Blueberry forte - an exotic vitamin in our garden

Pharmacological properties

This complex of vitamins for visual health contains blueberry anthocyanins, thanks to which, as well as the vitamins and zinc included in the composition, the drug is able to improve the functional state of the visual analyzer. It increases visual acuity, activates metabolic processes, as well as microcirculation in tissues, and strengthens the walls of eye vessels.

Regular use of Blueberry Forte helps improve twilight vision adaptation, quickly reduces eye fatigue during prolonged visual stress, reduces the risk of intraocular hemorrhages, and normalizes intraocular pressure.


Microcrystalline cellulose (carrier), zinc lactate, ascorbic acid; Film coating components (food additives): hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (thickener), polyethylene glycol (glazing agent), titanium dioxide, carmine and iron oxide (dyes); rutin, blueberry extract, vegetable calcium stearate and amorphous silicon dioxide (anti-caking agents), pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, thiamine hydrochloride.

Indications for use

Biologically active substances of blueberries (anthocyanins, organic acids, carotenes, pectin substances, microelements), acting in combination with B vitamins, vitamin C, rutin and zinc:

  • help relieve eye strain and preserve vision;
  • protect eyes from fatigue and irritation;
  • help improve adaptation of vision in the dark and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, including the vessels of the fundus;
  • have a positive effect on the functional state of the visual organs associated with a deficiency of vitamins and microelements.


Individual intolerance to components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
Before use, you should consult your doctor.

Directions for use and doses

  • Adults and children over 14 years old: 2 tablets 2 times a day with meals.
  • Children from 7 to 14 years old: 3 tablets per day.
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Duration of treatment is 2-4 months. A 10-day break is allowed.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

3 years.

special instructions

Dietary supplement (dietary supplement). Not a medicine.


Blueberry forte with vitamins and zinc - a complex of vitamins for vision with blueberry anthocyanins, vitamins and zinc necessary for daily vision maintenance, especially with increased eye strain.

Use in children

Use from 3 years of age.


Blueberry anthocyanins

stimulate the synthesis and natural renewal of the visual pigment rhodopsin, helping to increase visual acuity, improve adaptation to darkness and low light conditions. At the same time, the process of natural renewal of the retina is accelerated and eye fatigue from prolonged work is reduced.

Blueberry Bioflavonoid Complex and Vitamin C Rutin

helps strengthen the vascular wall, improve blood supply to the eyes and maintain normal intraocular pressure.

Vitamin B complex

necessary for normal metabolic processes in eye tissues.
Vitamin B 1
improves visual performance, while its deficiency causes muscle weakness, including eye tissue.
With a deficiency of vitamin B 2
, redness of the eyes is observed, a burning sensation appears in the eyes and eyelids. If you are deficient in vitamin B6, you may experience increased eye tension and eye twitching.


Essential for the formation of the main visual pigment rhodopsin and the transmission of light signals through the retina, thereby protecting the eyes from structural changes caused by bright light, UV radiation or other types of oxidative stress. Structural changes in the retina and decreased color vision are associated with zinc deficiency in the body.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Diseases and pests

Sunberry berries contain silver, a chemical element that perfectly protects against various diseases. However, the plant is still susceptible to some diseases. These include:

  1. Bacterial canker - characterized by the appearance of cracks and brown ulcers on the leaves and stems of the blueberry bush. The berries are covered with yellow spots. Bacteria can penetrate the fruit and infect the seeds. There are no remedies for such a scourge, so the bushes must be destroyed.

  2. White spot, which is the appearance of off-white spots on leaves and stems due to humidity and warm conditions. To eliminate the disease, the plant is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.
  3. With brown spotting, the lower leaves of the bush are affected and change color from dark brown to olive. Bordeaux mixture is also used to combat the disease.
  4. Symptoms of blossom end rot include fruit damage. The berries ripen prematurely, brown spots appear on them, and they fall off. This often occurs due to lack of moisture. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out.
  5. Mosaic. The causative agent of this disease is aphids. Symptoms appear in wrinkled leaves.

Blueberry bushes protect not only themselves, but also close neighbors. A tincture of stems and leaves is an excellent remedy for pest control.

Beneficial features

The hybrid is valued for its high yield, and most of all for its beneficial properties. In sunny berries we managed to collect all the best qualities of nightshades:

  • unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • resistance to weather conditions, diseases, pests;
  • Benefit for health.

According to doctors, this berry should be on the table in every home. All its parts, except the root system, have healing properties. However, when unripe, the fruits are unsuitable for consumption, since they are poisonous, like all nightshades. When they darken and become soft, then they can be collected.

The berries have a specific taste. To get rid of it, you need to put the fruits in boiling water for a few minutes. They contain a large amount of vitamin C and carotene. The berries are also rich in other elements valuable for health:

  • potassium and calcium;
  • iron and magnesium;
  • zinc and nickel;
  • copper and silver;
  • manganese and chromium.

According to scientists, sunberry blueberries contain almost the entire complex of elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Each of them brings its own benefits:

  • have a positive effect on hematopoiesis and strengthen the immune system;
  • provide good functioning of the pituitary gland and pancreas;
  • normalize hemoglobin synthesis and improve the formation of red blood cells;
  • activate glucose metabolism.

Sunberry berries have gained popularity in many countries around the world for their medicinal properties. They have become famous and are now actively grown and eaten by people of all ages. Canadian blueberries improve digestive function because they have a mild laxative effect. It is classified as a dietary food, because it is able to cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Thanks to valuable elements, the fruits strengthen the eye muscles and support vision well, which is very important when constantly working in front of a monitor. It normalizes blood pressure. The berry has an antibacterial effect and is often used during colds of various etiologies. It has an effective effect on sore throat, relieves headaches, and relieves joint pain.

Thanks to its diuretic effect, it is of great benefit to those who have kidney problems and eliminates swelling. Canadian blueberries have a positive effect on the nervous system and help with insomnia. Effective in the treatment of skin diseases, such as psoriasis, samberi berry.

Description of the plant

Blueberry forte is a hybrid cultivated form of wild black nightshade, familiar to everyone as a common weed. In 1905, the American breeder Burbank Luther crossed European and American nightshade, resulting in this crop. From the first parent the plant received such qualities as large fruit and productivity, from the second - a unique taste. This herbaceous perennial is grown as an annual plant in temperate climates. It is important to know what beneficial properties blueberries forte have and the plant’s contraindications.

Sunberry has the following characteristic properties:

  • it is a bush or tree up to one and a half meters in height;
  • the leaves are conical, elongated, and have a matte tint;
  • During the flowering period, the plant forms buds. Small, star-shaped, whitish flowers are collected in 10-15 pieces;
  • Sunberry blooms until late autumn. At the peak of flowering, it has a beautiful decorative appearance, resembling a flowerbed plant;
  • blueberries are large and juicy, coal-black in color, the fruits ripen continuously;
  • Forte's yield is quite high - up to 5 liters of berries from 1-2 bushes.

Growing blueberries forte in the garden

Blueberries should be planted at the same time as tomatoes. The sunberry bush is very similar to the tomato bush in structure; it also produces many stepsons. Seeds are chosen from the largest and most delicious berries, so that the harvest is no worse. The collected seed remains viable for no more than three years.

Often in the second year of cultivation a lot of young shoots are formed. If you thin it out, leaving only the strongest and strongest shoots, you can get a fertile Canadian blueberry bush without planting seeds for seedlings.


Blueberry seeds forte
Garden nightshade seeds are very small, the core of the seed is enclosed in a hard peel. They wake up with difficulty and for a long time. They need to be “awakened” before disembarking. To do this, soak in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Then, with a thin needle, shallow cuts are made on each seed. Place in a jar with coarse river sand and shake vigorously several times.

This procedure allows you to peel off the skin without damaging the seed kernel. Prepared seeds are germinated on a damp cloth, covered with film on top. You need to choose a place for germination that is bright and warm.

Seeds are planted for seedlings at the end of February so that the plant has time to complete all growth cycles and delight with tasty and ripe berries.

Growing forte blueberries is absolutely no different from growing tomato and eggplant seeds. So much so that you can even plant sunberry seeds in the same box with these plants.

The bottom of the container is covered with expanded clay to ensure drainage of excess liquid. Next, a small layer of neutral soil is poured. The soil does not need to add peat. The hatched seeds are planted to a depth of about 0.5 cm. The plantings are watered and covered with film on top.

Periodically open the film to ventilate the soil. The first shoots will appear only by the end of May. By this time the coating can be completely removed. Picking is carried out after the appearance of the third true leaf. The seedlings are placed in a warm and bright place. It does not need frequent watering, just make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Planting in open ground

Seedlings are also transferred to the garden along with tomatoes and eggplants. It is important to plant nightshade bushes correctly, given that the plant grows greatly. The optimal distance between seedlings is from 80 cm to one meter.

The plant is not afraid of droughts, frosts and scorching sun, but does not grow well in windy, shaded places and next to cabbage.

Once planted in the ground, the plant requires virtually no maintenance. You don't even have to tie it up. Strong stems will perfectly withstand the weight of the crop.

The bush shoots a lot. To increase the yield, you need to trim off excess shoots.

It is enough to feed it with mullein a couple of times a season and water it periodically. Otherwise, the usual scheme for caring for garden plants is applied.

You can enjoy berries throughout the summer. The massive harvest occurs in September. Then you need to pick off new flowers and ovaries on the bush. They still won’t have time to ripen, but this procedure will increase the size of the remaining fruits.

The bush matures completely only by mid-October. If climatic conditions do not allow you to leave the berries to ripen on it, you can cut it off entirely. They will ripen faster if you hang it on a crossbar in a dry and warm room.

Read! An unusual herbaceous plant is Helenium perennial.

If the plant is sick

Sunberry is not one of the sickly and capricious plants. It itself perfectly fights diseases and pests, but sometimes it needs help.

Manifestation of the diseaseDiagnosisHow to treat a plant
The lower leaves of the plant have changed color. They are covered with gray and brown spots of indeterminate shape. If left untreated, small spots merge into one large one. Brown spotBordeaux mixture will help cope with this disease perfectly.
The berries fall from the bush before they have time to fully ripen.Blossom rotIt is necessary to reconsider the watering regime. The first reason for this disease is that the plant lacks moisture.
Rolled leaves fall from the bushAphid attackSick plants will have to be removed from the site. Treat the remaining ones with anti-aphid preparations.
The leaves are strewn with white spots of irregular shape.White spotYou need to water the plant less. Bordeaux mixture will help cure it
The stem and berries become covered with brown sores and deep cracks.Bacterial cancerThe disease cannot be cured. It is necessary to get rid of the bush. Its seeds also cannot be used for planting, they are infected with cancer

Thanks to the presence of silver forte in blueberries, they not only fight pests, but also help neighbors in the garden. Sunberry leaves and stems are added to infusions for spraying against pests of any garden plants.

A blueberry forte bush will take up little space in the garden. It is absolutely undemanding in care. But if you grow it on your own plot, you can eat handfuls of vitamins all summer and even store them for future use.

Sowing Sunberry seedlings

Sunberry, like all nightshades, has a long growing season of 120–150 days, so if it is grown by sowing in the ground, the berries simply may not ripen. It is best to grow Blueberry forte through seedlings.

Cut Sunberries resemble the structure of tomato fruits.

When to plant Blueberry forte seedlings

Sunberry seeds are sown at the same time as tomatoes (late February or early March). The plant sprouts and develops as actively as tomatoes. If planted earlier than the specified period, then by the time the seedlings are planted in the ground, the Sunberry seedlings will have outgrown, and the volume of soil in the seedling cups will be exhausted. Then the growth of the plant and its development will slow down, and this will negatively affect the amount of harvest. Strong seedlings are the key to a rich harvest for any crop.

Sunberry has large seeds that are easy to sow.

Growing Blueberry forte seedlings

To grow Blueberry forte seedlings, take a nutritious earthen mixture for vegetable seedlings, which is sold in any gardening store, and fill a pre-prepared box with it. Next, the soil is watered and seeds are sown on its surface. Cover them with a layer of earth up to 1 cm, lightly press down.

The container is covered with plastic film or glass, which must be removed daily, remove drops of condensation from the surface and simply ventilate the container with the planted Sunberry seeds. On the fifth day after sowing, the first shoots begin to appear. During this period, it is important not to allow the soil to dry out, but also to avoid excessive waterlogging.

The first sunberry shoots

Usually in mid-March there is enough daylight for the plants to develop well without additional lighting. And in order for all the seedlings to have enough light, you need to install a special screen made of foil, which you can make yourself by wrapping baking foil on cardboard. This measure will prevent the seedlings from being pulled towards the light.

A foil screen that reflects light prevents the seedlings from stretching, enhancing their growth

Picking seedlings

With the appearance of three true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate containers with a volume of up to 0.5 liters. To do this, seedling cups are filled with nutritious soil, and using a special thin spatula or an ordinary tablespoon, each seedling is separated with its root system and planted in a cup, sprinkled with soil, lightly squeezed and watered well.

Picked up Sunberry seedlings, ready for planting in the ground

Growing Sunberry in open ground

With the arrival of warm weather (early May), Sunberry seedlings can be planted in the ground. In May, return frosts rarely occur in central Russia. Even if this happens, young plants will not be harmed, since Sunberry is not only drought-resistant, but also not at all afraid of spring frosts.

Sunberry planting pattern: 80 centimeters between bushes and 1.5 meters between rows. Such a large distance is a necessity due to the massive growth of the plant. If you reduce it, the bushes will shade each other, and the berries will not receive enough light, which will delay the ripening time.

Planting seedlings in the ground is done by transshipment. First, dig a hole 15–20 centimeters deep in the ground and water it well. Then they take a glass with seedlings, pinch the stem with their index and middle fingers, turn the contents of the glass over onto the palm of their hand, place the extracted plant in the hole and fill it up.

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Transshipment of plants is the safest and most painless method of planting seedlings

By the time of planting, the roots of the seedling almost completely fill the volume of the planting cup. With the help of transshipment, the root system of the plant is not damaged.

Sunberry is a hardy nightshade, so it does not require additional watering or pest control. The bushes are not affected by bacterial diseases or pests, and it can grow in the most infertile soil. During active growth, powerful stepsons are formed on the bush, which need to be supported in the form of long wooden slingshots, especially during the period of fruit growth. Experts say that the berries can be eaten no earlier than the end of September, when they become soft. Otherwise, there is a risk of berry poisoning.

Sunberry bushes bloom continuously, so from September the flowers must be pruned, otherwise even if they bear fruit, the berries will not have time to ripen well in the constant sub-zero temperatures. This measure helps the plants direct all their forces into the ripening of already formed berries.

In regions where early autumn frosts are possible, the berries are picked with a brush and laid out on the windowsill for ripening. In a warm room, they, like tomatoes, will fully ripen and be suitable for use. With the arrival of severe frosts, the bush completely dies, turning into organic fertilizer for the earth.

Video: Growing Sunberry

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