Climax. Author of the article: obstetrician-gynecologist Starostina Antonina Viktorovna.

Basic properties of Bonisan:

  • Relief of symptoms of menopause in women, such as: hot flashes, sleep disturbances, increased night sweats, headaches, mood swings, irritability
  • Prevention of osteoporosis (the process of “washing out” calcium from bone tissue)
  • Reducing the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Improved skin appearance
  • Slowing down the aging process of the body

Isoflavones are natural substances (phytoestrogens), whose molecules are similar in structure and action to female sex hormones (estrogens). The activity of such substances is significantly lower than that of their synthetic analogues.

Isoflavones, depending on the concentration of sex hormones in the bloodstream, exhibit dual activity: both estrogenic and antiestrogenic. If there is a deficiency of biologically active substances, they replace the existing deficiency, however, due to their mild natural action, they do not have the side effects that are characteristic of synthetic drugs.

For whom it is used and for whom it is prohibited

The instructions recommend the use of the medication for women:

  • after 40 years - as a means of preventing the early occurrence of menopause;
  • in the period from 50 to 60 years - to suppress the characteristic clinical signs of menopause.

Bonisan is contraindicated:

  • minors;
  • patients under forty years of age;
  • pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • women with individual intolerance to its component ingredients.

Before starting a therapeutic course, consultation with the attending physician and his approval are required.

Oncological diseases

Recent studies have identified the role of soy products in reducing the risk of developing tumors. Presumably, this effect is achieved due to isoflavones. They are able to minimize the likelihood of developing breast cancer due to their estrogen-like effect. By binding to the receptors of female sex hormones, isoflavones protect the body from the influence of estrogens on tissues, eliminating the possibility of the appearance of cancer cells in the breast that are formed under their influence.

Custom effects

During therapeutic measures, it is possible to develop an allergy, manifested by:

  • redness on the skin;
  • periodic itching;
  • dermatological rash;
  • nettle fever.

In complex cases, the pathological condition is expressed in Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock. The appearance of these symptoms indicates the need to stop therapy and search for a more suitable medication with the help of a doctor.

Proper storage, sales standards

Capsules are stored in dark, dry rooms, with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. They must be securely hidden from children and pets to avoid accidental use.

The shelf life of the product is limited to 36 months; after its expiration, unused units are disposed of. Expired remains are prohibited for consumption; if taken, they can provoke the development of allergies.

The medicine can be purchased without a doctor's prescription in an online pharmacy, which will cost the patient less. The cost per package is 411 rubles; with a promotion or discount, the price is significantly reduced. Orders from online platforms are delivered to local regional divisions of pharmacy chains.

The benefits of medicinal plants during menopause

Almost all hormone-containing drugs act on the same principle. Their goal is to replenish the reserves of female hormones missing in the body. However, it is worth considering that hormones have not only a positive effect on the female body, but also a negative one. Very often, representatives of the fair sex taking synthetic hormones complained of adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, fluid retention in the body, weight gain, and others.

Also, synthetic hormones increase the risk of developing malignant tumors in the body. Therefore, treatment with medicinal plants is a good alternative to synthetic drugs.

The drug "Bonisan": analogues

Today there is no medical product that has exactly the same composition as the Bonisan dietary supplement. However, there are a large number of other medications that have a similar effect on the body. First of all, this includes medications containing female hormones of plant origin. Most often, gynecologists recommend to their patients such substitutes for the drug “Bonisan” as “Inoglir”, “Solgam”, “Doppelherz Active Menopause” and others.

special instructions

  • There is not enough data on alcohol intake during Bonisan therapy
  • Bonisan is intended for sale in pharmacy chains without a doctor's prescription
  • Bonisan is not addictive

Storage conditions for Bonisan
Bonisan should be stored out of the reach of small children. Shelf life 2.5 years

* Isoflavones are natural phytoestrogens compounds from soybeans. Taking isoflavones reduces the risk of osteoporosis in women over 40 years of age. Soy isoflavones help reduce the risk of osteoporosis by preventing thinning and fragility of skeletal bones. In addition, they help maintain calcium in the body. Soy isoflavones block excess enzymes that promote the growth of tumor cells in hormone-dependent tumors, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing an oncological process. The active components of Bonisan help prevent strokes and heart attacks: they prevent the development of vascular atherosclerosis.
In addition, soy isoflavones can delay the onset of menopause. They help get rid of nervous tension, slow down aging, and improve skin condition. Other drugs from the group Hormone replacement therapy drugs, phytoestrogens Other drugs from the ANTI-AGE group drugs used in preventive medicine and

The best drugs for menopause

Many women wonder how to choose medications for menopause. The best ones will be those that are right for you. After all, each organism is absolutely unique, so it is impossible to say with certainty that the medicine that was bad for another woman will be bad for you.

Of course, with the onset of menopause, a woman’s condition worsens. Health is no longer as strong, and the skin is not as elastic. However, the process of physiological aging can be delayed as much as possible by using the right medications. In pharmacies you will find simply a huge number of medications designed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause. All of them are divided into two categories: hormonal synthetic drugs and herbal dietary supplements.

Both the first and second groups contain female hormones estrogens. The only difference is the nature of their origin. Plant hormones are safer, but they are also less effective. Both medications must be taken under the supervision of a physician. During hormone replacement therapy, you must constantly monitor your hormonal levels in order for the treatment to bring positive results.

Pay attention to the medications most often recommended by doctors for women with menopause: “Ovestin”, “Sigetin”, “Divina”, “Climaxan”, “Inoklim”, “Remens” and many others. Be healthy and take care of yourself, and don’t think that menopause is a death sentence.


  • Slows down the aging of the body;
  • Improves skin condition;
  • Relieves the characteristic symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, headaches and frequent mood swings);
  • Prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis in women during menopause;
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Recommended for maintaining the required level of hormones in a woman’s body. Does not cause side effects.

Isoflavones are natural phytoestrogens, the molecules of which are very similar, but not identical, to the molecules of female hormones - estrogens. As you know, hormone replacement therapy is often prescribed in connection with various diseases - for both men and women. However, the activity of natural isoflavones, in contrast to synthetic hormones, is tens of thousands of times lower. Isoflavones (daidzein, glycitein, genistein) have a hormone-like effect. They act selectively, exhibiting both estrogenic and antiestrogenic activity, depending on the amount of estrogens contained in the blood. Soy isoflavones exhibit effects similar to the action of the female body’s own estrogens, i.e. devoid of the side effects that synthetic estrogens have. Studies conducted in Japan, where residents consume isoflavones in large quantities of soy foods, have shown that they help reduce the risk of many human diseases. As you know, residents of Asian countries rarely suffer from excess weight, cardiovascular diseases, and symptoms associated with menopause in women. In Russia, due to the low consumption of legumes rich in isoflavones, it is necessary to compensate for their deficiency with the help of dietary supplements.

Menopause During menopause, estrogen secretion in women decreases significantly. Moreover, during menopause, the skin usually becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and wrinkles appear. This occurs due to the loss of collagen and elastin, the main proteins that keep skin in good condition. Isoflavones help preserve collagen content, its elastic properties, reduce the depth of wrinkles and maintain skin hydration. As a result, the skin appears more radiant and smooth.

Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a disease of the skeletal bones in which the structure of the bones changes and their strength decreases. In osteoporosis, bone fractures occur with minimal or even normal physical activity. The most susceptible bones to fracture are the femur at the femoral neck, the spine and the wrist. This is a very dangerous and worldwide problem, especially for women. 15 years after menopause, the incidence of fractures in women increases 10 times. Bonisan isoflavones in the diet significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, they help maintain calcium in the body. Recent research in this area has found that daily consumption of 1 capsule of the Bonisan increases skeletal bone density in the lumbar spine in postmenopausal women.

Cardiovascular diseases occupy a leading place in mortality cases. People with high blood cholesterol have an increased risk of heart disease. Recent studies have shown that the use of isoflavones reduces cholesterol levels in human blood.

Cancer Recently, tremendous interest has been generated by the apparent role of soy products in reducing the risk of cancer. Some isoflavones found in soy protein have been identified as anti-cancer. Scientists believe that isoflavones may inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Isoflavones help prevent breast cancer, acting in this case as weak estrogens. They interact with receptors on estrogen-sensitive cells and protect them from stronger female estrogen. As a result, estrogens produced by the female body do not interact with tissues and are released without causing the growth and development of cancer cells.

Release form and composition

The instructions for use describe the drug "Bonisan" as a dietary supplement, the main active ingredient of which is soy isoflavone extract. This component is very similar to the female hormones estrogen. But due to its natural plant origin, it has lower activity. The product also contains components such as glycitein, daidzein and genistein.

The drug "Bonisan" can be released in two forms - gel and capsules. Give preference to the form recommended to you by your doctor.


Menopause is a time in a woman's life that signals the end of her menstrual period and her ability to bear children. A woman officially enters menopause without a period after a full year.

Perimenopause and menopause symptoms, including uncomfortable bloating, can begin up to 4 years before menopause as hormone levels drop. Luckily, there are ways to relieve menopausal bloating and discomfort.

  • What is bloating?
  • Causes
  • Water retention versus gas retention
  • Prevention and relief
  • Bloating or weight gain?
  • When to see a doctor
  • What is bloating?

Bloating is uncomfortable pressure in the abdominal area caused by extra air or fluid in the gastrointestinal tract. It may feel like fullness or tightness.

In some cases, bloating can cause a person's stomach to swell. A person may also experience temporary weight gain from bloating.

"Bonisan": reviews from women and doctors

In fact, this supplement is very popular among the fair sex. Feedback from patients confirms that this product actually copes with its responsibilities very well, eliminating the negative manifestations of menopause.

Doctors are confident in the effectiveness and safety of this product, so they very often recommend it to their patients. However, the drug will have a positive effect on the female body only if it is used correctly. Do not increase the dosage or prolong the course of treatment. The product will have a good effect on your body within just one month of use.

On the Internet you can find simply a huge number of positive reviews from women who have encountered the first signs of menopause. Patients are very pleased that the drug is of plant origin, which means it does not have a negative effect on the body, as synthetic hormonal drugs do. Patients are also very pleased with the cost of the dietary supplement. "Bonisan", the price of which is about two hundred to two hundred and fifty rubles per package, really justifies itself, because the therapeutic effect is achieved in almost all cases. Women during menopause actually feel much better, and their appearance also improves.

How to apply it correctly?

Many women are interested in the question of what medications can be used during menopause. The best of them are those that are of plant origin and contain hormones very close to female sex hormones. However, active supplements do not always help, so you should definitely consult a gynecologist and together with him choose a hormonal drug.

The drug "Bonisan" is intended for women who have reached the age of forty-five. The course of treatment is usually a month. In this case, you need to take one capsule daily. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated exactly one week after the previous course. Moreover, each year you can take no more than two treatment courses with this drug.

As you know, this dietary supplement has two forms of release. We figured out how to take capsules. Now it’s worth considering how to use the gel. The product can be used as an intimate hygiene gel or lubricant. In this case, it will have to be applied to the genitals immediately before sexual intercourse. And after that, wash it off with warm water.

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