30th week of pregnancy: sensations, what is happening, photos

Interesting Facts

Time from conception28 weeks
Period by month30 weeks
What month7
Dimensions and weight of the fetus390 mm, 1300 g
Uterus dimensionsVDM - 28-30 cm
Pregnant weightFrom the beginning of pregnancy 8-12 kg; over the last week no more than 400-500 g

Your baby is the size of


390mm Size

1300 g Weight

Your pregnancy is 30 weeks old, the development of the fetus and your feelings during this period depend on whether you manage to get enough sleep and restore your strength, because your body is currently under enormous stress. Let's find out what happens to the baby and the expectant mother during this period, but first let's focus on calculating the duration of pregnancy.

WHO experts have compiled a table of norms and deviations in the weight indicators of newborns

Weight in grams Very low Short Below the average Average Above average High Very tall
Boys 2100 2500 2900 3300 3900 4400 5000
Girls 2000 2400 2800 3200 3700 4200 4800

If a baby was born with low or too much weight, this does not indicate pathology. Modern medicine saves children with critically low weight. The smallest newborn girl in the world weighed only 226 grams. Today she is absolutely healthy and does not lag behind her peers in development.

Woman's well-being

Weight gain by the 30th week of pregnancy is normally 8-10 kg. The fundus of the uterus is located 10 cm above the navel, and you have probably already felt all its heaviness. Almost every expectant mother experiences pain in her legs and back after long walks or even sitting. The uterus displaces and lifts the internal organs, causing heartburn, shortness of breath, frequent urge to urinate and urine leakage, and constipation.

Due to hormonal changes and worries, many pregnant women complain of insomnia and interrupted sleep. Periodically, training contractions occur in the form of pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back.

One thing is good - maternity leave, which is required by law from the 30th week of pregnancy. Take this time for yourself, rest more, go for walks, do breathing exercises, sleep as soon as possible. Save strength and take care of yourself!

Stroikova's method

The following formula is used for calculation:

X = (MF:K + coolant

  • X is the body weight of the unborn baby in grams;
  • MF - body weight of a pregnant woman in kilograms;
  • OB - abdominal circumference in centimeters;
  • VDM - the height of the uterine fundus (determined during ultrasound or palpation by a gynecologist);
  • K is a constant (a constant indicator for the patient’s weight).
Patient's weight in kg Less than 51 51-53 54-65 57-62 63-65 66-73 74-81 82 or more
Constant 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Calculation example:

If a pregnant woman weighs 73 kg, the constant for calculation is 20. According to the last visit to the gynecologist, the body weight is 94 cm, and the location of the uterine fundus is 33 cm. The approximate weight of the baby in this case is:

X = (73:20 + 94*33) /2 = 1552.8 grams

It can be assumed that the baby's weight at this time is about 1550 grams. This formula is considered quite accurate, since it accurately helps to calculate the baby’s weight in more than 50% of cases.

Fetal development

Throughout the 3rd trimester, the baby actively increases body weight due to muscle and fat tissue. Weight and height at 30 weeks of pregnancy average 1.3 kg and 39 cm. He is already a bit cramped in his mother’s belly, and his movements may even bring you discomfort.

Organs and systems continue to improve:

  • eyes can focus, see nearby objects and respond to light;
  • its own thermoregulation system works;
  • the skin smooths out, becomes less red and wrinkled;
  • the immune and respiratory systems are fully formed;
  • convolutions and grooves continue to form in the brain;
  • The normal heart rate is 140-160 beats per minute.

How does the baby lie in the womb?

Usually, by 32-34 weeks, the fetus takes a position that it will retain until birth - head down. If he turns his buttocks towards the cervix, this makes natural childbirth difficult, and in some cases makes it impossible. But breech presentation of the fetus at 30 weeks of pregnancy is not a pathology, it’s too early to worry. The baby still has time to turn over. You can help him by doing special exercises.

Visits to specialists

your therapist twice during pregnancy. He evaluates test data, electrocardiographic studies, identifies chronic diseases of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary systems, and, if necessary, refers to specialists (cardiologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, etc.). When chronic diseases are identified, their severity is determined, the compatibility of pregnancy with this disease is determined, therapeutic or preventive therapy is selected, and labor management tactics are developed.

An endocrinologist should be visited when registering to identify diseases of the endocrine glands.

A dentist or otolaryngologist should be visited upon registration to identify chronic foci of infection (carious teeth, hypertrophied tonsils, etc.). Sanitation of foci of infection is necessary to prevent postpartum infectious complications in mother and child.

an ophthalmologist is visited upon registration and, if necessary, at 30 weeks. The ophthalmologist evaluates the condition of the fundus and retina. These data are necessary for predicting gestosis (complications of pregnancy, manifested by increased blood pressure, the appearance of edema, protein in the urine), and for some previously undiagnosed retinal diseases - to determine delivery tactics.

Tests and ultrasound

At 30 weeks of pregnancy you will receive a fairly extensive list of studies:

  • general blood and urine tests + blood biochemistry;
  • test for HIV, AIDS, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections;
  • gynecological smear on vaginal flora;
  • coagulogram to assess the blood coagulation system and predict blood loss during childbirth;
  • cardiotocography for diagnosing heart function in the fetus.

At 30-32 weeks, a third planned ultrasound examination is scheduled. The specialist determines the weight and height of the fetus, assesses the development of its internal organs, as well as the condition of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid.

All data is entered into a pregnant woman’s exchange card, which should be given to you. Wear it to every appointment with the gynecologist and be sure to take it with you if you leave the house for a long time. Premature birth, unfortunately, can happen anywhere. And the exchange card contains information that will allow medical personnel to quickly provide you with the necessary assistance.


Nutrition of a woman in the 30th week of pregnancy
Nutrition is an important element of a successful pregnancy. By following simple rules, a woman ensures satisfactory well-being, creating normal conditions for development of the fetus.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to pay attention to the intake of the following into the body in the right quantity:

  • calcium. There is a lot of it in dairy products, almonds, bananas, broccoli;
  • magnesium: buckwheat, brown rice, chicken eggs;
  • gland; red meat and offal, apples, egg yolks, pumpkin seeds;
  • phosphorus: cheese, broccoli, cereals;
  • iodine: sea fish, seaweed, prunes, cranberries;
  • folic acid: asparagus, broccoli, offal;
  • vitamin A: carrots, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots, apples;
  • B vitamins: bananas, red meats, almonds, walnuts;
  • vitamin C: broccoli, rose hips, black currants, strawberries, mango, cauliflower;
  • vitamin E: fish, broccoli, asparagus, fruits;
  • vitamin D: chicken eggs, beef liver, sea fish;
  • proteins: cheese, cottage cheese, sea fish, beans;
  • fatty acids: red meats, dairy products, walnuts;
  • fiber: vegetables and fruits.

The nutrition process should be organized in accordance with certain rules:

  • eat little and often. Ideally, the regimen will be 5-6 times a day every 2-2.5 hours;
  • finish the meal until you feel full;
  • divide different dishes into several meals;
  • have breakfast with porridge;
  • for lunch, eat meat or fish with vegetables;
  • have a light dinner;
  • snack on vegetables or fruits (raw, boiled), nuts, dried fruits;
  • Take the last meal 2-3 hours before meals. If necessary, eat an apple or yogurt at night;
  • drink about 1.5 liters of fluid per day, unless otherwise prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • exclude strong tea and coffee, unless otherwise prescribed by the gynecologist;
  • reduce the amount of salt you consume to a minimum.

Following these simple rules will help not only improve digestion, but also teach yourself to eat healthy.


Taking vitamins at the 30th week is a fairly common practice, especially in the autumn-winter and spring periods. It should be remembered that the choice of multivitamins and dietary supplements is the doctor’s task. A pregnant woman must strictly follow the prescribed dosage to avoid unwanted consequences.

The selection of elements for additional fortification should be based on medical indications, taking into account the characteristics of the region and other important aspects. Sometimes additional research is required to confirm the need to take dietary supplements.

What to discuss with your doctor

  • If during the examination and ultrasound the doctor determines that the baby is breech, seek advice on what exercises you can do to help the fetus turn over. Typically, experts recommend lying on your back with your hips raised so that your shoulders, hips, and knees form a straight line. You can place a pillow under your buttocks. A number of doctors also recommend swimming.
  • Pain in the perineum at 30 weeks of pregnancy can be associated with sprained ligaments and pressure exerted by the baby, turning head down. However, check with your doctor or during an ultrasound to check the length of the cervix to see if there is any premature shortening or dilatation.

Possible complications

The thirtieth week of pregnancy is a period when pregnancy difficulties are associated, first of all, with significant weight gain, an increase in abdominal circumference and serious stress on internal organs.

Lower back pain

The stomach pulls you forward somewhat, so there is no escape from these sensations. Wear a maternity brace for prolonged vertical loads, do the cat exercise, and use pillows to support your back while resting and sleeping.

Unusual discharge

Watery or bloody discharge is especially dangerous. This is a possible sign of premature dilatation of the cervix and the threat of miscarriage. Tell your doctor immediately about your condition. A baby born at 30 weeks has a high chance of survival, but doctors are trying their best to prevent premature birth.


At 30 weeks of pregnancy, we do not recommend heavy physical activity. Entrust household responsibilities for cleaning the apartment and work in the garden or vegetable garden to other family members. Don't lift anything heavy. If, after going on maternity leave, you suddenly want to urgently make repairs or move furniture, do not take on the task yourself, no matter how much you would like it. Excessive physical activity is a cause of premature birth.

Is it possible to have sex at 30 weeks?

It is possible and necessary if you have no contraindications, that is, if the pregnancy proceeds calmly and without complications. You cannot harm the baby at this moment; he is reliably protected by the amniotic sac and the walls of the uterus. But his mother’s positive emotions will be passed on to him. Due to hormonal changes and increased blood circulation, many women experience a surge in sexual desire in the third trimester. Therefore, even more so, you should not deny yourself pleasure.

Checklist for 30 weeks of pregnancy

  • Start preparing a dowry for your baby, make a list of necessary purchases.
  • Give yourself a gift - a pregnancy photo shoot. Looking at beautiful photographs, you will be able to remember this unique and incomparable time.
  • Apply for sick leave for maternity leave, which lasts 140 days during a normal pregnancy.
  • The problem of stress urinary incontinence can be solved by using special urogynecological pads, as well as strengthening the pelvic floor muscles with Kegel exercises.

We invite you to the School of Expectant Mothers at the Women's Medical Center. Here you will learn what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital, how childbirth goes and how to help yourself during this period, how to care for a newborn and much more.

Good to know

"Dossier" of the expectant mother. What is an "exchange card"?

Maternity leave: settling formalities

Maternity leave: what payments and benefits are due to pregnant women

Maternity "time out". How to keep up with life during pregnancy

How can you earn money while on maternity leave?

Maternity leave: duration of stay, amount of payments and benefits in different countries

All texts for pages about mother and baby were kindly provided by RAMA Publishing - these are chapters from the book by Svetlana Klaas “Your Favorite Little Man from Conception to Birth”, reviewer Irina Nikolaevna Kononova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ural State Medical Academy (Ekaterinburg).

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