children: classification, course, diagnosis and treatment
General information about the disease Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys of a bacterial nature. Almost everyone is susceptible to this disease
Fernando Rixen Lou Gehrig's disease
When the muscles stop obeying. What is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
When the muscles stop obeying. What is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? Despite the rapid development of medical
Arterial hypertension increases the risk of hypoxia
Signs of fetal hypoxia, detection and treatment tactics during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the mother's body provides everything necessary for the baby growing inside her. From the circulatory
Urinalysis: interpretation and normal values
Cystitis is a common inflammatory disease of the bladder among the adult population, especially in women. Spicy
urine test according to Zimnitsky
Preparing the patient for a general urinalysis and urine analysis according to Zimnichsky
Zimnitsky's test is a basic urine test that provides information about the condition of the kidneys. During
Swine flu is an acute, highly contagious infectious disease
General information In the structure of the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, which account for about 90% of all
Brown discharge after menstruation
Why may brown discharge appear after menstruation?
Menstruation is the main indicator of the health of the female reproductive system. Cyclicity, color, volume and consistency of discharge
Water Pepper Extract
How to take water pepper tincture - indications, methods of use, contraindications and reviews
Composition, form An extract is considered to be an extract from medicinal raw materials containing useful substances in high concentrations
Should you drink milk: a nutritionist on the benefits and dangers of your favorite product
About goat milk Dairy products occupy a significant place in the human diet. They
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