Black cumin. The benefits and harms of black cumin oil seeds. How to properly use black cumin.
What is black cumin, its description Black cumin is a type of cumin from the plant
Oligomenorrhea or delayed menstruation - what is it and how to treat it?
Oligomenorrhea is a menstrual disorder characterized by a decrease in the duration of menstruation to 2 days or less.
Genital warts: effective treatment methods
Anogenital (venereal) warts (genital warts)
The article was checked by an obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Sazonova Yu.M., is for general informational purposes only and does not replace specialist advice.
Image 2: Anemia - Family Doctor Clinic
Find and neutralize: how to identify anemia and find out its causes
Causes of anemia In the vast majority of cases (up to 90%), anemia is caused by iron deficiency. Iron included
girl eating
Food allergies: what are they and what foods to avoid?
Allowed products If a food allergy is determined, a special diet will be an important element of treatment. IN
If a pregnant woman has severe stomach pain, you need to call an ambulance
18th week of pregnancy: the baby’s digestive system continues to develop and fingerprints are forming
Baby's movements at 18 weeks Not everyone can feel the baby's movements at 18 weeks
Sex after and during menstruation, is it possible to get pregnant?
If a couple is planning to have a baby, it will be useful for them to know when a woman ovulates and
Pregnancy after 40 years
Pregnancy after 40 years: recommendations of obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Berezovskaya
The lifespan of the average person has changed, and so has the level of comfort in life. And at the same time
11th week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother
Along with the fact that nausea and vomiting are left behind, a stable emotional background is established:
CAT CRY. The story of a rare girl with Lejeune's syndrome
Cri-cat syndrome, also called Lejeune's syndrome, is a fairly rare chromosomal
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