Photo of tissue biopsy
Signs of muscular dystrophy in different forms of the disease
Progressive muscular atrophy is a pathological process in which muscle fibers gradually decrease.
Red blood cells: normal, why they are exceeded, the main reasons for men and women
Red blood cells: normal, why they are exceeded, the main reasons for men and women
Normally, there should not be a single red blood cell in the urine. Sometimes they get there
Types of redness and causes of their occurrence on the face
One of the patients, a French teacher, told the following story: “At the beginning of her career, her
Donor blood
Blood transfusion (hemotransfusion): indications, types, preparation, course, rehabilitation
In medicine, blood transfusion is called blood transfusion. During this procedure, the patient is injected with blood or
streptoderma, treatment
Streptoderma in children: therapy, ointments, photos and reviews
Dermatovenereologist Alina Rashidovna Khasanova Experience 8 years Make an appointment Common purulent-inflammatory skin disease
Consequences of chronic hypoxia in newborns
10/27/2021 Fetal hypoxia is a syndrome caused by a lack of oxygen or impaired oxygen absorption by tissues.
Consequences of blood group conflict during pregnancy
Determination of blood group in combination with the Rh factor - this study is one of the first to be carried out
Table of microorganisms
Effective methods of treating male infertility, causes of male infertility.
The term “male infertility” hides a number of pathologies that disrupt the functioning of the male reproductive system and
The doctor told how the baby is developing and the mother feels at 8 weeks of pregnancy
Authors of the article: Candidate of Medical Sciences O.Yu. Ermolaev Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, specialist in nutrition during pregnancy
Fetoplacental insufficiency - symptoms and treatment
Types and causes of placental insufficiency Diagnosis of placental insufficiency Treatment of placental insufficiency Most women know
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