Xanthomas of the eyelids
Xanthelasma (flat xanthoma). Treatment of xanthelasma
Deltaclinic Services Ophthalmology Xanthelasma (flat xanthoma) Prices Xanthelasma (flat xanthoma) is a slow-growing benign
DLT stone
Siphon-like kinks of the ureter with its obstruction
Ureteral stones and renal colic Terrible pain in the lumbar region with nausea, vomiting, chills
Hepatoprotectors: effectiveness and classification
Hepatoprotectors (medicines that protect the liver)
Home>Articles>Hepatoprotectors: effectiveness and classification quick menu (hide) The principle of the medicine Liver diseases and
Pyrogenal, 50 mcg, rectal suppositories, 10 pcs.
Composition Since there are several main forms of this drug (injection solution, rectal suppositories),
effective anti-poisoning drug
Application of Enterodes in general medical practice
Winter. It's time for the holidays and New Year's gatherings. Family feasts, restaurants, meetings with friends, trips to
Features of the third trimester of pregnancy
Third trimester of pregnancy: the baby becomes twice as big and begins to prepare for birth
The third trimester of pregnancy is an anxious, but at the same time joyful time. The expectant mother is gradually preparing
The best nebulizers for inhalation for adults in 2021
The beginning of winter is an eternal romance: couples clinging to each other in a futile attempt
A practicing neonatologist will tell you why perinatal encephalopathy is scary
In the first year of a child’s life, the nervous system is extremely changeable, it rapidly matures and improves,
Estradiol in men
Estrogen deficiency – causes, symptoms, treatment of low estrogen levels
Photo: attuale.ru Victoria Mamaeva Chief editor of Filzor. Specialist in the field of Pharmacy Estradiol in men
Allergic vulvitis in a woman. NEOMED Clinic
Vulvitis in girls: causes, symptoms and methods of treating adult disease in children
Causes of vulvitis Against the background of severe viral infections, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract and immunity cause
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