How common is extrasystole? It is believed that extrasystole is observed in everyone at some periods of life
Composition of Aerovit The composition of Aerovit (1 tablet) includes 100 mg of ascorbic acid, 20 mg
In a healthy state, a certain amount of opportunistic bacteria is always present on the vaginal mucosa, but
Causes Primary hypogalactia Primary hypogalactia is a condition that is manifested by a complete absence of milk in
Home General surgery Abdominal adhesions Interview with Professor Puchkov on the First Medical Channel
What is Escherichiosis? Escherichiosis (coli-infection, colibacillosis) is an acute intestinal infection caused by gram-negative
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Obviously, there are no women who would happily accept the news that they
BIOL Interaction The effectiveness and tolerability of bisoprolol may be affected by the simultaneous use of other drugs.
Women's health after 40 years After 35 years, the natural death of immature eggs accelerates in