Borovaya uterus is used for a wide range of diseases, but it is most often used to treat
The article was checked by a mammologist of the highest category, Ph.D. Zorina E.Yu., is for general informational purposes only and does not replace
Discharge from the mammary glands (when pressed or spontaneously) causes discomfort and a feeling of anxiety. Given
There are two main forms of salpingoophoritis: acute form of salpingoophoritis; chronic form of salpingoophoritis. Acute salpingoophoritis Clinical
Midiana® If any of the conditions, diseases or risk factors listed below are present in your
Contents: Why 1.1 occurs. Infectious lesions of mucous membranes 1.2. Injuries as a provocateur of illness 1.3. Unsatisfactory
Hypertrichosis is often confused with hirsutism. The difference is that with hirsutism the hair is
The organs of the urinary system are often susceptible to various kinds of pathological diseases. The causes of such diseases are absolutely
How does it manifest? What causes fluid to accumulate? Risk factors Classification and types How to treat? Clinical
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Distreptase suppositories contain 2 active components: Streptokinase -