Aspen, or trembling poplar: medicinal properties and use in folk medicine
Despite the fact that aspen is quite famous in temperate climates, people often confuse it with
Photo of macrodentia
Shall we count the teeth? Revealing the professional code of dentists
Author: Brodsky Sergey Evgenievich Deputy Chief Physician, Candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialties: dentistry and
How, when, how often to have sex to get pregnant?
In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the main follicle, which is called dominant, grows and matures.
Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 23 weeks of gestation
23rd week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby and the expectant mother, photo, ultrasound
This week your baby weighs around 450-500 g. The skin is still covered
Nutrition for a pregnant woman at 26 weeks of gestation
26th week of pregnancy: fetal development, full description, photo, ultrasound
How the baby moves at 26 weeks The third trimester of pregnancy has arrived. Your baby is already the size
Anxiety is influenced by a wide range of different causes. Most psychologists and neuroscientists agree that a combination of factors often plays a decisive role here, namely the combination of the innate characteristics of the functioning of the human nervous system with the influence of social and psychological factors.
Treatment of anxiety in adults and children. Symptoms
Something constantly bothers us - so constantly that we are used to existing in this state
Treatment of phobias. Recovery and release
Phobias. Symptoms and causes
The biological meaning of fear In order to penetrate deeper into the essence of such a phenomenon as phobia,
Reduced and increased prolactin in men: causes and consequences
Prolactin in men is increased in stressful situations, with excessive physical exertion, with pain,
Reasons to call a narcologist to your home
Narcologist: who is this, what does he treat and how is the appointment at home?
A narcologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats various addictions to chemically active substances.
Folk remedies for lice
How to remove lice? The most popular and most useful methods
What Causes Pediculosis Despite popular belief, lice occur not only in humans, but also
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