Cavinton district d/in. 5 mg/ml in amp. 2ml per pack. No. 5x2 (vinpocetine)

pharmachologic effect

Cavinton tablets - what are they for? The main active ingredient is vinpocetine . Belongs to the group of cerebrovasodilating agents. The drug improves cerebral metabolism, cerebral circulation, and rheological properties of blood. Cavinton has a cerebroprotective effect, significantly reduces the severity of the damaging effects of amino acids , and inhibits the activity of transmembrane calcium and sodium channels, AMPA and NMDA receptors. The drug Cavinton has a potentiating effect on the neuroprotective effect of adenosine . Vinpocetine increases absorption, improves absorption, metabolism of oxygen and glucose in the brain. The drug is able to shift glucose metabolism to a more beneficial energetic aerobic direction. Stimulates the cerebral metabolism of serotonin and norepinephrine , has an antioxidant, stimulating effect on the noradrenergic system.

Cavinton solution for injection 5 mg/ml in ampoules 5 ml No. 5x2


Cavinton solution d/i 5mg/ml in amp 5ml in pack No. 5x2


Colorless or slightly greenish, transparent solution.

Main active ingredient


Release form



5mg/ml in amp 10ml

Pharmacodynamic properties

Vinpocetine affects metabolism, blood circulation in the brain, as well as the rheological properties of blood. Vinpocetine exhibits neuroprotective effects: it reduces the harmful effects of cytotoxic reactions caused by stimulating amino acids. Vinpocetine inhibits voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels, as well as NMDA and AMPA receptors, and enhances the neuroprotective effect of adenosine. Vinpocetine stimulates cerebral metabolism: it increases the uptake of glucose and O2 and the consumption of these substances by brain tissue. Vinpocetine increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia; increases the transport of glucose - the exclusive source of energy for the brain - across the blood-brain barrier; shifts glucose metabolism towards the energetically more favorable aerobic pathway; selectively inhibits the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent enzyme cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE); increases the level of cAMP and cGMP in the brain. Vinpocetine increases ATP concentration and ATP/AMP ratio in the brain; enhances the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain; stimulates the ascending noradrenergic system; has antioxidant activity. Vinpocetine improves microcirculation in the brain: inhibits platelet aggregation; reduces pathologically increased blood viscosity; increases the deformability of erythrocytes and inhibits the uptake of adenosine; improves O2 transport in tissues by reducing the affinity of O2 to red blood cells. Vinpocetine selectively increases blood flow in the brain: increases cerebral cardiac output fraction; reduces cerebral vascular resistance without significantly affecting systemic circulation parameters (blood pressure, cardiac output, pulse rate, total peripheral resistance); the drug does not cause a “steal effect”. Moreover, against the background of vinpocetine, blood flow to damaged (but not yet necrotic) ischemic areas with low perfusion improves (“reverse steal effect”).

Pharmacokinetic properties

Distribution: In oral dosing studies in rats, radiolabeled vinpocetine was found in highest concentrations in the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Maximum concentrations in tissues could be detected 2-4 hours after application. The concentration of the radioactive tracer in the brain did not exceed the concentration in the blood. In humans: binding to blood proteins is 66%. The absolute oral bioavailability of vinpocetine is about 7%. The volume of distribution is 246.7 ± 88.5 l, which means pronounced binding of the substance in tissues. The clearance value of vinpocetine (66.7 l/h) exceeds the values ​​in plasma and liver (50 l/h), which indicates extrahepatic metabolism of the compound. Elimination: With repeated oral administration of the drug at a dose of 5 mg and 10 mg, vinpocetine demonstrates linear kinetics, equilibrium plasma concentrations are 1.2 ± 0.27 ng/ml and 2.1 ± 0.33 ng/ml, respectively. The half-life in humans is 4.83±1.29 hours. In studies conducted using a radioactively labeled compound, it was found that the main route of elimination is through the kidneys and intestines in a ratio of 60:40%. Larger amounts of radioactive tracer were found in the bile of rats and dogs, but no significant enterohepatic circulation was observed. Apovinamic acid is excreted through the kidneys by simple glomerular filtration; the half-life of this substance varies depending on the dose and route of administration of vinpocetine. Metabolism: The main metabolite of vinpocetine is apovincamic acid (AVA), which is formed in 25-30% of people. After oral administration, the area under the concentration-time curve of VKA is twice as high as that after intravenous administration of the drug, indicating the formation of VKA in the process of first-pass metabolism of vinpocetine. Other identified metabolites are hydroxyvinpocetine, hydroxy-AVA, dihydroxy-AVA-glycinate and their conjugates with glucuronides and/or sulfates. In any of the species studied, the amount of vinpocetine that was released unchanged was only a few percent of the drug dose taken. An important and significant property of vinpocetine is that there is no need for special selection of the dose of the drug in patients with liver or kidney diseases due to metabolism and the absence of cumulation (accumulation). Changes in pharmacokinetic properties in special circumstances (for example, at a certain age, in the presence of concomitant diseases): Since vinpocetine is indicated for the treatment of predominantly elderly patients who experience changes in drug kinetics - decreased absorption, different distribution and metabolism, decreased excretion - it was necessary to carry out studies to evaluate the kinetics of vinpocetine in this age group, especially with long-term use. The results of such studies have demonstrated that the kinetics of vinpocetine in elderly people does not differ significantly from the kinetics of vinpocetine in young people, and, in addition, there is no accumulation. In patients with impaired liver or kidney function, normal doses of the drug can be used, since vinpocetine does not accumulate in the body of such patients, which allows long-term use.

Directions for use and doses

Method of administration The drug can only be used as a slow intravenous drip infusion! (the infusion rate should not exceed a maximum of 80 drops/minute!) The drug cannot be administered intramuscularly, and the drug cannot be administered intravenously without dilution! Cavinton for injection can be diluted with any type of saline or glucose solution for infusion (for example, Salsol, Ringer, Rindeks, Reomacrodex). The medicine is used immediately after opening the ampoule. The ampoule with the drug is intended for single use only. Remains of the drug must be destroyed. From a microbiological point of view, the solution prepared for intravenous administration should be used immediately. Cavinton for injection is chemically incompatible with heparin, so these two drugs cannot be mixed in the same syringe. Cavinton for injection is also incompatible with infusion solutions containing amino acids; therefore, during infusion therapy, Cavinton should not be administered together with infusion solutions containing amino acids. Dosing. For drip infusion, the initial daily dose is usually 20 mg in 500 ml of solution for infusion. This dose can be increased to 1 mg/kg body weight per day for 2-3 days, depending on the patient's tolerance to the drug. The average duration of therapy is 10-14 days, the usual daily dose is 50 mg/day (50 mg in 500 ml solution for infusion) - based on a body weight of 70 kg. After completing the course of infusion therapy, it is recommended to continue therapy of the patient with the tablet form of the drug according to the scheme: 1 tablet of Cavinton forte or 2 tablets of Cavinton 3 times a day (3 times 10 mg each). Patients with impaired renal and liver function In patients with kidney or liver disease, no special dose adjustment is required. Pediatric population The use of Cavinton for injection in children under 18 years of age is contraindicated (see section “Contraindications”).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of vinpocetine is contraindicated. Pregnancy: Vinpocetine crosses the placenta, but is found in lower concentrations in both the placenta and fetal blood than in maternal blood. Neither teratogenic nor embryotoxic effects were noted. In animal studies, administration of large doses of vinpocetine was associated in some cases with placental hemorrhage and miscarriage, primarily as a result of increased placental blood flow. Breastfeeding period: Vinpocetine is excreted in breast milk. In studies using labeled vinpocetine, the radioactivity of breast milk was ten times higher than that in the mother's blood. The amount excreted in milk within 1 hour is 0.25 percent of the administered dose of the drug. Since vinpocetine is excreted in mother's milk, and there is no data on the effect on the newborn, the use of vinpocetine during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Precautionary measures

If the patient has increased intracranial pressure, arrhythmia or long QT syndrome, as well as while using antiarrhythmic drugs, a course of drug therapy can be started only after a thorough analysis of the benefits and risks associated with its use. ECG monitoring is recommended in the presence of long QT syndrome or while taking a drug that prolongs the QT interval. Excipients Due to the fact that the drug contains a small amount of sorbitol (160 mg/2 ml), it is necessary to monitor blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus during the course of therapy. If the patient has fructose intolerance, treatment with the drug should not be carried out. Benzyl alcohol can cause toxic and anaphylactoid reactions. Sodium metabisulfite can in rare cases cause severe hypersensitivity reactions and bronchospasm.

Interaction with other drugs

During clinical studies, when vinpocetine was used concomitantly with beta-blockers such as cloranolol and pindolol, as well as when used concomitantly with clopamide, glibenclamide, digoxin, acenocoumarol or hydrochlorothiazide, no interaction between these drugs was identified. In rare cases, some additive effect has been observed with the concomitant use of alpha-methyldopa and vinpocetine, so regular monitoring of blood pressure is necessary while using this combination. Although data from clinical studies have not confirmed an interaction, caution is recommended in the case of simultaneous use of vinpocetine with drugs that affect the central nervous system, as well as in the case of concomitant antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant therapy. Cavinton for injection is chemically incompatible with heparin, so these two drugs cannot be mixed in the same syringe. However, the concomitant use of anticoagulants is allowed (without mixing in one syringe or solution). Cavinton for injection is also incompatible with infusion solutions containing amino acids; therefore, during infusion therapy, Cavinton should not be administered together with infusion solutions containing amino acids.


Acute phase of hemorrhagic cerebral stroke, severe ischemic heart disease, severe forms of arrhythmia. Pregnancy, lactation. Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in the section “List of excipients”. The use of the drug in children under 18 years of age is contraindicated (due to the lack of data from relevant clinical studies).


1 ml of injection solution contains 5 mg of vinpocetine. Excipients with a known effect: 1 ml of injection solution contains 80 mg of sorbitol, 10 mg of benzyl alcohol and 1 mg of sodium metabisulfite. A complete list of excipients is presented in the “List of excipients” section.


There were no cases of overdose. Based on the literature data, administration of the drug at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight can be considered safe. Since there is no data on the use of the drug in doses exceeding this dose, administration of the drug in higher doses is not allowed.

Side effect

Adverse reactions are listed below by organ system class and frequency of occurrence according to MedDRA terminology: Organ system class (MedDRA) Uncommon (? 1/1000 -

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures from +15 °C to +25 °C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Cavinton selectively improves cerebral circulation: increases the cerebral fraction of minute blood volume, reduces the resistance of the blood vessels of the brain, without affecting the general blood circulation (heart rate, minute volume, blood pressure, peripheral vascular resistance). The drug does not cause steal syndrome. It improves blood supply to the ischemic but viable area of ​​the brain, causing the phenomenon of “reverse steal”. Increases the resistance of brain cells to hypoxia , improves microcirculation, reduces platelet aggregation, resists pathologically high blood viscosity, increases the deformability of erythrocytes, and has a blocking effect on the absorption of adenosine by erythrocytes .

The tablets are absorbed within an hour. It is not metabolized in the intestine. It is excreted in feces and urine in a ratio of 2 to 3.

The concentration of the solution for infusion is therapeutic in plasma in the range of 10-20 ng/ml. It is excreted via the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys in a ratio of 2 to 3.

Cavinton 2mg No. 10 ampoules

Cavinton®( CAVINTON® )

Cavinton-Forte® ( CAVINTON - FORTE ®)


Tablets – Cavinton 5 mg

: 5.0 mg vinpocetine per tablet.

Cavinton Forte

: 10.0 mg vinpocetine per tablet.

Solution - 1 ml of solution for injection contains 5 mg of vinpocetine

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Psychostimulants, inotropic substances.

Pharmacological properties


Vinpocetine is a compound with a complex mechanism of action that has a beneficial effect on brain metabolism and improves blood supply, as well as improves the rheological properties of the blood.

Vinpocetine exhibits neuroprotective effects: the drug weakens the harmful effects of cytotoxic reactions caused by stimulating amino acids. The drug inhibits voltage-gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels, as well as NMDA and AMPA receptors. The drug enhances the neuroprotective effect of adenosine.

Vinpocetine stimulates cerebral metabolism: the drug increases the uptake of glucose and O2 and the consumption of these substances by brain tissue. The drug increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia; increases the transport of glucose - an exceptional source of energy for the brain - across the blood-brain barrier; shifts glucose metabolism towards an energetically more favorable aerobic pathway; selectively inhibits the Ca-calmodulin-dependent enzyme cGMP-phosphodiesgerase (PDE); increases the level of cAMP and cGMP in the brain. The drug increases the concentration of ATP and the ATP/AMP ratio; increases the turnover of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain; stimulates the ascending noradrenergic system; has antioxidant activity; As a result of all of the above effects, vinpocetine has a cerebroprotective effect.

Vinpocetine improves microcirculation in the brain: the drug inhibits platelet aggregation; reduces pathologically increased blood viscosity; increases the deformability of red blood cells and inhibits the uptake of adenosine; improves O2 transport in tissues by reducing the affinity of O2 to red blood cells.

Vinpocetine selectively increases blood flow in the brain: the drug increases the cerebral fraction of cardiac output; reduces vascular resistance in the brain without affecting the parameters of systemic circulation (blood pressure, cardiac output, pulse rate, total peripheral resistance); the drug does not cause a “stealing effect”. Moreover, the drug improves blood flow to damaged (but not yet necrotic) ischemic areas with low perfusion (“reverse steal effect”).


The absolute oral bioavailability of vinpocetine is 7%. Blood protein binding is 66%. With repeated oral administration of the drug at a dose of 5 mg and 10 mg, vinpocetine demonstrates linear kinetics .

The half-life in humans is 83±1.29 hours. Apovinamic acid is excreted through the kidneys by simple glomerular filtration; the half-life of this substance varies depending on the dose and method of administration of vinpocetine. The main metabolite of vinpocetine is apovincamine acid (AVA), which is formed in 25-30% of people.

An important and significant property of vinpocetine is the absence of the need for special selection of the dose of the drug in patients with liver or kidney diseases due to the metabolism of the drug and the lack of accumulation (accumulation). In patients with kidney or liver disease, no special dose adjustment is required.


Neurology: For the treatment of various forms of cerebrovascular pathology: conditions after a cerebrovascular accident (stroke), vertebrobasilar insufficiency, vascular dementia, cerebral atherosclerosis, post-traumatic and hypertensive encephalopathy. Helps reduce mental and neurological symptoms in cerebrovascular pathology.

Ophthalmology: For the treatment of chronic vascular pathology of the choroid (choroid) and retina (for example, thrombosis, obstruction of the central artery or retinal vein).

Otorhinolaryngology: For the treatment of senile hearing loss in acute vascular pathology, toxic (drug) damage or other origin (idiopathic, due to noise exposure), Meniere's disease and tinnitus.

Directions for use and doses


The usual daily dose is 1 or 2 Cavinton tablets 3 times a day or 1 Cavinton Forte tablet 3 times a day. The tablets should be taken after meals.

Patients with kidney or liver diseases do not require a special dose.


Used only as a slow intravenous drip infusion! (the infusion rate should not exceed a maximum of 80 drops/minute!). For drip infusion, the initial daily dose is usually 20 mg in 500 ml of solution for infusion. This dose can be increased to 1 mg/kg body mass per day for 2-3 days, depending on the patient’s tolerability of the drug.

The average duration of therapy is 10-14 days, the usual daily dose is 50 mg/day (50 mg in 500 ml solution for infusion) - based on a body weight of 70 kg.

Cavinton for injection can be diluted with any type of saline or glucose solution for infusion (for example, Salsol, Ringer, Rindex, Reomacrodex). The infusion solution must be used within 3 hours after preparation.

The use of Cavinton for injection in children is contraindicated!

The drug cannot be administered intramuscularly, and the drug cannot be administered intravenously without dilution!

After completion of the course of infusion therapy, it is recommended to continue therapy of the patient with the tablet form of the drug according to the scheme: 1 tablet of Cavinton forte or 2 tablets of Cavinton 3 times a day (3 times 10 mg each).


· Acute phase of hemorrhagic cerebral stroke, severe ischemic heart disease, severe forms of arrhythmia.

· Pregnancy, lactation.

· Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

· Use of the drug in children is contraindicated (due to the lack of data from relevant clinical studies).

Side effect

Blood and lymphatic system

Rarely occurring:

decrease in the number of leukocytes, decrease in the number of platelets.

Very rare:

anemia, clumping (agglutination) of red blood cells.

From the side of the heart

Rarely occurring:

circulatory failure in the muscle tissue of the heart, pain in the heart area, slow heartbeat, increased heart rate, fast and irregular heartbeat.

Very rarely occurring:

irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), abnormal heart rhythm (atrial fibrillation).

From the side of the hearing organ

Infrequently occurring:

dizziness (feeling of objects spinning around you).

Rarely occurring:

hearing impairment (excessive sensitivity to sounds, or hyperacusis and decreased sensitivity to sounds, or hypoacusis), ringing or tinnitus.

From the side of the organ of vision

Rarely occurring:

changes in the fundus (swelling of the constrictive nerve).

Very rarely occurring:

conjunctival hyperemia.

From the gastrointestinal tract

Infrequently occurring:

feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, dry mouth, nausea.

Rarely occurring:

heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting.

Very rarely occurring:

difficulty swallowing, inflammation of the oral mucosa.

General violations

Rarely occurring:

weakness, malaise, feeling of heat.

Very rarely occurring:

chest discomfort, abnormal decrease in body temperature.

From the immune system

Very rarely occurring:

allergic reaction to the drug (hypersensitivity).

Medical examination results

Infrequently occurring:

decrease in blood pressure.

Rarely occurring:

increased blood pressure, increased triglyceride levels in the blood, changes in the ECG, decreased/increased number of eosinophils in the blood, changes in the activity of liver enzymes.

Very rarely occurring:

decrease/increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, shortening of prothrombin time, increase in body weight.

Nutritional and metabolic disorders

Infrequently occurring:

high cholesterol.

Rarely occurring:

loss of appetite, diabetes.

From the nervous system

Infrequently occurring:


Rarely occurring:

dizziness, changes in taste, mental and physical retardation (stupor), muscle weakness on one side of the body, drowsiness, memory impairment.

Very rarely occurring:

trembling, convulsions.

Mental disorders

Rarely occurring:

insomnia, sleep disturbance, anxiety.

Very rarely occurring:

euphoria (high spirits), depression.

From the skin

Rarely occurring:

redness of the skin, severe sweating, itching, rash, urticaria.

Very rarely occurring:

inflammatory skin lesions (dermatitis).

From the blood vessels

Infrequently occurring:

low blood pressure.

Rarely occurring:

high blood pressure, hot flashes, vein inflammation.

Very rarely occurring:

fluctuations in blood pressure.

Special instructions and precautions for use

If a patient has increased intracranial pressure, arrhythmia or long QT syndrome, as well as the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, a course of drug therapy can be started only after a thorough analysis of the benefits and risks associated with the use of the drug.

ECG monitoring is recommended in the presence of long QT syndrome or while taking a drug that prolongs the QT interval.

Interactions with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

In rare cases, some additional effect was observed with the simultaneous use of alpha-methyldopa and vinpocetine, therefore, regular monitoring of blood pressure is necessary while using this combination of drugs.

It is recommended to exercise caution in the case of simultaneous use of vinpocetine with drugs that affect the central nervous system. also in the case of concomitant antiarrhythmic and anticoagulant therapy.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of vinpocetine is contraindicated.

Impact on the ability to drive a car and operate machinery

There are no data on the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car and operate machinery.


There were no cases of overdose. Administration of the drug at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight can be considered safe. Administration of the drug in higher doses is prohibited.



Cavinton 5 mg:

50 tablets in PVC/aluminum blisters, placed in a cardboard box.

Cavinton Forte:

30 or 90 tablets in colorless, transparent PVC/aluminum blisters, placed in a cardboard box.

Solution for injection 5 mg/ml.

2 ml, 5 ml or 10 ml of the drug in brown glass ampoules of hydrolytic class I with a white breaking point. 5 ampoules in a plastic tray.

2 ml and 5 ml: 2 plastic trays in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

10 ml: 1 plastic tray in a cardboard box with instructions for use.

Indications for use

What is the medicine Cavinton for? The purpose of the drug is extensive. Indications for the use of Cavinton in injections (droppers) and in tablets are general.

  • Neurology: transient ischemia , vascular dementia , progressive stroke , cerebral vascular atherosclerosis vertebrobasilar insufficiency , post-stroke condition, hypertensive, post-traumatic encephalopathy and other types of cerebral circulatory insufficiency. Neurological, mental disorders in patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency ( aphasia , memory impairment, apraxia, headaches, movement disorders).
  • Ophthalmology: vascular lesions of the eyes (angiospasm of the retina and choroid, atherosclerosis, degenerative diseases, secondary glaucoma , thrombosis, embolism ).
  • Otorhinolaryngology: hearing loss of age-related, toxic and vascular origin, cochleovestibular neuritis , Meniere's disease , dizziness, tinnitus, vasovegetative manifestations in the menopause.

Side effects of the drug Cavinton solution for infusion

from the heart (0.9%): depression of the ST and prolongation of the P–Q , tachycardia, extrasystole. The connection of these disorders with the use of the drug is questionable due to their spontaneous occurrence; from the vascular system (2.5%): slight changes in blood pressure, mainly in the direction of its decrease; skin hyperemia, phlebitis; from the central nervous system (0.9%): sleep disturbance (insomnia, drowsiness), dizziness, headache, weakness, increased sweating may occur during use of the drug, but more often they are symptoms of the underlying disease; from the gastrointestinal tract (0.6%): dry mouth, nausea, heartburn; on the skin: in isolated cases, allergic symptoms were noted.

Instructions for use of Cavinton (Method and dosage)

Cavinton tablets, instructions for use

The course of drug treatment is on average 3 months (acceptable from 1 to 8). Cavinton is taken after meals, 1 tablet three times a day. When discontinuing the drug, the dose must be reduced gradually over 3 days.

Instructions for using Cavinton in ampoules

Cavinton's solution is administered intravenously via a drip at a dose of 20 mg per 500 ml of saline. solution per day. Intramuscular injections are prohibited. The infusion solution must be used within 3 hours of preparation. The maximum dripping speed is 80 drops per minute.

Application of the drug Cavinton solution for infusion

It is administered only intravenously by drip, slowly (maximum infusion rate - 80 drops per 1 min), intravenous jet or intramuscular administration is not allowed. The initial daily dose for adults is 20 mg (contents of 2 ampoules) diluted in 500 ml of infusion solution. Depending on tolerability, the dose can be increased to 1 mg/kg/day over 2–3 days. The course of treatment lasts on average 10–14 days, the usual daily dose for a patient weighing 70 kg is 50 mg (the contents of 5 ampoules are diluted in 500 ml of infusion solution). For infusion, you can use all solutions containing isotonic sodium chloride solution or glucose. Due to Cavinton's lack of hepato- and nephrotoxic effects, there is no need for dosage adjustment in patients with kidney or liver disease. After completing the course of infusion therapy, it is recommended to continue treatment with the oral form of the drug - 2 tablets (10 mg) 3 times a day.

special instructions

Cavinton does not have nephro- and hepatotoxic effects. In patients with lactose intolerance, it is necessary to take into account that 1 tablet contains 83 mg of lactose. In patients with diabetes mellitus, parenteral administration of the drug requires control of blood glucose (the solution contains sorbitol , with intravenous administration it increases the risk of developing arrhythmia and ventricular fibrillation). In case of cerebral hemorrhagic stroke, the drug can be administered parenterally only after the acute effects have subsided (after 5-7 days). The drug is not recommended for use in pediatrics.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Cavinton solution for infusion

Cavinton has a complex mechanism of action, exerting a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation and cerebral metabolism, as well as on the rheological properties of blood. The neuroprotective effect of Cavinton is due to the following mechanisms:

  • reducing the severity of cytotoxic reactions caused by stimulating amino acids;
  • inhibition of the functional activity of both cellular transmembrane sodium and calcium channels, and NMDA and AMPA receptors;
  • potentiation of the neuroprotective effect of adenosine;
  • stimulation of cerebral metabolism, increased absorption and assimilation of glucose and oxygen by cells;
  • increasing the resistance of neurons to hypoxia: stimulating the transport of glucose, a universal source of energy for brain cells across the BBB;
  • shifting glucose metabolism towards an energetically more favorable aerobic direction;
  • selective inhibition of Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent cGMP phosphodiesterase, increasing the concentration of cAMP and cGMP in brain tissue, as well as the concentration of ATP and the ATP/AMP ratio;
  • stimulation of cerebral metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin, ascending noradrenergic system;
  • has an antioxidant effect.

These mechanisms of action provide the cerebroprotective effect of Cavinton. Cavinton improves microcirculation in brain tissue by blocking platelet aggregation; reducing increased blood viscosity; increasing the ability of red blood cells to deform and inhibiting their absorption of adenosine; promoting interstitial oxygen transport by reducing the affinity of red blood cells for it. Cavinton selectively increases cerebral blood flow:

  • increases the brain fraction of IOC;
  • reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels without significantly affecting the parameters of general blood flow, has virtually no effect on blood pressure, blood flow, heart rate and peripheral vascular resistance;
  • does not cause the “steal” phenomenon; on the contrary, its use primarily increases the blood supply to the ischemic but still viable area of ​​the brain with a low level of perfusion - the “reverse steal” phenomenon.

Pharmacokinetics. When administered parenterally, the volume of distribution is 5.3 l/kg body weight. The half-life is 4.7 hours.

Cavinton's analogues

Level 4 ATX code matches:











Cavinton Forte

Calcium hopantenate

Glutamic acid







Similar drugs are:

  • Vinpocetine
  • Vicebrol
  • Neurovin
  • Oxopotin

The price of Cavinton's analogues is often less. For example, a medicine whose name comes from the main active ingredient is significantly cheaper.

Which is better Cavinton or Vinpocetine?

The drugs are absolutely identical. However, Cavinton is considered to be safer than Vinpocetine due to better alkaloid clearance.

Which is better Cavinton or Piracetam?

Piracetam has a slightly different purpose and is often used in combination with Cavinton to treat problems associated with circulatory and metabolic disorders.

Reviews about Cavinton

Reviews from patients

In general, opinions were divided. Those who have taken the drug say that it helps, but there are statements that no effect was noticed. The advantage is the low price. Side effects have been observed.

Reviews about Cavinton for children

It is important to remember that the drug is contraindicated for children. However, doctors still run the risk of prescribing this medicine. Reviews from parents indicate that when children use the medication, side effects occur, such as irritability and insomnia.

Cavinton price, where to buy

The price of Cavinton in 5 mg tablets is about 150 rubles per pack of 50 pieces.

The price of Cavinton ampoules is about 300 rubles for 10 pieces of 10 mg/2 ml, and 400 rubles for 10 pieces of 25 mg/5 ml.

In Kharkov you can buy tablets at a price of 200 UAH. Ampoules 10 mg/2 ml No. 10 - for about 300 UAH.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Cavinton Forte tablets 10 mg 90 pcs. Gedeon Richter-RUS ZAO
    313 rub. order
  • Cavinton conc. for prig solution for inf. 5mg/ml 5ml 10 pcs. JSC Gedeon Richter

    RUB 323 order

  • Cavinton tablets 5 mg 50 pcs. Gedeon Richter-RUS ZAO

    107 RUR order

  • Cavinton Forte tablets 10 mg 30 pcs. Gedeon Richter-RUS ZAO

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  • Cavinton conc. for prig solution for inf. 5mg/ml 2ml 10 pcs. JSC Gedeon Richter

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Cavinton (amp. 5 ml No. 10)Gedeon-Richter

    RUB 310 order

  • Cavinton (5 mg tablet No. 50)Gedeon-Richter-RUS - JSC

    109 rub. order

  • Cavinton (table 5 mg No. 50) Gedeon-Richter-RUS ZAO

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  • Cavinton Comforte (table dispenser 10 mg No. 90)Gedeon-Richter

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  • Cavinton Forte (tab. 10 mg No. 90)Gedeon-Richter-RUS ZAO/Gedeon-Richter

    RUB 337 order

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  • Cavinton 5 mg No. 50 tablets VAT "Gedeon Richter", Ugorshchina
    166 UAH. order
  • Cavinton forte 10 mg No. 30 tablets VAT "Gedeon Richter", Ugorshchina

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  • Cavinton forte 10 mg No. 90 tablets VAT "Gedeon Richter", Ugorshchina

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  • Cavinton 10 mg 2 ml No. 10 con, Ugorshchina

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  • Cavinton tablets Cavinton tablets. 5mg No. 50 Hungary, Gedeon Richter

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  • Cavinton forte tablets Cavinton forte tablets. 10 mg No. 30 Hungary, Gedeon Richter

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  • Cavinton ampoule Cavinton concentrate for solution for infusion 10 mg ampoules 2 ml No. 10 Hungary, Gedeon Richter

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  • Cavinton forte tablets Cavinton forte tablets. 10 mg No. 90 Hungary, Gedeon Richter

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