Bipolar affective disorder (BID) is a mental disorder characterized by alternating periods of manic and
Pharmacological action Glycine is a substance that is a non-essential amino acid. Under her influence they become more
Nosological classification (ICD-10) J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [runny nose] J01 Acute sinusitis J03.9 Acute tonsillitis, unspecified
General information A characteristic feature of the disease is metabolic disorders in skeletal muscle tissue. Muscles
Ursodez Ursodez is a medicinal product, a hepatoprotector with choleretic and cholelitholytic effects.
Elbow pain is a fairly common phenomenon that many clinic patients complain about. She
Historical information The history of the antipellagric vitamin is perhaps one of the most fascinating and complex. Also in
Pharmacological properties of the drug Berlipril Pharmacodynamics. Enalapril maleate is a salt of maleic acid and enalapril. Hydrolysis
Instructions for use FEMOSTON® 1/10 (FEMOSTON® 1/10) Before prescribing or resuming HRT, you must collect
Home Useful information Analyzes and examinations Laboratory diagnostics: main types of tests Laboratory tests give