What is vaginismus (“capture of the uterus”, “clamping”)? Let us tell you what are the reasons for pinching the penis by vaginal
Pharmacological properties of the drug Novinet Novinet is a combined hormonal contraceptive drug for systemic use, action
Composition Film-coated tablets, 1 tablet contains active ingredients: alpha-keto analogue of isoleucine
Pharmacological properties of the drug Finasteride Synthetic 4-azasteroid compound, a specific inhibitor of 5-α-reductase, an intracellular enzyme that converts testosterone
Description of the drug ACC is available in several dosage forms: effervescent tablets with a dosage of 100 and
Method of administration and dosage: Orally (without chewing), washed down with water, before meals or during
Polycythemia vera (PV) is a clonal myeloproliferative disease of a chronic nature with a relatively benign course, affecting
Description of the drug HEPARIN Direct-acting anticoagulant, belongs to the group of medium molecular heparins. In plasma
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics This drug is a combined antispasmodic analgesic, with an effect due to its constituents
Amoxicillin Antacids, glucose, laxatives, food, aminoglycosides slow down and reduce absorption, ascorbic acid