37th week of pregnancy: fetal development, weight and height, changes in the body

Pregnant: Pixabay Week 37 of pregnancy marks the beginning of the last month and brings the expectant mother closer to giving birth. According to obstetric calculations, the baby is in the womb for approximately 40 weeks, rather than the generally accepted 9 months. Therefore, at this time the baby may well be born. Read more about this, as well as all important aspects, in the article.

Baby development at 37 weeks of pregnancy

At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is ready for birth, but his body continues to change and prepare for childbirth. The baby's body gradually becomes plump due to the accumulating subcutaneous fat, the skin smoothes out, becomes elastic and acquires a pink tint. The fetus at the 37th week of pregnancy is fully developed: all systems of its body are ready to start working, the hormone cortisol is produced, which promotes the maturation of the lungs. Meconium has accumulated in the baby's intestines - original feces, which will be released on the first day, from 3 to 20 hours after birth. By the way, the removal of meconium from the newborn’s intestines will be facilitated by colostrum secreted from the mother’s breast in the first time after childbirth.

How a woman’s body changes by the 37th week of pregnancy

By the 37th week of pregnancy, the uterus has reached its maximum size: it weighs about a kilogram, its volume is 4-5 liters. The pressure on the bladder increases, the pregnant woman has back pain, and shooting pain in the legs and perineum is also possible. At the 37th week of pregnancy, the abdomen hardens several times a day - training contractions occur. At this stage, the aging of the placenta is noted, and harbingers of imminent birth

: release of the mucus plug (yellowish discharge with streaks), lowering of the abdomen (the child takes the position of the presenting area in the pelvis), slight dilution of the stool.

How many months is this?

As a rule, most pregnant women believe that they will carry a child for 9 months. However, this is not an entirely correct belief. Doctors count a little differently. If we consider a standard pregnancy, without any deviations, then it will last 280 days.

There is such a thing as an obstetric month. So it is equal to 28 days, that is, it has exactly 4 weeks of 7 days. Therefore, the 37th week is the first week in the ninth obstetric month and the onset of labor at this time is quite normal.

Fetal activity at 37 weeks

At 37 weeks, the baby’s movements often bring painful sensations to the expectant mother; now his stomach is very crowded: there is even less amniotic fluid, the baby’s size and weight are increasing. It turns out that the uterus at 37 weeks of pregnancy now puts pressure not only on the mother’s internal organs, but also pinches the baby. Fetal movements must also be monitored at 37 weeks of pregnancy: there should be at least 10 movements per day. In the last days of pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases, he calms down a little and prepares for his birth.

Weight gain at 37 weeks of pregnancy ranges from 8.2 kg (with a BMI of more than 26) to 14 kg (with a BMI of less than 19.8). To calculate your individual weight gain at 37 weeks, use the pregnancy weight gain calculator.

Precursors of childbirth in primiparous and secondparous women

They have a smooth and increasing character and appear long before birth. Due to a lack of experience, it is difficult for a woman to diagnose the first signs of impending labor; most often she perceives them as an ailment or does not pay attention to them.

All of the above signs in second-bearing women are more pronounced and appear at a later date. The mucus plug has a larger volume.

Symptoms of impending labor may appear 1-2 days before the birth, as well as immediately before it. Therefore, second-time mothers should be especially careful in the last weeks of pregnancy: the body no longer perceives childbirth as a global restructuring of all systems and is completely ready for it.

Often in second-time mothers, labor begins quickly and unexpectedly.

Pay attention to the psychological state of your family: often husbands immediately before childbirth become more affectionate and reach out to the woman more than usual. Moreover, the woman herself discovers the “nesting effect”: it suddenly seems to her that the house is completely unprepared for the arrival of the baby, she begins to arrange a place for the unborn child, and may start renovations.

These folk signs, although not scientifically confirmed, are passed down from generation to generation as sure harbingers of an imminent birth.

What does a baby look like at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

At 37 weeks, the baby is about the size of a melon.
At week 37, the Baby’s height is about 46-47 cm, and his weight ranges from 2700 to 2800 g. What happens to him:

  • Baby's skin becomes lighter than before;
  • the fluff that covered the body disappears;
  • the central nervous, endocrine and immune systems grow and improve;
  • the heart has formed well and is working, the blood now circulates differently than in an adult, since the Baby does not breathe on his own, but receives oxygen from the umbilical cord, and not from the lungs;
  • your Baby is preparing for his first breath: he is increasingly trying to make breathing movements;
  • Some Babies have hair actively growing on their heads, reaching 5 centimeters by the time of birth;
  • The marigolds continue to grow, and it’s time to prepare special scissors to cut the nails after birth.

Useful advice for future parents

For the healthy development of a child, from the very moment of conception, love and sincere relationships between the expectant mother and father are very important.
At first glance, it seems that only when the Baby is born, your attitude towards each other, towards life, towards the people around you, your worldview, deeds, words and actions will begin to have a direct impact on the development of character, attitude, spiritual and moral qualities of the child. But it's not that simple. It turns out that all of the above affects the Baby even before birth! What to do, because nine months from conception to the birth of a child is a period of trials and problems for both the mother and the future father. How will the transformations taking place in a woman, frequent mood changes, irritation or even despondency, affect the Baby? Do the father's experiences affect a very tiny person? In general, are the feelings and moods of his parents transmitted to him, so tiny? And if so, how do they affect the pace of its development and overall well-being?

So, the child who is expected:

  • more viable, since positive emotions of parents are one of the conditions for the successful bearing of a child and the development of all its organs and systems, as well as motor and intellectual activity;
  • has a much greater chance of being born healthy, since his parents take care of his “nutrition”;
  • develops better before birth, since its cells receive sufficient oxygen;
  • smiles often (as Babies “repeat” their mother’s emotions);
  • can respond with active movements to touches through the walls of the abdomen, as well as to affectionate words addressed to it.


To spend the remaining weeks in a good mood and without unnecessary problems, follow the following recommendations:

  • Don't worry about your upcoming birth. So many women have already gone through this that doctors have accumulated vast experience in this matter. In addition, if you have a low pain threshold, there are different ways to ease the pain of a woman in labor, which you can talk about with your doctor in advance.
  • Be careful when walking. Avoid accidental collisions with passers-by, and in winter, walk carefully so as not to fall.
  • Avoid traveling during this period. And when you go for a walk, don’t go too far from home so that you can quickly walk back at any time.
  • Be prepared to go to the maternity hospital at any time , so a bag with the necessary things and documents should be in a visible place.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations , and to do this, find ways to calmly spend time and relax. Listen to music, sing, read. Ask your loved ones to help you with household chores if they are able to do so.
  • Ensure yourself a good night's sleep , despite the fact that insomnia may be overwhelming you lately. Avoid late meals, ventilate your bedroom, and take a walk in the evening. Before going to bed, ask your husband to give you a light back massage, listen to relaxing music. Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to get enough sleep, because soon you will have sleepless nights.

Tests and studies during pregnancy

Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation.
The condition of the placenta, the height and weight of the child, its position in the uterus, and the quantity and quality of amniotic fluid are assessed. Blood test for AIDS (HIV), syphilis (RW) - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. These diseases can complicate pregnancy and childbirth.

Biochemical blood test - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. Gives an idea of ​​the general health of the pregnant woman.

Vaginal smear - 35-36 weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. Assessment of microbial flora before the baby passes through the birth canal.

Visiting a doctor monitoring pregnancy: once a week. Weighing, measuring blood pressure, measuring the height of the uterine fundus, listening to the fetal heartbeat.

General urine test - before each visit to the doctor. Indicates the quality of kidney function.

Dopplerography (a study that allows you to evaluate blood flow in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and main vessels of the child) - 33-34 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation, according to indications . The study allows you to find out whether the child is getting enough oxygen and nutrients.

Cardiotocography (CTG, synchronous recording of fetal heartbeats and uterine contractions) - 33-34 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation, according to indications. The child’s condition is assessed and intrauterine hypoxia is excluded.

Receive an exchange card with the results of tests and examinations - 30 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation. It is recommended that you always carry this document with you, which is required for admission to the maternity hospital.

Registration of maternity leave for workers - 30 weeks after the first day of the last menstruation.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage, signs of premature birth:

A pregnant woman and her husband MUST KNOW the symptoms of threatened miscarriage and signs of premature birth!

  1. A symptom of a threatened miscarriage and a sign of premature birth is a dull, ACHING PAIN in the lumbar spine (LOWER). The pain does not stop (does not disappear) spontaneously (spontaneously) within 10 MINUTES or intensifies.
  2. A symptom of a threatened miscarriage and a sign of premature birth is aching pain in the lower abdomen, AS WITH MENSTRUATION.
  3. A symptom of a threatened miscarriage and a sign of premature labor are cramps (CONTRACTS) in the lower abdomen. Spasms (contractions) in the lower abdomen can be of varying strength and duration in primiparous and multiparous women. The feeling of pain is also very subjective and depends on the moral readiness for childbirth, the contractility of the uterus, the content of microelements in the woman’s body (in particular, calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus), etc. IMPORTANT that when there is a threat of premature birth, the STRENGTH of contractions DO NOT weaken (do not change) or increase; The DURATION (time) of the contraction DOES NOT SHORTEN (does not change) or increase; and the frequency of contractions does not change or increases.
  4. A sign of premature birth is PRESSURE in the VAGINA, the sensation of a foreign body, something preventing you from walking.
  5. A sign of premature birth is a feeling of the urge to defecate, pressure on the rectum with the desire to empty the intestines.
  6. A sign of premature labor is the appearance of thin, clear vaginal discharge.
  7. A sign of premature birth is the expulsion of a mucous plug, amniotic fluid, or the appearance of pink (scarlet) discharge from the genital tract before 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Every healthy pregnant woman, starting from 32 weeks of pregnancy, may periodically experience short-term, cramping, mild PAIN (the uterus “comes to tone”).

Short-term pain (harbingers of labor) is associated with the preparation of the uterus for childbirth - “working out the interaction” of muscles and nerve receptors (nerve endings).

But if the pain is aching or cramping in nature or occurs more often than 4-5 times within an hour, you are probably going into labor. In some cases, prenatal contractions may not be accompanied by pain.

If you think you're going into labor, don't panic, lie on your left side and COUNT THE NUMBER OF CONTRACTIONS. If you experience 5 or more contractions within an hour, CALL your doctor.

If you begin to leak clear water or other fluid from your genital tract, TELL your doctor. The doctor will tell you what to do next.

Perhaps you have increased uterine tone.

There may be individual characteristics of your pregnancy.

In this case, the doctor will advise you to LIMIT physical activity, temporarily abstain from sexual intercourse, REST more, limit productive activity or stop working, visit the doctor more often and, possibly, prescribe medications that reduce the tone of the uterus and normalize the state of the nervous system.

It is important to call or visit your doctor PROMPTLY if you experience these symptoms.

Consulting an obstetrician-gynecologist will REDUCE the RISK of premature birth.

There are no two women who gave birth the same way, just as there are no two identical births for the same woman.

Don’t take everything that other women tell you about their personal experience as absolute truth and instructions to follow.

ASK your obstetrician-gynecologist any QUESTIONS you are interested in. You will receive an objective, competent answer based on the observations and experience of generations of obstetricians and gynecologists.

We are AT YOUR FULL DISPOSAL if you have any doubts or wishes.

Good to know

How to give birth without tearing: preparing the perineum for childbirth

How to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

“Pregnant” and maternal fears: how to stop being afraid

What to name the girl? Women's names and their meanings

Types of “pregnant” husbands

What to name the child? Choosing names according to the church calendar

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

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