Ectopic pregnancy
Bloody discharge a week after menstruation: causes
Your period started in a week - reasons for cases of bleeding that are not associated with
Iron deficiency and disorders of neuropsychic and motor development
Iron deficiency anemia in children is one of the types of anemia characterized by iron deficiency,
Why does a man have small testicles: reasons for small size and their reduction
March 24, 2021 The size of the testicles is one of the indicators of the health of the genital organs, so any
baby's stool color
The color of a child’s stool: normal and abnormal. When to worry
When a child’s temperature rises, a runny nose and cough begin, parents understand that most likely
Pinched nerves.jpg
Cholecystitis, or inflammation of the gallbladder. Symptoms and treatment.
A pinched nerve is most often not dangerous: rest and treatment help eliminate the compression and restore
Diagnostic strategy and management tactics for drug-induced hepatitis
Drug-induced hepatitis is pathological changes in liver tissue caused by taking medications. Type of lesion
Preventative therapy and support for body health
Causes and prevention of cardiovascular diseases
DISEASES OF THE CIRCULAR SYSTEM Symptoms. Among other causes of mortality among the population, diseases of the body's circulatory system
low iron levels
Iron deficiency anemia: studies for suspected IDA
A comprehensive study of the quantitative and qualitative composition of formed elements and biochemical blood parameters, which allows
What is the difference between FLU and ARVI?
How to distinguish the flu from a common ARVI and when you need a doctor
Unlike the flu, an acute respiratory viral infection or a common cold develops smoothly - the person gets worse
main functions of red blood cells
Red blood cells are elevated in adults and children: what does this mean, causes, diagnosis and treatment
The formed elements of blood represent a wide variety of specific structures of the body responsible for certain
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