How to properly prepare a woman for a pelvic ultrasound, methods of performing the procedure, indications and contraindications - MEDSI

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is a diagnostic procedure performed by one of 3 examination methods to obtain information about the condition of the organs located in the patient’s pelvis. In men, this test includes examination of the bladder, seminal vesicles and prostate. In women - bladder, examination of the uterus, cervix and its appendages.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs can be performed in three ways:

  • Transabdominal method: examination of organs through the abdominal wall
  • Transrectal method: examination through the rectum
  • Transvaginal method: examination through the vagina

Pelvic organs in women - list

Women usually receive an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs from a gynecologist. Using an ultrasound machine, the doctor determines the condition of tissues in:

  • Bladder;
  • uterus;
  • cervix;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • ovaries.

It is not only patients who receive ultrasound referrals. Women expecting babies are sent for ultrasound three times during pregnancy. Each trimester has its own control week, during which the doctor is obliged to assess the state of fetal development.

Interpretation of ultrasound OMT results

Pelvic ultrasound clearly visualizes the structure of the uterus, ovaries and appendages in women and the structure of the prostate gland and adjacent organs in men.

Based on the results of the study, the following pathologies can be identified in women:

  • congenital anomalies of the uterus;
  • endometriosis – growth of the endometrium outside the uterus;
  • fibroids - tumor-like formations in the body of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • presence of neoplasms;
  • ovarian cysts.

Ultrasound also easily establishes the diagnosis of “small pregnancy”.

In men, ultrasound reveals neoplasms, prostate adenoma, inflammatory processes in the tissues of the prostate gland, pathologies of the seminal vesicles and ducts.

Bladder and kidney diseases can be detected in patients of both sexes.

A qualified doctor interprets the results of the ultrasound protocol. If necessary, he will prescribe other diagnostic procedures, give referrals to specialists, or independently draw up a treatment regimen.

Features of ultrasound examination

Using an ultrasound machine, a specialist can only assess the condition of non-hollow organs, that is, those that are not empty inside. In this connection, it is necessary to provide additional consultation to patients regarding the condition of the bladder. So, if you want to examine its walls for chronic cystitis or other pathology, you need to fulfill a mandatory condition - to carry out a full urinary diagnosis, which is not very convenient for those who suffer from incontinence. In this case, urine will act as a reflection of ultrasonic rays, and the bladder will be examined.

If other organs are to be examined, the bladder should be empty so as not to block the view.

Preparation for ultrasound OMT

Pelvic ultrasound requires preliminary preparation. It will be the same for men and women. You are on a diet for 3–4 days before the procedure. You need to remove gas-forming foods from your diet. These are cabbage, legumes, yeast baked goods, carbonated drinks. It is better to give preference to cereals, vegetable broths, lean meat and fish.

You need to eat food in small portions so as not to overload your stomach. It is important to maintain a drinking regime, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water without gas per day.

On the recommendation of a doctor, on the eve of a transrectal ultrasound, you should use a microenema. The large intestine must be clean.

What does a pelvic ultrasound show?

Using ultrasound you can determine:

  • The position of the organ in the pelvic cavity: is it displaced?
  • What are the dimensions of the organ?
  • Is it properly developed? Are there any anomalies in shape or size?
  • Myometrial structure.
  • Endometrial thickness.
  • Presence of scar tissue.
  • Dinu and width of the cervix.
  • Condition of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Presence of fertilized egg.
  • The presence and absence of fetal development pathologies.

The simplicity and safety of this type of research has deservedly made this method one of the most popular.

What diseases are determined using ultrasound of the female organs?

The list of pathologies that an examination can confirm or refute is very large. A specialist can evaluate several indicators at once: position, size, structure of organs, and compare the obtained indicators with normal ones.

Based on the results of the ultrasound, the doctor can state:

  • polycystic disease;
  • oncology (indicated by various neoplasms, thickening of organ walls);
  • ovarian cysts;
  • fibroids;
  • endometriosis and much more.

The research data is obtained immediately (no need to wait for processing), but it must be deciphered by a qualified doctor (urologist, oncologist, gynecologist, obstetrician). The patient’s area of ​​responsibility is proper preparation for a gynecological ultrasound, on which the correct diagnosis largely depends.

Are there any restrictions for ultrasound diagnostics?

When a woman suffers from pain during menstruation, or her cycle is unstable for a long time, the gynecologist gives a referral for an ultrasound. To obtain information about the condition of the fallopian tubes and follicles, it is important to conduct the examination on days 5-7 from the first day of the cycle, that is, from the day of menstrual bleeding.

But if you want to find out the cause of problems with conception, research must be carried out at least three times:

  • from the 8th to the 10th day from the beginning of menstruation;
  • from the 14th to the 16th day from the first day of bleeding;
  • from the 22nd to the 24th day of the cycle.

For pregnant women, there are also certain time frames for assessing the condition of the fetus. Conducting an ultrasound examination at other times is not considered informative. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own weeks for diagnosis:

  • from 10th to 14th week;
  • from the 20th to the 24th week;
  • from the 30th to the 34th week.

If there are suspicions of pathologies, the number of studies can be increased to determine the condition of the fetus over time.

On what days of the cycle should I do it?

The most suitable period is from the fifth to the seventh days of the cycle (from the day the menstruation begins), but no later than the tenth. This is due to the fact that during this period of time the endometrium, which lines the uterus from the inside, is thin, which allows the doctor to examine hyperplasia, fibroids, polyps, and endometritis if present. Starting from the tenth day of the cycle, the endometrium thickens, as a result of which some changes may go unnoticed.

In the middle or in the second part of the cycle, an ultrasound scan is prescribed if a woman is seen by a gynecologist with a diagnosis of infertility in order to monitor folliculogenesis and determine the fact of ovulation.

And, of course, if you experience discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen, you have discharge or bleeding, then you should urgently make an appointment for an ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs, as well as an appointment with a gynecologist.

You can sign up for an expert-class ultrasound by calling 220-97-27 or using the form below.

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What does a pregnant ultrasound tell you?

Pregnant women can refuse a routine examination with an ultrasound machine, but this is not recommended, because this painless type of diagnosis allows you to find out about very important changes in the child’s body, in particular, whether he has Down syndrome. According to the regulations of conduct, a medical worker is obliged to notify future parents about a serious genetic disease that entails disability from birth. In this case, the woman is given a complete plan of action if she decides to terminate the pregnancy. The antenatal clinic is obliged to provide all necessary medical care, regardless of the long period of time.

If there is a risk of miscarriage, the gynecologist will monitor the condition of the cervical canal, the length of the cervix and the location of the placenta.

Additionally, ultrasound can easily detect oligohydramnios, as well as:

  • quality of blood flow, its intensity;
  • location of the umbilical cord for entanglement;
  • fetal heart rate;
  • fetal presentation.

With the help of a modern three-dimensional imaging system, the expectant mother can see the face of her unborn child, which always cheers up a pregnant woman.


Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in women can be performed:

  • Transabdominal – through the anterior abdominal wall (with a full bladder);
  • Transvaginally (through the vagina without filling the bladder).

Transabdominal involves examination through the lower abdomen. Such an examination is carried out more as a general examination of the pelvis than for a detailed examination and allows you to detect large tumor-like formations of the pelvis that have spread into the abdominal cavity, which cannot always be seen with transvaginal ultrasound. To perform a transabdominal procedure, a small amount of contact gel is applied to the skin of the lower abdomen, and then an examination is carried out using an ultrasound probe. The gel helps improve contact between the probe and the skin.

Transvaginal. In this case, the sensor is placed in the vagina. Transvaginal allows you to visualize the female genital organs in more detail and identify the slightest changes. When performing a transvaginal procedure, the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries are more clearly detailed. Transvaginal ultrasound expands the capabilities of doctors in diagnosing various diseases of the pelvic organs, especially in the early stages, when changes are mild. In some cases, additional studies are necessary to make a diagnosis, for example, colposcopy of the cervix. Early detection of diseases of the female genital organs makes it possible to begin timely treatment, prevent the development of complications and maintain the health of patients. In both cases, a bowel movement is necessary before the ultrasound.

The ultrasound room in the esthetician is equipped with the most modern expert-class device - Toshiba Aplio 500, which has an unsurpassed level of visualization, which ensures the accuracy of clinical data and diagnostic reliability.

Advantages of the expert-class device TOSHIBA Aplio 500:

  • Fly Thru technology, which creates a new perspective of four-dimensional ultrasound, namely a view from the inside. The images produced by this technology are unlike anything ever seen before in the world of ultrasound. It introduces a completely new method of processing ultrasound images, as well as a unique way of viewing structures inside the body;
  • excellent visualization quality;
  • high level of detail and more accurate diagnostics;
  • advanced sensors that provide high quality images and the ability to be used for a wide range of ultrasound diagnostic studies;
  • a powerful and highly sensitive Doppler unit that allows you to evaluate the blood supply to an entire organ and determine its structure. For example, in gynecology, such a device makes it possible to determine the qualitative indicators of the blood supply to the endometrium when studying the body’s readiness for pregnancy.

You can find out the cost of TOSHIBA Aplio 500 here .

Sign up for the procedure by calling 220-97-27

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Ultrasound methods

There are two types of sensors that are used for research. One is called transabdominal. It is enough for a specialist to apply it tightly to the body so that the ultrasound waves begin to show the internal organs.

Another type of sensor is called transvaginal. Based on the name, it is easy to guess that it is inserted into the vagina to look at the organs from a different angle. To conduct such a study, the doctor places a condom on the sensor to ensure sterility. Budgetary institutions often ask patients to buy it for themselves if the deposited funds are not enough to provide the office with consumables.

In addition, there are stationary and mobile devices. Ultrasound diagnostic rooms are equipped with stationary ones. The doctor can take the mobile device with him to visit patients at home. Modern ambulances are also equipped with such equipment.

How the study is conducted and what you need to know

Carrying out diagnostics, as a rule, does not require special preparation, with the exception of the condition of the bladder, which the doctor will warn you about in advance. When a patient enters the office, she should remember that it is advisable to turn off her mobile phone during the examination.

After presenting her documents to the doctor, the woman can go to the couch. If the examination is carried out with a transabdominal sensor, it is not necessary to undress completely - you just need to lower your pants or lift your dress so that the lower abdomen is free from clothing.

When examined with a transvaginal probe, the patient must completely remove pants, tights and underwear. Her position on the couch is lying on her back with her knees bent.

It should be noted that neither one nor the other sensor causes any discomfort. The procedure is completely painless.

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