When a person feels numbness in the legs, it means that the sensitive part of the peripheral nerve is affected.
Lower back pain radiating to the leg is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Don't be patient
Sulphocamphocaine is an analeptic. This drug is widely known in medicine as a medicine for acute
Gastric acidity is a characteristic of the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. This acid is produced
Both women and men can face the problem of urinary incontinence. The disease is also often
Table of contents 5 beneficial properties of tansy inflorescences For whom tansy is contraindicated Fragrant round plates-inflorescences branched
Indications for use of the drug Inosine Inosine - ischemic heart disease (in complex treatment), post-infarction period, disorders
Keratitis is an inflammatory disease that is localized in the cornea of the eye. This disease is characterized by unpleasant
Heaviness in the legs is a feeling familiar to many people, regardless of gender, age and
Outpatient department Outpatient department » Gastroenterology Gastroenterology » About the direction About the direction » Gastritis: