Aortic valve
Mitral heart defects and pulmonary hypertension in the practice of a rheumatologist and therapist (Lecture No. 2. Mitral regurgitation. Modern issues of diagnosis and treatment)
Aortic regurgitation is mistakenly taken to be the name of the disease. Some are even trying to find an analogue in the ICD
Instructions for medical use of the drug Femilex®
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics Lactic acid is a waste product of vaginal bacteria (lactic acid) that ensures the acidity of the secretion.
How to calculate gestational age
How gynecologists count weeks of pregnancy: a cheat sheet for expectant mothers
Calculating the gestational age is not always such a simple task. Of course, if you know for sure
baby in mother's womb and placenta
The degree of maturity of the placenta depending on the duration of pregnancy
Photo: UGC Many women are aware that during pregnancy the baby is in the womb.
no-spa tablets
Zaditen - description of the drug, instructions for use, reviews
No-spa is one of the most common and frequently used antispasmodics in pediatric practice.
33,34,35,36 weeks of pregnancy: what happens, development of pregnancy and fetus
Possible problems Pain at the 33rd week of pregnancy At the 33rd week of pregnancy, pain is associated
Skin rash in a child: causes and diagnostic rules
Based on the condition of the skin, you can determine whether there are any disturbances in the functioning of the body. Rashes can be different:
Staphylococcus aureus in infants: symptoms, why it is dangerous and how to treat?
In what ways can an infant become infected? According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, the majority of cases of infection are staphylococcal infections
Hardening children: methods, principles, types of hardening
Every mother wants her baby to get sick less often and grow healthy and strong. Nose
What are apathy and depression? Signs, tactics, prevention
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