Mechanisms of development and symptoms of measles in children and adults
Symptoms of measles in children (photos), treatment and prevention measures Measles is one of the
Scheme of action of the type III secretion system
Plague: history, symptoms, prognosis, treatment, prevention
Competition “bio/mol/text”-2017 This work was published in the “Free Topic” category of the competition “bio/mol/text”-2017. General sponsor of the competition
Effective treatment of colpitis, vaginitis, vulvovaginitis
According to statistics, every second girl who comes to see a gynecologist at least once in her life
Antimicrobial agent Sulfadimethoxine
Sulfadimethoxine: indications for use
Sulfadimethoxine belongs to the group of antimicrobial chemicals - sulfonamides, included in the list of essential drugs
Persecution mania. Symptoms and signs, how to behave with a patient, treatment
Is persecution mania an independent mental disorder or a symptom of other diseases? Reasons, stages and
astigmatism in children
Astigmatism in children. Conservative and surgical treatment
Doctor: Akhmedova Shani Vagifovna Contrary to popular belief, a disorder such as astigmatism in children is
Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy
Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy: deciding whether to give birth or not to give birth?
This week the baby's growth ranges from 0.36 mm to 1 mm. Development period
Vitamin B12 in ampoules – increasing the effectiveness of complex therapy
Vitamin B12 in ampoules – increasing the effectiveness of complex therapy
Vitamin B12 is an important substance involved in many processes in the human body. Its deficiency
Ultrasound of the first trimester
First trimester of pregnancy: changes in a woman’s body and fetal development by week
The onset of pregnancy is an important and joyful period in the life of every woman. The first trimester is
Oxytocin - the hug hormone
7 hormones for autumn tone / “Komsomolskaya Pravda”
Natalya Reznik, Candidate of Biological Sciences “Chemistry and Life” No. 9, 2016 A woman keeps her home:
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