Amniotic fluid
Why amniotic fluid leakage is dangerous and how to determine it
Where does the fluid in the amniotic sac come from? In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is produced by cells
Treatment of delirium
Organic delusional (schizophrenia-like) disorder
Treatment of delusional disorder Diagnosis of delusional disorder Symptoms of delusional disorder Causes of delusional disorder Delusional disorders
Uncontrolled use of NSAIDs is a direct path to exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for arthrosis: application features
Pain caused by degenerative processes in the joints causes a person considerable discomfort. One of the mandatory
Drug toxicoderma: treatment and prevention
Features of the skin and immunity The human skin is an independent organ that performs various functions. Dense
What vegetables and fruits can increase hemoglobin in the blood - Top 10
Hemoglobin is an organic protein found in red blood cells (erythrocytes). Its main purpose
Farsightedness in children
Farsightedness: causes of development, symptoms, selection of glasses and treatment
Doctor: Olga Valentinovna Pristalenko Farsightedness or scientifically hyperopia is a defect in visual perception, in
Cholera bacteria in the intestines
At the dawn of epidemiology, or How to win the battle with cholera?
Cholera - symptoms and treatment Cholera is an acute infectious diarrheal disease that presents
lining in honeycombs
Bee fence application, benefits, composition and storage
Blog articles Zabrus Beekeeping Economics of beekeeping Beekeeping news in Russia Beekeeping news in the world
Diagnosis of foot and mouth disease in animals and methods of effective treatment
Natural focal infections According to the International Bureau of Epizootics, in recent years there has been a deterioration in
Signs of mechanical asphyxia in humans, first aid for suffocation
Who is most likely to choke? The risk of choking is highest in the following groups: children in
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