Hardening children: methods, principles, types of hardening

Every mother wants her baby to get sick less often and grow healthy and strong. But when they start attending kindergarten, most children begin to get sick without a break. One of the most effective ways to increase your baby’s resistance to viruses is to start hardening him. Pediatricians are sure: the sooner you start accustoming your child to environmental influences, the better. Today we will talk about the basic rules of hardening, find out where to start, what types of procedures exist and whether they have contraindications.

What is hardening

Procedures to strengthen the immune system are not just an occasional dousing with cold water. Hardening children is a whole range of activities that helps them gradually get used to irritating effects. Its goal is to teach the body to respond to changes in the external environment.

Our immunity, or more precisely, the barrier functions of the mucous membranes and skin, helps us stay healthy. Children's defense mechanisms against viruses are still imperfect. If a child is kept in “greenhouse” conditions, the body does not have to resist the effects of stress. The protective functions weaken, and the baby gets sick from the slightest breeze. With proper hardening, you can strengthen the body’s natural defense against viruses and “teach” it to withstand stress. It is important to know that a person becomes healthier not from the cold, but from gradually getting used to temperature changes.

Secrets of children's health

Parents should remember that hardening does not provide a 100% guarantee of the absence of diseases. This is just one of the important components of a healthy lifestyle. It is also necessary to take care of proper nutrition and create a healthy microclimate, and also not to forget that the body needs immune support “from the inside.” For this purpose, experts recommend the use of special drugs - immunomodulators, capable of maintaining the immune system in full combat readiness, which is also important during hardening, when the body is subjected to serious tests. One of the most effective and safe preventive agents recommended in domestic pediatric practice is Anaferon for children. When taking this drug, reliable protection is provided against viruses, to which a weakened body is especially susceptible.

Why do you need to harden your kids?

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of hardening for a growing organism. Preschool children who are not afraid of the cold get sick less, which means they develop better and communicate more with their peers. A seasoned child is unlikely to get sick while airing the room, from eating ice cream, or if he sweats during a walk.

Home hardening involves not only regular procedures, but sometimes also a change in lifestyle. Unfortunately, not all adults are ready to adapt to the new regime, but it is by our own example that we show the child what is good and what is bad.

And yet, hardening does not completely eliminate the possibility of ARVI. No matter how strong the immune system is, no person can be 100% immune from the effects of viruses. However, a hardened body will more easily tolerate an infection and cope with it faster.

Hardening rules

If you are determined to start strengthening your baby’s immunity, you need to act wisely. When choosing the appropriate way to accustom your child to temperature changes, follow a few general rules.

The main thing is attitude! No hardening manipulations should be carried out with an unprepared child. At the very least, the baby will get scared and cry, and you will lose your decisive spirit and, most likely, give up your attempts. Explain to the baby what you will do, tell at the simplest level why you need to toughen up. It is best to show by example that there is nothing terrible in cold water or air. And most importantly: do not do with your child anything that you are not ready to try on yourself. Not a single hardening specialist, teacher or pediatrician will tell you how a person feels when he is doused with cold water for the first time. You can only feel it for yourself.

Regularity of procedures. Often, parents successfully begin to harden their child, and the baby initially takes the procedures calmly. But over time, he begins to be capricious, cry, and refuse to perform seemingly habitual actions. It should be remembered that even a short break will nullify all your efforts. It is believed that after 7–10 days without procedures, the adaptation effect disappears. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to the chosen scheme if the baby is healthy and the cause of the whims is not poor health.

In this case, parents need to show resourcefulness and ingenuity: carry out procedures in a playful way, change the time, methods of hardening, etc. You, like no one else, know your child and will be able to find the right approach to him. Some children quickly fall asleep after hardening procedures, while others, on the contrary, become overexcited. It is better for the latter to transfer all manipulations to the morning hours to help wake up and recharge with vigor.

Gradualism. Start with a small area of ​​skin, preferably your feet or hands. Gradually increase the area and lastly move to the back and chest. Also increase the exposure time gradually. You need to start literally in a few seconds. A sure sign that everything is going well is the baby’s well-being and lack of anxiety.

Individual approach. During any procedure, do not blindly trust anyone’s advice (except your doctor); be sure to take into account the characteristics of your child. All children can be divided into several groups:

  • conditionally healthy,
  • with functional impairments,
  • with chronic diseases,
  • weakened and in the period after illness or injury,
  • having a number of contraindications.

For children belonging to groups 3 and 4, the temperature of the air and water during hardening should be 2–4 degrees higher at each stage. The area of ​​influence on the skin also needs to be increased 2 times slower. Consultation with a pediatrician is required.

Complexity. Don't limit yourself to just one hardening method. If you choose cool water as an irritant, vary the techniques: use dousing, wiping, or a contrast shower. This approach will help maintain the child’s interest in the procedures and allow the body to adapt to a variety of external conditions.

The beginning of hardening a child should not occur at the moment when the baby is sick; it is also better to wait out the period of the flu epidemic, which usually takes place in January-February. Violation of these principles can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. At a minimum, your efforts will be in vain; if the outcome is unfavorable, you risk exhausting the body’s adaptive resources. The fact that you are doing everything right is indicated by the baby’s good mood, healthy sleep, and normal appetite.

Hardening stages

The hardening process can be divided into two periods:

  • First stage. These are the first steps on the path to hardening, during which the body learns to respond to cold and develops a certain habit. At this time, the load should be increased gradually, in accordance with the chosen hardening method and the child’s well-being;
  • supporting stage. During this period, the main efforts are aimed at maintaining the results obtained. A positive effect is achieved through regularity of procedures.

All hardening activities can be divided into general and special. General ones include maintaining a daily routine, hygiene standards, following the principles of proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, and swimming. Following these simple rules is a proven means of increasing immunity and creating favorable conditions for the growth and development of a child. Special ones include more complex manipulations: hardening in air with the help of the sun and water procedures.


Hardening activities for a child are carried out taking into account the state of his health, age and individual tolerance to various types of procedures. The main contraindications include:

  • hyperthermia;
  • colds;
  • acute intestinal disorders;
  • decompensated heart disease;
  • anemia;
  • exhaustion;
  • high nervous excitability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  • extensive skin damage as a result of a burn;
  • abnormal reaction of the body to cold exposure;
  • negative attitude towards hardening activities.

Return to procedures should occur no earlier than complete recovery.
The preparatory period, when the influence and duration of exposure to hardening factors is reduced relative to their usual level for the body, will need to be completed again. Pediatric department

Air hardening

Air baths are the first hardening procedure that is indicated for children from birth. From the first days of life, infants are kept naked for several minutes at a temperature of +22...+24 °C. Then the procedure time is gradually increased.

This method of hardening is applicable not only to newborns. It is useful for children aged 3 years to remain in their panties at room temperature. You can keep the window open if the day is not too windy. Start hardening in the summer, a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the time of air baths. To start, leave your child wearing light pants and a T-shirt. The first air bath can last about 5 minutes. At this time, the child should actively play and move. Sitting motionless in front of the TV screen will not bring any benefits.

Make sure your baby doesn't get cold. Signs such as chills and goosebumps indicate that the stress is too great, you have increased the duration of the air bath too sharply or have greatly reduced the temperature compared to the usual one. The child's behavior and well-being will indicate when it is time to complete the procedure. Gradually, your baby will learn to judge for himself whether he is warm or cold, but for now you must keep the situation under control.

To prevent your child from freezing, think in advance about what you want to play with him. Physical exercises with a ball, small dumbbells or a hoop are especially useful. Regular dancing or jumping are also suitable, the main thing is that the baby has fun and interesting.

Room temperature. It is equally important to constantly maintain a suitable temperature in the room. Even indoors, you need to make sure that the child is not too hot. The temperature in the room where the baby is located should not exceed 24 °C, ideally 20–22 °C. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often. Children, especially preschoolers, are sensitive to the lack of fresh air. In a stuffy, hot room, they become lethargic, irritable, their appetite decreases, and sleep is disturbed. In warm weather, it is better to keep the windows slightly open at all times. During cold weather, use winter ventilation or open the window slightly and do not forget to thoroughly ventilate the rooms several times a day.

Basic principles of hardening

How to begin to harden yourself so as not to harm the body, but to improve health, improve immunity, and increase life expectancy?

A prerequisite for proper hardening is following a healthy lifestyle, where there is no place for alcohol and smoking.

Adequate hardening does not cause side effects; on the contrary, after systematic implementation of the procedures, the mood improves, sleep normalizes, performance increases, and physical and mental health improves.

Water treatments

Water hardening is one of the most popular methods of strengthening the immune system. You can start the procedures at any time of the year, the main thing is that the room has the right temperature.

Rubdowns. This is the mildest hardening option, which has virtually no contraindications. Start by wiping with a soft, damp towel soaked in water at a comfortable temperature. To get started, take a look at the data in the table below. Gradually reduce the temperature by 1–2 °C. The duration of wiping should not exceed 2–4 minutes. After the procedure, the child should be dried with a towel until slightly red. Young children are first rubbed with a dry flannel, combining the procedure with an air bath. After two weeks, the diaper can be slightly moistened with warm water.

Approximate water temperature for rubbing, °C

AgeInitial temperatureFinal temperature
3–6 months36353028
7–12 months34332826
1–3 years33322624

Pouring water. The child may not like this procedure right away, so you need to get used to it gradually. First, pour warm water over your baby's arms and legs and immediately rub them with a towel. Gradually move on to dousing your back and chest. Reduce the temperature gradually, by 1–2 °C in 5–7 days. If the baby has trouble falling asleep, it is better to carry out this procedure in the first half of the day.

AgeInitial temperatureFinal temperature
9–12 months36353028
1–3 years34332825
4–5 years33322622–24

Cold and hot shower. If the child tolerates dousing well, you can move on to a more intensive method of hardening. A contrast shower is suitable for older, seasoned children who are not afraid of water and cold. If you have tried rubbing and dousing before, the baby’s blood vessels should already be sufficiently trained. First, teach your child that at the end of daily water procedures you will gradually reduce the temperature. For the first time, turn on cool water for just a couple of seconds and pour it on your baby’s feet. Gradually increase the procedure time to 10 seconds, then begin to gradually reduce the water temperature. Immediately rub the baby with a dry towel using light massaging movements. If you do everything correctly and smoothly, the baby will not feel discomfort from contact with cooler water. Avoid the appearance of goose bumps and do not pour cool water over a frozen child.

Contrasting temperatures. Alternate exposure to cold and hot water has a strong effect on the body. This hardening method is suitable for stronger children. More often they use contrast dousing of arms and legs, rubbing and showering. For example, water at a fixed temperature (38–39 °C) is poured into one basin, and 1–2 °C colder into another. First you need to immerse your legs in hot water (for 1-2 minutes), then in cold water for 5 seconds. The procedure is repeated 3-5 times, after which the legs are wiped with a towel. Once every 5–7 days, the temperature in the second basin is lowered by a degree, gradually bringing it to 18 °C. For stronger children, you can complete the procedure with cold water; for weakened children, it is better to warm their feet in warm water at the end.

Pool. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of swimming in open water in the summer. And in the cold season, to strengthen the immune system, it is useful to enroll your child in the pool. It’s better to start in the spring or summer so that the baby doesn’t get cold when going out into the cold after training. Water activities are beneficial for children of any age. Now mothers can choose a swimming pool with a small bathtub, where babies are trained almost from birth.

Swimming helps not only in the fight against viruses. Children who regularly exercise in the pool have correct posture, strong muscles and blood vessels. They regularly train the respiratory system, so it is easier to tolerate ARVI. Swimming relieves muscle and emotional tension, disciplines and strengthens character.

Bath and sauna. Children from 3-4 years old can visit the steam room. You need to start going to the bathhouse very carefully, gradually increasing the time you stay. A baby at this age cannot yet assess his well-being and will not be able to report in time that he has become too hot. The temperature should not exceed 80 °C; for the first time you can stay in the steam room for no more than 3–5 minutes. It is enough for the baby to visit the steam room, take a shower and relax. At the same time, the rest time is twice as long as the time for visiting the steam room.

There are contraindications for hardening in a Russian bath and sauna:

  • elevated temperature;
  • rash, skin irritation;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • convulsions;
  • head injuries;
  • kidney disease;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

Hardening of preschool childrenconsultation

Consultation for parents

Hardening of preschool children

O. Dahl believed that hardening a person means “accustoming him to all hardships, needs, bad weather, and raising him in severity.”

G.N. Speransky considered hardening as cultivating in the body the ability to quickly and correctly adapt to changing external conditions.

Any improvement is a long-term training. Therefore, hardening is a kind of training of the body’s defenses, preparation.

Hardening is a system of measures that increase the body’s endurance to various influences of the external environment and cultivate the body’s ability to quickly and without harm to health adapt to adverse effects by means of self-defense. That’s right, a daily routine designed in accordance with age and its strict implementation is one of the most important conditions for the normal physical and neuropsychic development of a child. The daily routine should include time for hygiene and hardening activities; parents must adhere to it and not violate it (see table). The systematic use of water procedures (washing, rubbing, dousing, showering, bathing, bathing, etc.) has a positive effect on the nervous system, metabolism, and all vital functions of the child’s body.

Hardening is permissible only if the child is in full health; You can start the procedure at any time of the year, but the warmest time is most favorable for this. Children should not be immediately exposed to strong influences of cold air or water; they should be accustomed to them gradually, slowly, and the more carefully, the younger and weaker the child. Graduality is one of the basic rules of hardening.

Procedure Time spending Duration
up to 3 years 37 years
Walking and playing outdoors Morning and afternoon In autumn and winter. at least 2 times for 2 hours; in summer 6-8 hours In autumn and winter 2-2.5 hours; in the summer as long as possible
Daytime nap in the air Morning or afternoon Infants 2-3 times for 1.5-2 hours; seniors - 1 time 1 time for 1.5-2 hours
Air baths In the morning or after an afternoon nap In autumn and winter in the room 2-3 times for 2-15 minutes or longer; in summer in the air 30-60 minutes In autumn and winter in the room, start from 5-10 minutes to 30-60 minutes 2 times. In combination with gymnastics and games in the summer, light-air baths for 10-60 minutes or longer
Sunbathing In the middle zone 9-11 hours For children over one year old, start from 1-2 minutes to 20 minutes (on all sides of the body) 4-40 min (on all sides of the body)
Rubdown Early in the morning or before nap 1-2 min 2-3 min
Pouring In the morning after gymnastics, air and sun baths (in summer) 30-40 s 40–90 s (depending on age)
Shower In the morning before meals or before naps After 1.5 years, 30-40 s No longer than 90 s
Swimming in a river, lake 9-11 a.m. After 2 years 2-6 min 6-8 min
Massage and gymnastics for infants In the morning 40-60 minutes after eating 1-2 times for 5-10-12 minutes depending on age ——-
Gymnastics 20-30 minutes after breakfast 1.5-2 years for 8-10 minutes; after 2 years 12-15 min 3-4 years - 12-15 minutes, 5-6 years - 20 minutes. Up to 7 years 25-30 min

Hardening procedures must be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and his age. In this case, the state of health, general physical development, type of nervous system, well-being and mood at a given time are of great importance. When choosing hardening measures, a doctor's advice is required. Thus, sunbathing and swimming in the river are contraindicated for children suffering, for example, from malaria; physically weakened - they need a special dosage of hardening procedures, etc. You need to carefully look at how the child tolerates cold, how the heat affects him. Age, a recent illness, and the state of the nervous system may also play a role here. Children who are very sensitive to cooling need a special approach, more gradual hardening measures. A doctor's advice is required here. You should not completely abandon hardening without special reasons, since for children who react sharply to cooling, it is very important. Sometimes a child has a bad attitude towards hardening procedures only because he is pampered and does not want to do what is unusual for him. In this case, parents will have to show sensitivity and persistence in instilling the habit of hardening procedures. Since the method of hardening children under 3 years of age and older ones is not the same, we will first describe hardening procedures for children.

Washing is the most accessible type of water hardening in everyday life. Children aged one and a half years are recommended to wash not only their face and hands, but also their neck and upper chest to the waist every day. You should start with lukewarm water (30-32 °C), gradually lowering its temperature to room temperature, and then use tap water. After washing, the child’s body is rubbed with a terry towel until slightly reddened. The water for washing at night is warmer (2° higher than in the morning). It is traditional to rub the body with a towel after water procedures until the skin turns red. In recent years, a number of scientists involved in hardening issues have expressed the opinion that rubbing the skin, increasing its temperature, shortens the cooling time and reduces the hardening effect. Thus, according to research, intense self-massage, as well as rubbing the skin, leads to an increase in its temperature by 2-3 degrees or more compared to the initial one. Our recommendation to rub the skin after washing or showering applies to children, since their thermoregulation is not yet sufficiently developed and warming up the skin in this case will help the body quickly eliminate the effects of cooling.

Hygienic baths with a gradually decreasing temperature are used for children in the first month of life. In this case, a water temperature of 36-36.5° is sufficient. In the first half of the year the water is 35-36°, after 6 months it is gradually lowered and brought to 32-33°. For children under one year of age, baths with water temperatures below 30° are not recommended. The duration of these procedures is 3-5 minutes, after which the child is taken out of the water and, holding him face down, is poured from a jug with water, which is 1-2 degrees colder than it was in the bath. This douche is given to children over 6 months old.

Foot baths are a very effective means of hardening, since the legs, especially the feet, are most sensitive to cooling. They are carried out before bedtime. The feet and lower legs are affected. The initial water temperature for children under 3 years old is 33-35° in summer, 35-36° in winter. Gradually reducing the water temperature by 1 degree every week, bring it to 22-24° and below. The duration of the procedure is 1-3 minutes. At this time, the child moves his feet, as if walking along the bottom of the pelvis.

Pouring your feet is done like this. The child sits on a low stool or children's chair, placing his feet on a wooden block placed on the bottom of the basin. Water is poured from a ladle or jug ​​onto the lower third of the legs and feet. Duration of dousing is 20-30 seconds. The water temperature is initially 27-28°, every 10 days it is reduced by 1-2 degrees. The final water temperature should not be lower than 18°. After a foot bath, dousing or washing, the feet are wiped dry, then rubbed with hands until slightly reddened.

General dousing is a stronger hardening procedure that can be performed on children starting at 9-10 months of age. It is recommended to douche daily at any time of the year. In winter, the procedure can be started only after wiping has already been carried out. In summer, hardening children can begin immediately with douches.

The shower can only be used by children from 1.5 years of age. This water procedure tones the child’s nervous system, gives him vigor, and has a positive effect on appetite and sleep. Showering is especially beneficial for lethargic children with poor appetite. The water temperature in winter should be no lower than 36°, in summer - 33-35°. Gradually (by 1 degree every week in winter, and after 3-5 days in summer) it is reduced to 28°, and for children 2-3 years old - to 25° and below.

Swimming in a river, lake or sea is one of the best ways to harden a child’s body in the summer, as it combines exposure to air, sunlight, water and movement. Under the influence of bathing, sleep, appetite, and metabolism improve. Since cold water has a strong effect on the body, it is advisable to begin such procedures after a short course of douches or showers. Only children who can walk well (not earlier than 2-3 years old) can swim in a lake or river, which is due to their safety. In the conditions of central Russia, it is best to start swimming in stable, calm weather and the water temperature in the reservoir is not lower than 22-23°, the air temperature is 25-26°. The best time for swimming is from 10 to 12 am. Swimming on an empty stomach is harmful; you should not do it earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating. If children have undergone preliminary training (rubbing, dousing), they can enter the water at a lower temperature. You can start with 2-3 short-term immersions in water. Then the duration of bathing increases to 2-3 minutes, and as you get used to it - to 5-6 minutes (depending on the temperature of the water, air and the age of the children). The child is allowed to bathe no more than once a day. It is important to ensure that children enter the water not hot, but not with a chilled body. During bathing, you need to force the child to move more in the water and monitor his condition. At the slightest sign of cooling (pale face, blue lips, chills), you should stop swimming. After the child comes out of the water, he should be rubbed dry, quickly dressed and taken to the shade.

Walking in the fresh air perfectly strengthens children. There is no need to be afraid that your child might catch a cold while walking. You just need to teach him to walk in any weather, to be in the fresh air every day. Clothes for walking in the cold season should be warm and light enough so as not to restrict movement. Don’t forget to take toys, shovels, sleds, etc. with you outside so that your baby can move and run. The positive impact of health activities, first of all, affects the physical and neuropsychic development of the child. This can be judged by how it grows and develops. For example, it is enough to check the weight once a week before and after the hardening procedure, and control, more thorough, measurements should be taken every 6 months by a doctor who will evaluate all indicators of the child’s development. For parents with overweight children, we would like to remind you that their desire to quickly achieve the loss of extra pounds with the help of an overly active motor regimen, as well as increasing the duration of hardening procedures, can lead to a nervous breakdown, hypothermia of the baby, colds, etc. For acute illnesses, or if the child is not feeling well, hardening procedures should be stopped and you should consult a doctor; only he can assess the correctness of the hardening techniques you are performing and give the necessary advice in a timely manner. The effectiveness of hardening procedures largely depends on the correctness of their implementation, when every little thing at first glance matters. A mandatory requirement for adults helping children during hardening: hands must be washed clean, nails must be cut short, the skin on the palms must be soft and warm. Hard skin is lubricated with Vaseline, cold hands are warmed, rings and signet rings must be removed. For older children, although still preschoolers, all kinds of water procedures are also widely used. They are also convenient because they allow you to dose the temperature more accurately than with air and sun baths. All hygienic water procedures have a hardening effect if they are skillfully combined with special techniques. Hardening with cold water will not bring the desired effect if ordinary hygienic washing is performed with warm water. By combining hygienic measures with hardening measures, systematic training of the body is achieved and the time specifically allocated for procedures is reduced. In addition, a positive psychological effect is achieved by raising in adults and children an understanding of the need for hardening activities in the daily routine. You need to start hardening with water with the least drastic influences - local rubdowns or douches, gradually moving to general ones. As local hardening water procedures, you can use washing after a night and daytime sleep, washing your hands before eating, after walking and using the toilet, washing your feet before bed, wiping, playing with water. All these procedures are usually carried out at the same time, according to the regimen. General water hardening procedures have a more dramatic irritating effect than local ones, which is explained primarily by the larger area of ​​​​cold exposure, since the water comes into contact with the entire body at the same time, with the exception of the head. In addition, during general procedures, water is also poured over the usually closed parts of the body - the chest, abdomen, located above the organs of intense heat production (liver, heart, kidneys) and therefore have a higher temperature. Special studies have established that under conditions of thermal comfort, the temperature of the skin on the chest in preschool children is 34-34.5°. Therefore, the initial water temperature should be 33-34°. It gradually decreases over 2-3 weeks with daily use to 26° in winter and 24° in summer. Air, sunlight and water must be widely used in the daily life of a preschooler all year round. From this point of view, one should approach personal hygiene, daily routine, clothing for children, and the room in which they live. The use of certain hardening measures largely depends on the season of the year. Of course, in winter conditions there is no need to talk about air baths on the street or swimming in the river. Meanwhile, long walks in any weather, staying indoors with open windows, vents, partial body washing, indoor air baths, etc. are quite accessible. Spring and summer are especially favorable for strengthening the health of children. They should be outside as long as possible from the first days of spring. The child should be taught to wash his feet with cool water. It is well known that in the summer a child should wash his body before going to bed or putting on his shoes. This is a basic rule of hygiene. But the hardening effect of systematic foot washing often escapes the attention of parents. Meanwhile, this is an excellent hardening agent, which is as effective as all other methods when used systematically. Not a single day should be missed; children should wash their feet regardless of the weather and whether they walked barefoot that day or not. The water temperature should be gradually reduced. Children must be taught to fulfill basic hygiene requirements: wash their feet in a separate basin, using soap and a washcloth, wipe dry with a towel specially designated for this purpose, wear slippers or sandals so as not to stain the washed feet. In summer, it is best to wash your feet in the air, this enhances the hardening effect. In addition, it is easier for a child to master the skill of washing his feet on his own, because he is not afraid of getting the floor wet. Children should also be taught to wash themselves daily with cool water up to the waist. The child washes his hands up to his elbows with soap, then with a handful of water, he sequentially washes his hands up to his shoulders (alternately), his face, neck, chest and armpits; he will have to help wash his back. At the end of washing, the child throws a towel over his neck and with quick movements (initially with the help of an adult) wipes his chest, face, neck, etc. Older children quickly begin to wash themselves; younger children need help. Children love water very much. In summer, in warm weather, you can allow them to wander along the bottom of a shallow stream, play on a wet bank, build fortresses from wet sand, dig wells, and build dams. It’s not scary if children have to run through damp grass, puddles, or even get caught in warm summer rain while walking - this will further increase the stability of their body. It is only dangerous to leave children in wet clothes.

Walking barefoot is one of the oldest hardening techniques, widely practiced today in many countries. In addition, the foot muscles are trained. Protecting against flat feet. Therefore, it is recommended to walk barefoot on mown grass, fallen pine needles in the forest, etc. You should start walking barefoot in the room, first for 1 minute and add 1 minute every 5-7 days, bringing the total duration to 8-10 minutes daily. Special hardening measures in the summer include air and sun baths, rubbing, dousing, and swimming in natural reservoirs.

Air baths are used to accustom children to direct contact of the entire surface of the body with air. In addition to temperature, humidity and air movement are also important. In the hot summer, when children wear only panties all day, there is no particular need for special air baths. In the spring, when you are not yet accustomed to the air, and on cool days, which also happen in the summer, they are very useful. For air baths, choose an area protected from the wind; they can be carried out on the terrace, on an open balcony. Children are stripped naked or left with only short panties. At first, the air baths last only 3-4 minutes, gradually increasing their duration, up to an hour. It is better to start the procedure in calm weather at an air temperature of at least 23-24°.

During air baths, children should be in motion; on cool days, more active games should be selected, and on warm days, calm ones. You can offer your child some interesting task: throw and catch a ball a certain number of times so that it never falls, roll a wooden hoop to the end of the path, run 2-3 times around a tree, gazebo, etc.

Sunbathing has a general strengthening effect on the body of preschoolers, enhances metabolism, and increases the body's resistance to diseases. In the skin, under the influence of sunlight, substances rich in vitamin D (anti-rachitic) are formed, which improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus salts, which are especially important for a growing organism. Staying in the sun is also beneficial because children get used to withstanding the thermal effects of the sun's rays and feel cheerful even in hot weather. But after prolonged exposure to the sun, some children may develop weakness, irritability, and sometimes poor sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being of children both during sunbathing and after it. The place chosen for sunbathing should be dry. The child lies down on a mat so that the body is illuminated by the sun and the head is in the shade (it can be covered with a Panama hat). The duration of the procedure at first is 4 minutes, during which the child changes position, exposing his back, right and left side, and stomach to the sun. Every 2-3 baths, another minute is added to the irradiation time for each side of the body. Gradually, the duration of the sunbath can be increased to 25-30 minutes. 2-3 minutes after the end of the sunbath, the child should be doused with water at a temperature of 26-28° and allowed to rest in the shade for half an hour.

Rubbing is the most gentle water procedure that can be used not only for healthy, but also for weak children. The procedure is performed as follows. With the dampened end of a towel or mitten, wipe your arms, neck, chest, stomach, legs, back, immediately wiping dry until slightly reddened. The water temperature is initially 30°; it is gradually reduced, bringing it to room temperature (Table 2).

Pouring is an excellent means of hardening, simple and affordable. Initially, the water temperature should be 30-32°, every 3 days it is reduced by one degree. You can bring it to 22-20° for children of primary preschool age and to 18° for 6-7 year olds (see table).

Approximate water temperature for wet wiping of children, degrees

Age Initial Limit
in winter In summer in winter In summer
3-6 months 36 35 30 28
7-12 months 34 33 28 26
1 -3 years 33 32 26 24
4-5 years 32 30 24 22
6-7 years 30 28 22 18 — 20

Approximate water temperature for dousing children, degrees

Age Initial Limit
in winter In summer in winter In summer
9-12 months 36 35 30 28
1-3 years 34 33 28 24 — 25
4-5 years 33 32 26 22 — 24
6-7 years 32 30 24 20 — 22

On warm days, the procedure is carried out outdoors, on cold, damp or windy days - indoors. For dousing, you can use a shower, a garden watering can or a jug. The child stands on a wooden grate (so as not to stain the soles of his feet after dousing). First, he washes his hands (with soap) and his face under running water, lightly wetting his head with a damp hand. Then a stream of water from a height of 40-50 centimeters is directed onto his neck, bypassing his head. The child turns, alternately exposing his back, side, chest, etc. The water should flow down the body in a wide stream.

Swimming in natural reservoirs can be started when the weather is stable, on a quiet sunny day, when the air temperature is not lower than 25-26°, and the water is not too cold (at first 22-23°). After children get used to bathing, it should not be canceled even at an air temperature of 18°. Basic Rules. The child should not bathe more than once a day, the duration of stay in the water should not be longer than 5-8 minutes (starting from 1-2 minutes, gradually increasing the time). If the water is cold, it is enough to take a dip 2-3 times and get out. After swimming, you need to dry yourself well, get dressed, warm up by moving (running), and then relax in the shade. Children who are carried away by bathing often neglect the established rules and begin to feel cold from hypothermia. And this is not good for health. Teach your child to get out of the water at your request, and not to be willful in this matter. While bathing, children should move: jump, play, make swimming movements. The question is often asked whether it is possible to simultaneously carry out several methods of hardening with preschoolers. When choosing the number of procedures and determining their place in the daily routine, it is necessary to take into account, firstly, that strongly cooling procedures covering the entire surface of the child’s body can be prescribed no more than once a day. So, for example, on the day when children are swimming in the river, douching should not be done. This does not mean, of course, that on this day you should not wash yourself to the waist or wash your feet with cool water. Such partial washings in summer are more of a hygienic means, the same as washing your hands and face. Secondly, it is permissible to carry out the air and water procedures on the same day. These can be either independent events, for example, dousing before lunch, air baths in the afternoon, or related to each other: a water procedure after an air bath. Finally, you should not do strong water treatments, such as cold showers, before bed. They have a stimulating effect, which is very useful in the morning or afternoon, but not in the evening. With the reasonable use of natural factors, children harden and become healthier over the summer. You can consolidate the results obtained and make them lasting only if you maintain the habit of fresh air and cool water throughout the year. In autumn and winter, the choice of special hardening measures is limited, and therefore it is especially important to carry them out consistently and systematically. The main healing agent in the cold season is fresh air. Children should spend as much time as possible outside. The habit of washing up to the waist with cool water, acquired in the summer, must be maintained in winter conditions. With the onset of autumn, the temperature of tap water begins to gradually decrease, thereby creating natural conditions for getting used to cold water. If washing up to the waist begins in the fall as a new event, then tap water is diluted with warm water, bringing it to 20-22° and gradually reducing its temperature. You should also not forget to wash your feet with cool water. It is better to do this in the evening so that you can go to bed with clean feet.

Hardening of the nasopharynx can be carried out at any time of the year. Children 2-4 years old should rinse their mouth, and after 4 years old - their throat with boiled water at room temperature with the addition of chamomile or sage infusion 2 times a day - morning and evening. Use 1/3 cup of water for each rinse. For schoolchildren, the water temperature must be reduced every 10 days by 1-2 degrees and finally switched to the temperature of winter tap water. The duration of the procedure gradually increases. It is also recommended to wipe the neck during the morning toilet. When sending children for a walk, do not wrap their necks. In severe frosts, it is recommended to protect the throat and tonsils from direct exposure to cold air when breathing. To do this, the tip of the tongue must be pressed against the inner surface of the upper teeth, then cold air will flow around the tongue, heating up against it and the cheek. The reader probably noticed that we classified children under 6 years of age as preschoolers, although many of them now attend school. However, the physiology of their body remained at the same level, which allowed us to give them recommendations on hardening in the section dedicated to preschoolers.

Let's harden ourselves in the sun

The sun, air and water are your faithful helpers in strengthening your baby’s immunity. Recently, solar activity has increased many times. This is due to the process of destruction of the ozone layer, which has become weaker in protecting us from ultraviolet radiation. Because of this, many mothers are afraid to walk with their baby in the sun, especially during the hot season. At the same time, many children are deficient in vitamin D, which is produced in the body precisely due to exposure to the sun. Therefore, try to take your child for a walk not only in the evening, but also in the morning. In summer, you need to be careful - between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. it is better to stay at home or be in the shade. You need to be especially careful if your child has fair skin; such babies burn easily even in partial shade. The baby must wear a hat, preferably in light colors.

Sun hardening has a number of contraindications:

  • increased body temperature;
  • acute period of the disease;
  • irritation, skin rash;
  • blood diseases.

Physiological basis of hardening

Hardening is based on training the peripheral and central parts of the thermoregulation system, which control the processes of formation and release of heat in the body.

The human body, in the process of evolution, has developed the ability to adapt to changes in weather conditions, withstanding even significant temperature changes, while maintaining the thermal balance inside the body.

When hardening, the immune system is sharply activated, physical and mental performance, and resistance to infectious, allergic, malignant diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity, and diabetes increase.

Natural environmental factors that are used during hardening are sun, air and water.

Air hardening

Under the influence of air baths, the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems increases, digestive functions are normalized, the functioning of the cardiac and respiratory systems improves, the composition of the blood changes - the number of red blood cells and the level of hemoglobin increases, therefore the saturation of the body's cells with oxygen increases.

The greater the difference between body and air temperatures, the more irritated skin receptors are. Therefore, cold air baths activate protective compensatory thermoregulatory mechanisms, training the speed of vascular reactions that protect the body from sudden changes in external temperatures.

Warm air does not have a hardening effect, but it has a positive effect on redox processes in the body.

Sun hardening

Solar radiation affects the body through infrared and ultraviolet radiation.

Under the influence of infrared rays, additional heat is generated in the body, resulting in increased sweating, increased evaporation of moisture from the skin, dilation of blood vessels, redness of the skin, and increased blood flow.

Ultraviolet rays (UV) produce a powerful biological effect on the body: under their influence, vitamin D is synthesized in the skin, which plays an important role in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. UV rays are characterized by bactericidal properties, increase the body's resistance to infections, and have a tonic effect on all organs and systems.

The skin of people belonging to different races has different sensitivity to solar radiation. This is due to the thickness of the superficial stratum corneum and the ability of the skin to synthesize melanin, a pigment, the amount of which determines the different color of the skin: from white to black.

Water hardening

One of the indicators of the effectiveness of water hardening procedures is the skin reaction.

There are three phases of the skin's reaction to cold water:

  • Phase I – spasm of skin vessels occurs; with strong cooling, changes also affect subcutaneous fat.
  • Phase II – the process of adaptation to low water temperatures is underway: the blood vessels dilate, the skin turns red. This phase is characterized by improved well-being, a surge of vigor and energy.
  • Phase III – hypothermia, when the body’s adaptive capabilities end, the body can no longer retain heat. Against this background, a strong spasm of the subcutaneous vessels occurs, the skin turns pale, acquires a bluish tint, and chills appear.

With regular water hardening, the first phase becomes shorter, and the second comes faster. The most important thing is to avoid the third phase.

Traditional methods

The standard system of hardening children includes the following stages.

  • From birth to 3 months: daily general baths in water at a temperature of 36–37 °C;
  • dousing after a bath with water at a temperature of 34–36 °C;
  • washing starting at a temperature of 28 °C with a gradual decrease to 20 °C;
  • wiping with a dry diaper;
  • wiping with a damp towel at a temperature of 33–36 °C (hands and feet only), with a decrease in temperature by 1 degree every five days (minimum 28 °C).
  • From 3 to 9 months:
      maintaining the established temperature regime for bathing and washing;
  • wiping the arms, legs, stomach and back at a water temperature of 33–36 °C, followed by wiping dry.
  • From 9 to 12 months:
      baths and rubdowns are carried out in the same way as in previous age groups;
  • You can try moving on to dousing.
  • From one to 3 years:
      you can gradually lower the rubdown temperature to 24 °C;
  • contrast shower from one and a half years old.
  • After 3 years, the duration of procedures should correspond to the table.

    Duration of strengthening procedures for children 3–8 years old

    ProcedureTimes of DayDuration
    Walking outsideDuring the dayFrom 2 hours or more
    SunbathingFrom morning until 11 and after 16–17 hoursFrom 10 to 40 minutes
    Air bathsBefore or after sleepOutdoors: depending on the weather. Indoors: 1–2 times for 30 minutes.
    RubdownIn the morning3–4 minutes
    ShowerIn the morning, after charging1–1.5 minutes
    Pouring waterAfter exercise or before bed1 minute
    GymnasticsAt any convenient time, no less than half an hour after eatingfrom 10 minutes or more

    Air baths.

    The first hardening procedure for an infant is air baths. It must be remembered that the air temperature in the room for a newborn baby should be 23°C, at the age of 1 to 3 months. — 21°С, from 3 months. up to 1 year - 20°C; over 1 year - 18°C. Infants have high energy costs and oxygen consumption (2.5 times more than adults), so it is necessary to ventilate the premises 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes. in winter, keep the windows open almost constantly in summer. Ventilation using a window or transom is carried out in the presence of children; the air temperature drops by 1 - 2°C, which is a hardening factor. It is advisable to carry out cross-ventilation when there is no child in the room. It is possible to use air conditioners and microclimate systems that automatically regulate temperature and humidity.

    In the summer, newborns can be taken for a walk almost immediately after birth, initially for 20-40 minutes, quickly increasing the time to 6-8 hours a day.

    In winter, children are first taken outside at the age of 2 - 3 weeks at an air temperature of at least -5 ° C for 15 - 20 minutes. and gradually increase exposure to air to 1.5 - 2 hours 2 times a day.

    Air baths themselves begin to be carried out in the maternity hospital, when, when changing diapers, the child is left for a short time without clothes. Air baths should be carried out in a well-ventilated room at an air temperature of 20 - 22 ° C (for infants) and 18 - 19 ° C (for children 1 - 2 years old). Initially, the duration of the procedure is 1 - 2 minutes, every 5 days it increases by 2 minutes. and reaches up to 15 minutes (for children up to 6 months) and up to 30 minutes (after 6 months). Air baths must be combined with gymnastic exercises.

    Intensive methods

    Some parents practice more intense exposure to cold. Such methods of hardening children usually involve wiping them with snow and dousing them with ice water. Pediatricians recommend treating such recommendations with caution and accustoming your baby to hardening gradually. Otherwise, you can not only overcool the child, but also reduce the protective properties of the body. And under no circumstances should you practice swimming in ice water or winter swimming with infants.

    Contrasting and non-traditional hardening.

    Intensive (non-traditional) hardening methods include any methods in which there is at least short-term contact of a naked human body with snow, ice water, or subzero air.

    There is sufficient experience in intensive hardening of young children in parental health clubs. However, there are practically no scientific studies indicating the possibility of using this type of hardening. Therefore, most authors dealing with the issues of hardening young children consider bathing children in ice water to be contraindicated.

    There is contrast hardening as a transitional step between traditional and intensive hardening: contrast foot baths, contrast rubdown, contrast shower, sauna, Russian bath, etc. Contrast hardening is more effective than hardening only with cold. The most common method for children is contrast dousing of the feet (you cannot pour cold water on cold feet, the feet must first be warmed).

    There are also so-called pharmacological methods of hardening - the use of immunostimulants that enhance interferon formation. Some authors recommend their use for the prevention of frequent respiratory diseases in young children. However, this issue has not been sufficiently studied, and the results of the therapeutic experience indicate that there is no effect of treatment with immunostimulants on the level and dynamics of respiratory morbidity.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    The famous doctor Komarovsky, who gives advice on children's health issues on television, believes that a newborn child does not need special hardening manipulations. It has natural defense mechanisms that just need to be supported with appropriate care. Komarovsky recommends:

    • do not bundle up babies;
    • create temperature contrasts;
    • do not be afraid of drafts;
    • walk more in any weather;
    • maintain a suitable temperature in the room;
    • humidify the air and ventilate the room more often.

    If these conditions are met, the baby will be able to grow up healthy without being doused with cold water and walking barefoot in the snow. If, from an early age, the baby was in a stuffy room, walked with him little and was protected in every possible way, he will be much more susceptible to viruses. He recommends that parents of such children start not with hardening, but with creating optimal conditions for the child, under which the body’s protective functions will work again.

    He suggests paying attention to the following aspects:

    • Cloth. If a child is hot, he will get sick faster. Do not bundle up your baby and remember that he needs to be dressed a little lighter than an adult. Suitable clothing should not restrict movement.
    • Nutrition. Don't force feed your baby. With regular walks and optimal room temperature, the baby's appetite will improve on its own.
    • Active pastime. To prevent a child from freezing during a walk, he must actively move and play. Come up with an activity that you both enjoy and enjoy spending time outside.

    Dr. Komarovsky also calls for taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and not imposing hardening procedures on him.

    Hardening requires parents to be persistent, self-confident and attentive to the baby. Any procedures should be carried out wisely, after consulting with a pediatrician in advance, especially if the child is weakened or has chronic diseases. The main thing in hardening is gradualism, so don’t rush things. Over time, you and your baby will adapt to new conditions, and you will not be so afraid of viruses and bad weather.

    The final decision about whether to harden a child and what procedures to choose is made only by the parents. It is important that they use common sense and pay attention to their baby’s reaction to any manipulation.

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