Weather dependence: how weather affects human health

Weather sensitivity is the body's sensitivity to changes in weather conditions. Today this relationship has been scientifically confirmed, but just a few decades ago not everyone took the existence of weather dependence seriously. By the way, weather sensitivity is not just drowsiness or headaches in rainy weather - everything is much more serious. It has been proven that, against the background of certain weather conditions, some people may experience exacerbations of chronic diseases, asthma attacks, heart attacks or strokes. Why does this happen, what weather is most dangerous for weather-sensitive people, and is it possible to somehow break your “connection” with the weather? Modern science has already found answers to these questions.

General information

Meteopathy or meteosensitivity are terms that are commonly used to describe the state of dependence of the human body on changes in the meteorological situation.
As a result of such changes, the general condition of the body can either improve or worsen. In weather-sensitive people, the body's adaptation to weather changes is impaired. Very often, meteoropathy manifests itself in people with diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Due to exposure to weather conditions, adaptation mechanisms may weaken, immunity , and chronic diseases may worsen. Similar manifestations in weather-dependent people are observed during sudden changes in meteorological factors. Statistics show that during periods when the weather changes dramatically, the number of emergency calls increases significantly.

Meteopathy is characterized by changes in blood pressure , shortness of breath , deterioration in general health, dizziness , autonomic dysfunction, pain in the composition, etc. However, today in medicine meteodependence is not considered as a separate disease, and unpleasant symptoms associated with weather changes are treated as part of the main diseases .

How meteoropathy manifests itself, and what people prone to meteosensitivity need to do to improve their condition, can be found in this article.

Why is weather sensitivity dangerous?

Weather sensitivity is not such a harmless disorder as one might assume. Under the influence of the vagaries of the weather, different systems of the body suffer.

Immunity. Frequent changes in climatic conditions lead to the fact that the immune system is depleted, as it works in enhanced mode for a long time. As a result, a person gets sick easier and more often.

The cardiovascular system. Sudden changes in weather conditions cause the release of stress hormones, which provoke blood thickening, which creates additional risks for people with cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Therefore, people at risk should take blood thinners on the day the weather changes and a day earlier (but only as prescribed by a doctor).

Endocrine system. A sudden change in weather is stressful for the entire body, including the endocrine system. In particular, as for the pancreas, an unstable weather situation is one of the reasons for its depletion, and, therefore, a disruption in insulin production. The result is increased blood sugar and a tendency to develop diabetes. That is why, in adverse weather conditions, it is advisable for even healthy people to control their blood sugar levels. And people with diabetes must do this.


If a person is healthy, in response to changes in weather conditions, compensatory mechanisms appear in the body. When atmospheric pressure changes, the lumen of blood vessels is adjusted; when the oxygen concentration in the air decreases, corresponding changes occur in the functioning of the respiratory system. In cold weather, blood vessels constrict, retaining heat; in hot weather, they expand. As a result, discomfort from the weather is “smoothed out.”

If compensatory mechanisms do not work correctly, meteosensitivity develops. As a result, your health worsens, and sometimes quite serious symptoms appear. A weather-dependent person reacts most strongly to changes in atmospheric pressure, changes in humidity, etc.

Weather sensitivity index: how to determine

If earlier many doctors dismissed patients who complained of deterioration in health due to weather changes, now it is customary to carefully examine them and even calculate the meteosensitivity index.

The meteosensitivity index (meteotropic index) is a general medical assessment of the patient’s meteolability (sensitivity to changes in weather conditions).

To determine the level of weather lability, doctors are guided by a set of specific clinical criteria. Most often, the 10 most popular questions are used to collect anamnesis:

  • complaints when weather or climate changes;
  • decreased activity;
  • deterioration of health;
  • tendency to depression;
  • anticipation of a change in the weather situation: signal reactions of the body even before the weather changes;
  • repeatability of the same signs in a specific weather situation;
  • synchronicity of meteorological reaction with other weather-sensitive people;
  • normalization of well-being in favorable weather;
  • short duration of deterioration;
  • absence of other reasons for exacerbation of the disease or deterioration of the condition.

If a patient has 5 or more signs out of 10, they say that he has increased weather sensitivity. In addition, to determine the nature of meteosensitivity, a person may be asked to undergo several laboratory tests. As a rule, doctors are interested in heart rate, blood pressure, platelet and leukocyte counts, blood clotting rate, changes in cold testing and some other indicators, which are measured twice: during periods of good health and during unfavorable weather conditions.


If you evaluate the severity of symptoms, three degrees of weather dependence are determined:

  • Mild (as a rule, it is called meteosensitivity) - a person experiences a slight, subjective malaise.
  • Moderate (this condition is called meteodependence) – some symptoms appear, including possible heart rate and blood pressure disturbances, temperature fluctuations, headaches, etc.
  • Severe – severe disorders develop, which depend on chronic diseases, age, etc.

In turn, severe disorders can manifest themselves in one or more meteopathic reactions:

  • Brain type - headaches, dizziness, noise in the head, etc. appear.
  • Cardiac type - shortness of breath, pain in the heart area.
  • Mixed type - cardiac and nervous disorders are combined.
  • Asthenoneurotic type – there is severe excitability, irritability, sleep problems, and fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Uncertain type - general weakness, muscle pain, and other signs without clear localization are noted.

In addition, experts distinguish two types of this condition, depending on the seasonality of manifestations:

  • Seasonal – chronic diseases worsen at certain times of the year.
  • Meteopathological manifestations - as a reaction to weather changes.

Meteopathological syndromes

In recent decades, many studies have been conducted with the participation of people with increased weather sensitivity. This allowed specialists to identify some typical symptoms of dependence on the weather situation. Researchers call them meteorological syndromes or symptom complexes. In different people, the syndromes can appear either individually or in combination with other symptoms.

Today, patients most often experience the following meteopathological symptom complexes:

  • rheumatoid (fatigue, general weakness and fatigue, various inflammatory reactions, pain);
  • cerebral (irritability, general excitability, headaches, sleep disturbance, respiratory dysfunction);
  • vegetative-vascular (blood pressure surges, autonomic disorders);
  • cardiorespiratory (cough, increased respiratory rate, increased heart rate);
  • dyspeptic (unpleasant sensations in the stomach, intestines and/or under the right ribs, nausea, lack of appetite, stool disturbance);
  • immunological (impaired protective reactions of the body, tendency to colds and fungal diseases);
  • skin-allergic (skin rashes, itching and other reactions typical of allergies);
  • hemorrhagic (bleeding rashes on the skin, bleeding of mucous membranes, rushes of blood to the head, nosebleeds, increased blood supply to the conjunctiva, changes in the blood formula).

Sometimes, if the body’s reactions to certain meteorological factors are very pronounced and are repeated quite often, they speak of the development of a general adaptation-meteotropic syndrome. In this case, the balance of the whole organism is disturbed. Problems arise in the field of metabolism and energy metabolism, enzymatic activity, tissue structure and blood formula change.


The factors influencing the formation of weather dependence have not yet been clearly defined. According to the observations of specialists, meteopathy develops in chronic diseases, most often in diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

There are a number of conditions and diseases in which meteopathy develops most often:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia - as a result of such disorders, compensatory reactions do not work correctly, as a result of which vascular tone changes and health deteriorates.
  • Chronic diseases - meteopathy is often observed with hypertension , atherosclerosis . The influence of atmospheric pressure on a person leads to disruption of vascular regulation. As a result, the lumen of the blood vessels narrows, which leads to worsening symptoms. Meteopathy is also often observed in people with asthma.
  • Migraine - manifests itself as a consequence of excessive susceptibility of scalp receptors under the influence of cold air and strong wind.
  • Consequences of diseases of the central nervous system - meteopathy often manifests itself after a head injury, stroke , encephalitis , or clinical death.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - cold affects the human body with arthritis , arthrosis , and previous injuries. The manifestation of unpleasant symptoms in such diseases is provoked by increased and decreased atmospheric pressure and humidity.
  • Unbalanced type of NS - easily excitable and emotionally labile people are susceptible to the influence of weather fluctuations. In this case, the reaction to increased or decreased atmospheric pressure, temperature fluctuations, etc. is a consequence of increased excitability of the receptors.
  • Old age – aging leads to a deterioration in the performance of adaptive mechanisms.

There is also evidence that weather sensitivity can be inherited.

In addition, it is noted that risk factors for the development of meteosensitivity may include excess weight , menopause , puberty, and pregnancy .

By type of character, choleric people, whose nervous system is unbalanced, as well as melancholic people, are especially prone to weather sensitivity.

Experts who study the influence of weather on humans identify several types of weather conditions that affect human well-being:

  • Indifferent - meteorological conditions fluctuate insignificantly, their impact on living organisms is insignificant.
  • Tonic – a beneficial effect on a person of such conditions is noted. bronchitis feel better .
  • Spastic – observed with a sharp cold snap and a rise in atmospheric pressure. This increases the amount of oxygen in the air. At this time, people may develop headaches, pain in the heart as a result of vasospasm. Blood pressure also increases.
  • Hypotensive – noted if the amount of oxygen in the air decreases. As a result, vascular tone decreases. During this period, the general well-being of people with hypertension , since their blood pressure decreases.
  • Hypoxic – develops with warming. During this period, the level of oxygen in the air decreases, so people prone to weather sensitivity experience symptoms of oxygen deficiency.

Separately, the impact of magnetic storms on health should be highlighted. So-called unfavorable days can be especially difficult for weather-sensitive people. It has been proven that the influence of a magnetic field on the human body can actually have a negative impact on well-being. Unfavorable days are associated with solar flares, which result in a powerful release of protons and electrons. This, in turn, affects the Earth's magnetic field. During magnetic storms, people's blood viscosity increases, gas exchange worsens, blood pressure rises, and migraines .

How weather affects human health. Can weather affect health and well-being?

If a person does not have chronic diseases and adheres to a healthy lifestyle, a change in weather cannot affect his well-being.
But prolonged rains, gloomy skies and lack of sunlight for several days can cause a decline in activity and affect the psycho-emotional state. From a physiological point of view, this is due to a slowdown in certain metabolic processes: for example, a decrease in the production of vitamin D. If there is no confirmed scientific data on people’s weather dependence, why is such a large percentage of the population convinced that worsening weather affects their well-being? Typically, symptoms of meteosensitivity include:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • decreased activity level;
  • drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia;
  • change in appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • apathy.

These signs can indicate a wide range of pathologies: from low levels of hemoglobin in the blood to diseases of the cardiovascular system. If you think your body is reacting to the elements, it's worth scheduling a preventive health checkup. Most likely, the doctor will determine the physiological cause of poor health.

To make a diagnosis, you will need to undergo an examination and a number of studies: for example, take general urine and blood tests, check biochemistry, and hormone levels. Often, “meteosensitivity” hides hormonal disorders. After the examinations, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, select treatment if necessary, adjust the diet, and develop preventive measures to maintain high vitality in any circumstances.

Symptoms of weather dependence

Symptoms of weather sensitivity can occur against the background of both normal health and chronic diseases.

Most often, weather-dependent people report the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue and weakness.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Joint pain.
  • Dizziness.
  • Migraine.
  • Increase and decrease in pressure.
  • Noise in the ears, pain in the eyes.
  • Palpitations.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Meteorological sensitivity can appear several hours before sudden weather changes. In general, manifestations largely depend on the general state of health and chronic diseases that a person has.

  • People with brain diseases or after traumatic brain injuries experience dizziness, headaches, and concentration problems.
  • With heart pathologies, shortness of breath, pain in the heart area, and discomfort in this area are observed.
  • In patients with arterial hypertension, signs of VSD are observed, panic attacks and hypertensive crisis .
  • In cases of central nervous system disorders, irritability, insomnia , and deterioration of the emotional state are manifested.
  • When the musculoskeletal system is damaged, pain appears in the bones and joints.

Other signs of meteosensitivity are also possible.

Meteopathy and meteosensitivity: how to recognize

If, against the backdrop of a change in weather, the general condition of the body changes, then they say that a person has meteopathy (meteo - a celestial phenomenon, pathos - suffering, illness). But meteosensitivity, or meteodependence, is a person’s increased sensitivity to changing weather conditions. Researchers suggest that approximately 35-40% of the world's population suffers from weather sensitivity. Most of them are elderly people: approximately 8 out of 10 elderly men and women complain that their well-being is dependent on the weather.

Weather dependence can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms. In many ways, the manifestation of the disorder depends on the age and general health of the person. In young people with relatively good health, a change in weather can be accompanied by ailments of varying degrees; in elderly people and those suffering from chronic illnesses, their health worsens at such times and old ailments remind themselves. People who are weather-sensitive usually complain of increased fatigue, loss of physical strength, decreased mental activity, and inability to collect their thoughts.

A sharp change in weather also affects the quality of sleep: while some are hampered by insomnia, others, on the contrary, fall asleep on the go. In addition, the weather also affects the mood of weather-sensitive individuals. It can make us hot-tempered, irritable, and overly restless.

One of the most common symptoms of weather dependence is a headache that appears when weather conditions change. It is often difficult to determine the nature of such pain and at first it seems causeless. The same can be said for abdominal pain. Weather-dependent people may experience spasms in the digestive organs without visible signs of poisoning. Also, against the background of weather conditions, blood pressure and body temperature may change (for some, it rises to 37.3).

Tests and diagnostics

Specialists of different profiles may periodically suspect manifestations of meteopathies in patients. Initially, a survey and examination of the patient is carried out. The doctor asks about symptoms and when exactly they appear. Attention is focused on blood pressure readings on days of weather fluctuations, and attention is also paid to the manifestation of other symptoms.

It is currently impossible to diagnose meteopathy using instrumental diagnostic methods.

It is important to carry out a differential diagnosis with meteoneurosis , a condition in which neurotic hypersensitivity manifests itself, but there are no objective symptoms.

Why do I get headaches when the weather changes?

Weather sensitivity is not an official diagnosis or disease: a healthy body normally tolerates any weather changes. If you notice that in cloudy weather you suffer from dizziness and headaches, this is an alarming signal indicating that pathological processes are occurring in your body. It is recommended to make an appointment with a neurologist or cardiologist.

Typically, headaches when the weather changes occur due to impaired vascular tone. Inside the skull, its own pressure is established (intracranial), the maintenance of which is important for the normal nutrition of brain cells. If vascular tone is disturbed (as, for example, with cervical osteochondrosis), a change in ambient temperature can provoke severe pain.

The mechanism of its development is as follows: temperature or pressure changes, in order to adapt to these changes, the vessels in the human body narrow or expand. But if their tone is disturbed, there are plaques on the walls or other pathologies are observed, this leads to circulatory disorders and changes in intracranial pressure. As a result, the patient may experience different types of headaches: from a “cotton-like sensation” to throbbing in the temples or migraine.

Pain can also be caused by an electrolyte imbalance. For example, if the air becomes humid, fluid accumulates in the body, which leads to an imbalance and can cause headaches. What to do in such cases?

To stop depending on weather changes, it is necessary to cure the disease: cope with osteochondrosis, restore vascular tone. To do this, you first need to understand why the body reacts sharply to temperature fluctuations. You can do this by making an appointment with a cardiologist or therapist at a medical center.

Procedures and operations

People prone to weather sensitivity need to adjust their lifestyle. During the period when negative reactions associated with weather conditions appear, you should reduce physical activity and avoid stress. It is recommended to completely avoid alcohol and caffeine. Smoking also has a negative impact on health.

  • Those who often experience joint pain when changing weather conditions are advised to avoid freezing and stay home in cold and humid weather.
  • People prone to migraines should wear warm hats in windy and cold weather.
  • Proper and nutritious nutrition is also important to keep the body in optimal shape.
  • In case of severe hypoxic reactions, it is recommended to walk in the fresh air more often.
  • For many manifestations, the condition can be improved by breathing exercises. Regular physical exercise or performing a set of simple exercises also helps improve your well-being.
  • Sometimes, with meteopathy, massage, a course of therapeutic baths, and physiotherapy are practiced.

A very important point is the weather forecast for weather-sensitive people. Since the well-being of weather-sensitive people directly depends on weather conditions, the weather forecast can become a certain “guide to action” for those who are weather-sensitive. Knowing in advance what the humidity, temperature, pressure will be today in Moscow, Anapa or any other city, a person can adequately make his plans. On many thematic sites you can find out the forecast for Moscow and other cities. Such sites also indicate the geomagnetic situation and other important information for weather-dependent people.

How cloudy weather affects a person. The influence of weather on people's health and well-being

There is no doubt that weather affects people. Some – more, some – less, but some connection between well-being and the weather can definitely be traced.

By the way, in ancient times it was the behavior of animals and one’s own well-being that were the best “weather forecaster” notifying about weather changes. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, today people have become less susceptible to weather conditions, but sometimes we can still feel all the “delights” of the influence of the weather - headaches, mood changes, etc.

This “sense” for changing weather conditions even has a name - meteosensitivity. Weather-dependent people can easily and without weather forecasts experience all the imminent changes in the atmosphere.

How the weather affects children

According to experts, children are more sensitive to weather changes. Most often this manifests itself in the form of moodiness, sleep problems, refusal to eat, apathy or, conversely, hyperactivity. All this is a reaction of the central nervous system, which is not yet strong enough to withstand changes in the atmosphere.

How weather affects adults

Of course, with age, a person becomes less susceptible to atmospheric changes; our body gets used to changing weather and no longer reacts to it so sharply. However, in old age, weather dependence returns again.

How does weather dependence manifest itself?

  • Prolonged headache;
  • Increase or decrease in pressure;
  • Insomnia;
  • Joint pain;
  • Apathy;
  • Anxiety;
  • Decreased performance;
  • Drowsiness, etc.

Research by Scottish scientists

Not long ago, scientists from one of the Scottish universities conducted several studies to determine exactly how the weather affects people. The results were quite impressive.

It turned out that, for example, a sharp drop in air temperature increases the risk of death from heart attacks several times.

Increased air temperature also affects humans. In the summer, a person may complain of poor appetite and severe cravings for sweets. Sleep problems also often arise in the summer. Hot weather affects the general condition of the body, reducing concentration.

Weather-dependent people may feel unwell in cloudy weather.

How to deal with weather sensitivity?

To reduce the impact of weather changes on the body, it is worth remembering these simple rules:

  • Don't overexert yourself and avoid excessive physical activity.
  • Take a hot bath or contrast shower.
  • Massage your head and body parts that ache.
  • During hot periods, do not take hot showers.
  • Take medications that strengthen the cardiovascular system.

It is also worth saying that you need to constantly remember about sports, vitamins, walks in nature and breathing exercises. The stronger your immunity is, the easier it will be for you to cope with sudden weather changes. The same applies to muscle training. The stronger your muscles and joints are, the less often they will bother you during atmospheric changes.

Treatment with folk remedies

To improve your well-being if you are weather dependent, you can use some folk recipes.

  • Herbal collections . Decoctions of mint, chamomile, lemon balm, rose hips, etc. have a calming and restorative effect. It is also useful to inhale mint vapors.
  • Heather decoction . 1 tbsp. l. heather grass pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes, then keep the broth in a thermos for three hours. After straining, drink 50 ml twice a day. After two weeks, increase the dose - take 100 ml three times a day.
  • Infusion of elecampane . Pour one and a half tablespoons of crushed elecampane root into 0.5 ml of vodka and leave in a dark place for a week. Take 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.
  • Baths . You can prepare a pine bath from pine extract. The water temperature should be 5-37 degrees. You need to take a bath for 15 minutes. You can also take baths from marsh cudweed and other herbs.
  • Black elderberry juice . It is necessary to squeeze the juice from black elderberry berries and on days when symptoms of weather sensitivity appear, drink it 4-5 times a day, 1 tsp.
  • Rosehip decoction with honey . This decoction is recommended to be consumed instead of tea 2-3 times a day.

Magnetic storm today December 19, 20 and 21, 2021

Today, December 19, 2021

, the state of the magnetosphere will change.
In the evening, a short-term magnetic storm with geomagnetic fluctuations of magnitude three is expected. Its start is predicted at 18.00
and it should end in 6 hours.
The time indicated is Moscow, the probability of the forecast worsening is 5%

This magnetic storm was not predicted in advance. This is probably how the magnetic field changes on the eve of a powerful magnetic storm expected on December 27 and 28, 2021

The strength of geomagnetic fluctuations will be 5 points during this unfavorable period .
It is likely that geomagnetic fluctuations will occur periodically over the coming week, however, they are not expected to be strong or lasting. During this period, meteoropaths are advised to take care of themselves and be more attentive to their state of health.

Your diet and daily routine can make a big difference in how you feel. If you establish proper nutrition, follow a daily routine, especially regarding sleep - go to bed and get up at the same time - then you will notice that you feel better in the morning and fall asleep without problems in the evening. Evening walks before bedtime, taking plant-based sedatives, as well as herbal teas will also have a beneficial effect on your body.

Try not to overload your body with high physical activity, do not get into disputes and conflicts, and take breaks during the working day. Follow all your doctor's instructions, do exercises in the morning and during your lunch break at work, give up coffee and energy drinks, and reduce your salt intake.


To reduce the innate effects of meteorological conditions on the body, it is necessary to follow the following rules of prevention:

  • Lead an active lifestyle, do physical exercise, and walk outdoors more often.
  • Eat rationally.
  • Always dress appropriately for the weather and avoid severe hypothermia.
  • Monitor the weather forecast and adequately plan your time for periods of magnetic storms and weather changes.

During periods when weather dependence manifests itself, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Limit stress – both physical and emotional.
  • Avoid long journeys and flights.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke.
  • Have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • Take a gentle contrast shower.
  • Take on time the medications prescribed by your doctor to treat the underlying disease.
  • If you tend to have high blood pressure, reduce the amount of salt and liquid you consume.

How to help yourself?

At this time, weather-sensitive people need to be especially careful.

It is important to follow the rules that will help reduce the strong influence of magnetic storms:

  • Proper, healthy sleep is necessary (7-8 hours a day).
  • The diet should not contain fatty foods, pickles and smoked foods. You shouldn't drink alcohol. Proper nutrition is important, but it is better not to diet.
  • Strong physical activity is prohibited. It is advisable to postpone strength training.
  • If you have any illnesses, you need to carry the necessary medications with you. Only medications should be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Water balance should be maintained. You need to drink the required amount of still water.
  • If irritability occurs, you need to brew a soothing tea.
  • If your health suddenly deteriorates, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Unfavorable days in December 2021 for all weather-sensitive people can pass much easier if you adhere to these rules. They allow you to maintain normal well-being, as well as take measures to improve your health.

In children

Parents often note the impact of weather on infants. Under certain weather conditions, some children become restless, capricious, cry a lot, and have difficulty falling asleep. At the same time, the influence of weather on infants can be noted from birth.

Experts say that not all children are affected by the weather. According to statistics, such manifestations, to one degree or another, are observed in 60% of children, more often in those who live in large cities.

  • Children react to air temperature, especially poorly tolerating sudden changes in temperature.
  • Increased atmospheric pressure affects the baby's heart and blood vessels, since his blood vessels are still quite weak and poorly permeable.
  • Children often feel unwell in windy weather.
  • When humidity is low, the baby actively produces sweat, which leads to dehydration.
  • High humidity in hot weather can lead to heat stroke, and in cold weather it can lead to dehydration.

Most often, meteopathy occurs in premature babies, as well as in those born during multiple pregnancies or by cesarean section . Also at risk are children who have undergone surgery, have been seriously ill, or those who have experienced significant stress. A recent vaccination can also trigger a reaction to the weather.

To help a child, it is important to be attentive to him and monitor the changes that occur to him. It is important to consult a doctor on time and carry out hardening procedures. Massage and herbal baths are also useful.

You need to take your baby for more walks and, if possible, leave him to sleep in the fresh air.

Coffee, but with pepper

The content of the article

With the addition of a pinch of cayenne pepper, coffee will become a real antiviral shield. This hot spice contains capsaicin, which destroys germs and therefore protects the body from infections.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is a source of antioxidants beneficial to the body. Adding cayenne pepper to your coffee will warm you up and strengthen your immune system.

And if you also add a pinch of cardamom and a teaspoon of brown sugar, you will stimulate the production of endorphins. Therefore, despite the bad weather, you will be in a good mood!


Diet for migraines

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 3 weeks
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of products: 1400-1500 rubles per week

Diet to boost immunity

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 3 weeks
  • Terms: 1-3 months or more
  • Cost of products: 1600-1800 rubles. in Week

With meteopathy, it is important to pay attention to the formation of a proper diet.

  • It is important to exclude coffee, strong tea, and alcohol from your diet. If your blood pressure is low, it is recommended to drink coffee in small quantities.
  • On days when meteosensitivity manifests itself, fried, smoked, and fatty foods should be excluded from the menu. It is recommended to avoid animal fats.
  • It is not recommended to eat fast food, sweets, and baked goods.
  • It is important to give up alcohol.

It is recommended to include in the diet:

  • Seafood, fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Cereals with a lot of fiber (buckwheat, quinoa, etc.).
  • Greenery.
  • Honey.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • Green tea, herbal infusions.

Born to confirm

"So what? - the reader will say. “The author is just showing off - after all, he doesn’t depend on the weather, which means he doesn’t understand our pain!” This is wrong. Weather dependents themselves also do not understand their pain, or rather, they draw false conclusions about where it comes from.

There is a hypothesis that the human brain is not a soulless machine, but rather a bad program code: it developed as it had to, the main thing is that everything always worked, and therefore some functions were built on top of others without the ability to catch bugs (errors). The result was a kind of conglomeration of structures and functions. (In English they call it “kludge,” but we don’t have a single word for this phenomenon.)

If we continue the computer analogy, then the brain is the “hardware”, the “hard” for the “software” - our psyche. And if the material foundation is built so crookedly, then what can we say about the superstructure? It is known, for example, that we are extremely protective of the resources of our nervous system and try not to waste them. As a result, when faced with some task that requires significant mental effort, the psyche of each representative of our species in most cases is much more willing to choose the simplest and most obvious solution. Simply because we automatically strive to save mental resources. As a result, people operate with misconceptions, rather than looking for a logically correct answer to all questions of the universe.

This is how general misconceptions arise. They are often also called cognitive distortions. And one of these distortions is confirmation bias, or in Russian, a tendency to confirm one’s point of view. Whether we like it or not, being right is much more pleasant than being wrong. Therefore, we accept information that confirms our views more readily than its refutation. We tend to forget them or even simply not notice them.

Therefore, those who consider themselves weather-dependent remember moments when, after another attack of pain or high blood pressure, the weather changed, but their memory is driven out of cases when they felt just as bad, but the weather remained the same. Perhaps weather-dependent migraine patients from Taipei, remembering that they were participating in a study, were more likely to pay attention to any headache in winter, because at this time of year the weather is not as pleasant as in summer, and they believed that in bad weather they themselves feel bad, and were looking for confirmation of their views. So it turns out that weather addicts suffer from bad weather, and those who don’t think about it live better.

Of course, all this sounds unpleasant, because it turns out that people are rather short-sighted creatures. This is probably true in some ways.

How to reduce the effects of weather dependence

It is not possible to completely get rid of weather dependence. A healthy lifestyle, rest, and good sleep will help reduce the impact. It is beneficial to eat foods rich in vitamins.

Rice. 3. Photo Healthy lifestyle.

Climate and weather are studied in the 6th grade geography course. You can prepare a report on how weather affects human health. Everyone needs to know the consequences of influence and first aid. Someone's life may depend on knowledge and correct actions.

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