31 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother

This week there is a man 40 cm tall inside you. He turns his head in different directions, pushes you from the inside with his arms and legs. His body and limbs continue to round, acquiring subcutaneous fat. A baby's pupils dilate in the dark and contract in bright light. He, as before, is quite active, and sometimes prevents you from resting, constantly moving. Don’t be offended by him, the baby’s movement is a sign of his health. Try to rest when your baby becomes quiet.

At 31 weeks, the baby, as a rule, occupies the position in which he plans to be born. The most common is cephalic presentation, when the baby is positioned head down, but there are also pelvic (head up) and transverse (across the uterus) presentation. Problems of intrauterine development Some babies develop worse than their “peers”. In this case, their body weight is lower than normal for their age. A weight that is 10% below normal gives rise to talk about intrauterine growth retardation. Normal birth weight is 3 to 3.5 kg. If the baby is born on time, but his weight is 10% below the established norm, this is a cause for concern. Doctors agree that in this case there is a greater risk of death for the baby.

Body changes and new sensations for women

Now, at 31 weeks, a woman may encounter such an unpleasant disease as hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
The risk of developing the disease increases as you approach the cherished “X” hour. Most often, hemorrhoids appear due to an enlarged uterus, which strongly compresses the inferior vena cava, which leads to stagnation of blood in the vessels of the legs and rectum. Add to this the sedentary lifestyle of expectant mothers, as well as the increased frequency of constipation that occurs due to poor nutrition and a significant decrease in intestinal tone while waiting for the baby. How can you treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Start with preventive measures - adjust your menu, eliminate constipation, normalize bowel movements and do not forget to observe the rules of personal hygiene (after each “big” trip, thoroughly rinse the perineum and anus area). However, in some cases it is no longer possible to do without special medications - suppositories, ointments, gels, creams, etc. (their use during pregnancy is possible only after consultation with a doctor!).

Good to know

Leakage of amniotic fluid

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Aromatherapy during pregnancy

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Position and presentation of the fetus

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

Weight gain

Rapid weight gain (more than 450–500 g per week), edema can signal the appearance of such a dangerous disease as late toxicosis (preeclampsia) at this time. The most unpleasant thing for the fetus during gestosis is that the mother’s placenta, along with her arms and legs, may swell, causing oxygen access to the baby to significantly decrease. And for a woman, gestosis during pregnancy is fraught with heart attack, stroke, pulmonary edema, and also kidney and liver failure. So be very careful and pay close attention not to overeat, since obesity is a direct path to late toxicosis! As for weight norms, by the end of 31 weeks the total weight gain for women of normal build is usually about 9.5 kg.

Embryo 16 weeks - 19 weeks

During these three weeks, the fetus will noticeably increase in size and will be 22 cm in height, 240 g. in weight. During this period, the entire body will be covered with vernix lubrication, the glands begin to produce hormones, and the skeleton becomes much stronger. The lower part of the fruit begins to grow faster than the upper, that is, the proportions are equalized. Sex cells are formed in girls. This week may be accompanied by the first fetal movements. They won't be active at first, so don't worry if you don't feel your baby all the time.

Mom's belly

Mom's belly continues to grow at 31 weeks. The uterus, which has increased in size, already fills most of it. The nature of the baby's kicks also changes - due to the fact that the baby becomes cramped in the womb, they become less active, but more painful for the mother. As before, the stomach may become hard, which is a sign of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy (be sure to tell your doctor about unpleasant sensations!), as well as itch (this is due to stretched skin, which needs active hydration when itching).

Embryo 10 weeks

At the end of the 10th week, the size will be about 4 cm. The eyelids will close before the eyes; the baby will be able to open them himself at 7 months. The respiratory system is almost ready for use. The rudimentary tail disappears, and buttocks form in its place. The baby moves freely inside the uterine area.

The skeleton and its structure fully correspond to a person. The arms and legs become longer to the appropriate proportions. But the head will occupy almost half the length of the body. This is explained by the active development of the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum is growing. The external genitalia develop according to gender. You will soon find out if he or she is growing in your belly. The baby's blood acquires its own group and Rh factor.

Nutrition at 31 weeks of pregnancy

If an expectant mother at 31 weeks is faced with a phenomenon such as hemorrhoids, she simply needs to slightly adjust her diet. It is clear that during pregnancy she got used to eating properly and nutritiously. Now she should only slightly diversify her menu with products that contain coarse plant fiber (vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, cereals, cereals), and also increase the consumption of “milk” (yogurt, cream, milk, one-day kefir ). In addition, you should avoid spicy and fatty foods, seasonings, white bread and sweets (primarily this applies to custard cakes with cream).

Baby ultrasound

For many expectant mothers, the thirty-first week of pregnancy is the time for the third planned ultrasound. This research method, along with a triple test (blood test for the hormones hCG and free estriol, alpha-fetoprotein), gives a complete picture of the child’s health status. With its help, the doctor can identify developmental abnormalities, as well as analyze the condition of the baby's place: the presentation and degree of maturity of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid.

Sometimes it happens that during the first planned ultrasound, the doctor cannot name the sex of the child due to the “closed” position of the fetus or outdated equipment. For parents expecting girls and expecting boys, the third ultrasound examination is an opportunity to find out who will soon join the family.


And again we return to the topic of “hemorrhoids during pregnancy” - many mothers are really worried about this problem! At week 31, we offer you a set of special exercises - simple and safe, they will allow pregnant women to avoid the development of an unpleasant disease, and will also improve the functions of the large intestine and reduce congestion in the pelvic veins. Exercises must be performed for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day.

  • In a standing position, alternately swing (not sharply!) your left/right leg back, forward, and to the sides.
  • In a sitting position, spread your legs to the sides as much as possible and make several shallow bends forward (it is advisable not to bend your knees, but press your heels firmly to the floor).
  • Squeeze your buttocks and draw in your pelvic floor muscles. It is better to perform this exercise while sitting on a hard chair or standing with your legs crossed.

If you feel unwell during exercise, immediately stop exercising, lie on your side and try to relax.

How you feel

At 31–32 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers experience an increased feeling of fatigue. Due to the enlargement of the abdomen and the displacement of internal organs, you have to experience many inconveniences. This period is characterized by pain in the hypochondrium and lower back, the latter often radiating to the buttocks and legs. It’s hard for you to walk, it’s almost impossible to choose a comfortable position for sleeping, and you’re worried about the frequent urge to urinate. Laughter, sneezing and coughing are sometimes accompanied by mild urinary incontinence. Exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles will help get rid of this problem.

Due to compression of the digestive organs at 32 weeks of pregnancy, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, belching and bloating appear. Almost every pregnant woman is familiar with constipation and hemorrhoids. Another problem that expectant mothers face is difficulty breathing. Sitting increases the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and lungs, which can cause you to feel short of breath, gag, and dizzy.

You probably already have swelling. At 31–32 weeks of pregnancy, the problem may worsen. If the swelling is minor, there is no particular reason for concern, you just need to adjust your diet - to do this you need to reduce your salt intake and drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid every day. But if swelling does not go away for a long time, tell your doctor about it, as it may be a sign of gestosis, kidney dysfunction or high blood pressure.

Beauty and accessories

Is your baby due to be born during the cold season? This means that at 31 weeks the mother can already look for a babywearing jacket that is very fashionable today. This unique jacket, designed by loving mothers, with a special insert on the front, allows you to carry your baby underneath in a sling or backpack. If the insert is unfastened, the jacket becomes the most ordinary and traditional one. Note that this option is suitable only for those women who, in the first months after the birth of the baby, will actively use slings to carry their babies in them.

Risk factors

The main dangers of 32 weeks of pregnancy are premature birth, gestosis and placental abruption.

Premature labor usually begins suddenly. Unexpected severe diarrhea, watery vaginal discharge (amniotic fluid can flow out in a stream or flow out in drops), girdles in the abdomen and increased contractions are sure signs of a threat to pregnancy.

Brown, bloody discharge should also alert you. In combination with sharp or throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, they may indicate placental abruption. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, this pathology occurs in 0.5 - 1.5% of women. And its occurrence may be associated with physical or emotional stress, bad habits of a pregnant woman and age over 40 years, but most often in the third trimester it occurs due to high blood pressure. If the placenta has separated by 30% or less, then the life of the fetus is practically not in danger, and in this case you can get by with the use of special medications; if it is 50%, then the baby experiences hypoxia and developmental delay occurs. With complete placental abruption, fetal death almost always occurs.

As at other stages, at the 32nd week of pregnancy there is a risk of infection entering the birth canal. This is indicated by purulent, mucous, or unusual color and odor discharge. If the disease is not cured, the baby may become infected during childbirth, which will cause big problems in the future.


At 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is very important to improve your emotional state. Communicate with your child constantly. Not only mom, but also dad needs to talk to the baby and stroke the tummy: the voices and touches of the parents are different, and the baby reacts to them differently.

If you have fears about childbirth, talk to your doctor about it. A specialist will answer all questions, and you will be able to more objectively assess the situation without surrendering to the power of your wild imagination. To save your nerves, try to protect yourself from negative information, do not communicate with overly emotional people and do not watch scary films. Be prepared for the birth to be easy. Fitness or yoga for pregnant women, hobbies, and pleasant meetings with friends will help you take your mind off bad thoughts.

31 - 32 weeks of pregnancy is the time to choose a maternity hospital (many have not done this yet). If you are going to have a contract birth, it is especially important to find a good doctor. Read reviews, or even better, talk to women who have been given birth by the specialist you are interested in. And having chosen an institution, check what things you need to take with you. Each maternity hospital has its own list, but, as a rule, it contains hygiene items and clothes for mother and baby, diapers and much more. It is also necessary to prepare documents: a referral or contract with the maternity hospital, an exchange card, test and ultrasound results, a passport and insurance.

The baby is rapidly gaining weight, so this week it is important to monitor his diet so as not to “feed” him, otherwise injuries will not be avoided during the birth process. No matter how much you want something tasty, avoid eating sweets and starchy foods. Eat in small portions. At 31–32 weeks of pregnancy, you need products that contain magnesium, zinc, iron and vitamin D. During this period, it is recommended to completely exclude pork from the diet, and to remove excess fluid from the body and normalize intestinal motility, it is advisable to drink dried fruit compotes . Tormented by attacks of flatulence? Enter a “moratorium” on legumes, cabbage and rye bread, and also try not to drink 30 minutes before meals and for the same time after.

Starting this week, rest 2 to 3 hours more than before. Avoid infectious and colds, since drug treatment during this period is undesirable. Sex during the 31st – 32nd week of pregnancy is not prohibited and is even necessary (but only in the absence of contraindications), because intimacy is a wonderful way to get emotional release. In addition, during orgasm, the uterus contracts, which means that a kind of prenatal preparation occurs. But keep in mind that semen contains prostaglandins. These biologically active substances help soften the cervix, therefore, in order not to provoke labor, you must use a condom.

How does a baby feel when there is a threat of premature birth?

We can only guess the answer to this question based on physiological data.

A pregnant woman and her fetus share a common circulatory system. Stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline, prolactin), entering the general bloodstream, cause certain reactions from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), muscular system and other organs and systems.

If a pregnant woman is scared, experiencing pain, uncertainty about the future, her heartbeat and breathing become more frequent. The child may experience similar emotions and physiological reactions: FEAR, pain, tachycardia (rapid HEARTBEAT).

Increased uterine tone fixes the fetus and LIMITS its freedom of movement. Restriction of freedom of movement can cause some discomfort in the fetus.

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