How to sleep better for an expectant mother in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period of serious hormonal changes and stress that increases every day. Therefore, a good night's rest at this time is more important for the expectant mother than ever. Without it, both your physical and emotional state will deteriorate.

It is not surprising that many women are interested in the question of how to sleep properly during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby, and at the same time create optimal conditions for the full recovery of the body.

How to sleep better during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The second trimester is the stage from the fourth to the sixth month of pregnancy or from the 14th to the 27th obstetric week. A pregnant woman's belly is already becoming noticeable. Every day its circumference increases. The body changes quickly, so it is not always easy for a woman to find a comfortable sleeping position. You can no longer sleep on your stomach, as you can harm the baby.

Starting from 20–23 obstetric weeks, sleeping on your back is prohibited. This restriction is associated with an increase in the child's weight. While in the uterus, it puts strong pressure on the inferior vena cava. As a result, the expectant mother who falls asleep on her back will face the following problems:

  • feeling of lack of air:
  • dizziness;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • fainting state.

This is why doctors recommend sleeping on your side during pregnancy.

Interestingly, the fetus becomes very active in the 2nd trimester. There is still a lot of space in the uterus, so he moves intensely and flounders. If he does not like the position chosen by his mother, he communicates this with quite noticeable kicks. A woman must learn to “negotiate” with her child and choose sleeping positions that are comfortable for both of them. You can purchase a special pillow for pregnant women; it literally saves many women.

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach?

Here opinions differ. Some scientists do not recommend this night position, with the exception of patients suffering from flatulence. During “animal” sleep:

  • The head turns to the side, which strains the muscle fibers of the shoulders and neck, and blood flow to the brain and facial tissues worsens.
  • The arteries are pinched.
  • Internal organs are compressed, especially the lungs.

Sleeping on your stomach:

  • Increases the load on the diaphragm.
  • Makes breathing difficult.
  • Negatively affects oxygen supply.

Black humor of doctors

Sleeping on your stomach is called the “corpse pose” in medical circles. Doesn't sound like much, does it?

True, some snorers love this position. She claims that she does not allow them to snore, and, turning over on her stomach, they fall asleep peacefully. However, timely CPAP therapy will be much better than such “remedies”.

As you can see, there is no single correct and universal pose for “meeting Morpheus.” Therefore, taking into account all the above rules, choose the appropriate option for yourself so that you can fully rest and wake up energetic and invigorated.

How to sleep during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester: expert advice

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy in the third trimester is unacceptable, as well as in the second. The same goes for sleeping on your stomach. If a woman ignores these restrictions, the likelihood of:

  • hypoxia of the baby;
  • compression of the inferior vena cava;
  • frequent dizziness and fainting;
  • pelvic or transverse presentation of the child;
  • umbilical cord entanglement;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • swelling of the limbs, convulsions;
  • lower back pain.

The only available sleeping position is on your side. However, not everything is simple here either. Scientists have found that the most correct position for sleeping during pregnancy is on the left side.

Why is it dangerous to sleep on your back later in life?

A large vessel takes a major part in blood circulation, supporting the normal functioning of the pelvic organs.

Compression of the vena cava leads to stagnation of blood in the lower part of the body, disrupting the functioning of the entire circulatory system as a whole. This phenomenon has an extremely adverse effect on the health of mother and baby.

Position of the vena cava when sleeping on your back and side

In recent months, in a supine position, pregnant women notice poor health, shortness of breath and increasing fetal activity every minute. Which indicates a lack of oxygen. Therefore, the question of whether a pregnant woman can lie on her back no longer arises. The woman herself feels that it is impossible to rest in such a position in the third trimester.

Why is it preferable to sleep on your left side?

Sleeping on your left side has several benefits:

  • helps reduce the load on the circulatory system and internal organs of a woman;
  • creates optimal conditions for proper functioning of the heart;
  • prevents the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus and minimizes the likelihood of heartburn;
  • does not interfere with blood circulation in the placenta;
  • prevents compression of the inferior vena cava.

Thanks to stable blood flow and normal cardiac activity, the pregnant woman feels better. The child’s condition also remains stable – he does not suffer from hypoxia or nutritional deficiency.

Pillows for mom's comfortable sleep

Using regular or special pillows under the stomach, legs and back increases the level of comfort and also helps to properly distribute the load throughout the body. And there is another advantage. A pillow placed under her back will prevent mom from rolling over into a potentially dangerous position.

The most comfortable position for a pregnant woman, especially in the later stages, is on her left side, with the lower leg extended and the upper leg bent. This is where we stock up on pillows. We place one under the upper leg. And the second (more rigid) one - we support our back. Of course, it is much more convenient to use special pillows for pregnant women. In terms of functionality, C-shaped or U-shaped “gadgets” have proven themselves well. They simultaneously support the leg and stomach, and also “fix” the back.

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Vitamins important for proper sleep for the expectant mother

Insomnia during pregnancy is very common. It is not always associated with inconvenience caused by a growing belly. With a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals, the nervous system cannot function normally, and sleep and wakefulness patterns are disrupted. Then the pregnant woman cannot sleep for a long time in the evening, and in the morning she wakes up tired and overwhelmed.

For proper sleep, a person needs the following vitamins and minerals:

  • iodine,
  • vitamin D3,
  • thiamine (B1),
  • riboflavin (B2),
  • niacin (B3),
  • zinc.

If they are deficient, the pregnant woman experiences lethargy and suffers from loss of strength. She does not have time to “recharge” with energy overnight. He falls asleep poorly, wakes up from the slightest noise and then again cannot fall asleep for a long time. This negatively affects the general condition of the expectant mother.

This cause of poor sleep cannot be ignored, since during pregnancy the consumption of some vitamins and minerals increases several times; such amounts cannot be obtained from food. And most women enter pregnancy already deficient in nutrients, such as iodine.

To prevent vitamin deficiency and not suffer from insomnia, you should take vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. Try, for example, Pregnoton Mama. It contains all of the above vitamins in easily digestible forms, is well tolerated by pregnant women and has a high safety profile. It is convenient to take the complex; you only need one capsule per day. You can get more information about Pregnoton Mama here.


How to properly organize a sleeping place?

Getting ready for bed should start with the decor in the room. To pay attention:

  1. Lighting. The light in the bedroom should not be bright, as such lighting affects the nervous system and prevents a person from relaxing. The best option is a small lamp with warm light.
  2. Bed linen. Sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers made from natural fabrics are very pleasant to the body. They are not electrified, which also contributes to comfortable sleep.
  3. Mattress. Unfortunately, not everyone has space for a bed in their apartment, but if you have the opportunity to put one in, don’t skimp on a quality mattress. It should be firm enough to support your back. Modern orthopedic mattresses “adjust” to you within a few nights.
  4. Ventilate the room. Fresh air is very important for sound sleep. If the room is stuffy, the woman will wake up often. You also need to monitor air humidity. In winter, during the heating season, it can be too dry, so you need to use a humidifier.
  5. The size of the bed/sofa. There should be enough space for both you and your spouse.
  6. Relaxing environment. In the evening, you can light candles or an aromatherapy lamp with oil. Choose pleasant and soothing scents: lavender, lemon balm, cedar and others.

A few hours before bedtime, you need to stop watching TV and spending time on the Internet. It is advisable to take a shower or bath (but remember that pregnant women should not lie in hot water) and relax. You can read a book, drink tea and gradually get ready for bed.

Video about sleeping during pregnancy

In this video you can find very useful information regarding which position is best to choose for a good night's rest while expecting a baby. And also, how long should the expectant mother’s sleep be and why. For what reasons is the supine position prohibited, and how to successfully avoid it.

A good night's rest is the basis for the health of a woman in an “interesting” situation. And you should clearly understand how you can ensure maximum comfort for yourself and safety for your unborn baby.

How did you sleep during pregnancy? What difficulties did you encounter during pregnancy? Have you ever had leg cramps? Share your stories with us and give advice to expectant mothers on how to fully rest even in late pregnancy.

Some tips for a good night's sleep

When choosing a bed for yourself, you need to pay attention to its hardness; too soft mattresses are not welcome. The mattress or sofa should be elastic, the pillow under the head should be small.

In order for sleep during pregnancy to truly bring rest and relaxation (no matter how many weeks the fetus is at the moment), you should take a short walk before getting into bed. It is not recommended to watch sad or exciting films at night, and you should not read “difficult” books. You shouldn’t have a heavy dinner either, so as not to add work to the gastrointestinal tract. This will help you forget about heartburn and nausea.

In the evening, you can lie on your back for a few minutes, placing a cushion under your feet to relieve swelling. And then go to bed, having previously settled on your side.

It would seem that the position in which a person sleeps matters. In fact, your overall well-being may depend on it. This is especially true for pregnant women. It is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations, take care of yourself, and from the second trimester get into the habit of sleeping on your side to ensure maximum comfort for the body. During this period, he experiences enormous stress and needs help to make it easier to bear the pregnancy.

Unpleasant symptoms

During pregnancy in the 2nd–3rd trimester, it is better to avoid sleeping in a horizontal position. This is due to the pressure of the growing fetus on important organs. The longer the period, the stronger the effect of body position on the condition of the expectant mother and baby.

While sleeping with her stomach up, a woman may experience the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • Increased temperature and swelling indicate problems with the kidneys due to compression of the ureters by the uterus.
  • Belching, heartburn, nausea, and vomiting are the result of compression of the stomach.
  • Flatulence, constipation, and sometimes hemorrhoids occur when the intestines are compressed.
  • Pain in the lower back and limited mobility indicate that the uterus is compressing this part of the spine. Then the risk of osteochondrosis, protrusions, intervertebral hernias, etc. increases.
  • Shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, irregular heart rhythm, pressure surges, risk of loss of consciousness. These signs are a result of the uterus compressing the inferior vena cava, which carries blood from the lower body to the heart.

When the intestines are compressed by the uterus, metabolism is disrupted, then the expectant mother gains weight faster, she develops swelling, and the course of pregnancy is complicated. Therefore, it is better to stop sleeping on your back from the 16th week of gestation.

Attention. If the expectant mother often sleeps with her stomach up, this will negatively affect the development of the fetus. Even if a woman gives birth to a seemingly healthy child, over time she will experience growth retardation, poor appetite, sleep disorders, anxiety, etc.

The most important

In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, the development of the fetus is not disturbed and the birth is easy, the woman must rest fully and have sound sleep. Sleeping on your back is prohibited from the 16th week of gestation, as the growing uterus puts pressure on important organs, impairing their functionality. Then the condition of the expectant mother worsens and the development of the fetus is disrupted. To avoid dangerous complications, feel normal and give birth to a healthy baby, you need to train yourself to rest on your left or right side. To make your sleep more comfortable, buy a special pillow for pregnant women that will support your back, allow you to relax as much as possible, and have a good rest. And expectant mothers are also advised to eat right, take a walk before bed, stop taking medications, and avoid stress.

Back pain during pregnancy



65299 03 November


The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-treatment.
In case of pain or other exacerbation of the disease, diagnostic tests should be prescribed only by the attending physician. To make a diagnosis and properly prescribe treatment, you should contact your doctor. Back pain during pregnancy: causes of occurrence, what diseases it occurs with, diagnosis and treatment methods.


Back pain is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women at antenatal clinic appointments, especially in the later stages.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a natural process, it is very stressful for a woman’s body and brings into the life of the expectant mother some discomfort associated with changes in her body and the growth of the child.

Back pain leads to limited activity of the expectant mother and disruption of her usual lifestyle. Sometimes back pain is a symptom that requires urgent medical attention.

Types of back pain during pregnancy

We can distinguish types of back pain depending on the stage of pregnancy: pain in the early stages and pain in the later stages.

According to their characteristics, pain can be aching, pulling, shooting.

Back pain during pregnancy most often occurs in the lumbar region, but can also be localized in other parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, sacrococcygeal.
Possible causes of back pain in pregnant women
Back pain during pregnancy occurs for various reasons. Conventionally, we can talk about physiological causes of back pain, although it is worth noting that normally pregnancy proceeds without pain until later stages, and the appearance of pain should be reported to your doctor. The lumbosacral spine in women experiences increasing stress during pregnancy. So-called physiological pain can occur in late pregnancy when the center of gravity of the body shifts, the lumbar muscles are overloaded, and organs and nerve plexuses are compressed by the enlarged uterus.

Often such pain occurs during multiple pregnancies and when the fetus is large.

A woman's hormonal background undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. The hormone relaxin is produced in large quantities, which promotes muscle relaxation and sprained ligaments, which, in turn, leads to joint instability and pain.

At the end of pregnancy, so-called preliminary pain

– irregular nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, sacrum.

Such pains are harbingers of childbirth.

They are also called “training contractions”, while the general condition of the expectant mother is not disturbed, sleep is preserved.

Pathological back pain

during pregnancy, which may be caused by
the threat of miscarriage and premature birth
, are dangerous conditions for the life of the woman and the unborn child. They are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower part, a feeling of fullness in the vagina (they may resemble contractions or severe pain during menstruation), and bloody discharge from the genital tract.

If these symptoms appear, you should seek medical help immediately!

Any back pain in a pregnant woman must be differentiated from
gestational pyelonephritis
(inflammation of the renal pelvis during pregnancy). The disease begins with a rise in temperature to high values, chills, pain in the lumbar region, nausea, and sometimes vomiting.

Women with urolithiasis

may experience an attack of renal colic - intense pain in the lower back, radiating to the perineum, and blood may appear in the urine. However, painless spontaneous passage of stones is also possible. As a result of a violation of the outflow of urine, a disruption in the functioning of the kidneys occurs, and with prolonged blockage by a stone, irreversible changes in the structure of the kidney can occur with its gradual shrinkage or the addition of an inflammatory process.

Girdle pain is characteristic of pancreatitis

. Such pain is accompanied by loss of appetite, aversion to fatty foods, attacks of nausea and vomiting, rumbling in the stomach, and diarrhea.

Chronic cholecystitis

can bring considerable discomfort into the life of a pregnant woman: a bitter taste in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium and lower back, a feeling of heaviness. Exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by a slight rise in temperature.

Spinal abnormalities

can also lead to pain under conditions of increasing load on the spine.

Scoliosis, flat feet, hernias and protrusions of the spine can remind you of themselves during pregnancy with sudden pain when moving.
A deficiency of certain microelements
in a pregnant woman’s body leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

For example, magnesium deficiency can cause pain in the lower back and pelvic region, twitching of the calf muscles, and the threat of miscarriage.
Which doctors should I contact if I have back pain during pregnancy?
If you experience sudden sharp pain in the back, especially accompanied by bleeding from the genital tract, a rise in temperature against the background of complete well-being, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

In other cases, it is necessary to seek advice and the necessary appointments. You may need to consult other specialists: a neurologist, a surgeon, etc.

Diagnosis and examinations for back pain during pregnancy

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe additional tests that will help determine the cause of back pain. The list of studies may vary depending on the suspected cause of the discomfort and accompanying symptoms. The list of studies may include:

  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;

How to make your sleep more comfortable

To normalize sleep and ensure proper rest, a pregnant woman needs to follow these recommendations:

  • The expectant mother should stop taking sleeping pills.
  • Doctors recommend that pregnant women take walks before bed.
  • Before going out for an evening walk, you can open the windows to ventilate the bedroom.
  • It is advisable to change bed linen as often as possible (at least once a week).
  • It is not recommended to eat fatty or heavy foods 2 hours before going to bed. It is better to drink a glass of kefir, eat vegetables or fruits.
  • Before going to bed, you should not drink tonic drinks, for example, black tea, coffee.
  • The expectant mother needs to drink less liquid 3 hours before bedtime.
  • It is important to follow a daily routine, that is, wake up and go to bed at a certain time.
  • If a pregnant woman cannot sleep well due to cramps, then she should visit a doctor who will prescribe a suitable vitamin and mineral complex.

Often during pregnancy, a woman cannot sleep normally due to anxious thoughts associated with the upcoming birth. In this case, you should abandon medications with a sedative effect in favor of natural sedatives, for example, tea with lemon balm or mint. In any case, if you have nervous disorders or insomnia, you should consult your doctor.

Reference. To get rid of fears about the upcoming birth, a woman can attend specialized courses. There, the expectant mother will receive all the necessary information about preparing for childbirth and behavior during it.

Often, the expectant mother is prevented from falling asleep by night cramps, which are accompanied by pain. Usually this symptom indicates a calcium deficiency in the body. During an attack, you need to get up, walk around the room a little, and then massage the painful area. Then you should visit a doctor who will tell you how to adjust the menu and prescribe the necessary medications.

Why not

As mentioned, pregnant women are prohibited from sleeping on their backs from the 2nd trimester. This is due to the fact that the fetus develops rapidly in the mother’s womb, which puts stress on important organs and systems.

Sleeping on your back from 16 weeks of pregnancy can cause many complications

Doctors have identified the main reasons why expectant mothers should stop sleeping with their stomach up from the 16th week of pregnancy:

  • Stagnation of urine. In a horizontal position, the uterus compresses the ureters, which connect the bladder to the kidneys. Then the outflow of urine is disrupted, increasing the risk of inflammatory processes. In addition, impaired kidney function can cause early labor or miscarriage.
  • Digestive disorders. Sleeping on your back threatens to disrupt the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. The uterus can put pressure on the stomach, causing heartburn, belching, stopping the stomach, etc. In addition, the fetus puts pressure on the intestines, and this can lead to congestion, bloating, constipation, and hemorrhoids.
  • Increased load on the spine. The weight of the entire body, as well as the uterus, falls on the lower back, which increases the risk of gradual destruction and displacement of the intervertebral discs.
  • Oxygen starvation of the fetus. As mentioned, in a supine position, the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, which is located in the pelvis. This is the most important vessel that is responsible for blood supply to the lower part of the body. If a woman rests with her stomach up for a long time, the vein is pinched and the risk of varicose veins of the pelvic organs (including the uterus), as well as the legs, increases. With such diseases, the course of pregnancy becomes more complicated. In addition, when the inferior vena cava is strangulated, the fetus suffers from hypoxia, which threatens developmental defects of the central nervous system, brain, and myocardium.
  • Heart disorders. Cardiac activity is also impaired as a result of compression of the inferior vena cava. Then the blood flow slows down, the myocardium is overloaded, trying to stabilize the situation. This is manifested by irregular heartbeat and other dangerous symptoms. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from tachycardia (increased heart rate), then she is strictly forbidden to sleep on her back during pregnancy.

Reference. The fetus informs the mother about the lack of oxygen by rapid movements. If you accidentally turned over on your back at night, and after a while you felt blows in your stomach, then turn over on your side. This is how the child signals that he does not have enough air.

As you can see, there are many reasons why it is not recommended for pregnant women to lie on their back. We are talking about expectant mothers in the 2nd–3rd trimester, when the uterus is enlarged and can compress important organs, disrupting their function.

What influences the position of the mother's body?

Before deciding whether it is possible to lie on your back during pregnancy, you should find out what exactly the position of a woman’s body affects. After all, the health and life of the child directly depends on its condition.

When lying on your back:

  • The pressure on the vena cava increases significantly. An enlarged uterus already increases the load on the circulatory system. And provided that the woman lies on her back, the pressure on the vein, which is responsible for the physiological outflow of blood from the lower part of the body, is simply colossal. First of all, this has a negative impact on the condition of the fetus. This condition can provoke antenatal fetal death. If we take into account only the woman’s health status, then impaired blood flow provokes the development of varicose veins and exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease.
  • Increased pressure on the kidneys and bladder. In addition to the need to visit the toilet several times a night, which cannot but affect the quality of rest, worse consequences can also be provoked. At a certain period of time, the uterus can cause stagnation of urine in the kidneys and serious inflammation, as a result.
  • The load on the spine increases significantly, which leads to unpleasant pain in the back.
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