What is galactose and why is its absorption impaired? Everything we eat is a work in progress.
The female hormone estrogen is a substance that determines a woman’s health. More than 30 estrogen-like substances are secreted, but
The article was checked by a mammologist of the highest category, Ph.D. Zorina E.Yu., is for general informational purposes only and does not replace
Assessing and preserving the health of newborn babies is an important and very responsible task, because
If a person ignores even the pronounced symptoms of gonarthrosis, then after a few months or years
CA 125 CA 125 is a high molecular weight glycoprotein that is secreted by the endometrium and some cystic
Intercostal neuralgia is the most common cause of chest pain and the largest medical
Symphysitis is a manifestation of instability of the cartilaginous connection of the bones of the pubis (symphysis) as a result of hormonal changes
Discharge from the mammary glands (when pressed or spontaneously) causes discomfort and a feeling of anxiety. Given
Alcohol intoxication is caused by uncontrolled drinking. Ethanol, which is part of strong drinks, disrupts the functions of