Table 1. Histamine receptors
Review of first and second generation antihistamines, rational approach to use in clinical practice
Allergy medications: how do they work? With the beginning of flowering, one of the most relevant seasonal
Remedies for the treatment of allergies on the eyes and eyelids
Necrolytic migratory erythema as a diagnostic marker for pancreatic cancer
An experienced dermatologist conducts consultations at the Rossimed clinic. We use modern diagnostic methods and effective
How to distinguish an allergic rash from an infectious one
What is urticarial rash? Urticarial rash is a consequence of a complex inflammatory process that occurs in
How to use Aldara cream
Aldara, 5%, cream for external use, 250 mg, 12 pcs.
Doctors’ opinion about the most effective methods of treating warts and papillomas Your vision for this moment
Nodular goiter
Thyroid nodules. Endocrinologist Tatyana Pugavko talks on the TUT.BY portal
The most useful information from an article about thyroid nodules on the TUT.BY portal from an endocrinologist
Manganese in water: content standards and purification methods
Many of us, remembering useful microelements and minerals, first of all talk about
Tooth granuloma
Types, causes, diagnosis and treatment of granuloma in children
If you think that dentists never tire of repeating the importance of preventive examinations and timely
Hemorrhagic vasculitis
Schönlein-Henoch disease (hemorrhagic vasculitis)
Diagnosis If the patient does not have the main symptoms of purpura (bleeding and hemorrhage), doctors have
Actinomycosis: go to the country, get checked for infection with a deadly fungus
This disease, caused by 25 types of bacteria, is also called radiant fungus. The disease belongs to
Girl's tanned face
Melanin: what is it, what is it for? (differences from melatonin)
At the height of the summer season, I would like to talk about melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of the skin.
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