Breastfeeding: feeding regimen and possible complications
Mother's milk is the best food for a baby. Milk of animal origin, milk mixtures, powder
tea with oregano
Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications
Photo: UGC Oregano is known to many as oregano. This plant is famous for its medicinal properties.
Outpatient treatment
Uterine tone during pregnancy: signs, diagnosis, treatment
The walls of the uterus are muscle tissue, which, like other muscles in the body, can be
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Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - what the body needs, benefits and harm
Pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, is one of the water-soluble vitamins. Its arrival comes from
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Insomnia (insomnia) is a widespread pathological condition, affecting, according to published epidemiological data, 9-15% of adults.
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Instructions for use BLEMAREN tab. fizzy
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The use of this drug allows you to dissolve and prevent the formation of uric acid stones, with
Effective ointments for bruises for adults and children: description, where to buy
Effective ointments for bruises for adults and children: description, where to buy
Ointments for bruises and other injuries not only eliminate pain, but also counteract
A small educational program on mental health issues
In modern society, people are too busy with personal complexes and constant attempts to prove their success,
All about marsh cinquefoil. Beneficial features. How to use. Contraindications. Treatment recipes
The swamp is fraught with many natural resources, one of which is unique medicinal plants.
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