White spot on the skin or the mysterious “disease of the chosen ones”

Vitiligo symptom

This disease came to us from ancient times. In the Middle Ages, it was considered a curse from above, equating it with leprosy. And unfortunate people with spots on their bodies from nowhere (a characteristic symptom of vitiligo) were kicked out of the city or village forever. Subsequently, vitiligo began to be called “the disease of the chosen ones,” since it more often affected people from those strata of society where the choice of a partner was limited to strict limits, such as, for example, among royalty. But, despite various theories of origin, those with white spots on their bodies have always been shunned and feared. And in vain! Vitiligo is absolutely not dangerous either for others or for the patient himself and is never transmitted from person to person. With this disease, colored skin cells - melanocytes - are destroyed, and the pigment that gives our skin its natural color disappears. Because of this, white spots appear on the body. As a rule, at first they are small in size, and over time they begin to grow and merge into a large circle. It happens that the total number of such circles reaches ten or more. They are all oval in shape with a clearly defined border and vary in shades from pinkish to rusty brown. Surprisingly, their skin remains smooth, clean, sensitive and appears absolutely healthy. But the hair in the affected areas becomes discolored and quickly turns gray. Today it is known for certain about vitiligo that the disease can occur at any age, both in men and women. It usually worsens in the spring and at the end of the summer season, especially after a long holiday in hot countries.

What do doctors think about white spots on the skin?

The main question for doctors remains: why do cells stop producing melanocytes? There are several versions. Genetics believe that in half of cases, vitiligo is a hereditary disease, more often occurring in consanguineous marriages. Four years ago, English researchers even discovered the vitiligo gene, which gave hope for the development of new approaches to treating the disease. But besides this theory, there are others that also deserve attention and respect. Immunologists, for example, call vitiligo a “rebellion of the body” and are confident that a failure in the immune system, which occurs for various reasons, leads to increased production of antibodies that kill the producers of melanocytes that secrete the necessary pigment. Dermatologists have their own version. They suggest that depigmentation can be caused by intestinal parasites - helminths and lamblia, which disrupt the intestinal absorption function, which leads to a deficiency of copper and iron in the body. Other causes of the disease include neuropsychic trauma, severe stress, disorders of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the adrenal glands and gonads.

How to treat white spots on the skin?

Discussing the causes of vitiligo, doctors agree that it is possible to get rid of the disease without specific treatment, by eliminating the concomitant pathology. For this purpose, new diagnostic methods are being developed. Today, before starting treatment, the patient is referred for examination to an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist and is required to take a blood test. If clinical and laboratory tests reveal liver pathology, treatment is prescribed to improve the function of the liver and gallbladder. If the cause of vitiligo turns out to be a nervous breakdown, the doctor will prescribe vitamin therapy and insist on consulting a psychotherapist. In the case where there are no concomitant diseases, it is useful to undergo complex therapy. Taking vitamins and medications that stimulate the production of melanin pigment is combined with phototherapy (exposure to infrared and ultraviolet radiation on the lesions) and photochemotherapy (irradiation with a helium-neon laser). Some foreign clinics use a method of general skin depigmentation (whitening) using a special cream with hydroquinone or a laser beam. The process stretches out for almost a year, and there is no turning back - the bleached areas remain that way forever. Surgical treatment is also used. Pigment cells from healthy skin are implanted into depigmented areas to stimulate pigment production. The method is expensive, but it provides the most complete restoration of uniform skin color.

Causes of atrophic lichen

The causes of atrophic lichen are considered to be neuroendocrine, immune and metabolic disorders.

In some cases, the cause (impetus for the development) of atrophic lichen is a single or chronic (i.e. regular) CHEMICAL BURN when used for hygienic or contraceptive (contraceptive) purposes a solution of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate”), washing powders, brines, alcohol and etc.

PSYCHIATRISTS CONSIDER atrophic lichen as a psychosomatic disease. Psychiatrists believe that the causes of atrophic lichen are deeply incorrect! a woman’s attitude towards STRESS factors for her.

We consider atrophic lichen as a manifestation of spiritual and emotional disturbance, disagreement with Self and unreasonable CONTRASTING oneself to a man, circumstances and the surrounding reality.

According to research by gynecologists-endocrinologists of the Resort Clinic for Women's Health, in most cases, the psychological factors predisposing to the development of atrophic lichen are a STATE OF DESPONDERNESS, deep internal depression (depression), prolonged disappointment and UNACCEPTANCE OF YOURSELF, which are based on distrust, rejection and DENIAL OF A MAN and his feminine started.

However, in each specific case it is rarely possible to establish an unambiguous and unique cause of atrophic lichen.

Photo of atrophic lichen, stage 2 before treatment. The labia minora are practically absent. The vulvar mucosa is thinned, painful to the touch. During treatment, sleep normalized, itching stopped, hyperemia and sensitivity of the vulva decreased. The patient is happy

Methods of treating the disease of the chosen ones

Is there a method today that guarantees a 100% recovery? We asked Tatyana Sukhova, a dermatologist,

highest category of Moscow clinic.

Cuban doctors have achieved the best results in treating the disease. The method involves administering intramuscular injections of vitamins into depigmented areas. But even he cannot cope with the disease completely. Vitiligo treatment at the Dead Sea is now being actively advertised. Israeli doctors were able to obtain pigment on a white spot, but this, alas, does not always look beautiful and, again, does not guarantee complete healing. In our country, the most effective method in the treatment of vitiligo is considered to be a combination of UV and PUVA therapy with the use of photosensitizing drugs. As a result, it is possible to “revive” the white spots, but, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of them completely.

Folk remedies for spots

Among practicing doctors there is also the following opinion: vitiligo is not a disease, but only a cosmetic skin defect. This means that you need to treat it as normal pigmentation, using herbal medicine, as well as masking the spots with regular foundation. If you choose a shade similar in color to a healthy area of ​​skin, then no one will notice vitiligo. Only on condition that this product is approved by a doctor, since many foundations contain microsubstances that affect pigmentation and can enhance the development of the disease.

Diagnosis of atrophic lichen

  • COLPOSCOPY is a painless examination using a colposcope, a special microscope for examining the cervix, vagina and vulva. About colposcopy in detail...
  • BIOPSY - collection of a piece (fragment) of suspicious tissue followed by histological examination of biological material (microscopic examination of the structure of the skin and mucous membrane). At the Women's Health Resort Clinic, a biopsy is performed WITHOUT PAIN using a non-contact method, which meets modern world standards and is a LOW-TRAUMATIC procedure. About the contactless method in detail...
  • MICROSCOPIC STUDY of the flora of a smear from the urethra, cervix and vagina.
  • LIQUID CYTOLOGICAL STUDY of smears and scrapings of the cervix and cervical canal for atypical cells.
  • Clinical blood test, immunogram.
  • PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING allows us to identify the underlying psychological causes of lichen.
Based on the results of psychometric testing, we carry out PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRECTION in order to normalize the processes of excitation-inhibition in the cerebral cortex and hormonal levels.

At the Women's Health Resort Clinic you can perform an ACCURATE diagnosis in order to identify lichen or refute the diagnosis of lichen.

Photo of stage 3 lichen, before treatment in our Clinic. The labia minora are not defined, the entrance to the vagina is narrowed, the skin of the vulva is like parchment paper. AFTER TREATMENT in our Clinic, the dryness disappeared and ELASTICITY of the entrance to the vagina appeared

The price of a course for the treatment of white spot disease (scleroderma) stages 1 and 2 is 54,240 rubles.

The price of a course for the treatment of white spot disease (scleroderma) stage 3 is 73,080 rubles*.

The maximum cost of treatment is adjusted (downwards) taking into account the individual characteristics of the severity of the process.

*The cost of treatment is current since the last update of the price list (May 2021).

How to disguise white spots on the skin?

White spots on the skin are well masked by fresh rhubarb root juice, which is used to lubricate the spots in the morning and evening. As a result, the white spots turn tan color.

An alcohol tincture of green leaves and pericarp of walnuts, taken in equal parts, is also effective. If you apply it to stains twice a day, they will darken for a long time.

St. John's wort for vitiligo

You can use an infusion of St. John's wort (1 tbsp herb to 1 tbsp boiling water, leave for half an hour). Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals. After three weeks - a week break. And so on for 4-6 months.

At the same time, it is advisable to lubricate the white spots with St. John's wort oil. To prepare it you need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbs, pour 1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil and keep in a water bath for three hours. Then filter and squeeze. St. John's wort increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so after the procedure it is recommended to stay in the sun: on the first day - only 1-2 minutes, adding 1-2 minutes every day. The course of treatment is at least a month.

Red pepper tincture

Apply tincture of red capsicum (can be bought at a pharmacy) to white spots 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes. Be prepared for a strong burning sensation. After rubbing, you can spend a few minutes in the sun. Repeat the procedure daily for 2 weeks.

Anise oil

Grind 100 g of anise fruit in a mortar, pour in 0.5 liters of olive oil and leave for a month in a dark place. After this, bring to a boil (but do not boil!), cool and strain. White spots should be constantly lubricated with this oil. In a month or two they will darken significantly and will not be so noticeable.

Prognosis for atrophic lichen

Atrophic lichen is a PRIMARY CHRONIC DISEASE with an imperceptible period of formation and a long course.

In most cases, lichen is incurable and SLOWLY PROGRESSES throughout life, BECAUSE most women categorically DO NOT WANT TO RETHINK themselves and look at life and themselves in this life in a new way.

Based on our long and successful experience in the treatment of atrophic lichen, after eliminating the causes of lichen formation and adequate comprehensive treatment, it is POSSIBLE to achieve and MAINTAIN a state of stable remission (a state WITHOUT COMPLAINTS and subjective changes).

Reasonable restrictions for atrophic lichen

Atrophic lichen requires simple but important restrictions even after achieving remission during treatment at the Women's Health Resort Clinic.

If you have lichen, it is EXTREMELY UNDESIRABLE to take hot general baths, stay in the sun for a long time and sunbathe (regardless of the activity of the Sun, the presence/absence and type of bathing suit).

Thermal procedures and insolation (sunbathing in natural conditions and solariums) increases the production of estrogens (female sex hormones), the excess of which stimulates oncological processes.

Reviews about the treatment of white spot disease scleroderma

Kh.M., Nazran

I am so glad that I found you, you are such a kind, good, bright person. I tell everyone about you. And they also ask me what I found there in this Pyatigorsk. I answer, “I found myself a doctor.” Thank you very much for everything, happiness, health and all the best.

V.E., Kislovodsk

Thank you for the treatment you provided me. I wish you success and prosperity! It is very rare to find such professionalism. Your staff is very pleasant, the atmosphere fills with good emotions. Thank you for your health!!!

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