Chemical methods for treating warts
Human papillomavirus is the cause of warts, condylomas and papillomas
Wart - symptoms and treatment When to see a doctor Patients with warts go to
Nucleo CMF instructions
Nucleo CMF forte lyophilisate for injection solution 61 mg with solvent 2 ml No. 3
The article was published on p. 10-11 (World) Pathology of the peripheral nervous system is one of
Brain death
The child's blood sugar has dropped. At what sugar level is hospitalization indicated?
Low blood sugar, otherwise hypoglycemia, is an abnormal state of the body, often dangerous to health.
Deep-lying vessels - histological picture of hemangioma
Deep-lying vessels
Contents Etiology and pathogenesis Clinical manifestations Principles of treatment Deep-lying vessels are pathologically
Bladder diseases
Painful bladder syndrome in women: criteria for effectiveness and prediction of treatment results
The organs of the urinary system are often susceptible to various kinds of pathological diseases. The causes of such diseases are absolutely
Diet for rotovirus: indications, basic rules, diet, sample menu
November 30, 2021 one of the main reasons for the spread of rotaviruses is non-compliance with personal hygiene rules,
Incorrect sleeping position
The index finger of the right hand goes numb: reasons. What to do and what does it mean? Treatment + Photo
Numbness in the upper extremities is a fairly common phenomenon; a child has also encountered such sensations.
Uterine rupture - threatened or accomplished - what to do if you are at risk?
Uterine rupture (RU) during childbirth is a complication that can lead to massive bleeding, being
Tumors and tumor-like skin lesions (NEWS)
There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required. Neoplasms, tumors on the skin: causes Types of neoplasms on the skin
Heart echocardiography: the essence of the method, its benefits, how the procedure works
Today, one of the main methods for diagnosing heart disease is echocardiography (EchoCG). This
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