Luteinizing hormone: normal levels in women and men

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a biologically active substance (gonadotropic hormone), the production of which occurs in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located in close proximity to the brain. Luteinizing hormone in women affects primarily the gonads. The main role of this substance is to fully ensure both female and male reproductive health. Luteinizing hormone also plays a role in men. Modern laboratories have special equipment and markers that make it possible to accurately determine the level of luteinizing hormone. Luteinizing hormone is determined to identify the causes of infertility, when planning a natural pregnancy or in preparation for an in vitro fertilization program.

LH hormone, determination, analysis in Saratov

Patients and patients of Sarclinic periodically ask the doctor questions related to hormonal testing of women and

men, girls and boys, girls and boys. luteinizing hormone LH are extremely common . What is LH hormone, how to determine LH hormone ? How are the hormones LH and FSH related? What is the norm for lg ? What to do if LH in women is increased , LH is decreased ? What should be the ratio, the normal ratio of LH and FSH ? Why determine the LH level? Why are LH and prolactin high, low, reduced, elevated, above normal, below normal? How to donate blood for blood tests in men, children, boys, girls, guys, girls, women? How are LH FSH estradiol, progesterone, TSH interrelated, if they are increased or decreased?

Various issues related to hormonal levels are interesting. What is the normal ratio of LH and FSH? How does lg behave during pregnancy, is there less or more of it? When to take hormones , on what day in the first phase, in the second phase, during pregnancy, after ovulation, without ovulation, if the follicular phase, luteinizing phase, or ovulation?

And also current issues. What to do if the gynecologist ordered a test for the LH hormone, and it was found to be decreased or increased? How does lg release occur (graph)? How to find out normal LH readings, do you need an explanation? Do I need a blood test for LH hormones ? Where to treat high LH levels? Where to go if the female hormone FSH and LH are elevated? What are the reasons for the increase? How to calculate the LH FSH index? How does pregnancy proceed with elevated LH? What is the price, the cost of analysis in Saratov, in Russia? Why is LH elevated , but FSH is normal, and where to go?

In a smaller percentage of cases, questions about pregnancy are asked. How to lower LH levels during pregnancy, increase LH levels in a girl, and does alcohol affect its levels? Why do you need immunochrome lg express? How to cure a deficiency or excess of the hormone LH? Is treatment necessary and where to go if luteinizing hormone in women, men is normal, increased, decreased, low, high? What to do if there is a luteinized cyst, or luteinized follicle syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome? gynecology in Saratov , andrology, endocrinology, and reproductology help

Ovarian hypofunction as a disease in which LH is elevated

When ovarian function decreases, a whole complex of changes occurs in the female body, which are called their hypofunction. This syndrome is neither a diagnosis nor a disease. Gynecologists consider the following types of ovarian failure - primary and secondary. Primary disorders develop in utero and are associated with incomplete development of the ovary. Secondary failure develops as a result of pathological changes in metabolism and hormonal imbalance due to a violation of the correlation between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

What are the signs of ovarian hypofunction? Symptoms of ovarian hypofunction depend on when the failure occurred - before or after puberty. Congenital ovarian hypofunction is manifested by delayed puberty in girls over seventeen years of age, underdevelopment of the mammary glands, amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea. If the disease develops during the reproductive period, the following manifestations should be expected:

  • Scanty, painful menstruation, which may disappear altogether;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure numbers;
  • Symptoms characteristic of PMS;
  • A sharp decrease in size of the uterus;
  • Development of dryness and atrophy of the vaginal mucosa;
  • Endometrial hypoplasia;
  • Infertility.

In order to confirm the diagnosis of ovarian hypofunction, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound of the uterus, draw up a basal temperature chart, and determine the level of hormones of the ovary, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. In ovarian failure, luteinizing hormone is elevated.

How to treat ovarian hypofunction? In case of primary ovarian hypofunction, the diet and diet should be brought back to normal, therapeutic gymnastic exercises aimed at normalizing blood circulation in the pelvis should be performed, and hormone replacement therapy with estrogen should be carried out. If the level of luteinizing hormone increases in women, you can contact the Tambov IVF Center, where they will not only determine the cause of this increase, but also prescribe individual therapy.

What is luteinizing hormone LH in women, men, children?

Luteinizing hormone LH , lutropin , luteotropin belongs to the group of pituitary hormones. Luteinizing hormone , LH is synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland. LH is similar in chemical structure to the hormone FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone). LH is a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of more than 30 kDa, which consists of 2 subunits (alpha subunit and beta subunit). The subunits are connected by high-affinity non-covalent bonds. For LH, the alpha subunit is common. Stimulation of the synthesis of gonadotropins occurs through the combined action of gonado-releasing hormone and sex steroid hormones. To maintain normal LH levels, an optimal frequency of pulsed GnrH stimulation is required. With various deviations, the level of circulating gonadotropins decreases. Sex steroid hormones have a direct effect on the sensitivity of the pituitary gland to the stimulating effects of GnrH.

Preparing for the study

In order for the results of the study on the content of luteinizing hormone to be as accurate as possible, before conducting the analysis, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • 2-3 hours before the test, refuse to eat; only clean, non-carbonated water is allowed;
  • two days before donating blood, after consulting with your doctor, you should stop taking thyroid and steroid hormones;
  • the day before the test, avoid intense physical activity and avoid stressful situations;
  • Stop smoking three hours before the test.

What is LG responsible for?

Luteinizing hormone stimulates the production of estrogen by the female ovaries. LH regulates the functions of glandulocytes. LH has complex interactions with FSH. Both hormones jointly regulate the germinal function of the testes. By negative feedback mechanisms, peptide inhibins inhibit the follicle-stimulating function of the pituitary gland. This leads to a decrease in the strength of the effect of FSH on the testes, but does not weaken the effects of LH. Inhibin regulates the interaction of LH and FSH, which manifests itself in the regulation of testicular functions. LH, together with FSH, affects the growth of egg follicles in women. The level of luteinizing hormone varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. In the early follicular phase, LH levels are reduced, followed by a gradual increase in LH until ovulation occurs. The LH surge stimulates ovulation in women. Then the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood drops sharply. A subsequent increase in LH occurs at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In men, LH stimulates Leydig cells. Testicular interstitial Leydig cells produce testosterone.

general information

A woman's ovarian cycle and fertility are controlled by LH and FSH, and their secretion is controlled by sex hormones. Luteotropin stimulates ovarian activity to secrete estrogen. Its peak concentration stimulates the ovulatory process, as well as the process of luteinization, when the follicle becomes the corpus luteum (temporary endocrine gland). The corpus luteum produces progesterone, a hormone necessary for the successful attachment of the embryo to the endometriotic layer of the uterus. Therefore, if pregnancy does not occur, it is important to make sure that the progesterone test is normal. If implantation has occurred, then LH contributes to the normal functioning of the corpus luteum. LH stimulates the theca cells of the ovaries, which produce androgens (male gonadosteroids) from which estradiol is formed - the most active hormone from the estrogen group (read more about the hormone estradiol and how to properly take the test for women - note

Under the influence of FSH, follicles form and mature, ovulation occurs with a peak release of follitropin, and libido decreases or increases. Gonadotropic hormones affect regulation, physical development, puberty, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, the ability to become pregnant, bear and give birth to a child.

Luteinizing hormone in women and men is reduced, decreased, low, below normal, reduced level

LH is decreased, low, decreased, below normal (reduced level) is observed in diseases, pathological conditions, processes such as dysfunction of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus, hypopituitarism, delayed onset of synthesis and action of lutropin and follitropin in puberty (constitutional growth retardation and puberty syndrome). development), galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome, isolated deficiency of gonadotropic hormones with anosmia or hyposmia (Callamann syndrome, Kallmann syndrome), neurotic anorexia, isolated deficiency of lutropin (fertile eunuch), hyperprolactinemia, taking digoxin, megestrol, oral hormonal contraceptives, phenothiazines, progesterone ( reduces the peak of lutropin), estrogens (in large doses), Prader-Willi syndrome, sports amenorrhea, hypothalamic tumors.

How to lower or increase luteinizing hormone LH?

Sarklinik knows how to lower LH in men and women, how to increase LH in women and men in Saratov, Russia. Treatment aimed at restoring the level of luteinizing hormone (increasing or decreasing LH levels) can improve sexual function, restore reproductive function, and a woman’s menstrual cycle. Sarklinik knows how to lower LH, how to increase LH, how to increase LH levels, how to lower LH levels. If your luteinizing hormone is not produced, you do not know whether your LH is normal, or whether your LH may be increased, decreased, high, low, above normal, below normal, be sure to contact a specialist. You can go to the official website Dr. Remember that peak levels of luteinizing hormone trigger ovulation. This peak level can be determined using an ovulation test.


This hormone can be tested in both men and women any day. Testosterone is needed by both spouses, but is a male sex hormone. In the female body, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. Exceeding the normal concentration of testosterone in a woman can cause irregular ovulation and early miscarriage, and the maximum concentration of testosterone is determined in the luteal phase and during ovulation. A decrease in testosterone concentration in a man causes a decrease in sperm quality.

The ratio of LH and FSH is normal, LH/FSH

What is the normal ratio of LH and FSH , what is the normal ratio of LH/FSH , luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone in girls, young women, women? In girls, before the onset of menstruation, the normal LH/FSH ratio is 1. A year after the onset of menstruation, the normal LH/FSH ratio in girls is from 1 to 1.5. If a girl or woman has a menstrual cycle for more than 2 years, that is, from approximately the age of 14 years until menopause, the normal LH/FSH ratio is from 1.5 to 2.

Normal levels of gonadotropins

The secretion of FSH and LH is characterized not so much by a circadian rhythm (daily) as by an hourly rhythm (circhoral). Their level depends on the time of day, phase of the cycle, woman’s age, and estrogen production.

Age period, cycle phasesReference (average) values ​​of FSH, IU/mlReference values ​​of LH, IU/mlEstradiol reference values
Girls before puberty (up to 9 years)0,11-1,60,7-1,3
Teenage girls (12-16 years old)Up to 3.5
Women of reproductive age (up to 40 years), follicular phase2,8-11,31,1-11,657-226 pg/ml
Ovulatory phase5,8-2117-77, ovulatory peak – up to 150127-476 pg/ml
Luteal phase1,7-9,02-1777-226 pg/ml
MenopauseUp to 1500,03-3,9

TSH remains stable - 0.4-4.0 µIU/ml, prolactin - 400-1000 IU/l.

Indications for taking hormone tests

When should you donate blood for an LH test?

Sarclinic testing for LH and luteinizing hormone if

a girl or woman has endocrine diseases, decreased libido, lack of ovulation, female infertility, miscarriage, excess hair growth on the body, face, under the arms, problems with menstruation, oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, no menstruation, hirsutism, no menstruation, scanty menstruation, irregular menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, polycystic ovary syndrome, menstrual irregularities, irregular periods, endometriosis, decreased libido, growth retardation during puberty (puberty), underdevelopment of the genital organs (clitoris, labia minora, labia majora, vagina ), underdevelopment of the mammary glands (small breasts, 0, 1, zero, first breast size, only nipples), premature puberty, male infertility, poor spermogram, decreased potency in men, impotence, weakened erection, when evaluating hormonal therapy, when taking hormonal contraceptives (GOCs, hormonal oral contraceptives).

Text: ® SARCLINIC | \ Photo: (©) Mtoome | \ The woman depicted in the photo is a model, does not suffer from the diseases described and/or all similarities are excluded.

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