The mobile Internet audience is growing rapidly: 66 million Russian users use it along with desktop,
09/23/2019 197240 0 Any mother wants her baby to grow up healthy. Therefore breastfeeding
Infectious diseases are a group of diseases caused by the penetration of pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms into the body. For
Skin diseases are accompanied not only by pain and severe discomfort, but also by the risk of developing
A progressive disease, alcoholism is a serious social problem that undermines the functioning of modern society and poses a threat
From the moment the baby is born, parents worry about its full development and health. A
Blood vessels are the most important component of the human body. They ensure continuous movement of blood from
Breast lipoma is a fatty formation, which is why it is often called a wen. This is a benign tumor
If you've been feeling like your sweat smells like urine lately, go with an unusual
Salmon This nutritious fish is rich in several B vitamins. A 100-gram serving of cooked salmon contains