18th week of pregnancy: the baby’s digestive system continues to develop and fingerprints are forming

Baby movements at 18 weeks

Not every woman can feel the baby's movements at 18 weeks.
This is not to say there is cause for concern. Doctors say that during a normal pregnancy, the baby’s movements are first felt by the mother between 16 and 22 weeks. Therefore, if there are no sensations by 18 weeks, it may be worth waiting a little longer. Those women who felt the unforgettable first movement will now have to constantly listen to the movements of the baby. Using them, the expectant mother can determine the child’s well-being. The child's sleep and wake periods are approximately 4 hours. Too frequent or, conversely, too infrequent and sluggish fetal movements may indicate a problem. It is worth sharing this with your gynecologist and jointly determining whether there is cause for concern.

18th week of pregnancy: your baby's development

This week, the baby gets something that will distinguish him from everyone else: fingerprints.
The fatty bumps on the tips of the fingers and toes develop into curls, the pattern of which is unique to each person. The formation of the digestive system has been going on as usual for several weeks now. The amniotic fluid your baby swallows passes through the stomach and intestines. From this fluid, as well as from dead cells and intestinal secretions, meconium is formed - the black, viscous, tar-like substance that you will see when you change your first diapers.

Around the 18th week, the baby's ears become visually more noticeable, and sometimes the baby may even begin to perceive sounds.

Bile is needed to digest nutrients, so at 18 weeks the gallbladder may begin to work.

Reasons to call an ambulance

Mothers often worry about pregnancy complications. In some cases, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. You should call your doctor if there is bleeding or if your water breaks. Severe pain in the abdominal area is also considered a reason for emergency care.

Pregnant woman has severe stomach pain

Loss of consciousness, development of convulsions and severe vomiting are considered indications for going to the hospital. If severe symptoms appear, you should not hesitate and wait for your health to improve.

What happens to the mother's body at 18 weeks of pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy, then very soon you will feel slight movements in your stomach - fetal movements.

As the baby grows, the movements may become more intense, and in subsequent weeks, tremors may be felt. Every mother is different: some notice the first movements earlier (which often happens if you already have children), while others notice them later. So, if you don't feel any movement at 18 weeks of pregnancy, don't worry.

At this stage of pregnancy, a redistribution of circulating blood volume occurs in the body. Blood volume increases and blood vessels dilate rapidly, which can lower blood pressure. Blood flow to your head and upper torso is reduced, which can make you feel dizzy.

As early as week 18, you will probably notice that your legs have become larger. This is partly due to swelling, which occurs due to water retention in the body, starting in the second trimester.

To reduce swelling, take cold foot baths and periodically elevate your feet. Don't be alarmed if you have to buy larger shoes (and enjoy the upgrade!).

If you are currently 18 weeks pregnant, you have most likely just entered the fifth month of your pregnancy.

Woman's feelings

With the appearance of the first movements, the last fears, anxieties and worries about the baby’s development recede. Now a woman can feel the movements of her baby every day, which brings confidence that everything is fine with the child.

From this moment, the expectant mother begins to fully feel her position, the maternal instinct manifests itself more and more strongly.

The breasts may grow a little more and colostrum may appear. All this is within normal limits.

The discharge at 18 weeks of pregnancy is quite heavy. Normally they are milky or slightly beige in color with a slightly sour odor. The presence of discomfort, itching or redness of the perineum may indicate a genitourinary tract infection. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. A change in the color and smell of the discharge is also a reason to visit a doctor.

During this period, the risk of thrush is high. If you notice the characteristic cheesy discharge, do not self-medicate even if this is not your first time encountering this disease. Remember: what could be treated before pregnancy may be strictly prohibited for expectant mothers. Contact your doctor, he will prescribe effective and safe medications.

18th week of pregnancy: pregnancy symptoms

Here are some symptoms you may experience during your 18th week of pregnancy:

  • Attacks of dizziness.

    Your heart works 40–50% harder than before pregnancy. This tension, as well as the pressure of the growing uterus on the blood vessels, can sometimes cause dizziness, especially when you suddenly stand up. Try to rest more often. If you feel lightheaded or dizzy, lie on your side. Dizziness can also be caused by low blood sugar. To restore your sugar levels, rest lying on your side or eat a piece of fruit.

  • Movements.

    Most women notice their baby's first movements between 16 and 20 weeks.
    Your baby is still very small, so at 18 weeks the movements
    will feel more like slight vibrations rather than powerful kicks
    to the stomach

  • Leg cramps. At 18 weeks of pregnancy

    You may
    experience cramps in your calf muscles.
    This usually happens in the evening and at night. It is recommended to stretch your calf muscles before going to bed and drink plenty of water. A warm bath, hot shower or massage can also help with cramps.

  • Problems with the nose.

    During pregnancy, the body experiences a hormonal storm, blood volume increases, and this leads to swelling of the mucous membranes. This is the reason why sometimes pregnant women experience nosebleeds or a feeling of nasal congestion.

  • Back pain.

    The belly is growing, hormonal levels are changing - all this can cause pain in the lower back.

Necessary tests and studies

In the period from 18 to 20 weeks, doctors send pregnant women for a triple test - a study that includes three procedures:

  • alpha-fetoprotein protein test;
  • hCG hormone level analysis;
  • Free estriol test.

By ordering these tests, doctors are trying to find out whether the child has any genetic abnormalities. Based on the level of these hormones and proteins, experts determine whether the pregnancy is proceeding successfully and whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

Of course, in addition to the triple test, the pregnant woman must undergo a standard set of procedures provided for at 18 weeks. These include an examination in a gynecological chair, a general urine and blood test, blood pressure measurement, determination of body weight, and the height of the uterine fundus. In addition, the gynecologist must listen to the child's heart beat.

Using urine and blood tests, doctors find out if there are diseases of the urinary or circulatory systems. While carrying a child, women often experience anemia, pyelonephritis and other diseases. Let us add that regular appointments with the doctor are a guarantee that exacerbations of chronic diseases caused by pregnancy will be identified in a timely manner, which means that recovery will occur quickly and painlessly.

18th week of pregnancy: what to look for

  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nowadays it is very important to get nutrients for two at once, and omega-3 fatty acids are an essential component of a healthy diet. Omega-3s help develop the nervous system of the unborn child. According to research, these acids also strengthen the mother's immune system and help cope with symptoms of depression. Choose foods that are high in omega-3s: fatty fish such as salmon, plant sources such as flaxseeds, broccoli and walnuts. You can find even more information on how to eat healthy during pregnancy in our pregnancy guide.
  • Gradually increase your caloric intake. A growing baby will need a lot of calories, but that doesn't mean you have to eat for two. In the second trimester, you can add 300 calories (that's half a sandwich and a glass of skim milk) to your average 2,000-calorie diet per day. When adding calories to your diet, find out what weight gain is acceptable during pregnancy, because this is a common cause of worry for expectant mothers!
  • Suddenly, everyone around you - from your mother-in-law to passers-by on the street - will start giving you advice on how and what to do during pregnancy. Although unsolicited advice can be annoying, treat it philosophically. You don't have to make excuses to anyone. Use the universal answer: “Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind for the future.” And don’t forget that your advisors really want the best for you and are happy for you. Perhaps some advice for expectant mothers will really be useful.


Stick to a diet that consists of frequent meals in moderate quantities. Load up on vegetables and fruits. Nuts, beef liver, buckwheat porridge, tomato juice, pomegranates and apples (Antonov apples are better - they have more iron than other varieties) will fill the increased need for iron.

The enemy of iron is calcium. Dishes rich in these elements (for example, cutlets and kefir, sausage and cheese, goulash and cottage cheese casserole, sandwich and yogurt) cannot be eaten at the same time.

If heartburn bothers you, you will have to follow some rules:

  • Avoid spicy and fatty foods
  • After eating, remain upright for at least 2 hours
  • Sleep on a high pillow

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to have activated charcoal? Recommendations from experts

How does the belly grow?

An enlarged belly is now clearly visible not only in thin women, but also in pregnant women of any build. The shifted center of gravity changes the gait; increased load requires comfortable low-heeled shoes. If a woman has not yet chosen a prenatal bandage, now she simply needs to do so. You should invest in supportive underwear and maternity pants or shorts. These measures will help you avoid discomfort, pain in the groin and lower back after a long stay on your feet.

Other recommendations


  1. Maintain your previous diet.
  2. If you have heartburn, be sure to prepare porridge and jelly.
  3. A few prunes a day will relieve you of constipation.
  4. Don't overeat.
  5. If you have a headache, try lying in the dark and quiet. Usually this advice is given for migraines, but headaches in pregnant women go away faster in such an environment.
  6. Don’t be sad or upset - all unfavorable hormones will reach your baby through your blood and disturb him. If an unpleasant incident occurs in your life, urgently come up with something. Chat with family and friends, watch your favorite positive films, chat on forums for expectant mothers.
  7. If colostrum leaks, use special bra pads.
  8. Wear a prenatal bandage - it will support your growing belly and reduce lower back pain.
  9. Do you want to go to the toilet? If possible, do not be patient.
  10. Sex life can be truly amazing and a lot of fun. Possible prohibitions: oligohydramnios, threat of miscarriage, pregnancy with twins or even triplets, leakage of amniotic fluid and low placenta.
  11. Walk as much as possible, but do not do tiring, long walks.
  12. In addition to special gymnastics, do yoga for pregnant women and/or swim. Going to the pool will eventually help your baby find the correct position in the uterus.
  13. Talk to your child and teach the future dad this.
  14. Attend courses for pregnant women, communicate and gain useful experience.
  15. Beware of colds and any hypothermia. If there is an infectious epidemic in your city, do not hesitate to wear a medical mask in public places.

Think positive, take care of yourself, and the eighteenth week will be great.

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