Ear pain in a child
Inflammatory diseases of the ear. Modern possibilities of prevention and treatment
The human ear has a complex structure. It consists of three departments, each of which performs
Purulent meningoencephalitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Diseases that start with the letter “M”: Chorea minor, Slow infections of the central nervous system, Medulloblastoma, Intervertebral hernia, Intervertebral
Artificial respiration.
Smoker's cough. Barnaul doctors explained what chronic bronchitis is and how it is related to coronavirus
Chronic bronchitis is a disease characterized by excess sputum production and cough for at least
Tonsillectomy: indications, contraindications, possible complications and ways to combat them at the MEDSI Clinic
The operation to remove the tonsils (tonsils) is called tonsillectomy. Surgery is performed for both children and adults
Glycodin: a narcotic or antitussive drug
Cough syrups are often used by drug addicts as stimulants. Pharmacy drugs in the last few years
hectic fever is typical
Fever of unknown origin. When the temperature every day
Local therapist Serebryakova Oksana Evgenievna Experience 27 years Local therapist, candidate of medical sciences, member of the Russian
Differential diagnosis of cough in children and its treatment
Coughing is an innate human reflex, and not just a respiratory symptom of the disease. When coughing
What to do if a child is vomiting without fever?
Causes and types of food poisoning In general, there are 2 main causes of food poisoning:
How to correctly provide first aid for capillary bleeding?
Loss of blood is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to death in a short time.
Tonsilgon drops - a drug for the prevention and treatment of ARVI
Tonsilgon drops - a drug for the prevention and treatment of ARVI
Tonsilgon belongs to the group of herbal preparations with complex effects. The medicine is produced in the form of drops.
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