Arginine - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: Nittany Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Arginine
  • Composition Arginine
  • Release form of the drug Arginine
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Arginine
  • Storage conditions for the drug Arginine
  • Shelf life of the drug Arginine

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

L-Arginine is a protein-forming amino acid and is the main source of the production of NO (nitric oxide), a neurotransmitter and a powerful vasodilator.

Its action is aimed at maintaining an optimal concentration of cholesterol , which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the heart and blood vessels.

In men, with the use of El-arginine, blood flow to the genitals increases and the amount of seminal fluid increases, thereby creating optimal conditions for a long and stable erection, and normalizing the condition of the prostate gland as a whole.

In addition, L-Arginine:

  • stimulates insulin ;
  • helps to increase the level of somatotropin in the blood;
  • reduces the amount of fat deposits in the body;
  • activates the wound healing process and accelerates recovery from injuries;
  • stimulates natural detoxification methods and promotes the removal of ammonia ;
  • plays an important role in the processes of collagen ;
  • increases the activity of the immune system;
  • prevents the accumulation of mental and physical fatigue;
  • takes part in the growth processes of muscle tissue cells;
  • stimulates glycogen in muscle tissue and liver;
  • promotes the release of lactogenic hormone , glucagon , adrenaline , peptide hormone somatostatin ;
  • takes part in the formation of the amino acid ornithine , urea , creatine (a carboxylic acid that performs an important function in energy metabolism processes that occur in nervous and muscle tissues), arginine phosphate (a substance that is a carrier of a reserve form of energy);
  • promotes dilation of coronary arteries by acting as a precursor of nitric oxide released from endothelial cells of the vascular walls;
  • maintains blood pressure within the physiological norm;
  • improves blood microcirculation and its rheological properties;
  • ensures normal blood flow to the extremities;
  • prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques .

Components, release form and pharmacological effect of L-Arginine

Each capsule contains 500 or 1000 mg of arginine. L-Arginine also contains components such as: cellulose, magnesium and food additive E464. The medicine is produced in the form of capsules, which are packaged in a small jar that can hold up to 100 pieces.

The medicine is considered indispensable for adults who need the amino acid; doctors also allow children to use the drug. The drug is perfectly absorbed in the body and performs its function after administration.

Arginine plays a key role in metabolic processes and can enhance the production of growth hormones. Benefits of capsules:

  1. stimulation of insulin production;
  2. reducing the amount of fat deposits in the body;
  3. healing of injuries;
  4. collagen is produced;
  5. the functioning of the immune system increases;
  6. obstacle of fatigue.

The drug has a beneficial effect on the body not only of adults, but also of children.

Indications for use

The product is recommended for use as an additional source of the amino acid l-arginine .

Dietary supplements can be used as one of the components of metabolic therapy, for the prevention of a fairly wide range of diseases of internal organs, as well as to compensate for the deficiency of the substance in healthy people leading an active lifestyle.

Replenishing amino acids is especially important for people who:

  • suffer from nervous disorders, dystrophy , heart and vascular diseases, anemia , chronic fatigue syndrome, epilepsy ;
  • restore physical health after substance abuse or long-term adherence to a therapeutic diet.

The properties of arginine - namely, the ability of the substance to increase the level of creatine in muscle tissue - make it advisable to use dietary supplements in bodybuilding.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • B19 Viral hepatitis, unspecified
  • D84.9 Immunodeficiency, unspecified
  • E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • E61.8 Insufficiency of other specified nutrients
  • E63 Physical and mental overload
  • F52.2 Insufficiency of genital response
  • I10 Essential (primary) hypertension
  • I15 Secondary hypertension
  • I25.9 Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspecified
  • I70 Atherosclerosis
  • K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver
  • K80 Gallstone disease [cholelithiasis]
  • K81 Cholecystitis
  • N46 Male infertility
  • R62 Lack of expected normal physiological development


The use of dietary supplements is contraindicated in:

  • individual intolerance to its constituent components;
  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • patients diagnosed with schizophrenia or other mental illnesses;
  • for herpes .

According to experts, people who have currently been diagnosed with cancer, as well as children in the active growth phase, should also refrain from taking dietary supplements. The latter is due to the fact that the amino acid affects growth hormone and can provoke unwanted gigantism in the child.

It is prescribed with caution to patients with diabetes , as well as to patients who have impaired glucose tolerance: taking an amino acid can cause a hormonal shift, and this, in turn, can lead to a sharp increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

It should be noted, however, that daily intake of capsules in a dose of 1 g for 14-20 days in these groups of patients usually does not cause negative reactions from the body, and the substance is quite gently included in the metabolic processes occurring in it.

The use of dietary supplements is also recommended with caution in people with impaired electrolyte balance and kidney pathologies (including anuria ).


Prevention and complex therapy of conditions such as:

cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and its complications, coronary heart disease);

male infertility, weakening of potency and sexual activity;

decreased mood, activity and stamina;

insufficient growth intensity;

diabetes mellitus type 2;

cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, including after treatment of alcoholism, long-term use of medications;

high physical activity (especially in intensively training athletes after 30 years);

immunodeficiency diseases (including AIDS).

Side effects

In some patients, taking L-Arginine may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • increased risk of exacerbation of herpes virus infection ;
  • impaired functioning of the immune defense (in case of long-term use);
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased excitability.

Under 18 years of age should not take capsules for a long time in a dose exceeding a few grams.

In patients suffering from arthritis and infectious diseases, taking the drug can provoke an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, so in such cases it is recommended to supplement therapy with Lysine or other antiviral components.

When the manifestations of any herpes virus infection , the use of dietary supplements is undesirable for the reason that viruses use arginine for their own replication.

Instructions for L-Arginine

The instructions for Arginine indicate that for an adult the daily dose of the substance is 3 grams. Usually it is divided into 2 or 3 doses, respectively taking 1.5 or 1 g in each of them.

Taking capsules should coincide with meal times. The duration of the course of using dietary supplements is from 14 days to 1 month. Repeated use is possible after 1-2 months.

How to take Arginine capsules for bodybuilding?

The daily dose of L-Arginine for athletes is from 3 to 9 grams. Despite the fact that a higher dose gives a more pronounced result (when taking 20 grams of the substance per day, the production of growth hormone increases by 60%), experienced bodybuilders still do not recommend taking more than 10 grams of arginine per day, since this can provoke hypotension . nausea , vomiting , diarrhea , weakness.

Some experts recommend calculating your own dosage using the formula: 115 mg of arginine per 1 kg of body weight. If at least one of the above side effects occurs, the dose is reduced.

Capsules are taken with plenty of liquid (at least 200 ml). It is allowed to take the product in combination with creatine .

You should drink dietary supplements before training, approximately 45-60 minutes before it starts. After this time, the level of NO becomes sufficient for muscle tissue to begin to be saturated with anabolic hormones , oxygen and amino acids.

Capsules should be taken on an empty stomach and in no case with fatty foods, as this will impair its absorption and negatively affect the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. Experts say that for the amino acid to be fully absorbed, it is necessary that at least five hours have passed since the last consumption of fatty foods.

Athletes who drink protein shakes before training are advised to take Arginine first and only then drink the shake.

After physical activity, dietary supplements are taken when it is necessary to increase the nutrition of muscle tissue, and for pumping. Consuming the amino acid before bed stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.

To avoid addiction, it is recommended to take breaks between courses of use.

Component Properties

L-arginine - amino-guanidyl-valeric acid - an amino acid that plays an important role in the urea formation cycle (neutralization of protein waste).

Provides nitrogen to the enzyme system that synthesizes nitroso group (NO), a substance that regulates arterial tone.

Vasoton™ (L-arginine):

- reduces blood pressure (treatment of hypertension) by reducing arterial muscle tension and dilating peripheral resistive arteries by improving the supply of nitric oxide;

- increases collateral blood flow to an occluded coronary vessel in patients with coronary heart disease;

— used in complex therapy and for the purpose of preventing atherosclerosis and its complications, to improve the functional state of the cardiovascular system;

— helps to improve the general condition of patients with coronary artery disease: reducing the frequency of angina attacks, reducing the amount of nitrates taken, increasing endurance to physical activity, as well as the effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs;

- improves the rheological properties of blood, prevents the formation of blood clots, significantly reduces the risk of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques;

- participates in the production of growth hormone, which promotes growth intensity. This really allows short parents to ensure that their children become tall.

Vasoton™ (L-arginine) has a stimulating effect on the reproductive system equally in both men and women of all age groups:

- used to treat male infertility;

— increases the production of seminal fluid, spermatogenesis;

- stimulates potency and sexual activity;

- able to increase the strength and duration of blood supply to the genital organs; prolongs the time of sexual intercourse;

- enhances pleasant sexual sensations;

- makes orgasm longer;

- increases the frequency and intensity of orgasms.

Vasoton™ (L-arginine):

- promotes the production of serotonin or the hormone of joy, which improves mood, makes a person more active and resilient;

- stimulates the production of insulin, thereby helping to normalize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes;

— improves liver function, especially recommended for cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, including after treatment of alcoholism, long-term use of medications;

- allows the body to quickly recover after heavy physical exertion, especially necessary for intensively training athletes after 30 years, when its natural secretion completely stops; reduces the number of free radicals;

— helps to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat mass with adequate physical activity;

- increases the cleansing potential of the kidneys;

- plays an important role in the urea formation cycle (purification of protein waste);

— activates the immune system, which is extremely important for immunodeficiency diseases (AIDS).


Exceeding the dose recommended by the instructions is not advisable. One of the signs of an arginine overdose is thickening of the skin. The phenomenon is reversible if the daily dose is reduced.

The instructions do not describe the symptoms of an overdose of L-Arginine, however, it is known that taking dietary supplements in high doses (more than 15 grams per day) can cause diarrhea, weakness, nausea, and hypotension.

There is also evidence that taking this amino acid can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the pancreas: in the course of scientific studies, cases of inflammation of the organ and the development of pancreatitis .


Dietary supplements should not be taken in combination with any other donors (including Nitroglycerin or Viagra ).

Often, various products contain both arginine and ornithine . Ornithine is a precursor of glutamic acid , proline and citrulline , and, like arginine, stimulates the production of growth hormone and insulin, protein synthesis, regeneration and restoration of liver cells, improves immunity and strengthens connective tissue, accelerates the process of burning fat in the body.

The simultaneous use of Carnitine , Arginine and Ornithine enhances these effects and stimulates weight loss.

Overdose and interaction with other drugs

Like any drug in capsules, L-Arginine should not be taken in excessive doses. Therefore, it is necessary to use the medicine correctly so that an overdose does not occur.

If you exceed the recommended dose, undesirable consequences may occur. The most important sign of overdose is obesity, as well as thickening of the skin. If you reduce the daily dose, you can avoid such phenomena.

Most often, the instructions for such drugs do not indicate the consequences that occur when the dose is exceeded. However, everyone should understand: if you exceed the norm of dietary supplements, you may experience diarrhea, weakness, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, you should not exceed the dose of L-Arginine, so as not to harm the body.

This amino acid also provokes a deterioration in the functioning of the pancreas. In studies, there were cases where pancreatitis developed. It is necessary to exercise caution in the use of L-Arginine so as not to provoke the body to the appearance of other diseases.

L-Arginine capsules are not recommended to be taken with other drugs, especially Viagra. Many products contain ornithine, which contains glutamic acid. This substance can also stimulate the production of growth hormone, as well as protein synthesis. Because Other medications contain other excipients; capsules do not need to be taken with them so as not to cause adverse effects on the body. The patient may also experience dramatic weight loss if arginine and ornithine are taken at the same time.

special instructions

L-Arginine - what is it?

Wikipedia states that L-Arginine is an isomer of the aliphatic alpha amino acid arginine. Sports Wiki reports that the substance is used in sports nutrition as a nitrogen donor.

The amino acid is indispensable for children, since the child’s body is not capable of producing it, but for adults it is considered conditionally indispensable: as a rule, in weakened people and elderly people it is produced in very small quantities or not produced at all.

The benefits and harms of arginine

Amino acids are chemical components of simple protein molecules (proteins) and the starting material for the biosynthesis of vitamins, hormones, mediators, alkaloids, etc.

L-Arginine takes part in the formation of proteins and is considered the most powerful amino acid in immunology and cardiology.

Speaking about the dangers and benefits of arginine, it should be noted that sufficient intake of this amino acid into the body is especially important for men. Seminal fluid consists of approximately 80% of this protein building material, so arginine deficiency often leads to infertility.

Arginine stimulates sperm production, which is used by doctors in male infertility treatment programs. Men with reduced sperm activity are often recommended to take dietary supplements with zinc supplements.

Having the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, the amino acid helps maintain their normal patency and ensures proper blood microcirculation.

In turn, the state of the cardiovascular system is closely related to reproductive function in men, where circulatory disorders are fraught with various kinds of sexual disorders.

For women, the substance is interesting primarily because, if you follow the rules of a healthy diet, it allows you to fight the problem of excess weight.

As in men, in women the product helps improve the health of the genital organs, prevents the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms, cleanses blood vessels, reduces symptoms of depression , increases performance and overall endurance of the body.

Arginine is often called the “amino acid of youth.” This is due to the fact that it takes part in the production of many hormones. An organism deficient in arginine ages much faster.

The amino acid nourishes all tissues and organs of the human body, and also improves its blood supply and, in particular, the blood supply to the hair follicles. For this reason, cosmetologists often include it in hair health products.

A substance can cause harm to the body only in ultra-high doses and if there are contraindications to its use.

It should be remembered that a substance such as arginine works especially effectively when you give up psychostimulant drugs and alcohol, as well as with a normally organized sleep and rest schedule.

Arginine in food

What foods contain amino acids? Primarily in seeds and nuts. In 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, for example, its content is 5.353 grams with a daily requirement of 6.1 grams.

Peanuts, sesame seeds, almonds, pine nuts and walnuts are also rich in them. From 600 to 1400 mg of the substance is found in various types of meat (most of all in pork, chicken and chicken fillet), liver, low-fat cottage cheese, and chicken eggs.

Sources of amino acids include peas, chocolate, corn, raisins, oatmeal, gelatin, snails, anchovies, tuna, shrimp, crab, raw salmon fillet, white fish, and flounder.

Description of pharmacological action

Arginine is an amino acid that can be synthesized in the body independently from other amino acids, but with various diseases or protein deficiency in the diet, its synthesis sharply decreases; age is also one of the factors reducing arginine synthesis. Participation in the body This amino acid is necessary for the synthesis of a number of proteins. The biological participation of L-arginine in the human body is associated with the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO). Most of the effects attributed to arginine are performed by its metabolite, nitric oxide. L-arginine is a precursor to this important substance. What's so great about nitric oxide? NO - Nitric oxide is a substance formed in the body's cells during the oxidation of L-arginine. which then acts as the initiator of a variety of ordered biochemical reactions leading to various biological effects without which the human body could not exist. The role of L-arginine in the body: - Participation in the work of the cardiovascular system - Participation in the work of the nervous system - Participation in the detoxification function of the liver - Participation in the work of the immune system - Structural component of connective tissue - Participation in the work of the reproductive system - Participation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract , gastroprotective effect Participation in the work of the cardiovascular system Scientists have given the name Endothelial Relaxing Factor to nitric oxide; it is no coincidence that it is the most important regulator of the vascular system. Its main effect is the ability to influence the tone of blood vessels, or more precisely, to relax them (relieve spasms). The work of the heart muscle improves. L-arginine, like other NO donors, can not only prevent, but also stop an attack of angina. Due to the relaxation of blood vessels, the flow of blood, and therefore oxygen, to the heart muscle increases. The heart is again able to “breathe” in accordance with its load. In some countries (Japan, Greece), in case of an acute attack of angina, L-arginine is used as an emergency drug, in the form of injections. Participation in other vessels Improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery to the vessels of the brain, peripheral vessels (extremities). Increases blood flow to the external genitalia. According to the authors [1], it improves microcirculation of the vessels of the eye and reduces intraocular pressure. Taking L-arginine is accompanied by improved dynamics in patients with diabetes due to improved endothelial function [2, 3]. A decrease in NO is one of the prerequisites for the occurrence and progression of atherosclerosis. The authors suggest using L-arginine and antioxidants together to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the progression of atherosclerosis [4]. Participation in the functioning of the nervous system L-arginine is involved in communication between nerve cells. Promotes synaptic plasticity and improves memory, and is also a mediator (pulse transmitter), causing relaxation of smooth muscle cells of the digestive tract, bronchi, etc. Participation in the detoxification function of the liver. With arginine deficiency, the system responsible for removing ammonia from the body primarily suffers. and its neutralization. This system involves the liver and kidneys, and the chain of biochemical reactions is called the ornithine cycle. The ornithine cycle or, in other words, the urea cycle is a cyclic enzymatic process of successive transformations of the amino acid ornithine, leading to the synthesis of urea. The ornithine cycle is the most important way to neutralize ammonia; if it fails, the entire body suffers, primarily the liver and kidneys, because a high concentration of urea leads to their damage. Arginine and the immune system NO synthesized in macrophages and monocytes ensures their cytotoxic and cytostatic activity towards foreign cells, including microbial ones, activates T-lymphocytes and immunoglobulin E. Arginine and connective tissue L-arginine is part of collagen, which strengthens the framework of muscles and cartilage. Arginine and the reproductive system Not only erectile function, but also spermatogenesis depends on the normal level of L-arginine in the body. It is known that against the background of L-arginine deficiency, the composition of sperm changes. Arginine – to whom and when is it useful? As a general tonic for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver. A diet low in nutrients, the recovery period after taking hepatotoxic drugs and previous intoxications, during periods of increased physical activity.

Reviews about L-Arginine

It is quite difficult to find bad reviews about arginine. This is due to the fact that without this amino acid, by definition, the normal functioning of the human body is impossible.

Reviews indicate that taking arginine preparations ( L-Arginine Solgar , Vasotona , Nature's Bounty ) significantly improves overall well-being and improves mood. Doctors often include the drug in infertility treatment programs for men and women, as well as in programs for the correction of asthenic and depressive conditions.

L-Arginine for men is an effective remedy for normalizing the function of the prostate gland, for women it is an assistant in the fight against extra pounds, maintaining youth and vigor, as well as beautiful hair.

The amino acid was appreciated by cosmetologists and manufacturers of cosmetics, including it in various masks, shampoos and conditioners to strengthen weakened and damaged hair. For example, the L'Oreal company uses it as one of the components of the Elsev “Arginine Power” shampoo.

Reviews about the application

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Average rating: Number of reviews: 0

Based on the reviews, the following advantages were identified:

  • amino acid-based preparations provide a pumping effect after training;
  • help build muscles;
  • tone and speed up recovery after physical activity;
  • charge with energy.

Buyers consider the only drawback to be the bitter aftertaste of the powder.

L-Arginine price

You can buy arginine 500 mg No. 50 from Solgar at the pharmacy for an average of 800 rubles. The price of arginine 1000 mg No. 90 is on average 1800 rubles.

The price of L-Arginine Solgar analogues - L-Arginine Natures Bounty and Vasoton (L-Arginine) - varies from 300 to 700 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • L-arginine capsules Doppelherz/Doppelgerts VIP 0.9g 120 pcsQueisser Pharma
    RUB 1,038 order
  • L-arginine capsules 500 mg Nature's Bounty/Nature's Bounty 50pcsNature's Bounty

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  • L-Arginine tablets Solgar/Solgar 90pcsSolgar Vitamin and Herb

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  • L-arginine capsules 1000 mg Nature's Bounty/Nature's Bounty 50pcs

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  • L-arginine capsules 500 mg Solgar/Solgar 50pcsSolgar Vitamin and Herb

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Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Solgar (L-arginine caps. 500 mg No. 50)Solgar Vitamin and Herb

    RUR 851 order

  • Doppelhertz Active L-Arginine capsules No. 120Queisser

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  • L-Arginine 500 mg No. 50 capsules Solgar Vitamin End Herb, USA
    355 UAH.order
  • L-Arginine 1000 mg N90 tablets Solgar Vitamin End Herb, USA

    578 UAH order


  • Vansiton L-Arginine + L-Ornithine capsules No. 150 Ukraine, DelMas Ltd.

    219 UAH. order

  • Solgar L-Arginine tablets 1000 mg No. 90, Solgar Vitamin and Herb

    665 UAH. order

  • L-arginine caps. 1g No. 100

    302 UAH. order

  • Solgar L-Arginine capsules 500 mg No. 50, Solgar Vitamin and Herb

    401 UAH order

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