Skin structure
Atypical and dysplastic nevi: do they need to be removed?
06/07/2018 I’ll start today’s article with what has already become a classic situation. A man comes to see
Candidal stomatitis in children, symptoms and treatment
One of the most common childhood diseases is stomatitis: according to statistics,
Cytoflavin is a complex product containing, incl. riboflavin (vitamin B2)
Buy Riboflavin mononucleotide injection solution 10 mg/ml 1 ml No. 10 in pharmacies
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) Riboflavin (eng. riboflavin) or lactoflavin is vitamin B2. Basic
Removal of dental plaque: with hand instruments, sonic and ultrasonic scalers
Food remains, accumulations of bacteria and saliva form a film that adheres tightly to the enamel, tongue, edge
40 week pregnant woman
Doctor's advice: why false contractions occur, and how a pregnant woman should respond to them correctly
What are training contractions? As you can easily guess from the name, they are not real. These abbreviations
Why proper nutrition is important when breastfeeding
Nutrition during breastfeeding - what to eat and who to listen to?
09/23/2019 197240 0 Any mother wants her baby to grow up healthy. Therefore breastfeeding
Features of introducing complementary foods to a baby while breastfeeding
From the moment the baby is born, parents worry about its full development and health. A
Vitamin B12: what foods contain it and what it is needed for - symptoms of deficiency and ways to replenish the deficiency in the body
Salmon This nutritious fish is rich in several B vitamins. A 100-gram serving of cooked salmon contains
Fetal movements during pregnancy: what do they mean and how to count?
Fetal movements during pregnancy: what do they mean and how to count?
The most thrilling, unforgettable feeling during pregnancy is the first long-awaited movement under the baby’s heart.
Streptoderma in children: therapy, ointments, photos and reviews
Questions: What is pyoderma? Causes of pyoderma Symptoms Types of pyoderma How is pyoderma transmitted? Chronic pyoderma
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