16th week of pregnancy: sensations, fetal development, ultrasound

During the entire period of pregnancy, the human embryo undergoes multiple changes and, as a result, from two fused cells of the parents in 9 months it becomes a full-fledged representative of humanity. Every day, every week, the fetal body increases in weight and height.

The science of embryology deals with the processes of formation and development of the fetus after conception and before birth. The obstetric gestational age begins counting from the last menstrual period of the parent. The embryonic period is counted from the moment of fertilization.

How does the human embryo develop?

Embryo at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy

In the first days, the follicle matures, from which the egg appears. It moves along the fallopian tube, where it meets the sperm. Fertilization occurs in which the 23 chromosomes of the egg combine with a similar number in the sperm. The sex of the unborn child depends on the presence of an X or Y chromosome in a male cell. Further along the course, the genome of the embryo is formed. On day 5, the embryo is ready to move into the uterus. There are cases when, after fertilization, the egg does not have time to reach the uterus, then an ectopic pregnancy occurs. Having reached the uterine region, the gastrula, which has transformed from the blastula, attaches to the walls. On day 9, the cells form a three-layer structure. As a result, the nervous system and skin will be formed from the outer layer. The middle layer will form the musculoskeletal system, muscles, blood vessels, internal organs, etc. The inner layer will create the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. In the middle of the second week, a pregnancy test can already give a positive effect.

Embryo at 3 weeks of pregnancy

At week 3, cell division and growth into the uterine wall continues. At the same time, the formation of the umbilical cord and placenta begins, and amniotic fluid appears in the amniotic area. The size of the embryo reaches 4 mm.

Embryo at 4 weeks of pregnancy (1 month)

During this period, the heart begins to pump blood throughout the fetal body. The creation of the brain, spinal and head, from the neural tube begins. In addition, the initial stage of internal organs, eyes and limbs is formed. Nutrients were initially consumed from the yolk sac, and future reproductive cells also float in the yolk. From the end of the month, the functions of the pouch gradually weaken, and eventually it disappears.

Embryo. 5 weeks from fertilization

The fruit size is up to 2.5 mm and weighs 0.4 g. The development of the nervous system continues, sections for the stomach, brain, lungs, and trachea appear. The circulatory systems are expanding. At the same time, the mother develops drowsiness, nausea, and odor intolerance - the main signs of toxicosis.

The body's systems are rapidly developing: the neural tube is improving, future parts of the brain, lungs, stomach, trachea are being distinguished, blood vessels are growing. At this moment, the woman experiences signs of toxicosis: nausea, drowsiness, intolerance to certain odors.

Embryo. 6 weeks from fertilization

The embryo here looks like a “fry”. Its size is up to 6 mm. The brain is divided into hemispheres. The heart already has two chambers. It is already pumping blood, which is enriched with nutrients and oxygen. Limbs are forming. The excretory, respiratory, and digestive systems are formed. The placenta is formed, and amniotic fluid is around the embryo. The baby can already move in the shell. Pigment is acquired in the retina.

Embryo at 7 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage, the size of the embryo can reach 13-15 mm. Gaps appear between the fingers, although they are practically not developed. The head increases in size. Its body still has an arched shape, with a “tail” remaining on the pelvic part. The baby's breathing and nutrition come from the mother's blood. The pregnant woman’s belly is not yet visible, but urination becomes frequent due to an excess of fluid in the body.

Embryo 8 weeks

The dimensions are already about two centimeters. The face already looks like a human one - eyes, ears, lips and nose are distinguishable. The rudiments of the lungs, the digestive system, the heart, and the brain with two hemispheres have already been formed. Almost all the most important things have been formed. The bones are still in the form of cartilage.

Happy stories

Sep 30 2021

Many thanks to your clinic and especially to Diana Omarovna!! IVF I got pregnant on the first try, my son is already 5 years old!!! I'll come again!!!

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28 Sep. 2021

We would like to express our deep gratitude and low bow to everyone who works in this clinic and, of course, to our doctor Aslanbek Ruslanovich Torchinov! On

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11 Sep. 2021

We would like to express our gratitude to the Fertimed clinic and in particular to the doctor from God Efimova Maria Sergeevna, she is our guardian angel thanks to her professionalism

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Sadovskaya-Shmeleva Tatyana Viktorovna

15 Jul. 2021

On May 4, 2021, a baby weighing 3150 grams and height 50 cm was born. This happiness cannot be expressed in words. Especially when the path to it is very long and difficult.

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Dzagoev family

May 03, 2021

Now I want to write my own story of happy motherhood. I have 9 years of infertility behind me, 4 IVF attempts, 3 of them were unsuccessful! 1 attempt was

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23 Feb 2021

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Tatyana Evgenievna Samoilova! Thanks to her, I am a happy mother! Our acquaintance began back in 2010, when

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Grineva Gulnaz

19 Feb 2021

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the doctor from God, Anna Anatolyevna Smirnova! It is thanks to her that we have been happy parents for five years now.

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23 Jan 2021

Our boy’s life began in Fertimed. Exactly 5 years ago they gave us his first photo, in it he was 8 weeks and 1 day old. What about us, future parents?

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23 Dec 2020

I would like to express my gratitude to the MOON AND BACK to Diana Omarovna, Margarita Beniaminovna, Mikhail Yuryevich for our son, whose birth we are almost

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29 Nov. 2020

I am 40, my husband is 49. We have a male factor, which makes it very difficult to get pregnant: most embryos stop on the 5th day of development. Except

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13 Nov. 2020

Our Moscow holidays were spent at the Fertimed clinic to fulfill our deepest desires. After endless attempts to get pregnant with...

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Oct 11 2020

It is impossible to express in words all the gratitude to our wizard - Torchinov Aslanbek Ruslanovich!!! Thanks to him, our baby was born on March 29, 2020.

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12 2020

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the employees of this center for their professionalism. I would like to say a special HUGE THANK YOU to our doctor

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Orlova Olga Aleksandrovna and Chemodurov Dmitry Leonidovich

24 Jul. 2020

We would like to express our deep gratitude to all the doctors at this clinic! Thanks to you, we have two wonderful children growing up in our family - Zakhar (24.0

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29 Jun 2020

Hello! We have an unusual story. My husband and I had our first children born in EB. Because We always wanted a very large family, so we decided not to stop..

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May 16, 2020

My children are already 11 and 8 years old, but I periodically remember you with gratitude, dear Fertimed. Especially Anna Anatolyevna, Diana Omarovna, Margar

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17 Apr 2020

We owe our happy story to Anna Anatolyevna Smirnova! Thanks to her professionalism, our son was born. Anna Anatolyevna - they will notice

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Nikolai and Ekaterina

19 Feb 2020

Dear FertiMed, my wife and I want to sincerely thank the wonderful doctor, smart woman and great professional - Anna Anatolyevna Smirnova and sk

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10 Dec. 2019

Two years of unsuccessfully visiting doctors with my husband. We were advised to contact Zhordanidze Diana Omarovna in Fertimed. Wonderful doctor! Rezul

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Oct 21 2019

Thanks to you, your clinic and Anna Anatolyevna Smirnova, I came to my cherished dream after 7 years of wandering from one doctor to another. Thankfully, I found out about

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09 Oct 2019

I'll write a story too. 7 years of infertility, 3 IVF attempts. Out of desperation, I go and ask for a referral for laparoscopy. And in the intensive care unit I got into a conversation with a woman. TO

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20 Feb 2019

Hello. I want to express my deep gratitude to your center. I got the impression of a close-knit team focused on results. Were treated by

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Andrey and Alexandra

14 Feb 2019

Many thanks from our entire large family to all the employees of the center for your work, for the smile on your face and faith in a positive result! Mihai

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15 Jan 2019

My husband and I’s path to the happiness of being parents began in 2012 after the sounds of Mendelssohn’s wedding march died down. Like everyone else, we thought

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May 16, 2019

After marriage, I couldn’t get pregnant at the age of 22; it turned out to be problems with the fallopian tubes. When I found out that I could never have anything on my own

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02 Mar 2019

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the FertiMed clinic, and especially to doctor Aslanbek Ruslanovich, for his good, caring attitude, and also for his

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23 Jun 2018

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the wonderful doctor of the FertiMed clinic, Aslanbek Ruslanovich Torchinov, for our long-awaited son. On hold

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May 15, 2018

It will probably be an unusual review, since this is a review from a new father, and in general, I don’t really understand how I can express ours to you,

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15 Dec. 2017

We first turned to FertiMed back in 2010, after 3 years of visiting doctors and undergoing all sorts of exotic tests. Unfortunately, the first

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25 Sep. 2017

I got married at 22, my husband was 23, I never thought that there might be problems with conception, it turned out after I had appendicitis in childhood.

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May 23, 2017

My husband and I dreamed of having a child for 6 years. I have an adult daughter (20 years old) from my first marriage; my husband had no children. Passed several attempts at Eco in p.

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21 Feb 2017

My husband and I wanted more than anything to become parents, but time passed, wandering around to different doctors led to nothing, constant tests and treatment

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Nina and Peter

27 Sep. 2017

My husband looked at his spermogram as if it were a death sentence - not a single sperm count. And the reason is unclear. There was only one hope - for TEZU. It was explained to us that

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18 Jul 2016

I was ready to do anything to have a baby. By the age of 32, I had already undergone five operations on my ovaries and only one tiny piece remained from them. Nasty

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27 Jun 2016

I had two ectopics and no chance of having my baby. The irony was that my closest

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Valentina and Mikhail

Oct 14 2016

My husband and I flew from Kamchatka. They really wanted a second child. FertiMed was recommended by friends. They say that small and thin women like me have

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27 Jul 2016

At FertiMed, at first they didn’t believe that I had 43 IVF attempts. There was clearly distrust and sympathy in the eyes of the staff - they say the woman went crazy.

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30 Sep. 2016

When I left my husband, with whom we had three children, no one, of course, could understand this, and no one wanted to. And even more no one could understand what m

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Valentina and Victor

01 Nov 2016

Our Dasha is growing up, at 1 year and 9 months she is a very smart girl, learning the alphabet on her own tablet (a real one, not a toy one)

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05 Apr 2016

I was 45 when I was ready for IVF. At the first meeting, the doctor at FertiMed said: there is no chance of having a child with my own eggs. At first there were sh

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13 2016

I am 29 years younger than my husband. He has three adult children, but I really wanted my child and ours together. Over the past few years, my husband has been very

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01 Mar 2016

I'm a happy mom! 5 years of standing with a birch tree, measuring basal temperature, tracking ovulation, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy (for my husband too), clostil

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Embryo 10 weeks

At the end of the 10th week, the size will be about 4 cm. The eyelids will close before the eyes; the baby will be able to open them himself at 7 months. The respiratory system is almost ready for use. The rudimentary tail disappears, and buttocks form in its place. The baby moves freely inside the uterine area.

The skeleton and its structure fully correspond to a person. The arms and legs become longer to the appropriate proportions. But the head will occupy almost half the length of the body. This is explained by the active development of the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum is growing. The external genitalia develop according to gender. You will soon find out if he or she is growing in your belly. The baby's blood acquires its own group and Rh factor.


  • For the 16th week of pregnancy, the recommendations remain the same. Now it is important for you to monitor your weight gain. And to avoid obesity, it is necessary to exclude “fast” carbohydrates (baked goods, cakes, chocolate, candies) from the diet. Extra pounds can lead to complications and negatively affect the birth process. When you are already 16 weeks pregnant, eat right: don’t skip breakfast, choose nuts, fruits, biscuits, and natural sugar-free yoghurts as snacks. And at night you can drink herbal tea with honey or a glass of kefir;
  • Some pregnant women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to visit a bathhouse or sauna during the 15th – 16th week of pregnancy. You should not do this: like a hot bath or shower, bath procedures can harm the baby, because if your body temperature rises even for a few minutes, great damage will be caused to the baby’s body.

Embryo 11 - 13 weeks

During this period, the expectant mother undergoes many different studies: ultrasound screening, ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Screening allows you to identify various pathologies, abnormal structure of the body and organs, chromosomal abnormalities, etc. An ultrasound examination will give a 100% result in determining the sex of the child. The pancreas and liver are able to form secretions, the head is still disproportionate, and the child develops a thumb sucking reflex. The size of the fruit reaches 12-15 cm, weight - about 50 grams. All organs are formed, resistance to negative factors has appeared. The mother experiences heartburn, constipation and bloating instead of toxicosis.

Our doctors

General Director Anshina Margarita Beniaminovna Make an appointment
Director of the Rizhinashvili clinic Semyon Iosifovich Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist-reproductologist Zhordanidze Diana Omarovna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist-reproductologist Torchinov Aslanbek Ruslanovich Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist. Efimova Maria Sergeevna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist Khubonshoeva Leila Yuryevna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist-reproductologist Anna Sergeevna Fedorova Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist Shagunova Marina Olegovna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Samoilova Tatyana Evgenievna Make an appointment

Urologist-andrologist of the highest qualification category Gablia Mikhail Yurievich Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist-endocrinologist Sharyafetdinova Failya Abdulkhaevna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Pushkina Valeria Vadimovna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Margarita Yuryevna Skvortsova Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Slobodchikova Valeria Yuryevna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Peskova Irina Evgenievna Make an appointment

Perinatologist Nelly Idrisovna Kokhno Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Olga Borisovna Kuharkina Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Pitskhelauri Elena Germanovna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist Abdullaeva Adilya Akhmadovna Make an appointment

Hemostasiologist Lopukhin Vadim Olegovich Make an appointment

Oncologist-mammologist Victoria Borisovna Akimova Make an appointment

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor Olga Ivanovna Babaeva Make an appointment

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor Brilliantova Nadezhda Nikolaevna Make an appointment

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor Natalya Sergeevna Gorovaya Make an appointment

Vascular ultrasound diagnostics doctor, vascular surgeon Anna Mikhailovna Nikitina Make an appointment

Cardiologist Maria Viktorovna Cherkasova Make an appointment

Endocrinologist Anzhelika Vladimirovna Manovitskaya Make an appointment

Gastroenterologist Golysheva Svetlana Valerievna Make an appointment

Obstetrician-gynecologist-reproductologist Olga Aleksandrovna Iskorostinskaya Make an appointment

Urologist-andrologist Iskorostinsky Evgeniy Vladimirovich Make an appointment

Psychologist Barskaya Ekaterina Sergeevna Make an appointment

Therapist Alexandra Vladimirovna Kabakova Make an appointment

Anesthesiologist-reanimatologist Isaev Oleg Vladimirovich Make an appointment

Psychiatrist, sexologist Teona Otarievna Kacharava Make an appointment

Head of the Embryology Laboratory. Ph.D. Sergeev Sergey Alexandrovich Make an appointment

Embryologist Kalinina Irina Ivanovna Make an appointment

Embryologist Kalyuzhny Sergey Andreevich Make an appointment

Embryologist Matveeva Elona Olegovna Make an appointment

Embryologist Vladimir Viktorovich Ovsyankin Make an appointment

Embryo 16 weeks - 19 weeks

During these three weeks, the fetus will noticeably increase in size and will be 22 cm in height, 240 g. in weight. During this period, the entire body will be covered with vernix lubrication, the glands begin to produce hormones, and the skeleton becomes much stronger. The lower part of the fruit begins to grow faster than the upper, that is, the proportions are equalized. Sex cells are formed in girls. This week may be accompanied by the first fetal movements. They won't be active at first, so don't worry if you don't feel your baby all the time.

What month of pregnancy

The end of the sixteenth obstetric week corresponds to the end of the fourth obstetric month of pregnancy. Let us recall that in an obstetric month there are 28 days, that is, exactly four weeks, while in a calendar month there are 30 or 31 days. If you count by calendar months, then the end of the sixteenth week corresponds to the third week of the fourth calendar month of pregnancy.


If the pregnancy progresses well, doctors do not place restrictions on women’s intimate life. Sex at this stage is not a contraindication if there are no negative symptoms. A gynecologist can impose a ban only in cases such as multiple pregnancies, low placental attachment, and the likelihood of miscarriage.

Beginning of the first trimester

The doctor inserted the embryo, conception occurred! Pregnancy has occurred, the embryo is fixed and begins to develop. This is how the first trimester begins. This is the most important period in the development of an IVF embryo; at this time, internal organs begin to form. First, the IVF embryo develops into a gastrula, consisting of only three layers. But it is from them that the gastrointestinal tract, the motor system and internal organs, as well as the skin, are subsequently formed. In the first trimester, the neural tube is formed, as well as the rudiments of the heart, respiratory organs and excretory system. At this time, blood begins to circulate through the vessels, and the first contraction of the heart occurs. This is how a cluster of cells begins its miraculous transformation into a human being. Therefore, it is better to further consider how the embryo develops over the weeks of pregnancy.

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