When it comes to proper and healthy food, vegetables are usually the first to come to mind.
The human lungs consist of lobes, which, in turn, consist of segments: individual sections
Vaginal candidiasis (better known by its popular name - thrush) is a disease with which
Albinism is a rare genetic disorder. A genetic mutation is manifested by the absence of coloring pigment in skin cells,
The level of blood pressure (BP) in a person is determined by two indicators - the upper and lower
This program can be prescribed only after consultation with a neurologist. Depends on the functioning of the brain
Surely, each of us at least once in our lives has encountered “strange” pain in the forearms
Chlorine belongs to the biogenic elements of the halogen group and is present in the form of compounds in all
Quickly and correctly provided first aid for bleeding is the key to a successful recovery of the victim. Algorithm
Wormwood was once very popular, especially among artists, who chose it as their favorite drink